jakkosisle · 4 years
Growing up.
It had been about two weeks since the…”incident” with Soozee.
After years of studying the Void, it finally happened.  Soozee snapped.  She went rogue, tried to kill fellow Firebrand employees, start her own cult, and begin a ritual that would see her “ascend into godhood”, whatever that meant.  Luckily, Spritzie and the other Firebrands were able to save her from herself - Teka and the other shamans exercised the void entity out of Soozee and the light cannon they discovered in her lab destroyed it.
After spending the next few days in a coma, Soozee finally awoke…and the first thing she did was try to kill herself.  After Valerie foiled that attempt, Spritzie took her sister back to the ranch, making a point to lock up any and all sharp instruments, drugs, and especially her rifle.  In the weeks since then, Soozee has been spending much of her time sequestered in the guest room she was staying in, hardly ever speaking a word.
One thing she DID tell Spritzie however, was to sell off her assets in order to pay for her hospital bills - she was fired at around the time she tried to lure several employees into her lab to kill them, so healing services didn’t come free for her.  So she gave Firebrand Enterprises everything - her lab, her experiments, everything she had ever created.  Spritzie was surprised.  Soozee would just…give it all up?
Soozee said that she didn’t need it anymore.  Not any of it.
It was morning, and Spritzie was making coffee.  She heard footsteps coming down the stairs, which struck her as odd - her sister wasn’t normally up this early.  She turned her head and saw her sister, dressed in an old black robe that Spritzie had lying around…
As well as a suitcase.
“Could you make my breakfast to go, Spritzie?” Soozee asked.
“Er…where you goin’?” Spritzie asked back.
“I don’t know.” Soozee said.  “My plan was to go to Silvermoon City first.  Beyond that…I don’t know, I suppose I’ll improvise.”
“What are you talking about?” Spritzie asked.
“I’m leaving, Spritzie.” Soozee bluntly replied as she stuffed a black robe with red trim inside.  “I can’t stay here.”
“W-w-what do you mean?” Spritzie asked.
“There’s nothing for me here.” Soozee said.  “…Don’t give me that look.  Please, don’t make this any harder than it needs to be.”
“B-b-but what about that job interview?!” Spritzie asked.
“You mean the one YOU tried to set up without telling me?” Soozee asked.  “It was an exercise in futility, Spritzie.  Mrs. Firebrand doesn’t want me back in her company - she has made that VERY clear.”
“Okay, but just hear me out - I’m gonna be named a stakeholder next month!” Spritzie said.  “And once I become that, that’ll give me a little extra leverage to-“
“Why do you even want me here?!” Soozee snapped.
“Because you’re my family!” Spritzie snapped back.  “We’re SUPPOSED to stick together!  We’re supposed to take care of each other!”
“Oh please.” Soozee harrumphed as she went back to packing.  “Mom died when you were a baby, Dad and Jakko haven’t been on speaking terms in years, Rikko’s dead - “
“Exactly!” Spritzie said.  “Don’t you get it, Soozee?  We’re runnin’ out of family!  We gotta-“
“Spritzie, I’m going to say something to you that you may not have ever heard before.” the blonde goblin said.  With a fully packed suitcase, she whirled on her heels and stared her redheaded younger sister down.  “Grow up.”
Spritzie was taken aback by that.
“You may have everyone else fooled with this angry, bloodthirsty, foul-mouthed persona you’ve invented for yourself, but it doesn’t fool me.” Soozee said.  “I know that, buried deep beneath all that rage, you’re still that same, lonely little girl who’s terrified of losing people.  Well, let me tell you something - of COURSE you’re going to LOSE people.  That’s how life works.  Sometimes through tragedy, sometimes through a mutual parting of ways, but YOU.  WILL.  LOSE PEOPLE.”
She gestured to the window.  “Take a good look outside, Spritzie.  Look upon your ranch.”
Hesitantly, Spritzie did so.  Matilda was chasing the feeder sheep that roamed free across the grounds.  Cera was browsing by the blueberry bushes again.  Spike was napping by clinging to the side of the barn.  Argunite was napping under the shade of a tree.  Cambria had buried herself in the mud by the pond.  And Pinecone was near the house itself, keeping a steady watch on the others.
“NOTHING you see out there is permanent.” Soozee said.  “One day, it will all be gone.”
“…Is that what the Void told you?” Spritzie asked.
“It didn’t need to.” Soozee replied.  “That’s just a fact of life.”
Soozee grabbed and hefted her suitcase.  Spritzie turned to her.  “Soozee, the first thing you did when you woke up was try to kill yourself.  How will I know that you’ll be okay without me?”
“You won’t.” Soozee bluntly replied.  “And that’ll have to be your burden to bare.  As for my own burdens…well…I’ve been doing some thinking and, for what it’s worth, I DO plan on exploring other options before attempting another suicide.”
“What kind of options?” Spritzie asked.
“Don’t know.” Soozee replied.  “I suppose I won’t know until I explore them.”
