jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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TASK 001 // A Detailed Character Questionnaire
general info
full name: Song Jaehyung
nickname(s): Jae
gender & pronouns: Cismale, He/Him
sexual & romantic orientation: Bisexual, Biromantic 
age & dob: 23 // April 23, 1994
birthplace/hometown: Seoul/Seattle
parents/siblings: Married Mother & Father + one little brother
astrological sign: Taurus
dominant hand: Right
handwriting style: Cursive
language(s) known/spoken: English, Korean
religion: Officially Christian, personally Agnostic 
current living arrangements: Apartment
occupation/major: Tattooist
picture reference:
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blood type: B
nationality: Korean American
skin tone/color: sun-kissed
birthmarks & scars: dark blotch just above his right hip
height: 5′11′‘
build: Toned
hair color: black
hair length: bangs down to brows, but generally styled out of his face
eye color: brown
eye shape: monolid
diet: chicken, meat, rice, veggies
exercise & level of fitness: Fit, Working on defining his physique
how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? Straight
typical style of dress: T-Shirts and shorts, sometimes jeans when he goes out
body modifications: Tattoos spreading over his upper back to the backs of his arms
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk? Relaxed, phone in hand either on it or being messed with
how does your muse talk? Calmly, humorously 
what accent/dialect does your muse talk with? He’s fluent korean, but will slip up on similar words his brain will automatically pronounce properly in english
how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet? they speak quietly with a deep tone of voice
what is their laugh like? Eyes crinkle, laugh deep and bright and usually audible and short
how does your muse typically smell? Like his aftershave, which ranges from a hint of leather mixed with lavender, but his work also tends to leave behind a smell which would add a general freshly cleaned kind of fabric smell 
what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating? Though his gaze is relaxed and his posture upright, he does carry himself in confidence which might appear intimidating to some
what makes your muse happiest? when inspiration hits
what upsets them the most? when people try to get too close
what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them? painting and sculpting whenever the urge hits and supplies are nearby
do they have any guilty pleasures? having sex too often though i wouldn’t call him feeling guilty for it, he just doesn’t parade his business around 
is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? extrovert with introverted tendencies
do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence? high self esteem high confidence
are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress? have a smoke, play video games
what is your muses worst fear? falling in love
what is your muses biggest dream? going to some tropical island and getting with a hot girl that lives their normally and then like making it a thing to fly there every year and like continue where they left off lol
is your muse an early riser? a night owl? night owl
how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it? very intelligent, book smart, people smart, but doesn’t always tap into either
what is their sense of humour like? cruel, blunt, sarcastic
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic? bisexual, biromantic
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships? one fuck buddy, zilch on the romance factor 
what is their experience with relationships? He’s had a few girlfriends but cheated on a couple of them or wasn’t a very attentive boyfriend because he simply doesn’t care enough to invest his emotional time into those things. maybe he needs the right person, maybe he’s got a romantic issue, maybe both
how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever? those are majority of his relationships, he has one now
sex, is it important to your muse? veeeery
what are their biggest turn on and turn offs? planking partners that just lay there lifelessly when being fucked. that’ll get him soft almost instantly if he realizes he’s putting in all kinds of effort and they’re just laying there not doing a damn thing
does your muse find it easy to make friends?  yes and no
how important is friendship to them? 7/10
quantity or quality of friends? quality
how important is family? 5/10
are they close to their family? why or why not ? he’s close to his little brother but not his parents simply because of his decision to not follow what they planned out for him
please provide some head-canons ! as many or as little as you’d like ! i got nothin
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
His tongue wanted to press on, intended to. How long did it take her to get over it? He intended to ask, she couldn’t stay mad at her baby boy for too long, could she? But, a touch meddled it’s way onto the sensitive flesh of his back. Bare, completely at their will. A palm sits at his thigh, too close to the danger zone, he shudders painfully noticeable, Jaehyung was relentless, the voice trapped in his psyche scolds it’s person in the privacy of his own mind.
Had the sweats clothing his bottom half been tighter, Wheejun would’ve been sitting in the hot seat, embarrassingly so.
