jaeii-layp · 5 years
Sixth Week: a very dynamic week
This week is a pretty good week. There's considerably more fun things that happen if you compare it to last week.
Sunday was a pretty dynamic day. I woke up sick that day, which made me grumpy and gloomy. I just feel weak and tired and I remember having a mental breakdown that morning. During the CPR training in school though, my mood changed for some reason. I was happier and much more energetic.
Here's the good part. After the CPR training, we went to Shakey's to eat (I don't know why we ate there, considering how sick I am). Oh well, after eating, dad said he's going to Okada Manila for a ceremony or something like that. He showed us his money. I forgot why he did (I was busy eating my carbonara). For some reason, I joked about a new cellphone. To my surprise, my dad agreed to buy me one.
A few hours later, we went to MOA, while our dad was in Okada. I was searching up which cellphone to buy. I wasn't really hoping for a good one, because our budget is only 13k. Usually the gaming phones are 15k+. I was again surprised that there was a very high sale in Vivo store, so it immediately caught my eye. The salesman was salestalking me to buy the Vivo S1, which is not really my type (and it's also more expensive). But at that time I was so captivated to my first choice, so I was like “shut up and take my money”. After that, we strolled around the mall. Y'know just buying food and lazing around until our dad is finish in the ceremony. The next day, I just organized the new phone to my liking, and maybe studied a little bit.
On Tuesday, after a very very long vacation, I went to school again. And oh boy I was sick. What a bad day to start the school. To make it worse, the lesson in Math 1 was being a pain in the ass too. My mind can't just work at that time. That didn't stop me to flex my new phone though. :)
The next day, we had that lesson in Math 1 again. We had a seatwork, which I though was hard. My mind is so beaten up at that time. I felt sad and insecure too because I thought everyone got the right answer already. The people in my back was so chill and they're laughing a lot. I realized, though, that they're not that ahead of me after the class.
At home, I still continued doing the Math 1 seatwork. I was so pissed off because I realized that all possible rational zeros didn't work. It was such a waste of time, considering how many HW's I had in Physics at that time.
The next day was so different though, I was very happy. In contrast, the day after was not. I was kinda feeling down this day. My brother was sick so he was absent. I was feeling haggard throughout the day, and it's getting worse hour by hour. The air conditioner above me was dripping wet too, which just made the day worse. What a bad day to end the week. :(
Oh well, I guess it wasn't that bad. I was kinda missing playing ML so I did. I actually had forgotten to write an entry today. Luckily my friend reminded me so I did. Anyways, I hope y'all have a good weekend. ;)
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Fifth Week: ¿another boring week?
This week has been a flat week again. I'm pretty sure that's because of the consecutive class suspensions that happened this week. We only had two classes, and one of that is a half day.
Monday started as a gloomy day. The day was cold and lonely, which kinda made me tired to go to school. Everyone was feeling the same. In fact, when I came, there wasn't that much people yet. I said to myself that it was going to be a boring day. I was wishing for a class suspension because of that. Luckily, there was a class suspension, just a little late. That made my day, of course.
The next day, I wasn't really hoping for another suspension. We just had a class suspension yesterday. But to my surprise, there was still another class suspension. I was kinda happy because I didn't really study for the upcoming Filipino quiz.
Something a little bad happened, after that day. Our principal came to our classroom for some reason I don't know. It was very surprising because we didn't even had a warning. Turns out it was to check about our behavior, which we failed badly. :/
Another class suspension happened the next day. I wanted to go to the mall that day, so I kinda urged my mom. Thankfully, she was actually planning to go to SM Trece. Right after that, I just lazed around the whole day.
Then, another class suspension happened this day. I was half-heartedly wanting it because I kinda miss some of my subjects. Although, I guess I should be happy as I'll probably busy the next week. It was another cold day so we had a big breakfast. I kinda ate too much. In fact, I wanted to eat more but I can feel their eyes staring at me so I decided to hold back my urge.
I'm hoping next week would be a good week. Last time was kinda boring. This week was too. Oh well, I'll just try to enjoy my short vacation for now.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Fourth Blog
So... This week has been a lot of twist (i mean only one but it feels like a dozen).... Never mind. Friday we dont have classes and Thursday is the best day ever, we did Zumba (also probably the less sweatiest Zumba) but still... After that we have some fun.... Also this Saturday we watched IT Chapter 2 (all i gotta say, not scary, fake looking CGI, felt more of a Comedy in a bad way). Its been fun, TLE is amazing (if you're not in a group that is cooking) because i had some good times there...