She looked at Spritzie.  “…You’ve already done far more for me than I deserve.  I thank you for this second chance.  I promise…I’ll try not to waste it.”
And then she walked out of the room.  Spritzie didn’t stop her.  She knew there wasn’t any point in it.
Soozee left the ranch.  She walked up to the Pyrewatch flight master and paid two gold pieces for a wind rider to Silvermoon.  Soozee Boomsprocket didn’t know what she would find.  She didn’t even know what she was looking for anymore.  But she knew one thing for sure - she wouldn’t find it here.
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jakkosisle · 4 years
Mending the Fence
“Come on, Rooter!  Yah!” Spritzie shouted as kicked the sides of her boar.  The boar snorted and trotted off as he always did at this time of day - it was time for Spritzie to do her daily tour of her menagerie to make sure all was well.
Cera?  Trying to uproot a cherry tree with her horns to get at the goodies inside.
Matilda?  Playing tug-o-war with Harmony again.  There are so many feeder sheep in the fields, yet they also argue over one - Spritzie suspects they do it more for play than anything else.
Stampy?  Also deforestating fruit trees.
Scarlette?  Napping up in a tree somewhere.
Argunite?  Napping under a tree somewhere.
Tuffet?  Napping on her web.
Vozul Jr.?  Napping underwater.
One by one, Spritzie checked on each of her beasts and one by one, she was satisfied that they were doing alright.  With that done, she steered Rooter back to her house.  There, she’d change into some more casual clothes and take a portal to Thunder Bluff.  The Darkmoon Faire was open again, which means BLIGHT BOAR!!!  Off go the ranch clothes, and on go the black pants, fingerless gloves, stomping boots, and of course the black tube top designed to only cover just enough of her breasts so she can still show off her sweet tattoos.
Once she was ready for a night out, she marched over to her door and swung it open…
Only to find Jakko standing there, his fist raised as though he were about to knock.  “…Hey.” Jakko said.
“…Hey.” Spritzie evenly replied, none too happy to see her older brother.  She leered at the baby harness he wore around his chest, holding his baby daughter, Atalari.  “…Cowardly move, using a child as a shield, thinking it would protect you from my wrath.”
“…Can we talk?” Jakko asked.  “I promise, it won’t take long.”
“You have five minutes.” Spritzie said as she put her hands on her hips.
“…I’m sorry.” Jakko asked.  “I’m sorry for trying to control you.”
Spritzie’s face went from disdain to shock.  She wasn’t expecting to be hearing that today.
“I’ve been doing some thinking and…It’s just…You’ve always been my baby sister.  The one I gotta look out for.  The one I gotta protect.” Jakko said.  “And for the longest time…that was one of the few things I know I did right.  That was a big deal to a screw up like me.  I didn’t wanna let that go.”
The troll sighed.  “I remember when you ran off to the Broken Shore without me.  Same with Argus.  I was so pissed off that you didn’t even wait for me.  At first I thought it was Rikko’s death that was making you more distant, and that was probably part of it, sure, but more than that…it was because you were growing up.  You didn’t…you didn’t need me watching your back anymore.  You didn’t need me anymore.  And…that hurt me.  More than I thought it would.”
The troll sniffled.  “Sorry, I…uh…and the reason you were so pissed at me is cuz I couldn’t or wouldn’t see that.”
He took a deep breath.  “Spritzie…I love you.  I care about you.  And I’m always gonna watch out for you.  But…I can’t tell you what to do anymore.  I need to let you be your own person, whoever that ends up being.”
Spritzie was silent for a few long seconds, honestly not sure what to say.  She sighed and stepped aside.  “Come on in...”
Jakko obliged and stepped inside Spritzie’s home.  “Man.  Got your own place and everything, huh?”
“Eeeyup.” Spritzie said as she closed the door behind her.  “…I’m sorry too.”
“You are?” Jakko asked as he took a seat at the dining room table.
“Rikko’s death DID affect me.” Spritzie said as she took a seat opposite from Jakko.  “For the longest time, it was the three of us.  The three adventurers.  But after his death…I dunno…I guess I just needed time alone.  And then the Battle for Lordaeron happened…”
The goblin sighed.  “…I was angry.  At you.  At the Alliance.  At everyone.  I’ve lost so much and…I felt like SOMEONE needed to pay for it.  I didn’t even care who, just someone, anyone.  Wasn’t until I met Vozul that I started feeling like…like ME again.”
“I dunno about that.” Jakko said.  “You’re still pretty angry.  Definitely more angry than you used to be.”
“…I know.” Spritzie admitted.  “…I dunno if that anger will ever go away.”
“It’ll fade.” Jakko said.  “It’ll take a long time, but eventually, you’ll get tired of it.”
Spritzie and Jakko shared a look.  She knew he was right.  She sometimes forgot that Jakko was no stranger to loss either.  The fact that he hardly brought up Hadra anymore was a testament to the fact that he moved on.