“Yeah yeah..” A distanced voice mutters, arms crossed against his chest. Their eyes aren’t on him now, but Wheejun’s brows are furrowed, a plump lip is trapped between teeth. Bastard, you bastard. 
Eventually his brain regathers its wits, the pale hues of his flesh shed the reds invoked by devious touches, their previous words finally reaching the handler. A hand strikes Jaehyung’s shoulder, “Yah! I don’t trust you as Sombra. You better play quickplay or I’m tossing you out.” A meek threat, but God forbid Jaehyung drop him in SR.
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A part of him is focused on the loading screen, ready to kill as the hacker character he’d dedicated a couple hours to getting the hang of, while the other part tried (but not really) to not focus on the signals his body was giving him, not really from being attracted to the boy next to him (because he generally wasn’t) but more so from the learned experience of the majority of past times around them that his brain started associating getting hard with hanging out with Wheejun. 
It was as if Jaehyung became a trained dog, triggered by the presence of Wheejun sitting nearby, to jump on him and dominate with little to no effort. Overwatch came very close to a different set of learned tricks that kept that horny command at bay for a little while, especially with the smack and light incoming banter hinted by the scolding he received for his player choice. “Chill out man, I’ve been practicing okay, let me show you my skills for you talk shit, damn~” He half chuckled and jumped into action, well firstly goofing off and then action once the match officially started.
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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   there were times tae knew she could talk to him, but there were others ( most ) where she knew the best way to deal was to ignore. so his commentaries on her brute attitude, and her harsh responses go without response. what else could she say to someone who was ‘at the brink of tears’ that would make it better anyway? she was hoping it would serve as enough of a hint to him that she wasn’t interested in the back and forth tonight ( or any other night ), but he didn’t seem to care. even after his words had died down, and silence fell between the two he still stayed. watching as she separated products into proper place so shelving them would be easier. but still she said nothing.
   it wasn’t until he began to speak of things that happened ( that she now wished hadn’t ) that her eyes lifted to land on him again. why was he bringing up all this now? it’s the only question she wanted to ask, but was a little afraid of his answer. even thought a part of her knew he was only mentioning it to get under her skin. ❝ oh i’m sure you had no problem finding someone who would let you do a lot more than hold them. ❞ she countered with a brisk roll of her eyes, and a deep breath as her irritation exceeded her usual tolerance. ❝ and you didn’t miss me, you missed…— the things we used to do. and i don’t know. trying to come to terms with your parents dying because they wanted to visit you is a pretty hard thing to smile after. ❞ her motions stopped, and she finally came to see that he was a lot closer to her than he was previously which caused her to take a step back. ❝ if i say i’m not will you leave? ❞
Her irritation did indeed surprise him but it more so intrigued him since he was pretty damn sure this girl wasn’t capable of being hostile. Consider his previous assumptions dead and wrong judging by exhibit A of her countering his every word in her venomous tone, something that didn’t quite sting in the slightest since the man was used to this form of interaction with himself usually on the receiving end. 
What he hadn’t expected was her sudden confession as to why she was being like this, which just about wiped the smirk off of the artist’s face into one of shock and slight confusion making him stand up straight and open his mouth as if to apologize immediately. That didn’t come however, because he couldn’t muster up the balls to do so after being quite knowingly annoying towards her, and her final answer to his earlier playful question almost got him out of her hair, keyword almost due to the way she decided to word the reply.
