jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Wow, wished that happen to me. Anyways how are you? I've been dying to meet you.
I actually never did, I was put on a flight to Maui and now here I am.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
I'd be so down for that. Family reunions would be so fun from now on. How'd you figure out about the twin thing?
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Hey thanks, hotness! I feel you, but this means we get to trick people into thinking we’re the other twin which is pretty dope.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Welcome to Hawaii, Jas! Wow this is sorta freaky.
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I’m almost positive you’re not really high and I am your twin.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
It's either I'm really high or your my twin.
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Hey, hi, hello, I’m Jasmine, and sometimes I wish I was as perfect as pizza.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Go get a job?
I could really use a job, or money, or something.
How ‘bout food. That’s pretty important.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
How 'bout food. That's pretty important.
I could really use a job, or money, or something.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Jamie slipped off her shoes, putting it where he clothes were. She walked over to the edge of the cliff, looking at the drop, she felt nervous, but excited. Turning around to face him, she couldn't help but give him a quick once over, admiring his build. This definitely beats being in her room wasting away in front of her computer. "Well, last one to jump is the loser." She said giving him a quick wink before running to the edge and flipped off the cliff and into the water. Jamie soon emerged from the water looking up at Nate who was still on the cliff. "Come on in, the water's awesome."
Nate smiles as he walked with her to the cliff with her.He looked at her as she started to strip down to her Bikini. He checked her out and took off his sweatshirt and smirked as she asked that question”Yes I have. Plenty of times.”He kicked off his shoes as he walked over to the cliff with her and tossed his clothes on a branch with her and said”Ready when ever you are beautiful”He smirked at her as he waited for her signal to jump. He knew he wanted to do it and danger was his middle name but he never would have done this alone.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
It is, I wish I have it recorded or something. I'm just wondering why he called me so early, drunk. Made me miss my dad even more though. Good Father's Day call by far.
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Those are the phonecalls you cherish though, there the best phonecalls because at least you’re not getting wrong or told what to do. 
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Got a call from my dad at 6 in the morning he was drunk and emotional. I talked him through it, but I have no idea what he even said.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Battery is gonna die. I'll reply to the para tomorrow morning (:
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Jamie was situated on the couch, typing away on her phone when she heard footsteps approaching her. She quickly locked her phone, putting it in the pocket of her hoodie before standing up, look up at the boy. "Ready." She said slipping on her pair of worn Converse on, ready for this adventure to commence. Jamie didn't know where this little outing was going to take them, but she didn't particularly care, whatever happens happens. Just her motto. "So, Nate. Have you ever went cliff diving before?" She asked making small talk while she led him out onto the beach and towards the are she had found on her exploration. As soon as the two had reached, the cliff, stripped down to her bikini, tossing her clothes onto a nearby branch. "Ready, pretty boy?"
Nate had met a beautiful and amazing girl named Jamie. He knew he was gonna have some fun with her. He was gonna go jump off a cliff which sounded even better because he like danger and that was his middle name. He smiles as he put on some board shorts and a tank top. He then slipped on his Yums Sweatshirt and his supra shoes and walked out of the room. As he walked through the hallway he though about his game plan and smiles. He always needed to have one just incase something happen like someone got hurt or they decided to kiss or something or other he always had one. As he made it to the living room he saw the very beautiful girl sitting on the couch. He walked in front of her and said as he offered her his hand”Ready to go?”He asked
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Late Night || Nate & Jamie
Lately since arriving to Hawaii, Jamie had managed to make some new friends and gotten into some trouble. So today, she had decided to go out and do some exploring and during her exploration she had found a beautiful place on the beach with a cliff that you can jump off of. Once she had gotten back at a really late hour, she had ran into Nate, who she quickly made plans. Now she was in her room, throwing on her bikini, then her soccer shorts along with a hoodie. She bounded down the stairs, flopping onto the couch awaiting for Nate.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
Alrighty then. I'll meet you in the living room in 5?
How ‘bout to the beach? There’s this little cliff that we can jump off of. Unless your pretty face isn’t down for a challenge.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
How 'bout to the beach? There's this little cliff that we can jump off of. Unless your pretty face isn't down for a challenge.
No need for any type of apology. It was fine while it lasted. Yeah sure. What do you have in mind?
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
No need for any type of apology. It was fine while it lasted. Yeah sure. What do you have in mind?
I’m sorry. That is never a good idea. So do you wanna do something?
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
I ate a batch of magic brownies from the locals, and got super high. Not my best day at all.
You’re very welcome. We should, I need more people to hang out with after my bad trip yesterday.
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jamievillegas-blog · 11 years
You're very welcome. We should, I need more people to hang out with after my bad trip yesterday.
Why thank you. We should get together some time and hang out.
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