“…Speakin’ of Vozul, you’ll be happy to hear that she and I buried the hatchet.” Jakko reported.
“Yeah, what WAS your beef with her anyway?” Spritzie asked.
“How about the fact that she’s an idiot?” Jakko asked back.
“So?  I hated her for being stupid too, but I got over it.  You though?  You took that shit PERSONALLY.” Spritzie pointed out.
“That’s because I did.” Jakko replied.  “I was…jealous of her.  You and her are practically inseparable.  Reminded me of how WE used to be, yanno?”
“Yeah well, like you said, I’m growing up.” Spritzie said.  “I’m not that little girl who looked up to her big brother anymore.  And I never will be again.”
“…I know.” Jakko replied, sadly.
“Instead, I’m the woman who looks at her big brother as an equal.” Spritzie said.  “You don’t need to protect me anymore, Jakko.  You and me?  We’re on the same level now.  I just wanted you to acknowledge that.”
“Well…I’m acknowledging it now.” Jakko replied.
“Good.” Spritzie said.  “Cuz you shouldn’t be wasting your protective instincts on me.  You’ve got someone in your life now who needs it way more than I do.”
“Who?” Jakko asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Spritzie said as she pointed to Atalari.  The little troll babe had been asleep in the harness the whole time.  She was like her mother - a heavy sleeper who could probably sleep through a blizzard.
“Oh.” Jakko replied, chuckling at his own stupidity for a moment.  “…Saurfang rallied his rebellion just a few days after she was born.  I marched with him because I realized - I wanted to make the Horde better for her.  Better than what Sylvanas was turning it into.”
He looked his baby sister dead in the eye.  “…I was afraid I was gonna have to fight you.  Cuz I knew you were a loyalist.  I was relieved to see you at Razor Hill.”
He paused.  “…You nevah told me what made you change your mind.”
Spritzie paused and drummed her fingers against her arm.  She finally sighed.  “…Once we got word that the rebels and the Alliance were marching on Orgrimmar, the first thing I did was try to find you.  But I couldn’t.  Not in Pyrewatch, not in Orgrimmar.  I never found you.  Instead all I found were death guards arresting people for speaking out against Sylvanas, goblins burning paper trails, and a lot of scared people.  And that’s when I realized where you really stood...”
“…You couldn’t do it.” Jakko said.  “Even after everything, you couldn’t fight the rebels.  Not if I was one of them.”
“…I hopped on Liam and told the death guards I was gonna do a scouting run over Razor Hill.  I joined up with the rebels once I landed.” Spritzie said.  “It…helped, seeing all the Heroes of the Horde there.  Thrall.  Saurfang.  Baine.  Made me feel like maybe I WASN’T making the wrong decision.”
“…It’s still a miracle that the war ended so…bloodlessly.” Jakko said.  “The Loa, the Titans, the Light….I dunno, somebody threw Azeroth a bone that day.”
“And now N’zoth’s gone too…” Spritzie said.
“So what now?” Jakko asked.
“Well, Sylvanas is still out there.” Spritzie said.  “And I dunno about you, but I’m not exactly inclined to let someone get away with shouting ‘The Horde is Nothing’ in front of about a million loyal Hordies.”
“You’re gonna hunt her down?” Jakko asked.
“If the Horde asks us too?  You bet yer ass.” Spritzie replied with a smirk.  “…I could use some help.”
At that moment, Atalari woke up and started making noises, a bit grumpy after waking up from her nap.  Jakko lifted the baby out of her harness and began cooing at her to calm her.  “I dunno, Spritz…” he said.  “I’m a family man now.  Not sure if I can drop everything and go kick the bad guys’ asses like I used to.”
“…Really?” Spritzie asked.  “You spend what, two years pining for the partnership we used to have and now that I’m givin’ it to you, yer turnin’ me down?”
“That was BEFORE I knocked up my mate.” Jakko said.  “I’m surprised you’re not begging to be Atalari’s godmother, by the way.  Weren’t you always the one trying to get me dating because you liked the idea of a little troll baby calling you ‘Auntie Spritz?’”
“Oh like you’d make anyone else the godmother.” Spritzie replied with a roll of her eyes.
“I dunno.  Teka might be interested in the role.” Jakko said.
“Teka doesn’t count.  She’s EVERYONE’S godmother.” Spritzie pointed out.
Jakko cackled at that.  Spritzie cackled right back.  It was the first time in years they were able to share a Boomsprocket-patented cackle.  “…Hey Jakko?”
“Yeah?” Jakko asked.
“Promise me something.” Spritzie said.
“Anything.” Jakko said.
“…Don’t do to Atalari what you did to me.” Spritzie said.
“What?” Jakko asked.
“Yanno - When Atalari’s a teenager and starts dating and getting tattoos and shit?” Spritzie asked.  “Don’t be one of those super-overprotective fathers, because I promise, she IS gonna hate your guts for it.”