“So I’ll take that as a yes, I did miss you, but I won’t admit it right now because my life is shitty and I’m going to keep it that way forever because what more is there to life outside inevitable death that happened to have come a tad bit earlier than I expected--” He started off quite bluntly as usually known for but quickly took a step back to avoid possibly being smacked or lashed at for offering such harsh words to a hurting girl. “And before you kill me, I am sorry for your loss, I didn’t know such a tragedy happened to you... but I refuse to see the cute girl I used to know walk around killing flowers with her general aura surrounding that beautiful frame..” Contrary to the popular opinion, the kid did have some kind of empathy buried deep under his apathetic lack of feeling that certain topics like these generally triggered; and for the short moment, he allowed it to shine through as he offered Tae a sad smile. 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
Another day another dollar, or however the saying might go on slow evenings consisting of managing the parlor and maintaining the flow of high quality artistic ideas, to which he usually kept up no matter the circumstance. The tattooist has just finished up what he assumed would be his last client for the night, to which he actively exchanged a few heartfelt words with pertaining to the piece he’d expertly printed on the girl’s hip, a commission that quite literally mimicked her vibrant personality as she spoke a mile a minute about how much she loved the tattoo. Once he finally managed to get his client out the door, the artist contemplated closing up early on his walk back to the front desk, when the usual jingle of the front door rang again, signalling another possible customer’s entrance, to which he immediately turned to greet. 
“Welcome to Ink Inc! What can I help you with, miss--” His korean came after the English welcome, a signature trademark of his clever parlor title as he gave all his attention to the the familiar girl. He initially squinted while awaiting her answer in the brief pause but quickly pinpointed where he knew her face from before she could answer. “Oh! Naomi right?” The artist began with a small smile as he raised his palm to wave. “A student-teacher coming into a tattoo shop? What a rebel!” He mostly joked as he circled back around his desk. “It’s Jaehyung, from school remember? How are you?” 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
In all of Jaehyung’s phases growing up, never did he dream of teaching or taking the time to tutor someone as a job. Yet here he was, going for a regular session with a boy he met some time ago. The details were a blur, but the commonalities were that the both of them fluently spoke English, and now settled in Seoul, where one could navigate alone and the other not so much. 
“Hey, have you been practicing like I asked?” The elder began in his native tongue as he arrived to their place, still not quite used to the makings of professional relationships which his usual outfit of a graphic tee and loose shorts served as enough to show that he didn’t really know what a ‘tutor’ was supposed to wear in these situations. Hell, they hadn’t even discussed a payment plan so who cared for such formalities anyways when he really only agreed because he figured it’d be fun and actually found the kid cute. “Or have you been slacking?” He switched to his fluently learned tongue that the both of them could understand well, while shooting an amused glance towards his student’s direction.
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
“Good Widows are out there, I get that, but when you’re so good you pluck off us off fast enough for an entire team kill– that’s when I’m suspecting divine intervention.” An act of God, an atheist says, is the only way one person can harness that much skill as a sniper. It’s a crime against nature. He almost rage quit the match after being plucked off two times in a row, the penalty and threat of a ban for the rest of the season however, kept him coming in swinging after that drag of a respawn.
The seat offered is finally filled by Jaehyung’s person, Wheejun takes the chair beside it, leaning over the elder to start up the software. “Yeah?” He presses on, curious about the tattooist’s life ‘cause lord knows Wheejun doesn’t hear enough about it, “And what did Mama Song want her little Jaehyunggie to do when he grows up?” All he had to do was keep this up, keep the flow of conversation going but natural, the heir honestly did want to learn more about a man too elusive, too hands on to really label a friend. This arrangement… friends don’t do that to friends.
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“Mama Song’s dreams died when I came home with an art degree and tattoos.” He answered simply with eyes suddenly locked on the body half over his that innocently set the game up as any onlooker could tell yet Jae somehow found a way to squash the friendly mood. The conversation had grown too close to his personal life not that he actively thought about these things, but something in the  back of his mind told him to cut it short and resort to teasing, though this time as a beginning warning with no negative intent that rather served as a bracing factor for the younger male. 
