james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Well that sounds real neat, fair play to you! I never had the hand for sewing and all that.” Sulley cleared his throat: “Performing Arts major, but i’m taking classes in all kinds of stuff!”
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“Yes, that is my major! It’s incredibly fun. You get to tamper with fabrics, designs and a bit of cosmetic makeup.” A grin fell on the blonde’s face. “Oh, good. I’m always in favor of having morning class and strolling around in the afternoon. What’s your major?”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Fashion design! That sounds like fun!” James mused. “I don’t have class ‘til this afternoon, just thought i’d take a stroll and meet some folks!”
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Not many people adored being awake during the mornings as much as Aurora, so when she does in fact get to be around people who like to be awake, she pounces at the opportunity to be around them. “I completely agree! It’s refreshing and the birds always sing beautifully. I’m headed to my fashion design class. What about you?” 
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
Unfazed by the look of discomfort across Elsa’s face, James let go and replied to her questions. “That’s okay, we’ll work on that, i’m sure you’ll get warmed up to them eventually! And, ‘cause i’m a Sullivan, Sulley’s jus’ the shorthand.”
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Elsa was taken by surprise when the stranger hugged her, the girl pulled away quickly but didn’t want to sounds or look rude. The woman wasn’t really comfortable with hugging or touching most of the time, but was somehow used to it thanks to her little sister Anna. “Oh.. I’m sorry but I don’t really like hugs.“ she said. “Sulley? Wh.. why is that? “
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Well, there’s quite a few forests near here, maybe we c’n all take a road trip down t’ one this semester?” James smiled widely, getting excited at the prospect. “I can definitely show you t’ ropes!”
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“It sounds like you are to me. When I was little, there was this forest near my hometown that I always wanted to go camping in. My parents said we would some day, but some day never came and before I knew it - we moved.” Realizing how much of a downer her story was, she quickly caught herself and reiterated the ending, “It wasn’t so bad though. Had we never moved, I would’ve never gotten my sea legs.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
James’ smile faltered for a moment at the thought of actually putting his extremely flawed ‘knowledge’ into use, but it returned, and he tried his best. He made sure everything was plugged in, nothing was too hot, and pressed the ON button.
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Upon hearing the stranger, Rapunzel stopped shaking her laptop and placed it on her lap as she gave the man a small smile. “Rapunzel. Nice to meet you, Sulley. I have no clue how to work this thing. I don’t even know what a hardware is, actually. Do you think you can help, maybe? Please?”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Wow, that’s quite the responsibility for so early in the semester! Well done! And thanks! I’ll pay you back for these, really not struggling for money, and yes, yes we do.” James went to take a bite, but stopped and teased: “Your language is deplorable, very inappropriate.” He stared dead-pan for a nanosecond before exploding into fits of laughter, shaking his body to the ground.
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“I was asked to do mock up designs for the costume department, so I decided to bring them here for someone to look at but I was told to leave them here.” Faline explained then put a book on the table with various bits of fabric sticking out of it. “I bought quite a few, so have as many as you want. I know we both eat a metric fuck-ton.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
Hey there people, I’m Connor, one of the admins, and, of course, the person behind James P. “Sulley” Sullivan. I like long walks on the beach until my knees implode, leaving me a huddled, sobbing mess in the sand, clicking my back, and failing to juggle. Gimme a message if you have any questions about anything, or if you wanna plot! Cheers buddies!
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Hey there, we have yet to be introduced! I’m James, folks call me Sulley! Now, you having problems with the interwebs? Have you tried turning it off and on, or downloading more hardwares?” James smiled at his self-determined proficiency with the technology he knew little to nothing about.
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“It was working this morning…” Rapunzel mumbled under her breath as she frantically shaked the laptop in her hands in a pointless attempt to get it to work. So much for mastering technology.
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
James blinked at Faline with a blank expression spread across his face. “Mock designs? For what now? And an almighty neat-o on the tacos, good call, compadre!”
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“It’s all good.” She smiled. “Also, I brought the mock up designs with me, and some tacos.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
James let out a long, relieved sigh. “Thank you. Really ‘preciate this!”
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The brunette giggled then walked into the room with a few bags in her hand and put them on a table. “Secret’s safe with me, big bear.” Faline said with a smile, moving her right index finger to cross over her heart.
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Please don’t tell anybody, I wanna keep this secret for as long as possible! It isn’t finished yet!” James made several unattractively whiney faces, praying for Faline’s silence.
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Faline quickly burst into laughter as she heard her friend from down the corridor. “Damn, I had no idea this was you.” She said with a smile. “Not long, just enough to hear you proper go for it.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME, bombombom- Oh Lord above, how long have you been standing there?!” James looked in horror at the person who just burst into his makeshift Drama Studio - i.e. Common Room 1.
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Oh, they aren’t particularly secret, just potentially a little embarrassing if seen by my peers.” James nodded politely at the introduction, smiling the appropriate length and size of mouth. “No, i’m more on the Performing Arts side of the college, but I do appreciate animals, that’s what you do, right?”
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“I didn’t look inside so your secrets are safe,” she joked, handing him the notebook. “That’s me! Jane Porter but people just call me Jane, no nicknames. Nice to meet you, Sulley. You weren’t in my class right? That’d be awkward if I already forgot a student’s face, ha.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
Sully slapped his head with his large palm. “Yes! Thank you, ma’am, that’s mine! Indeed, extremely important!” Sully took the notebook carefully, hiding it behind him. “ I left my notebook here last period, been looking for it everywhere! You’re the TA right? I’m James Sullivan, people call me Sulley, and that’s fine by me.”
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Jane waved as the last student left the classroom, glad her day was almost over. When she agreed to TA for the professor she knew it’d be challenging but not on the first day. Putting her things away she exited the classroom, thinking of all the reading she wanted to get done this week, when she noticed a notebook on the floor. Picking it up, she stopped the nearest person, “Excuse me, is this yours? It was on the floor, looks important so I thought I should ask.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Oh, definitely! This one time, me and my old friend made this really neat camping location out in the wilds near my old place! Fire pit, sleeping area, dance tent, was pretty fantastic! Pretty great camping buddy, i’d hope!”
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“I’m sure you’re one Hell of a camping buddy in that case,” Vanessa teased with a soft giggle between her words. “I practically grew up next to the sea so I can’t say I know the feeling, but lakes are pretty nice. It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Sulley.”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“WAKEY WAKEY! How do you like your eggs?” James asked while holding a pan of bacon. “You did, but I put this divider up here so you could have your privacy while I made you breakfast!”
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“What are you doing in my room?” Faline asked sleepily. “Shit, did I leave my door unlocked?”
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james-sullivxn-blog · 8 years
“Ah, thanks a lot! Gosh, people are so friendly here, it’s nice! I’m Sulley!”
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Belle looked over at the guy sitting a couple seats down from her. She leaned over into her bad and pulled out an extra pen “here you go” she grinned, holding the pen out to her fellow classmate
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