“What?  I’m thinkin’ about it.” Jakko said.
Spritzie cackled again at that.  Atalari started laughing as well.  Spritzie walked over to Jakko’s seat and Jakko, knowing what his sister wanted and trusting her with it, handed the baby to the goblin.  Spritzie smiled down on the little troll.
“Don’t worry.” she assured the baby.  “Grim and me will smuggle you the good kush while you’re lame-o dad isn’t looking.”
“Please don’t put degenerative thoughts in my daughter’s head.” Jakko said.
“You handed me the baby.  You knew the risks.” Spritzie shot back.  “I’m gonna get her tattoos, and teach her how to use a gun, and nothing you do is gonna stop me.”
Jakko cackled at that.  So did Spritzie.  So did Atalari.
It was a good feeling, for Spritzie and Jakko both, to have something resembling a family again.
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jakkosisle · 5 years
{Trollin' Thursdays} Watch yo' language! Zandali Words & Phrases
This list is brought to you by The Sen’jin Literary Society, a group of RPers from the the troll RP board I was on that got together and, using the in game translator, came up with a list of Zandali words and phrases. Most of these words are not canon, but some are and can be found in game and RP books.
A side note about writing Zandali v. Orcish: It has been my experience in RP—and a commonly accepted headcanon among most troll RPers/writers—that when a troll’s speaks in “troll speak” they are speaking in a non-Zandali language with a Zandali accent. When a troll’s dialogue is written with proper grammar and lack of phonetic pronunciations, they are speaking in Zandali.
Example: A troll speaking Zandali: I would like to buy this mango. A troll speaking another language with an accent: I be wantin’ ta buy dis mango.
Most trolls that belong to the Horde or have had interactions with orcs will speak Orcish as a second language. Outside of these particular tribes, a troll’s secondary language will depend on what race they are most exposed to. For instance, Shatterspear trolls may speak Darnassian because of their proximity to night elf lands and the “peace agreement” they held with them for centuries. Farraki trolls may speak Goblin and/or Common because of interactions with goblins and humans from Gadgetzan. The degree of accent with which a troll speaks will vary depending on their mastery of the language. If a troll is fluent in Orcish and speaks without a Zandali accent, their words would be written just as proper as Zandali.
Also, troll speak can be interpreted as “low Zandali”, Zandali that is a less formal/proper dialect.
Speaking of which, there are various dialects and forms of Zandali that vary depending on the tribe/empire. Amani-Zandali does not sound the same as Gurubashi-Zandali or Drakkari-Zandali, and even within those dialects there are variations; but they are similar. So consider this list as a “base dialect” of Zandali from which the other dialects derived unless specified.
Have you made up your own Zandali words and would like to see them added to this list? Submit them here!
Greetings and Politeness honnah - hello (casual); ex. Honnah, mon! Nice weathah we be havin’. godehsi - hello (formal); ex. Godehsi, Vol’jin. obeah - thanks (casual); ex. Dis food be great. Obeah, bruddah! fus’obeah fu- thank you (formal); ex.Yo’ words be appreciated, priestess. Fus’obeah fu.
Family and People fen - female fen’di - (little) girl; fen’dir - (little) girls fen’da - woman; fen’dai - women mem - male mem’ki - (little) boy; mem’kir - (little) boys mem’ko - man; mem’kon - men muuka - mother muuai - grandmother muuge - aunt muuki - sister chaako - father; chaako’do/chaade - daddy/dad (used by young children) chaadoi - grandmother chaage - uncle chaadi - brother
bebe - baby
mon - a unisex casual term used to refer to a person instead of their name; ex. Mon, come ovah here!