The tattooist slipped his palm down their backside, his fingers brushing away the loose clothing in search of skin while his other palm glided up the inner side of the boy’s covered thigh, giving the limb a teasing squeeze all the while leaning in to give a lick to the heir’s lobe. He chuckled deeply against it, a breathy exhale if only for a moment before retreating back to allow the inexperienced boy to process his intentions through that little awkward freeze the elder found quite amusing. “All set? I think I’ll start off with Sombra today. Get behind the enemies and catch ‘em by surprise hm?” 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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   she didn’t want to claim her name whenever it came from his mouth. his voice made it seem tainted. different somehow. could she really dislike him that much? there wasn’t much he did that could get her to that point. somewhere on their timeline she could vaguely remember sincerely liking him ( enough to make him the only person she’d willingly see after her parents passed ). perhaps this was just how she felt about all the people she knew before nothing mattered. back in a time where she was bright, and hopeful. now they all just felt like a bad memory. except for jaehyung. he had been there before, was with her during the in between, and ( apparently ) wouldn’t leave her like others during the after. but his presence wasn’t so noble. she knew he only liked forcing eye rolls, and groans out of her; she got as much from the amusement in his eyes. yet she continuously played into his hand.
  ❝ important? ❞ she countered with a quick lift of her brow. ❝ since when did you become so important to me? ❞ there’s a curt laugh of her own bitter amusement as she looked down to the pile of merchandise he wanted to purchase. ❝ well you should have thought about that thirty minutes earlier. we’re closed. my registered down, and you’re a little too tall to ride that ride. looks like you’re stuck in everything sucks land with the rest of 20 years and olders. ❞ without regard for what he wanted she began placing things in piles to be shelved. ❝ i’m sure you’re capable of finding the door on your own. ❞
The shutdown was immediate, too good that he almost stood aghast. Keyword almost. “I’m actually really hurt, I think I might cry you know.” He responded to her initial questioning of his words, hands lifting up to swipe invisible tears away as she went on. “Hows does it feel, knowing you’re able to make a grown man cry hm? Not even giving me some kind of old friend pass.” He watched her continue her closing work which inevitably encompassed his selection that day, half wanting to stop and request she hold those for him, but also too smart to think she’d even consider it given her current state. He stayed put in his position and pouted.
“You know, I missed you after you disappeared..” He started after ignoring her clear direction to leave in his regular tone, void of sarcasm and humorous intent but just for the beginning of his confession since he quickly reverted back to what he did best. “Left me all alone with no one to hold~” He returned to his upright position with a grin and decided to wander around the front counter as if he were just looking around but in actuality planning to move closer to her. “Something must have stuck up you ass though, maybe a long day at work killed that smile I remember.” He paused and leaned against the wall at the entry to the area behind the register, lips curling into something of a smirk as he watched her. “You really not happy to see me, Tae? Really, truly, sincerely?”
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
Jaewon definitely did not enjoy company, no matter the situation, the day. He would rather spend the day and night alone, either downing a bottle of wine, smoking a pack or two, strumming some chords on his guitar, or all three at once, over holding an awkward conversation with someone any day. However, there were a few people he could tolerate, a few people he actually liked being around, just because they tolerated him, stayed by his side.
He stepped into the familiar setting — the clean, almost surgical scent of the sanitation filling his nostrils, the sight of the piercing and tattoo stations just like he had seen it last. And there he was in the back, looking up to welcome Jaewon, like he always does. “I brought some chicken,” Jaewon spoke calmly, slightly lifting the box to eye-level. “Also, I need some work done on me, I need some relief,” he added, pulling out a chair to sit across his tattooist friend.
His relaxed gaze quite immediately perked up at the sight of food, like just about any other time food was delivered as a surprise or as payment, he didn’t mind whichever judging by the way he was already digging into the box, sketch shoved aside long ago while a piece of chicken finally met its fate between the tattooist’s hungry teeth. 
“Work done hm?” He half mumbled while chewing, and glanced up in thought to process the male’s words. “Have anything specific in mind this time?” He began with a glance back to his earlier sketch and used his clean hand to hand the drawing to his friend. “If not, here’s what resulted from a burst of creativity today, I think when I was watching a piercing and then the chick like tensed up real hard when it happened, my brain goes, wow she looks mad even though I know she’s just in pain you know?” He takes another bite of his chicken and shrugged while watching the other male. “What are your feelings right now? I’m getting relaxed with a hint of irritation, but hopefully not at me--” He raised a brow with a grin, mostly joking about the guesses though genuinely wondering how his friend might be holding up. 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
“Uh, fine,” He brings a hand up to his mouth, brushing a finger over the spot just graced by the pad of their thumb, as if shocking. The door’s shut now, but the owner of the apartment sticks near it, stunned. That sneaky, conniving little bastard. Wheejun pulls himself back together, flipping the pages of his stored thoughts, feelings, knowledge, think of something to talk about, Wheejun, think about something to keep this horny fuck’s mind from creeping into the gutter– Overwatch! Of course, stupid. “A Widowmaker fucked my team’s whole day up. Headshot, headshot, headshot. Ahhhh,” He holds his face in his hands, “I went down thirty whole points.” He pouts, “Woe is me.”