Anyway thats all for this Fourth Blog... Wew
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Monday: we cooked mac and cheese for t.l.e and we have an recess and we discussed of science 1 and 2 and we have lunch.
Tuesday: we didn't cook on t.l.e we just talking to my friends while waiting for my next teacher.
Wednesday: we went to school and i talk to my friends and we talk about the avengers end game and we didn't have zumba on Wednesday.
Thursday: we went to school of course and we have an zumba on mapeh time and we watched a movie called how to be a person on English time.
Friday: we didn't have classes on Friday because our teachers having an seminar for so i watch Netflix and play basketball.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Fourth Week: kinda boring
This week was a little boring to be honest. There wasn't really that much highlights, atleast that's what I think so.
On Monday and Tuesday, our Science teacher is absent. Because of that, we had 2 free timeslots for 2 days. I don't remember how I spent those free timeslots. To be honest, I can't even remember anything in those days.
On Wednesday, our classmates made Mac and cheese. I ate some of it. It was kinda chewy because the pasta wasn't that much cooked, which is caused by the lack of time. Atleast the taste was good, I love cheese. :)
After Wednesday, it's our time to cook pasta. I fucking love our pasta. I've been wishing, maybe even imploring, for a pesto pasta. Ours was carbonara with some pesto mixed. As I smell the aroma, I can't help but jump out of excitement. Of course, in our recess, we immediately started to eat the pasta. And the taste . . . I felt like I haven't eaten for years. In fact, even after lunch, I was still thinking of the pasta. I love pasta. (Also, it's not chewy because we precooked the pasta <3)
At that same day, my English teacher discussed about Psychology. Not related to English but I'm not complaining. Actually, the original plan was to study Figures Of Speech. Luckily, instead of listening to my classmate's presentation, we studied Psychology. After that, I was happy because we wouldn't have classes on Friday. Another three-day vacation.
Now that I think about it, maybe today wasn't as boring as though it was.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Monday: i helped with the construction for house i lifted the sand and cement and i watch Netflix.
Tuesday: i went to school and jot down notes and talk to my friends.
Wednesday: i watch Netflix when i got home from school after I'd watch Netflix I listened to music.
Thursday: i do activities in school and listen to my teachers and we do zumba in mapeh time.
Friday: we didn't have any homework since it is friday and its p.e and we play sports in mapeh time.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
I don’t really remember that day 😂 ya know i hate monday but all I can remember is that I was sent out of school on Filipino time to go to the hospital because of my lolo. And yeah, when I first arrived at the hospital my lolo’s legs are hard and his hands are already stiff. About 3:15 pm that’s the time that he let out his last breath. My mom cried a lot and I was so scared and worried because my mom is pregnant.
Hmmm what did I do with this day? I think I was absent?...no...oh my ghaaddd I’m not good at remembering things..sorry..... Oh yeah I went to school but I went home at lunch.
Okayyyy Wednesday. All I remember is that I went to school ✌️😂 of course I studied too..not much..but I did......and after school, which I’m so excited about because it means going home ...but before I could go down me and my friends talked so much that it took us such a long time to get down. And my best friend came along with me to visit my lolo’s funeral and after that we watched a movie.
I didn’t go to school on that day because we go to lolo's funeral. After that they burned lolo’s body for it to be cremated.
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I WAS SO SURPRISED THAT WE HAVE 2 quizzes and new lessons (of course it’s obvious stupid riri). And because of that I don’t want to have absences anymore. I couldn't easily catch up on the lesson and I couldn’t even watched the movie :((( okay, I was surprised again 😂😂 because I don’t have any idea why did my classmates stood up on their chairs when our teacher in English left the room.
Thank youu!! ((kung sino man nag basa sa blog ko boring dba mali mali pa grammar ko😂peeaaccee))
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Third Week: so much better
This week was really really better. Monday was pretty okay. Then, the next day I was very busy. I'm very happy of what happened this week. There's not that much that happened, but atleast I'm happy.
In Monday and Tuesday, I was busy. I wasn't in the good mood, but I wasn't really in the bad mood too.
Then on Wednesday, something not so terrible happened. After school, we decided to go to Shakey's. We ordered a pretty big meal with a pizza. Then, when I was eating the pizza, I felt something crumbly, soft, solid thing in my mouth. The texture of it is comparable to polvoron. I didn't know what it was, and so I panicked. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but I felt like the polvoron-like thing stung my mouth, like it's poisoning me or some sort. I immediately spat it out, of course.