fu - you/me/he/she/their; Because trolls live in a heavily tribe-centered culture, their language does not have a word that denotes a difference between the self and others. Fu refers literally to “a person” whether it be he/she/me/you and its exact meaning is largely contextual. Zandali trolls refer to themselves in the third person when they feel emphasis or clarification is necessary in conversation. dim - denotes a person who the speaker is close to, but not a family member, such as a very close friend or a lover; can be used as a suffix; ex. Nok’dim is ma friend. Honorifics and Statuses
Zul’ - a master of voodoo/witch doctor (prefix) ex. Zul’Faraji: Witch Doctor Faraji
Zuf’li - a female witch doctor; originally used in a derogatory sense, as females were not allowed to be witch doctors, though females in more gender-equal tribes have began using the term with pride; ex. Zuf’li Mashaka: Witch Doctor Mashaka
‘jin - a tribal chief, leader, or respected elder (suffix); ex. Vol’jin: Tribal Chief Vol
'ju - “mastery or master”; a troll who has mastered a certain art and is a teacher (suffix)’ ex. Shobe’ju: Master Shobe 'ji - “learning”; student or person in training (suffix); ex. Mal’ji: Student Mal 'kai - “of the shadow(s)”; a rogue or shadow priest who has earned the highest honors in their sect (suffix); ex. Nok’kai: Nok of the Shadows
'aka - “daughter of”; a priestess or female follower (suffix); ex. Kuthalia’aka, a priestess of Ayida
'fon - “loner/alone”; a troll who has been outcast or shunned by/from their tribe, whether voluntary or involuntary (suffix); ex. Takar’fon: Takar the Loner
'fi - “little”; used as a term of endearment with children or younger friends and family members (suffix); ex. Mal’fi: Little Mal
'ai - “the beloved/devoted ones”; usually used to refer to a group that is devoted to a certain spirit or cause; a religious sect (suffix); ex. Atal’ai: the sect of trolls who worshiped Hakkar and tried to resurrect him
Atal - great or honored; used to refer to the Greater Loa (prefix); ex. Atal’Damballa - The Great Damballa, loa of the Shadows and snakes
Zul’ -  a city, usually larger than a village (prefix); ex. Zul’Drak, Zul’Farrak, Zul’Kunda
Zeb’ - a village; Amani-Zandali (prefix); ex. Zeb’Nowa and Zeb’Tela, both forest troll villages
'Watha - a large village or small city; Amani-Zandali (prefix); ex. Hiri’watha, Agol’watha, Shaol’watha, all forest troll villages
'Alor -  a temple or place of worship; ex. Mazra’Alor: a forest troll temple in Eastern Plaguelands
Battle siame - blood
rohk - destroyer/destruction; can you be used as a suffix to denote a powerful warrior; ex. Jin’rohk: Jin the Destroyer thraze - blade
sang - deflect
sul - lash/strik
jang - protect Spirituality yuutee - spirit (not Loa) yuutee/Loa atuad ju - “Spirit’s/Loa bless us.” t’ief - earth
difus - water
ackee - fire
mek - air
e’ko - the life energy of a living creature
juju - a fetish, charm, or amulet
kaz’kah - death totem/headstone
mojo - physical stamina, often used when referring to fighting or sexual prowess ju’kai - A combination of the word ju denoting a master or mastery of something and kai, shadows. Literally this means “shadow mastery” and in context refers to marks or tattoos given to a rogue to denote his level of training or expertise. It is feasible to assume that other classes or casts within troll culture and tribal life could use the same conjunction: ju’yuutee - spirit master(y); ju’t’ief - fire master(y); etc. Love and Sex lok’dim - a term of endearment; ie: darling, dearest, beloved wassa’dim - a loved one Bal’a - “beloved”; pet name used in serious relationships wassa - love riva - lust
riva’dim - “person I lust for” or “lover” smadda - fervor; passion; also used as a crass slang term to refer to any number of messy fluids involved in or the result of sex; ex. “Clean yo’ smadda offa mah couch, mon!” hinky - backwards; inside out; also a slang term for “gay” or “homosexual” Insults and Bad Language e’chuta - shit yudo - fuck quashi - stuipid; idiot nehjo - dirty; a promiscuous person Phrases & Slang
irie - feeling good or well; usually used to refer to a person’s state of being, physically or emotional; ex. Ya feelin’ irie, mon?
Taz’dingo - a cheer of victory or triumph
Objects & Other Things tanponi - pillow(s)
iman - cold noh - elf
Grammatical terms fus’ - a prefix of emphasis. Can be added to any word to increase the strength of its meaning or to give it emphasis in a sentence. ex: fus’obeah - thanks a lot; fus’quashi - extremely stupid; fus’nehjo - filthy (physically or sexually). 'so - a suffix denoting possession. ie: Taki’so - beloning to Taki/ Taki’s; fu’so - his/hers/yours. In the proper context this could be used to refer to a person as the mate/partner of another. Taki’so would refer to Vo’jya, Taki’s long term lover. This is a rather familiar, tongue-in-cheek way to address or refer to someone, and could be used as much as a jibe as anything else.
Most trolls that belong to the Horde or have had interactions with orcs will speak Orcish as a second language. Outside of these particular tribes, a troll’s secondary language will depend on what race they are most exposed to. For instance, Shatterspear trolls may speak Darnassian because of their proximity to night elf lands and the “peace agreement” they held with them for centuries. Farraki trolls may speak Goblin and/or Common because of interactions with goblins and humans from Gadgetzan.
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jakkosisle · 5 years
I’m not really good with words but I know there is a lot of bad stuff about BFA but I also feel like there was a lot of good.  The Zandalari are hecking awesome, Zandalar is hecking awesome and the best part of this expansion has to be Queen Talanji.  She is hecking awesome.
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jakkosisle · 5 years
Career Change
The first six months of the Battle for Azeroth was essentially one long stalemate.  The Horde burns down Teldrassil, so the Alliance lays siege to Lordaeron.  The Horde tries to recruit the Zandalari Empire, so the Alliance tries to recruit Kul Tiras.  The Horde opens up a new front in the Arathi Highlands, so the Alliance opens up a new front in Darkshore.  Back and forth, blow for blow, the Alliance and Horde competed with each other endlessly, with neither side really getting a leg up over the other.
