jananee-v · 3 years
Subversive Video Remix - 
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jananee-v · 3 years
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jananee-v · 3 years
Five-shot Video
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jananee-v · 3 years
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Storyboard -
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jananee-v · 3 years
Photo Roman
Concept - Stone, Glass, Sky
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jananee-v · 3 years
Flag Design
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Flag Design:
The flag symbolises civilization (the brown corners, representing aerial view of city ) and the nature that lies at the heart of it (shown in green concentric circles). The brown symbolises buildings or structures of any kind, and the green concentric circles are representative of nature (green); and wholeness (circles). 
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jananee-v · 3 years
Photo Critique
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jananee-v · 3 years
Urban Landscape - Union Square
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jananee-v · 3 years
Audio Remix
the remix follows the concept of an artist losing love for their art, or the ability to make art; as a result of giving into temptation/one's own mind. The audio used:
Boy Meets Evil; Blood, Sweat and Tears; Black Swan (Live Performance) - BTS
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jananee-v · 3 years
create an evocative sound
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jananee-v · 3 years
record an interesting sound
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jananee-v · 3 years
Soundscape #2
I am sat at the cafeteria in The New School University Center. I have been spending a lot of time here recently, a certain spot by the window that has views of Fifth Avenue.
A timer is set for 20 minutes My eyes are closed.
It’s a quiet corner compared to the rest of the cafeteria but I can still make out sounds further away. And the hum of the city outside, of course. It’s white noise but an occasional horn or ambulance makes past the glass in front of me.
The most prominent sound is that of the cafeteria staff conversing out loud - something funny someone did. Laughs and chuckles. A phone goes off further down the hall, a conversation echoes but it’s hard to make it out clearly. I assume that person is out of earshot or that they have left.
It’s the weekend so the place is not as busy, yet there are people shuffling about. I can hear footsteps, and chairs being dragged; it’s all scattered throughout the time-frame. I hear someone sit down by the counter, probably a few chairs to my right; a pair of chopsticks snapping, and my timer goes off.
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jananee-v · 3 years
Sound Reflections and Theme Song
Sound setting:
I like places with a continuous ‘white noise’ - an aircon/radiator, vehicles passing by late at night, the ticking of a clock, muffled voices and anything not complete silence. If I were a character in a scene, this would be my background score. I love the unpredictable nature of it but also how it’s predictable enough to not put me off.
There isn’t a lot of times people find me without music on; it’s a very inherent part of my life so the lack of any sound is very unnerving. That said, it is also very reflective of my feelings and state of mind at a particular moment.
I am so not a podcasts person because I feel like it’s quite an effort to keep my attention on them after a while since podcasts aren’t rhythmic (like music) and it’s a lot of talking (from what I’ve been introduced to so far at least).
Radio Programs:
The only radio I have ever listened to is the local one back in India in Tamil: specifically the late night shows post 10 p.m in the car, returning back home from somewhere. I always associate radio to that memory so it’s a lot of Tamil music from the 80s or early 90s (a lot of Ilayaraja, what a legend!) and not any specific radio program.
Film-Sound Design:
I love sound design that blends so well with a film that it’s part of the storytelling at that point, and even elevates it to a near-life experience. Two examples that stayed with me are:
Dunkirk - Other things about the movie aside, I felt like the sound design was really well done that as a viewer, one takes it as part of the story rather than something that runs parallel to it. The sense of urgency and anxiousness that builds towards the halfway mark was something I really loved.
Karnan - Karnan is a Tamil-language film (2021). It is definitely one of my favorites in recent times with respect to the background score and soundtrack, bearing the intensity of the subject well. The film deals with a sensitive issue of caste oppression and I feel that the music adds really well to the story, specifically incorporating local cultural elements, therefore making a statement about the lives of the people it revolves around.
Theme Song:
I don’t have a song but I have a theme ‘mixtape’, that I listen to almost every night. It has seven songs but they all act as different parts of one song, very seamlessly connected to one and other. I love how it can be described as a persona in itself but also an intimate part of a whole. I use it to centre myself mentally, thus making it a very important part of who I am.
It is: Mono by RM
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jananee-v · 3 years
Response to True North
First thought after the film: it’s immersive. not only does it captivate one with the visuals and very intriguing 3 panel-view of the journey, it employs sounds in such a way as to create a very complete experience for the viewer. As a series of audio and visuals contributing to one focal feeling of ‘coldness’, the film delivers well, especially with use of the 8d-like feel, alternating between dead silence and natural sounds from the scenery, simulating the real place in the viewer’s mind. 
My favourite part is definitely the whispers and voice in the background, that create a sense of coldness/ a frozen state, creating a stronger synergy between the visuals and the audio. I could feel a certain hollowness, solitude and loneliness expressed in the film due to the whispers and voices that showed the strength of expression in the film.
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jananee-v · 3 years
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photo 3
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jananee-v · 3 years
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photo 2
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jananee-v · 3 years
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