I'm still not sure what it was, but it felt disgusting. Then I asked myself “should I still eat the pizza?” Of course I still did, I love pizza. Maybe it was a dumb move but I didn't really feel like it matters. I just though it was a hardened cheese or something.
In Thursday and Friday, we did some Zumba. It was a little embarrassing to host a Zumba, but I guess it's “okay.”
After school, my happy week was a little bit broken. I don't want to say it, but something made me angry. Not angry, maybe just a little bit annoyed but. . . I guess it is what it is. :/
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Welcome back to my Blog today is the happiest week I had.
Monday and Tuesday has no classes i just slept the entire day cause you know I'm tired of all the shit happened yah know right? nope you don't. Wenesday there are many seatworks and lessons that day, really there's lot of school works to be down, In english time we did some haikus with imagery but our mind doesn't work that time so sir Yngwie told as to do that in our house and the other reason for that is "overtime". We buy some mangoes for buwan ng wika but we we lost the track of the place. Thursday, That day its our competition in buwan ng wika "poster making"; I drew some man that has modern filipino and traditional wear, cause thats the only thing I imagined or the only thing I think about. As I look to other drawings I belittled myself cause what they did are awsome its beautiful but mine yeh ugly piece of s***t thats why I lazily did it and gave up. In English time again we read the haikus one by one that we made, when I'm close to read it i was extremely nervouse that sir Yngwie might not like it. I read everything and sir Yngwie likes the last part that I made with the help of my friends(also Sir made us do some poem), when the school ends our plan is to go to one of our friends house to make some "mango sago" but we first go to Divimart to buy some clothes but again we forgot the time, As we go to our friends house we talk many things and when the driver said " one person is equal to 20" we're all shock still we paid for it then we made some mango sago (also I'm about to poop that time hehehe). Friday, today is the happiest day of the week, We eat in a banana leaf and also we take some selfies(I was sorry for this one man who cleaned our room) . Filipino time was a awarding time for the competition, As i listened the names that are called i expected everything and Miss told us to be quiet cause its free time. English time we read the poems we made; I'm really embarrassed cause i made a sexual poem but i promised you its about riding a horse be open minded ok.
That's the end of my Blog see you again next week BABYEEEEE~~~
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
2nd week of our project in English, this is a amazing week because we only have 3day class in wednesday, thursday, friday.
Monday, it's just my birthday it's not important to me because I don't feel like I want to celebrate it. But my parents want to celebrate my birthday so I just let them. Then in the afternoon I go to my classmate house to hangout with them.
Tuesday, nothing special happened on that day I just read manga all day because I have nothing to do in my house.
Wednesday, when school is over me and my two friends lance and Kent decided to buy some stuff for our science because we need it tomorrow. We just walked all the way to Walter to save money when we arrived at our destination we immediately go to expression to buy the things we needed after that we went to potato corner to get fries for Kent, after we get the fries then we head outside the market and then we walked back to school to get Kent's bike after that I went to my home.
Thursday, I don't really remember what happened in that day so let's move on in Friday.
Friday, the best day this week because we have boodle fight and the best thing it's free and after we eat me and lance clean the room because I have a debt at our class funds because I always swear and because of that my debt got 1000+ but I clean our room and my debt got paid.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Second Week: A Little Better
Last week was okay, it was “good at most” as I said. Very similar to last week, my week today has ups and downs. The only difference is that the ups and downs are very far away to each other. Like, I'm so happy this day but the next I'm so gloomy and tired.
On Sunday, I went to a popular church (I don't want to tell the name). Y'know I just lit a candle and prayed. Like I usually do at church, I wished for good grades and healthy life. I also touched a glass where Mama Mary stood, y'know just to feel the holiness inside my heart *another naughty face*.
And here's the good part, I just got what I wished for. After a couple of days, I got an exemption in Social. I was so happy because now I don't have to suffer my Social teacher's exam. I mean it's really hard, and that's a euphemism. Just joking, it's hard but the essay part is pretty easy. It's so funny because last week I was ranting about me not getting it. The rest of the day was good too, or at the very least, okay. And of course, because of my gratefulness, I prayed that night. I was so happy at that time I might explode.