Until now, that is.
Jakko looked around the Hot House.  What was once his favorite restaurant in the Zoccalo was now a makeshift hospital for wounded soldiers.  Waiters and waitresses suddenly having to play nurse to dozens of injured orcs, tauren, elves, and of course trolls.  Similar medical outposts had been set up all over the city, to treat the wounded from the battle.
The Alliance had sacked Dazar’alor.  First, they faked an attack from Nazmir, luring away the bulk of the Zandalari and Horde armies, leaving the harbor nearly defenseless.  Second, they somehow destroyed what ships remained in the harbor - witnesses say the ships just blew up for no damn reason, leading most to suspect sabotage.
The Alliance made landfall in the harbor, slaughtering anyone and anything that was too slow or stupid to get out of their way as they stormed their way up to the pyramid.  There, they did the unthinkable.
They killed King Rastakhan.
By that point, the Horde had finally returned to the city.  They were able to chase the Alliance forces back out to sea, but the damage was already done.  The God King was dead, and the Golden Fleet had been gutted like a fish.  The Alliance now stood with the superior naval force, and the Horde’s odds of winning the Battle for Azeroth just got a lot slimmer.
Jakko reached checked his watch.  She’s late.  That didn’t surprise him.  Punctuality had never been Spritzie’s strong suit, and that was back when they were on speaking terms.
Ever since the Battle for Lordaeron, Spritzie…changed.  That sweet, cheerful young goblin was gone.  She lost too much that day.  She became harder.  More ruthless.  Started picking up bad habits like drinking and picking fights for no damn reason.  Her bad attitude got her kicked out of two guilds, and the last time they spoke was months ago, and that wasn’t so much speaking as it was yelling and screaming.
I’m sorry, Rikko.  Jakko promised his brother, minutes before his death, that he would look after their family.  Lately, he was failing.  Miserably.
Jakko’s ears twitched as he heard a voice he hadn’t heard in weeks.  He looked over and saw Spritzie outside the Hot House, instructing a devilsaur and a large spider to stay put outside while she went in.  Gone were the goblin’s childish pigtails and in their place was a sweeping hairstyle held in place with a skull pin.  She wore armor that was black as night with a skull emblem on the belt.  Jakko was sensing a theme.  Strapped to her back was her old sniper rifle, a wolf-slayer model, souped up to double as a shotgun through the miracle of goblin technology.  She didn’t even look at Jakko as she took a seat next to him at the bar and ordered a drink.
“Surprised you showed up.” Jakko said.
“I was thinkin’ of blowin’ you off.” Spritzie replied.  “But your letter made you sound so fuckin’ pathetic that I had to come and see for myself just how deep in the gutter you are.”
That surprised Jakko.  He had kept the letter brief.  He only said that a lot had happened in the last few weeks and that there were some things that Jakko and Spritzie needed to talk about.  Spritzie must’ve inferred Jakko’s desperation from the simple fact he bothered to reach out at all.  It unnerved him, seeing how perceptive she really was.
The troll tapped his finger on the table as an awkward silence hovered between them.  “So…what’ve you been up to lately?” he asked, unsure of how else to begin the discussion.
Spritzie paused in thought, taking a moment to digest Jakko’s question.  Then she smiled like a cat in a canary cage.  “Well, lately I’ve been in Darkshore a lot.  Guess those night elves didn’t quite get the message the first time we kicked their asses.”
“Yeah, it’s almost like destroying their city pissed ‘em off or somethin’.” Jakko quipped.  You fucking dumbass - you need her help and you think NOW is a good time to be a snarky dick?
“In that case, YOU should be as pissed off as they are.” Spritzie pointed out.  She jerked a thumb outside.  “Don’t know if you noticed, but the Alliance kinda kicked your race’s ass in a major way.  Don’t tell me you’re not itchin’ for a little payback.”
Jakko had to admit, Spritzie had a point.  Jakko remembered being awe-struck the first time he set foot in Dazar’alor.  A living, breathing, thriving city of trolls.  He never thought that such a thing could exist outside of history and legend.  Seeing the City of Gold in all its splendor made him think that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for the troll race.  Hope that they could one day become something more than just a collection of survivors stubbornly clinging to the edge.
Hope that the Alliance tried to destroy.  He was there, with his mate Vorz’ka, in the Zoccalo when the Alliance attacked.  Mole machines erupted from the ground and Dark Iron poured out, terrorizing the people, looting anything that wasn’t nailed down and setting fire to anything that was.  It was a miracle the Horde showed up when it did to take back the Zoccalo before Alliance forces could do too much damage.  From what he heard, the docks weren’t as lucky.
The Zandalari didn’t even do anything wrong.  Not this time, at least.  Their only crime was asking the Horde for help.  For the first time since this stupid war started, Jakko found himself truly, genuinely angry at the Alliance.
