jana-a-laiz · 4 years
The complaints about other people are still remaining in our society. I thought why these people have a lot of complaints and I befuddled by thinking it . Is this because  the problem of people or the  problem of their behaviour. I discern that its all depended to our behaviour. In fact  the all relationships are  murdered by attitude, behaviour ,ego and  hidden benefits for ignorance. Behaviour is always greater than knowledge because in life there are many situations where knowledge fails but behaviour can still handle. Remember one thing  our behaviour is more honest than our words.You might have thought how can we behave ourself. From my standing point  for to gain a better behaviour I would say  that  you have to  keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become words. Then keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviour. And  keep your behaviour positive, because your behaviour becomes your habits.Try to not  get attach to the negative behaviour of others  because once you attached to that it brings you down to their level .Some people might say that the beliefs in religions makes you a better person, but remember your beliefs don’t  make  you a better person. Your behaviour does.You can change the world by your great power of behaviour. There is a quote by Rumi that "yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today iam wise so iam changing myself". So if you are wise change yourself by keeping a great behaviour .
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
Stumbling blocks are still remaining in our life. Have you ever thought about why these stumbling blocks are in our life?. I thought and found that most of us still dont know that the crisis are the seeds of opportunities.We all know Malala Yousaf zai she is a girl who got a chance to fought for the education of girls and that opportunity is made from the crisis of that country. From the story of Malala we can understand that opportunities are comes from crisis. Admittedly we need not to worry about the problems and crisis in our life. But most of us not realizing the opportunities that had come in their life through crisis. As matter of fact the word crisis is composed of two characters, one represents danger and the other represents opportunity. I think you can realize your opportunities from your stumbling blocks.But in fact, a wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. So in my estimation creating opportunities is better than questing the opportunities.I remind you that dont miss the opportunities, because opportunities are like sun rises if you wait too long you miss them and opportunities come not from waiting but from seeking. Remember,victory comes from finding opportunities in problems .So try to realize the opportunities in your life and keep your mind open to opportunities. They are closer than you think. Look at challenges as opportunities.
Thank you
By jana a laiz.
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
The nature is still retaining its wonderful actions through its creatures. The creature in the nature which are living in earth are magnificent by their own lifestyle and beauty. I still don't know who created these creature because i confused by some controversial opinions of the people. But i would claims that these creatures are from the nature and its created for the abiding of the nature.we the human beings are one of the creature of nature and only this creations are able to write, speak, read and to do the things properly. As a matter of fact most of the people using their potentials against to the nature.One day i look out two cats while they eating. It was a moral lesson for me from the cats because when my mother given the milk in one plate,they were shared their milk from one plate.Then i thought howmany of humanbeings will share their food to others and that in one plate. Its not possible for most of the people. But that two cats taught me the worth of values in our life. I would say you have to observe your nature and the creations of the nature. Because there are lot of things to study from them. In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.so walk and learn the lessons from nature and try to feasible that in your life.
Thank you
By jana a laiz
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
😍😍.... Super.. Iam waiting...
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
Friends are really something to our mind... They are soul.... Not only childhood friends we are idiots to the present friends are also ..... I love u... One day you are starnger for me... But now that strangeness turn to a great friend ship...🥰🥰🥰
Childhood friends…. why can’t they just mind their own business? If you are self destructive .they want to rescue you .Even if there are other fish in the sea with them is where you want to be. No matter how sensible or mature you become, for them you are always an idiot. No matter how far you go away they don’t let go of you. It’s so annoying because you can’t choose your childhood friends. You are stuck with them for your whole life. At the end to be honest you can’t live without them because they are the ones made for you.
