jamberrytales · 7 years
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At the marriage equality rally in Melbourne.
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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A second Ravenfall jamicure with NAS designs Bats & Ravens and Love & Pride http://www.narrellemharris.com/books/ravenfall/
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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Ravenfall by Narrelle M Harris
My new book Ravenfall - a paranormal queer romance thriller - comes out in paperback this month. My jam tale combines Scottish Pride, London Bound and nail art studio Vampires and Bats and the multicolored Birds.
You can find out about Ravenfall here, and mark Ravenfall as to-read on Goodreads now!
Or pre-order the paperback here!
Ravenfall (Amazon.com)
Ravenfall (Amazon UK)
Ravenfall (Barnes and Noble)
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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I haven’t posted a Jamtale in a while but I have a new story out so I did a jamicure of Crochet, Rhapsody and the Feb 2017 host wrap with the love hearts to celebrate it.
New release: Near Miss by Narrelle M Harris
The fabulous cover is by Willson Rowe, and the story is published by Clan Destine Press. Near Miss is set in Melbourne and is full of romance, sex, fabulous hair, rock music and knitting.
The blurb
Glory is a rock chick. She’s fierce. From a distance she keeps seeing a gorgeous woman with fantastic hair.
Ness is a hairdresser. She was named for the Loch. She’s been admiring the lead singer of Glory Be for ages.
Fate keeps preventing them from meeting, until the night of the yarnbombing in Melbourne’s Treasury Gardens – a night that knits their lives together.
Add Near Miss as ‘to read’ on Goodreads
Where to get Near Miss
Near Miss (Amazon)
Near Miss (Amazon UK)
Near Miss (Amazon Australia)
Near Miss (Kobo)
For those who have read my Captains of Industry series, Near Miss is inspired by the Sally/Molly relationship, but it’s an entirely separate and new story.
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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The record is the only thing that should be straight. 
(🌈 Pride Month - Day 4)
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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I Love You. Pass It On.
A message of love to pass on in a world that really needs it right now.
I have felt fractured by the recent terrorism and the anger, hatred, and fear that stems from it. I want to release a message of love. Love heals. Love brings hope. Love wins.
Reblog to share the love.
Thank you.
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jamberrytales · 7 years
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It's been aaaaaages since I posted. But I'm working on edits for my new paranormal queer romance thriller Ravenfall, so I've encouraging myself with Bats and Ravens with accents of Scottish Pride (hero vampire James is a Scot) and London Bound for the setting.
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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It's been a bit long between posts. Life got busy! Bit a new jam tale is here! This is Devoted and Siren in honour of my short story Virgin Soil, set in Melbourne's 1851 gold rush. The story is in the new adventure anthology And Then... You can read an excerpt from the story here: https://narrellemharris.wordpress.com/2017/01/03/new-release-and-then-the-great-big-book-of-awesome-adventure-tales-volume-1/
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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Jam Tale manicure for The Christmas Card Mystery
Today’s jam tale is for my short Sherlock Holmes xmas story in The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas Adventures, a new anthology of traditional canon-era stories by MX Publishing which is raising funds for the Stepping Stones school for children with learning difficulties that operates out of Arthur Conan Doyle’s former home, Undershaw.
The mani combines Sheet Music, Snowbound layered over Sweet Escape and the Xmas wrap Tinsel Poinsettia.
I chose Sweet Escape because of its relevance to the story, but it doesn’t quite go with Poinsettia. I layered it with Snowbound to mute the effect, but the result doesn’t 100% thrill me. I might replace them with more Tinsel Poinsettia later.
Read an extract of The Christmas Card Mystery on this blog post.
New Sherlock Holmes Xmas story
Now available:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V (Amazon Kindle)
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories – Part V: Christmas Adventures (Amazon US Paperback)
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories – Part V: Christmas Adventures (Amazon US Hardcover)
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories – Part V: Christmas Adventures (BookDepository paperback)
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories – Part V: Christmas Adventures (BookDepository hardback)
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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A Murmuring of Bees (Improbable Press)
Edited by Atlin Merrick
In honour of A Mumuring of Bees (and my contributions, Nectar and Love Song to a Bee) I’m wearing Queen Bee, Devoted and Gold Sparkle for this Jamberry Tale.
The stories in this anthology explore John Watson and Sherlock Holmes as lovers as well as sleuths. The stories are set in dozens of times and places, from Victorian settings, riffing on canon, to modern interpretations. I have both a short story and a poem in the book. Other writers include Kerry Greenwood (the Phryne Fisher series) and Atlin Merrick (The Night They Met).