Faux mopey theatrics over – though it’s true, no one’s ever ready for a good Widowmaker – Wheejun heads over to his PC, dragging a chair next to the comfortable designated one. If they jump right into this, sex won’t have to come up and if Wheejun gives the reigns over to Jaehyung to take over his battle station, sex can’t come up. It’s foolproof, he’s a little smug.
“Jaehyung,” He pipes up, “You want first match? I’ve got a little arthritis coming on,” For the show, he rubs at his allegedly pained wrist, “Years of strumming guitars and gaming must be catching up to me. Mother did always say my childish ways would come back to bite me in the ass. Guess we should start listening to the women who know best in our lives,” He laughs, though it’s a little forced.
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Jae got to the other’s computer before he could even register what had just happened not that Jaehyung thought much of anything about it. He wasn’t one to claim another’s seat in their own home so as per usual he pulled one up beside the man’s desk area all but ready to either play or watch the younger play, for the most part  since they began their first conversation on the subject, successfully keeping his thoughts on the topic at hand over the tattooist’s true intentions...for now.
“Oh, I fucking hate that shit. You’d expect my steady ass tattoo hand would be good at sniping but fuck my timing, I don’t get how those guys exist.” He answered referring to the sniping handful of players, then glanced up at the offer and excuse, which naturally drew out a laugh from the elder who only then took the main seat when offered. “If we did, I wouldn’t be a successful artist just about ready to take over the business side, now would I?” He commented with a hint of self praise as he navigated the game quite enthusiastic yet relaxed at the same time, not really noticing the other man’s efforts though his own thoughts poked around to occasionally remind him of another head that manifested a mind of its own which didn’t do much at the moment but of course kept in contact with the ruling mind of Jaehyung’s body. 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
With fewer customers than usual on their slower nights, Jaehyung was reduced to kicking it back in the tattoo parlor with little to do. Uninterested in his phone and the TV, the tattooist opted for watching the evening piercer take on a few simpler clients while mentally noting a thing or two about the technique, which of course ended with his own inspiration and need to sketch. With no real goal in mind of what to draw, the artist simply sketched as he went, rough lines slowly coming together into something more sinister; a ringed bull looking rather vicious and bloodthirsty. Satisfied with his work, he still continued to touch it up even more due to his own self recognition of quality and possible sales, only to glance up at the ring of the door signalling another entry.
“Hello, welcome to-- Oh!” He began with his routine greeting only to glance up at the sight of his good friend. “Jaewon, hey. What brings you to my shop today?” A small grin after setting his pencil down signified his shift of attention to the approaching boy, thoughts in sated wonder but not running or even jogging too hard at their entrance.
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
Sex– Wheejun didn’t want sex, not tonight, not from him. The exchanged texts, the few back and forth, weren’t very telling, he told himself, ‘Overwatch and chill?’ Innocent, that’s what they were. The younger will let his guest into his home, throw together a few things to nibble on, takeout maybe, take turns on the PC attacking and defending, capturing the point– nothing more nothing less.
Song Jaehyung craves only your company tonight.
The logical hemisphere of his psyche screamed and scolded, hey idiot, listen, you know what he wants, you know what he’s making a night check for, you always know, but it’s warnings fall deaf on a man unwilling to hear. 
A pair of clean black sweats are pulled over a set of long legs, previously solely sporting briefs, oversized sweatshirt hiding a small frame. He’d send no suggestive vibes, nothing would get lost in translation.