But he was even angrier at Sylvanas.
“If Sylvanas hadn’t started this war, the Alliance would’ve never attacked Dazar’alor in the first place.” Jakko growled.  “The Alliance killed Rastakhan, but she was the one who put the target on his back.”
“Oh, don’t even TRY to spin this to make it look like Sylvanas’s fault!” Spritzie snapped.  “The Alliance kills trolls so often, they use troll sweat to grease their war machines!  Dazar’alor was just another Tuesday for them!”
“Then how come they didn’t wanna attack Zandalar until WE came here?!” Jakko snapped back.  “Everything the Alliance has done was because SHE pissed THEM off!  SHE’S the reason we’re in this mess to start with!”
“The Alliance hate us!” Spritzie ranted.  “Remember Stormheim?!  The Burning Legion was lookin’ to destroy BOTH factions, but that wasn’t enough to kill the Alliance’s hate boner for us, judgin’ from the way they merrily bombed our fuckin’ fleet!  THEY’RE the reason we went to Zandalar - because we needed a new fleet to replace the one THEY blew up!”
“Oh, they hate us.  Okay.  Well.  Here’s an idea.  LET’S BURN DOWN THEIR WORLD TREE!  THAT’LL MAKE ‘EM NOT HATE US!  GREAT PLAN, SYLVANAS!”
“War was inevitable!  Ever since we figured out what Azerite was, it was only a matter of time until war broke out over the stuff!  Sylvanas was just smart enough to get in the first punch!”
“War was inevitable?  Really?  With Anduin ‘Let’s all just hug it out’ Wrynn as High King?  Gimme a break.”
“Two things - first off, Anduin’s not as much of a goody-two-shoes as he lets on.  Call it a gut feelin.’  Second, look at all the Alliance leaders who DO hate us!  Greymane!  Whisperwind!  Fuckin’ Proudmoore!  And you think they’re all gonna lay down their arms just cuz some teenage pretty boy tells ‘em to?  That’s NOT how it’s gonna go down and you KNOW IT!”
Jakko groaned.  “Fucking…okay, look, I don’t want to argue with you on this.”  Political arguments like these were part of the reason Spritzie cut communication for so long.
“Ah, so you’re giving up then?” Spritzie asked with a smirk.
“No, I’m-“
“You said ‘I don’t wanna argue with you on this.’  Which I know is Jakko-speak for ‘I’m wrong and you’re right, I just don’t wanna admit it.’”
“Can we PLEASE just-“
“No!” Spritzie snapped.  “Not until you admit that I won the argument!”
“Look, I just want-“
“Oh my gold, you can’t even admit that YOU’RE WRONG!!!”
Spritzie was now standing on top of the bar stool, giving Jakko the most hateful glare he’d seen since…well, the last time they had an argument like this one.  “…THIS is why I cut you out of my life.  THIS is why Akivani left you, and it’s why Vorz’ka’s gonna leave you too one day.  It’s because you’re arrogant.  It’s because you think you know what’s best for everybody.”
She paused, then shook his head.  “I came because I thought maybe you finally swallowed some of that fuckin’ pride of yours.  I shoulda known better.”  With that, she hopped off and began storming her way out.
Nice going, you stupid asshole.  You just couldn’t do it, could you?  You just couldn’t NOT be a piece of shit for five fuckin’ minutes, huh?  The fuck is wrong with you?  How many times do you have to do this shit before you realize that doing this shit is a bad idea?  You are letting EVERYONE down, you STUPID, SELFISH, WORTHLESS-
“Vorz’ka’s pregnant!” Jakko called out before Spritzie could reach the exit.
The goblin turned around and looked over her shoulder.  “…What?” she asked.
“…Vorz’ka’s pregnant.” Jakko said again, quieter this time.  “I…I need your help, Spritz.”
Spritzie turned back towards Jakko and stared him down.  “…Help with what?”
“Shiverblood’s not payin’ enough.” Jakko said.  “Not enough to feed three.  I…I heard you was with Firebrand now, right?  Pay’s good?”
“Yeah.  So whaddaya want?” Spritzie pressed, running low on patience.
“…I need you to put in a good word for me.  I need a job with Firebrand.” Jakko said.  “Please.”
Spritzie stared down Jakko for a good few seconds.  She then sighed.  “…I’ll talk to the boss about it.” she said.  “If I get you an interview, it’ll probably be at our office in Orgrimmar.  Ask for Tamani Tightclamps, she’s our hiring manager.”
“Thanks, Spritz.” Jakko said.
“Don’t thank me.” Spritzie replied.  “I’m not doin’ this for you.”
On that note, she turned and left the Hot House.  Jakko sighed as he rubbed his face with his hands.  Okay.  He’ll have an interview.  That’s…something, he guessed.  All he had to do was not fuck it up.