The proceeds of this book go to the It Gets Better Project.
A Murmuring of Bees (Improbable Press)
A Murmuring of Bees (Amazon US)
A Murmuring of Bees (Amazon UK)
A Murmuring of Bees (Barnes & Noble)
A Murmuring of Bees (BookDepository)
A Murmuring of Bees (Amazon US)
A Murmuring of Bees (Amazon UK)
A Murmuring of Bees (Nook Book)
A Murmuring of Bees (Kobo)
A Murmuring of Bees (AllRomance)
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jamberrytales · 8 years
life is honestly too short to be embarrassed over anything that sparks even a little happiness in you
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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Today’s Jamberry Tales manicure represents my story, Know Your Own Happiness - a modern take on Persuasion - for the anthology A Certain Persuasion, full of queer stories inspired by Jane Austen.
(The prop is a sugar skull emery board which I picked up last visit to LA)
Destiny is the main wrap, with one accent silver floral layered over Lagoon, and the other the cupid from Love Potion.
Know Your Own Happiness
Narrelle M Harris
Four years ago, Cooper West allowed his brother to persuade him that it was easier to pretend to be straight than admit to being bi. It was a stupid decision that cost him the love of his life, Archer Flynn. Now out, recently dumped and still harbouring regret for his lost love, Fate and Cooper’s cousin Kate are about to intervene, via a book club meeting where the book under discussion is … Persuasion.
A Certain Persuasion
Modern LGBTQ+ fiction inspired by Jane Austen’s novels.Thirteen stories from eleven authors, exploring the world of Jane Austen and celebrating her influence on ours.
If that appeals to you, you can get A Certain Persuasion here:
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon Kindle)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon paperback)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon UK)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon UK paperback)
A Certain Persuasion (Smashwords)
A Certain Persuasion (AllRomance)
A Certain Persuasion (Kobo)
A Certain Persuasion (Nook)
Or read an excerpt on my blog.
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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Today’s Jamberry Tales manicure includes Fly Away, WIld and Free, and Gold Floral, and illustrates the story Hide Nor Hair, by @atlinmerrick.
Adam Ashford Otelian began to suspect something when he saw Miss Mary Hay’s beard. Though to be fair, Adam found Miss Hay’s beard only the second most intriguing thing about her.
The story appears in the anthology A Certain Persuasion, a collection of queered Jane Austen stories.
Modern LGBTQ+ fiction inspired by Jane Austen’s novels.Thirteen stories from eleven authors, exploring the world of Jane Austen and celebrating her influence on ours.
If that appeals to you, you can get A Certain Persuasion here:
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon Kindle)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon paperback)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon UK)
A Certain Persuasion (Amazon UK paperback)
A Certain Persuasion (Smashwords)
A Certain Persuasion (AllRomance)
A Certain Persuasion (Kobo)
A Certain Persuasion (Nook)
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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Undertow Blue representing House Boratheon in Game of Thrones. I expect the manicure to last longer than most members of that family.
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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I haven't yet come up with a jamtale for the upcoming A Certain Persuasion (an anthology of queered Jane Austen stories) but I have two planned. The one with Fly Away, Wild and Free and gold floral is for Hide nor Hair by @atlinmerrick - in which a dragonfly plays it's part. My own story, Know Your Own Happiness, is a modern take on Persuasion, so I've chosen Destiny, Lagoon, Silver floral and I think I'll use the Cupid from Love Potion as an accent. You can find out more about the book and pre-orders before it goes on sale on 1 November: http://www.narrellemharris.com
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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My Richard III Jamberry manicure.
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jamberrytales · 8 years
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I am planning this weekend’s Jamicure to celebrate reading The Maligned King, by Annette Carson. It’s a very thoroughly researched and well presented book looking at contemporary primary and secondary sources, political analysis according to laws and views of the time and a good deal of forensic psychology to posit alternative theories about Richard III his motivations and his reign.
Given he was painted as such an evil monstrosity in the post-Tudor era, culminating in Shakespeare’s savage little bastard, the real Richard had to be someone a wee bit more balanced. Carson provides food for thought and interesting alternative theories which have just as much or as little evidence to support them. Her analysis gains even more credence with the discovery (and reinterment) of Richard’s body, which proves he wasn’t the hunchbanked, withered-armed, limping homonculus written about by Shakespeare (or Thomas More or any of the other Tudor-favouring historians).
Count me a Ricardian these days.
The wraps for the upcoming mani (photos when it’s done) are Autumn Romance, Royal Charm, Silver Floral and MaiTai. Silver floral will layer with MaiTai.
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