Overwatch and chill, an initial joke that he created based on the obvious saying that his mind didn’t completely stray from. The elder wanted to play the game sure, but he also felt the urge to rub one out. Quite blunt and randomly felt, it’s usually how his moods specific to the nagging feeling of tensing muscles in the general crotch area went these days. And what better way to get both with little to no effort up until he would dominate the scrawnier kid that never seemed to say no to him. Why not right?
He rang the bell to their apartment upon arrival after the short drive over, clad in oversized shorts and a t-shirt as he patiently waited, thoughts roaming to a mixture of ideas for this new thing of chilling with games while also formulating different tactics of effectively playing but also getting it in. He pondered the possibilities. 
“Wheejunnie~ How’s my favorite player doin?” His usual grin and swipe of his thumb to their plumper set of lips signified his entrance to their apartment, his shoes immediately stepped out of before he navigated quite comfortably to the area he came for.
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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   with each ring of the bell tae’s curiosity manifested into irritation. did the people of seoul have nothing better to do with their summer nights than lounge around in the store she was in charge of for the night? she’d manage to hoard most of the teenagers out into the night for closing when she’d heard the bell ting again. ❝ we’re closed! ❞ she called as sweetly as her customer service engaged mind would allow, as she counted down her register figuring her announcement would be enough for the customer to leave. but after a few minutes without the belling ringing out one last time she glanced up; all sweet gestures falling immediately. ❝ get out won’t you? we’re closed. ❞ the aggravation had already began to set just looking at his face; slamming the drawer to the register shut as if to personify how much she didn’t want him her. body making her way from behind the counter so she could stand in front of him. ❝ i need to lock up so if you could go. like now. ❞
He’d grown fond of widening his collection of the less material arts of interpretation with things like old records and interesting novels which always managed to sweep the tattooist into some deeper thought processes that he never failed to return quite excited to create from. The man had a true appreciation for the intellectual high (even if the more easier routes to ascend were quicker and more fun), and yet his moment of mental praise for this shop he recently found grew quiet with the sound of a shooing clerk. Her voice sounded all too familiar and before he could tell himself to leave as she boldly expressed to the fleeing kids, Jaehyung approached the woman behind the register with a widening grin.
“Taehyun?” The name came in the form of a question although he knew for sure at this point, even with her aggravated shooing now directed towards himself. “The fuck happened to you, to get you out here forgetting important faces and shit.” He set his items down on the counter and leaned over it in order to rest his chin to his palm, all the while his relaxed gaze scanned her slightly different visage. “I’d like to purchase these items please, and also a ticket to cheer up ville, the town that sponsors cutting teenagers some slack every so often.” A small grin followed his teasing jokes that he hoped would serve as a reminder of who she was dealing with, which he himself decided would be for the rest of the night. 
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
Hello everyone! This is one of my main faceclaims, this time as Song Jaehyung, your average laid back tattoo artist who loves to have a good time.
He’s native born to Seoul but immigrated to the US at a young age with his parents, and has visited frequently due to their strict values of making sure him and his younger brother knew their culture and family well.
So of course he’s bilingual, english and korean
He studied in Seoul for college and graduated with a Studio Arts degree
His upper backside is covered in tattoos of various kinds which stretches over to the backs of his upper arms, the main one being related to his Chinese zodiac of the dog (1994)
As far as personality goes, he likes to joke a lot, tease, and hang out over drinks or a smoke
Like, the type of guy to care a lot about his work (his art) and use his days off relating to that when the inspiration hits (quite often surprisingly)
but at the same time, he’s capable of playing overwatch or fuckin GTA for 8 hours straight and ignore every sign of life trying to reach out to him
He’s just a really chill dude that’s open to a lot of things, please love him but don’t expect the same love back cuz he’s also really distant emotionally (won’t elaborate on that for development reasons so just to toss that little factor in there)
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I’ll make a wanted connections thing later hopefully or come to y'all for yours when I get around sifting through people’s bio stuff so, hit me up! Ready for plots
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jaexsong-blog · 7 years
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