Good luck with THAT.  Stupid asshole…
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jakkosisle · 5 years
Countdown to Zandalari
Feels like we’ve been waiting forever, but they’re almost here. WHO’S EXCITED?! 😃
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jakkosisle · 5 years
The Story of Gral
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“I heard this story once as a small child,” Long-Wei would begin, sitting down in the floor of the boat, rocking with it instinctively as he spoke. “There was once a Loa, from long long ago. He resided in the ocean where no other spirit could touch him, his domain, the deep blue.” He would point towards the water with his round finger, “He was massive, as wide as Zandalari warships are long, scars along his slick body for every monster he had taken down himself.”
“Now, I am no expert on your culture,“ He glanced around at each individual Troll with a soft expression, "But I am aware that some practice this ritual where they return the bodies of their dead to the water and in turn that person would become a great creature, sometimes even becoming a Loa themselves, though that is only what is told about ancient Troll culture…” He would trail off as the water gently rocked the boat from side to side. There was a sleepy effect on the trolls, almost as if they were being rocked to sleep by the sea itself, perhaps they were in good graces with the loa mentioned in the stories.
“Well, the loa was thousands of years old and yet still had descendants upon an island near Zuldazar. He would visit them frequently as they prepared sacrifices to him and in return, he would provide them protection from monsters of the deep and kept the storms at the horizon of the ocean.” The Pandaren would give a heavy sigh, pushing his hand underneath his eyepatch before speaking once more.
“Unfortunately, happiness never lasts. The descendants of the ocean Loa were attacked by a ship of humans, they set fire to every hut, killed every warrior, and drowned every elder, woman, and child. None of their souls were returned to the sea, instead, they were left rotting, only yards away from the water.” “In an act of revenge, he sent storm after storm, wave after wave, yet the humans had strong sails that tore across the water before they were hit. He sent deep sea creatures, to eviscerate them yet the hulls of the ship were made of metal. Finally, the Loa presented himself before them, ramming his thick skull against the belly of the ship, sinking it into the depths of the ocean. He ate the humans that littered the water, before finding his way to the captain.
"Please, have mercy!” Begged the captain, barely keeping her head above water against the darkening waves. 
A smile spread across the loa’s face, rows of sharp teeth greeting the human before he rumbled out, his words shaking the world around them.
“You never showed mercy to my people, so why must I show mercy to *YOU*.”
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jakkosisle · 5 years
Yeah, Rezan was a T-Rex which is cool and all, but MY MAN GONK is a RAPTOR and raptors are the real cream of dinosaurs don’t @ me
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jakkosisle · 5 years
“Blood doesn’t make you family. Hell, an only child can bleed. It’s the sharing of pain that makes you family, ‘cause you can’t really love a brother or a sister until you know that they’re as scarred and broken as you are.”
Christopher Titus (via samhaelarion)
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jakkosisle · 6 years
OOC: Connecting the WrA Community!
Hey guys, I’d like to start a thread for WrA RPers to reblog and find other RPers to follow. I’m doing this because I feel as though my characters often do not have anybody to roleplay with and/or is typically roleplaying with the same people (or I’m just shy), and I’d like to meet more of you!! ❤❤ So reblog this if you’d like to meet other RPers in your community and broaden your horizons :)
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jakkosisle · 6 years
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I’m not worried.
At all.
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jakkosisle · 6 years
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Mag’har Orc vs Dark Iron Dwarf - World of Warcraft fan art by Dmitry Prozorov
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jakkosisle · 6 years
It’s 2018 and not only is the newest WoW expansion basically 95% trolls (if you’re horde-side) BUT all the troll quests/texts are written with the “troll accent”. Which means not only did the quest writers at Blizz need to learn to type all that out for accuracy’s sake, but every motherfucker playing has to get used to reading it or perish.
As someone who’s loved the trolls and their lore since 2004 I’m just LIVING
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jakkosisle · 6 years
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Hang up your Cenarion tabard, Tarhoof. Your Warchief calls. Some art of my main Warcraft character, Tarhoof, because I haven’t done proper art of her in a long time and I’ve had this image in my head since the BfA leadup.
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jakkosisle · 6 years
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that’s a tall order but I’ll try my best
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jakkosisle · 6 years
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In defense or on attack, He de one dat has ya back. De mighty master of de pack. He is Gonk!
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jakkosisle · 6 years
The Battle For Lordaeron:  Box Set Post
Part I - Battleplans
Part II - Strategic Bombing
Part III - Fortified Line
Part IV - Breakthrough
Part V - Momentum
Part VI - Psychology
Part VII - Exit Strategy
This writing project turned out MUCH bigger than I originally anticipated, but damned if I’m not proud of it.  My three Horde characters and my three Alliance characters, meeting on the battlefield.  This is something I’ve been planning and tinkering with since BFA was announced at last year’s Blizzcon.
And this is only the BEGINNING of the PAIN I plan on inflicting on my children.
This may end up being my hands-down favorite expansion, if only for the RP and storylines that lie ahead.
See you all on the frontlines.
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