The next day of that was very different. It started good, I was keeping my heads up for the day. (I thought, “yesterday was good so shouldn't this day be good too”). Sadly, I felt down after school. You know that feeling of climbing over a tall mountain, sweating and giving your all; then, at the end, it's all for nothing? That's what I felt. I felt like I'm so pathetic and desperate. That day I just feel like I want to lie in my bed and fiddle with my phone, forgetting all the problems I gave to myself. But then I thought, why not treat myself to something. I feel like I deserve it y'know. Maybe I don't deserve at all but it's free so. . . I bought myself a sundae (actually, my mom bought me one). After eating, my mood changed. Good thing it did because I'm planning not to do my homework at that time.
Just a few days after that, the “Buwan Ng Wika” celebration is held at our school. I was so anxious to start the day; but after sometime, I got used to it. We had a boodle fight in lunch. I pigged out like I usually do when there's good food. I mean it's free real estate y'know. I ended my day feeling pretty good.
All in all, I'd say it was a little better than last week. Although, I felt very down, I somehow dealt with it. That's actually very different of me to do. If I feel angry, then I feel angry. I never know I could changed my mood that much in a day.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Its my fucking birthday and its ruined because my mother plan it to early because of that i ask my friend to hangout in his house and my friend is broken because the girl that he want have a crush on another boy i advice him to stop loving the girl because thst girl don’t like him at all
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Second Blog
Welp, this is the 2nd Blog, 3 more to go. Time for another written Open Diary about my feelings and emotions. We did Buwan ng Wika, hours ago, its a bit fun, though im anxious when it comes to events, i mean i dont hate it, but damn... Big group of people (even people i know) i get anxious to it, Bday parties, Campings, Family Day and Buwan ng Wika, its because of my wearings, my feel that im out of society. One thing for certain, i didnt eat that much, considering im super shy when it comes to parties, im just shy and anxious... Even if its not a party, just a event, a event filled with people as a whole, is giving me shivers and anxiety, i would just be in the background or just in my room (when it comes to my house). But enough of that, the rest of the week... Its interesting, its a sudden roller coaster of a ride. One time when i got home (Thursday) i was just sad, a gap between my emotions, i just wanna scream, but im screaming in my insides... There's this gap, that sometimes... No, most of the time appears in my emotions, between happiness and sadness, is a gap. Like that one time, i got a certain perfect score, and yet my happiness isnt complete... You know that feeling, you just wanna scream, at the top of your lungs, that scream of sadness and pain, i just wanna do that... Show my feelings, and befriend someone (specific). School days, its such a happy times for me, its more fun than sitting around in my house... And thats another thing... Im happy in my house, though emotionally suffering, im happy, with my sister and mother... But its just boring, nothing crazy ever happened, all i do is sit down and watch JoJo and even eat some Ice Cream, nothing special ever happens in my home... I tried to do some biking, but my anxiety just love to torture me from the outside world.
Anyway, that is all... My second blog (if i gotta be honest, i love writing this!)
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Second Blog
Welp, this is the 2nd Blog, 3 more to go. Time for another written Open Diary about my feelings and emotions. We did Buwan ng Wika, hours ago, its a bit fun, though im anxious when it comes to events, i mean i dont hate it, but damn... Big group of people (even people i know) i get anxious to it, Bday parties, Campings, Family Day and Buwan ng Wika, its because of my wearings, my feel that im out of society. One thing for certain, i didnt eat that much, considering im super shy when it comes to parties, im just shy and anxious... Even if its not a party, just a event, a event filled with people as a whole, is giving me shivers and anxiety, i would just be in the background or just in my room (when it comes to my house). But enough of that, the rest of the week... Its interesting, its a sudden roller coaster of a ride. One time when i got home (Thursday) i was just sad, a gap between my emotions, i just wanna scream, but im screaming in my insides... There's this gap, that sometimes... No, most of the time appears in my emotions, between happiness and sadness, is a gap. Like that one time, i got a certain perfect score, and yet my happiness isnt complete... You know that feeling, you just wanna scream, at the top of your lungs, that scream of sadness and pain, i just wanna do that... Show my feelings, and befriend someone (specific). School days, its such a happy times for me, its more fun than sitting around in my house... And thats another thing... Im happy in my house, though emotionally suffering, im happy, with my sister and mother... But its just boring, nothing crazy ever happened, all i do is sit down and watch JoJo and even eat some Ice Cream, nothing special ever happens in my home... I tried to do some biking, but my anxiety just love to torture me from the outside world.
Anyway, that is all... My second blog (if i gotta be honest, i love writing this!)
