jaimmieleadcola-blog · 12 years
My Soap Box : A Call for Feminist Reform of Affiliate Marketing
We have all heard the stories of the so-called “typical” female Affiliate Manager’s that use their young, outgoing personalities to charm the “typical” publisher, who is male, American, and most likely living in their mothers basement. While one will do anything for money, the other will do anything for affection. So… there are how many female Affiliate Manager’s, working at how many networks around the world? The bigger the publisher, the bigger the opportunity… if you catch my drift. What if I told you, most of these young women didn’t sign up for that role? That they’re educated, hardworking and trying to do their best, to make the best possible name for themselves. Sorry to burst the bubble… but running an offer or promising to run traffic to one, will get someone talking to you, but it is not a free ticket into their pants. Asking these women to live up to your expectations, because of a business transaction or promise of one, is sexual harassment.  Now, there are stories [and I’m sure many of them are true] about young women who fall victim to the promise of copious amounts of never-ending traffic: there are also stories of women that use sexual exploits to advance their career successfully. It is hard to sit back and judge either as the Madonna or the whore as their stories can only fully be understood by the individuals who partook in them. Unfortunately, it has set a precedent among certain males that they are in the right to leverage their business for sexual gratification. This is why women in Affiliate Marketing need to connect and discuss: it is important to empower, through solidarity, the women of Affiliate Marketing to not fear losing business for telling someone they are being inappropriate or that you feel uncomfortable and you would like the topic of conversation to stay on business. We can begin to change the perception of women in the industry, if we do not permit this behavior to continue.
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
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Affiliate Summit West 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
In every industry there are aspects that work and ones that need to change or be integrated out. 
Affiliate Marketing is an extremely lucrative business: basically you have the advertisers who have the campaigns they need promotion on, and you have the affiliate publishers who provide you with promotion. 
TLC describes a scrubs as a guy who thinks he's fly but he's also known as a busta. Well, scrub in the Affiliate Marketing game has just as bad of a sentiment as TLCs version... or maybe even worse. This is when an advertiser hides transactions and leads from the reporting in order to increase their revenue margin, while supposedly easing the mind of the publisher with the promised payout. However, that publisher is not getting that payout in reality if there are scrubs, and it lowers the overall margin the publisher is receiving. 
Now, if you're in the Affiliate Marketing game... you're probably asking why this girl has not mentioned Networks yet. Well, imagine everything I said, and then pretend the publisher now brokers out this campaign to another publisher [which is what Networks essentially do]. If this publisher [or namely network] takes a margin and a scrub the less the campaign will convert for the publisher and their traffic will essentially be giving free money to the guys from the top of the path, while those at the bottom lose the fruits of their labor.
If split testing is possible, do NOT hesitate. You never know what is going on in the backend... unless you're my publisher :) Then you really should be thanking yourself you're in good hands. Transparency is my name and sales are my game... I just wish the rest of the industry felt the same. 
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
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Moving from Liberty Village to Mississauga
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
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LeadCola is located in Liberty Village in the Toronto Carpet Factory Building (67 Mowat Ave.)
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
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Brand new office in liberty village
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jaimmieleadcola-blog · 13 years
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Today I have started as an affiliate manager for the company LeadCola : everything is off to a smashing success and I'm excited to get fully integrated over the weeks to come. That being said, if you are getting a lot of web traffic and need some campaigns to post, give me an email at [email protected] and hopefully we can work together!
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