jakprotectionsquad · 10 months
my old donation post lost momentum and was getting too long with the additions I had to make to it, so I'm making a new one
my name is samira, I'm a brown disabled lesbian and I'm only able to work part time. there are no shifts for me at work during the summer so I'm relying solely on disability payments right now
I need to pay for my meds and toiletries, as well as make two different payments on my debt and get my bank account out of the negatives (pictures below for proof)
I'm trying to raise 450 CAD as quickly as I possibly can, please share and/or donate if you're able to!
paypal link is here, patreon is here, or you can dm me for my etransfer info. thank you!!
450/450 CAD
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jakprotectionsquad · 11 months
Now is an excellent time to tell your Democratic Congress Critters trans Healthcare is important
If you can't safely contact them in person, here are some other options:
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the representative of your choice.
Here is one that will send your reps a fax: https://resist.bot/
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jakprotectionsquad · 4 years
2k Follower Giveaway!!
Hey, all! Sorry I'm a dirty stinking liar and forgot to make this post a few days ago. Life is weird right now and I no longer understand the concept of days.
Here's what is up for grabs:
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- EITHER a custom painted coyote or beaver skull (these are not perfect and may be missing things like teeth and have chips in the bone, etc.)
- A small piece of rabbit fur (ultra-soft, cool color)
- A handful of rocks (aqua aura quartz, aragonite, agate, and what I think is blue aragonite but I've forgotten since I bought it)
- A bean-dyed deer vert
- A bag of random bones
Must be located in the US (sorry, everyone else. I don't accidentally want to break some international law)
Must have parental permission if under 18
Must be following me
Must reblog. Can reblog on as many sideblogs as you please, but only one reblog per blog!
This will close on September 25, 2020 and a winner will be announced by the following day
If the winner does not message me back within 2 days of being announced, another person will be chosen (so check yo messages)
Good luck, everyone! Feel free to message me with any questions you may have :D
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jakprotectionsquad · 4 years
Lonely + Abandoned Yandere Aesthetic [ ♀]
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Requested by Anonymous
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jakprotectionsquad · 4 years
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jakprotectionsquad · 4 years
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jakprotectionsquad · 5 years
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Punk Yandere
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jakprotectionsquad · 5 years
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🍃 male yandere who’s on drugs to cope with the one he loves being gone for anon 🍃
— mod zombie
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
Foxes will run until they die.
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“Run boy, run! And disappear in the trees!”
I did this a while back and just now got around to posting it haha. (I frickin love this ARG)
Please don’t repost! A reblog is greatly appreciated!
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
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((OCC: colab with @lidren his lines my colors)) Maybe one day I’ll say it to your face
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
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The flames paint the sky with blood The same color that run between your fingers
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
@staff Limit the porn bots!
Porn bots should only have acess to the ‘NSFW’ and 'porn’ tags. Anything else is uncalled for.
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
Hey like go ahead and keep the porn bots if you must but keep them out of non-porn tags.
Or at the very very least limit them to only being tagged as ‘NSFW’ and 'Porn’
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
What was Rosemary Road like? What are your memories from there?
I'm not gonna lie.It was hell. I was in solitary more often than not and spent alot of my time drugged and sick from the side effects. Candystriper was a doll and made it alright some days. The kids were great. I wish I could have seen them more but, they stayed in a separate wing than I did.Honestly...It probably wasn't too bad. But then again I wouldn't exactly know.
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
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jakprotectionsquad · 6 years
He didn’t remember setting his phone down by the empty bottles in the river bed, or the long walk back to camp. He wasn’t even sure when the rain had started as he watched it gave in pools in the paces left between tire tread. All he knew is that he was waiting and had been for what seemed like a very long time to his normally chaotic mind. Waiting, just quietly waiting for something- anything. For the pain, the fear for something he could twist into shallow one sided anger and finally give him something to make him feel alive again but, there was nothing. No rage, no sorrow, no heat as the rain rolled off his once bold hair to join the puddle surrounding him.  For the first time in years he was fully aware of just small he truly was as he folded his body under him and fell perfectly into the path left by the car he had come to call home as though the familiar weight of the pill bottle in his hand had dragged him down to take comfort in the cold and the mud. Should he be crying? He wasn’t screaming so maybe it was fitting to cry but for once in his short life no sound escaped his hollow chest. Maybe it was funny, he was smiling after all, a small thing short lived and fleeting but, genuine in way they haven’t been in years.
It was all quiet.
So painfully quiet.
As his breath came in small clouds of heat in the frigid air as he waited still, not for the crow after all he knew better than to wish for useless dreams. He wanted the impulse, the thoughtless need to act to fill him with the energy to fight, to scream, to argue, to just move past the ever growing pool that surrounded his frail body.
He was tired.
So horribly tired.
Shivering slightly he turned the bottle over and spilled its contents into his broken and swollen palm before carefully picking up the color treats one by one and setting them between his back teeth slowly grinding them into powder that was swallowed effortlessly as he laid down in the soft welcoming ground and looked up at the darkening sky above him. Smiling brightly he watched the rain come down around him before his eyelids grew too heavy to fight anymore. He was so tired of fighting...
For the first time in thirteen years, Jak Richards fell asleep in the dark.
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