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
Second Week: a little better
Last week was okay, it was “good at most” as I said. Very similar to last week, my week today has ups and downs. The only difference is that the ups and downs are very far away to each other. Like, I'm so happy this day but the next I'm so gloomy and tired.
On Sunday, I went to a popular church (I don't want to tell the name). Y'know I just lit a candle and prayed. Like I usually do at church, I wished for good grades and healthy life. I also touched a glass where Mama Mary stood, y'know just to feel the holiness inside my heart *another naughty face*.
And here's the good part, I just got what I wished for. After a couple of days, I got an exemption in Social. I was so happy because now I don't have to suffer my Social teacher's exam. I mean it's really hard, and that's a euphemism. Just joking, it's hard but the essay part is pretty easy. It's so funny because last week I was ranting about me not getting it. The rest of the day was good too, or at the very least, okay. And of course, because of my gratefulness, I prayed that night. I was so happy at that time I might explode.
The next day of that was very different. It started good, I was keeping my heads up for the day. (I thought, “yesterday was good so shouldn't this day be good too”). Sadly, I felt down after school. You know that feeling of climbing over a tall mountain, sweating and giving your all; then, at the end, it's all for nothing? That's what I felt. I felt like I'm so pathetic and desperate. That day I just feel like I want to lie in my bed and fiddle with my phone, forgetting all the problems I gave to myself. But then I thought, why not treat myself to something. I feel like I deserve it y'know. Maybe I don't deserve at all but it's free so. . . I bought myself a sundae (actually, my mom bought me one). After eating, my mood changed. Good thing it did because I'm planning not to do my homework at that time.
Just a few days after that, the “Buwan Ng Wika” celebration is held at our school. I was so anxious to start the day; but after sometime, I got used to it. We had a boodle fight in lunch. I pigged out like I usually do when there's good food. I mean it's free real estate y'know. I ended my day feeling pretty good.
All in all, I'd say it was a little better than last week. Although, I felt very down, I somehow dealt with it. That's actually very different of me to do. If I feel angry, then I feel angry. I never know I could changed my mood that much in a day.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
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Week 1: A week called "Beautiful Tragedy".
It was last Friday when I thought of what to write today. Questions like "will there be highlights? What if something bad happened? Will I be confident enough to share it to other people?"
Then, I realized those questions will remain unanswered if nothing will happen.
Ofcourse, I couldn't not do anything but to be courageous enough to face this entire week.
So to start with, I am that kind of a person whose full of anxiety. As you can see, I've already asked question in the very beginning of this blog. I've always wanted to see things go in my way.
From Monday to Friday, believe me or not, numbers were my best enemies whenever I am in school. I hated Math since the very beginning. When I am still in my previous school, "petix" would be the best definition for myself. I would always not listen to my math teacher whenever we're having our lecture and I see that it wasn't a good idea to be done by everyone.
As a result, I am having a hard time catching up with all the formulas, equations and all in our lectures in my present school. Yes, literally paying my debt. As it happens everyday, it led me to be burnout.
The class dismissed, rode a jeepney and was frustrated yesterday, Friday. Last day of the school week. I told myself "if only have I paid attention to all our lectures. I could've been better today." And man, it was raining! And it triggered more my emotions.
Then I arrived at church, literally cried to one of the leaders there and amazingly, was comforted with the words:
"You see, it's natural for a student to respond with crying because of being tired. Being burntout. But downing yourself won't help the situation. It would be great for you to rest, rise up and fight again!"
It was really a tragedy because of my weaknesses, but what made it beautiful is that God reminded me that I can rest in His presence. He is my refuge. I can be more.
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 ESV
You can do it too! But this time, with God.
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jaeii-layp · 5 years
First blog
Monday: i was with my friends. And have fun with them.and i treat them foods. So later on,diana and i have a misunderstanding.
Tuesday: we talked for celebration of buwan ng wika and I laughed a lot because of what miss said "itlog ni kuya".
Wendsday:holiday.we went to airport to fetch my sister.and we went to sm sucat to eat.
Thursday: I lost money and I don't know where it fell.mom was angry and i didn't have any money for friday(xoxad)
Friday : we have a homework in gmrc about amazon and we will make a poster for it.we have seat work in math 2 because of the lack of time and became to takehome seatwork. And we checked the seatwork in physics.. In social we have quiz .I was n't helped because I didn't know it. I'm really weak in social. We have quiz in mapeh in music so we all had a great score .we went to the other school for school id picture. In english we make an essay about what the hell we want to go.I chose circle 7 which is violence. Thats all
See you next friday. Goodnight
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