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
I studied in social science that Jharia is the power house of India. But i only studied that sentence for my exams, not the fact. when i read an article about Jharia i was shocked, because Jharia is the most polluted Indian town, and it is also retained the number one position in a January 2020 green peace India report by being the polluted Indian town.In Jharia so many people are suffering on a lot of diseases, because of the toxic gases and coal dust. Many children are stunted and many children were born with deformities. We all say today's children is our country's tomorrow. But in Jharia atleast 20000 children are exploring mines and about 130 children have died in these mines in the past five years.You might have a question in your mind that , aren't the children afraid to enter the mines? the children replied that "if we have no money, we will die. Shouldn't we try to live.?". The other thing is the teachers in the schools of Jharia, segregated the students. Dalits,who get free books and uniforms cannot sit with the upper caste children, they have to sit in different rows.Then it is the girls are sent to the mines more than boys.Because the parents want only their boys to study and reach high. From this we can understand that India is not developed in the Case of women also. The health of the people in Jharia is very bad. The hospitals are very far away and they cant get free medicines also. How pathetic the life of people in Jharia. These problems in Jharia are indicating that India is still not developed in the sector of education, health and all. In india there still untouchability in rural areas. Ghandhiji said that the development of India is the development of rural areas. But i understood after my reading the article that Ghandhiji's dream till yet didn't happened.Remember that in India there are lots of places, children, and women are living like Jharia, and Jharia is one among them. Without doing anything for these problems, we cant say this is india and here it is. We all know that now India is moving on a dangerous path of communalism.On that path the government have time and money to build temples and to perish the historical monuments. But they haven't time to develop our country by giving free medicines, education and to protect the agricultural sector. So iam unveiling that we have to protect our country from corporate companies and communalist leaders.We all have vote, by using our vote we can select a good government that makes our country better. Dont forget that India's future is dying. If we didn't give proper education and facilities to the children of our country, the future of our country will die.
Thank you
By jana a laiz.
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
Recently i happened to read a poem tittled 'samdhanam'(which means peace)written by Balachandran chullikkad. The poem is about the peace in our world and the poem still have relevance. Because the world still not attained peace. In this poem there some lines that fascinated me and the meaning of the lines are 'our peace is the ramanamajapam of the three bullets that went to the body of a halfly naked man, and it is not protecting our country' . Here the halfly naked man is our mahathma ghandhiji and he is the person who lived and fight for our country on the basis of nonviolence and peace and he killed by a religious madness .Let me ask a question why didn't our world cant still attain peace completely?do you ever think about it?.After reading this poem i thought about it and i got a lot of things. I will share some of my ideas here.Some people will say religions are making violence or some people will say politics is not letting our world into peace. But i think these are not really the problems. Look religion is teaching us that to be peace and to be nonviolence. Then the politics, it is really essential for the growth our country and it is belongs to the people's views. But this religion and politics will not give peace,if the politics used religion to gain the power. But all these religion and the politics is controlled by human beings. So in other words we can say that if human beings are made a commitment to nonviolence then the world can attain peace. So we need a personal sense of harmony.Then patience is must for peace. we know that Ghandhiji came in india at his age of 45 and he started to fight for freedom for our india on the path of nonviolence with Patience, but when we got the freedom he was at the age of 77. That means he had a commitment to nonviolence and peace in his life. And that his commitment and Patience made him different. So if the people cherish the peace and values in their daily life then automatically it will lead us to peace. Other thing is, we have to think before believing something. For example some one saying to you that, dont help the people who are belongs to other religions. So if you believe that without thinking you may didn't know that indeed you are believed a wrong one. like that in politics also you have to think and do. It means that dont believe anything blindly. you have the right to question everything in this world. so ask yourself first, then believe others. if all the people think before they believing something and they make a commitment to peace and values, may be we can attain peace in this world. We are living in this earth with freedom, we can enjoy our freedom but not by interpreting in others freedom. So try to spread the peace in this world and thereby our world can thrive . Live by knowing the worth of values.
Thank you
Jana a laiz.
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
Words, they are really powerful. They can change our life. They can make happiness and sadness to our life. They are the incentive of our life. Many leaders, players, etc are succeed in their life because of someone's words. There are some words can flame our life. In my life iam influenced by a lot's of words from my parents,teachers and friends etc. I had an experience in my life that made me to realize the power of words, especially our parents and teachers. I remembering an incident when i was studying in my school. From LKG to fourth standard i studied in a school named 'Little kids english medium school'. The school were not too near from my house. So i have to walk to go my school. Iam very active in my school cultural programmes. I won prizes in my school cultural progrmes and i loved to participate in such programmes. When i was studying first standard there was a speech competition. I think that was the first and last time a speech competition was conducted in that school, when i was in the school.so i participated in that speech competition. The topic of speech was about child labour and the speech was in malayalam. But the interesting thing was i failed in that competition. I cried a lot. Because i was little girl so iam not able to accept the failures in my life. So i cried, then my father found me curled up in a ball from the cornor of our yard, that is my permanent place for crying. Iam heaving and sobbing there he asked "why are you crying?" I replied that " i failed in my speech competition. "Then he told the story of Abraham Lincoln that how he became the president of America, how he delivered his first speech and how he became a great in this world. After this story my father said "look, failure makes man perfect. Now you failed in your speech competition but tomorrow you will become a good speaker. So dont cry. You also have to know how to fail and how to accept the failures in our life. I heared the words but i forgot the words for a five years. Because from my sixth standard onwards i started to deliver speeches. I participated in lots of speech competition and i won in some. But still iam not a good speaker, iam on the way for becoming a good speaker. So iam unveiling that my father words came true and his words gave blaze to my life. Still iam believing in my father's words, Because i felt that his words are sake for my little success. So i have to say that words are power, words have power, words could be your power also. So try to see the power of words from your parents, teachers etc and see the magic that going to happen in your life. But one thing i have to remind you that believe the words only which are giving serenity to your life and dont accept the words which are giving discourage to you. The words can encourage at the same time it can discourage you. Be sure to taste the words, before you split them out. And also careful in your words when your saying to some one, because you know that once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten. Be careful with your words also. And also try to speak from your soul. I hope my words are helpful.
Thank you
By jana a laiz.
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
Even the darkest night
will end, And the sun will rise.
My friends would share their problems and sadness to me. But when i heared the problems i realized that most of the problems are because of their negative thoughts. Some of my friends asked about how can be positive in our life. This may be a question that asked by a lot of people to their mind, including me. For to make my friends positive and for do not let them to drown from their problems, and also to find a cease for these, I thought and i quested a lot about it. So i got the answer is if we want to be postive in our life then we have to be ready for to think in positive, to see in positive, to hear in positive and to talk in positive. To make a positive vibe in your mind you have to ignore the negativities and always be confident in your life. We all know that life is the mixture of sadness and happiness. It is like a journey and we all are travelling in that journey, still. In journey there will be a lots of obstacles, like that life also have. So we have to overcome from those obstacles. You may have a lots of problems but nothing in the world can trouble you as much as your own thoughts. Let me ask a question how many of you doing things that you love to do ? I know most of in this world are not doing what they love to do, they just doing the works as an onus. The reason behind this they may have certain problems that pushes them to do that. Like this you have to ask a lots of questions to yourself. When you begin that long journey to yourself and you will realize the fact then automatically you will start to enjoy this beautiful life. So to my dear friends and my readers to success in your life to be positive in your life you have to do what you love to do. And also you have to do the self affirmation to convert the thoughts of yours into positive. As dr. Wayne dyer said "IF YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE". When you see a rose flower you can see some thorns on it. Its just means that for the sake of rose we must water the thorns. So for a beautiful life we should ready to accept the failures and sadness and also see that negatives in the view of positive. So to be positive and confident in your life remember that you were born with wings then why you prefer to crawl through life. Life isn't about finding yourself it's about creating yourself. So try to create a beautiful life with the power of positiveness and optimism. So get ready for flying in this sky by being postive otherwise you will regret the change that you didn't take. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise, be always hope.
jana a laiz
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jana-a-laiz · 4 years
I would like to share a story that i had read in a book. The story is based on a girl who living with her family very happily. But one incident made her mind to think, because the incident for her as a little girl is not a acceptable one. The incident is when she spoke very loudly her mother and relatives ordered her to dont speak loudly, so automaticaly she will ask 'why' she asked why? they answered because you are a girl..So here iam trying to say that this is not only happening in india its happening in every houses.But in india there is another custom if a women married, she has to be very obedient to her husband and she has to live as housewife in her whole life. She has no right to go outside without the permission of her husband. So i thought why these custom still alive in our country especially in rural areas.Then i found that this is happening because of the society's perspective. So how these perspective formed? I think this is beacuse of the religions perspective are forming in our society. Some times the views of religion is filthy to accept at this generation.Religion is the blindness of mind. But still these nightmares are trying to make cowardice in women, because they need the patriarchy. Dear friends this is why women are still facing the threats and scandalizing in our society. So please try to see the ability of women as same ability of men, then there will be equality. Especially to my dear parents in the whole world if your daughter faced any taunts its not her fault, its the fault of the sarcastic people's view. Let all try for to get the serenity to the nightmares and to avoid these indefatigable gnawing theories.Then the important thing i have to say that somany people are saying women facing these sexualabuses and taunts because of her mistake not the men. I have to say to these shallowness of people is try to teach every men in this world about how to behave on a women. There is a mother in every women, try to see that.To dear parents dont deliberately cut the wings of your girl let her fly on this marvellous world.To every women in the world i have to say that take every decision relentlessly and be invincible.
And iam really thankful to my parents and teachers for letting me fly and for not clipping my wings.
By jana a laiz
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