janette-porter · 5 years
(&& cooper):
“I’m surprised you got that far.” Cooper looked over the piece of paper in hand. “I don’t think birds are the greatest subjects but..”
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She sneered and shut her sketch book with a snap. “Birds are one of the most interesting subjects. They’re elusive and flutter, with wild constitutions. But some people just don’t understand that.”
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& cooper)‌:
Cooper walked over, looking in the direction of sight. “I don’t know what you were looking at, but sorry?” It wasn’t that he was heavy in his walk, but the boots could crunch against just about everything.
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Janette sighed. “Hummingbirds are always hard to draw. They get scared so easily, the smallest of sounds and poof, they’re gone. I’ve yet to finish this one sketch and i’ve been working on it for months.”
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janette-porter · 5 years
humming birds always eluded her. too fast. the feeling she felt trying to sketch a humming bird must have been how people felt when she talked. but she was quiet, soft in this moment, watching the bird, how it moved, the way it’s wings fluttered. knees curled up to her chest she tried to sketch the outline of the bird before it could dash off. that was until she heard a crunch and the bird flew off. she sighed. “till next time.”
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& ron)‌:
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“WHAT! YOU CAN’T JUST BE HERE FOR THAT! not with all these glorious options right at your disposal, you’d be crazy!” ron lived by a moral code – never go into a restaurant just ordering one thing. call him a bourgeois but hey! he liked his food and he wasn’t afraid to show it! shovelling down more and more of the deep fried chalories, he gestured her to come over with his greasy hands. “come on! get a load of these nachos, yeah? consider this a payback in return for letting you draw me!” not that he minded, of course, but ron could e particularly observant when he wanted to be.  
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janette kind of just stood there for a moment opening and closing her mouth trying to think of what to say. sometimes she just started sketching people, she was so fascinated by their features, by their unique faces cause they were so amazing. and in the case of the boy, add the eating, it was too goo to pass up. she looked down at the picture, a little strange on the napkin so she sighed and shrugged. walking over and taking a seat she showed the picture to the boy. “it’s not very good, I’ve got my sketch paper and could totally do a better job if you want.” 
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& ron)‌:
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“GOD, I FRICKIN’ LOVE FAST FOOD.” was it practically a moan? yes, but it was much deserved! a self-proclaimed connoisseur of all things junk food related, ron was happily digging away into the nachos, tacos, and burritos that he ordered with just about enough time to quickly slurp down some of the, emphasis on diet, coke next to him. shovelling down as much as he could in such a short amount of time (was it a race? probably. who likes cold food?), he looked up with food still in his mouth – “want some?” 
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janette had been on the hunt for a chocolate shake. she was unsure as to why she wanted one but a giant craving was calling to her. however her mission was put on hold when she looked over to the boy literally moaning over his food. a confused grimace was situated over her features as she watched the boy. it was almost fascinating in the way that she had to sketch it. on a napkin she used one of her pens to start draw the features. that was until he looked up. “me? i’m just hear for a chocolate shake.”
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janette-porter · 5 years
If she hadn't followed in her father's footsteps, what would've been the profession Jane would make a career out of?
Jane would have been an artist. Art has always been something that Jane has loved and has been apart of her life. She’s mainly a sketch artist so she would have loved to do something like storyboard work for animation but anything in the art world would have satisfied her. 
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janette-porter · 5 years
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& garrett)‌:
Hearing the pause in her voice, Garrett could tell that she was probably going to be like everyone else. However, he was more than willing to let be go off an do their own thing, essentially leading to their own demise. “From the sounds of it, you aren’t even sure where you came from at this point.” He told her, moving his staff towards him once more. “Although, if you feel confident enough to proceed, go ahead. You seem to have it…” 
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“Well I say.” She huffed with a small stomp of her foot. Janette looked behind her again and vaguely saw the outline of where she had come from but she wasn’t going to say anything. “Daddy and I used to explore all the time. Vast jungles and forests and I really need that bird. i haven’t seen one of them outside of here.” She pouted. “What are you doing here, some guardian of the forest or something?”
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& garrett):
Garrett’s mind had been going over the list of things he may need if he had to go into town when he heard a noise near him, stopping him in his tracks. As the sound of footsteps grew, It only took him a breath to move his staff out to his side, stopping whoever was in such a hurry. “I’d be careful going out to far. Most people tend to get lost in the woods with the further they go.” Last thing he wanted to do was deal with someone who went too far into the woods. 
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sketch book in hand janette was looking for a particular bird to sketch out. trees, they weren’t new to her, she explored a number of places, these woods were no exception. however the brunette gasped as she nearly tripped over the object in her way. hands up and a breath she looked to see what stopped her. “such a hullabaloo. i’ll be fine. probably, just sketching. not too far from where I...” janette looked behind her and pointed in a direction. “where i came from.”
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& olivia)‌:
After another hectic night, a bittersweet time at school, working at ‘Turn the Page’ library shop seemed like the most normal and relaxing part of the day. A moment, Olivia was not aware she needed and wanted until she was finally at the front desk, receiving customers and attending their needs if requested.
It came a quiet point of time where she decided to work on her homework -at least a little part- before she continued by administrating a few book in alphabet order. With the hope to help the wonderful owner’s schedule a bit more, and gaining herself a small and calm distraction. As well as a few peeks on the newest acquisitions for sell.
Upon a new customer walking in, she was quick to go back to her place while greeting the newcomer, “Welcome to Turn the Page! If there’s anything I can assist you with, I’m right here for your service.”
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always a little bit frantic the brunette gathered her things from class and stumbled out of the class, tripping over herself. she had a few projects to work on before working over the weekend. however she realized that she didn’t have one of the books she needed. walking quickly over to Turn the Page she entered the store and placed to her bag down to find the paper that had the title of the book. in doing so she drop her bag and all her things spilled out. drawings, notes, the works. “oh. not again.” she sighed and began to pick it up, only to realize the girl had greeted her. “hello, course, thanks!” 
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janette-porter · 5 years
(&& windy):
‘I’m babysitting tonight and for once I really don’t feel like it. The twins I’m taking care of are the most unruly ones I’ve ever seen.’ Windy complained out loud to her companion, completely unhappy about the fact that some kids are just too much for her to handle. 
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with her nose buried in a book janette looked up quickly once the person beside her talking. “like what do you mean unruly? cause there this one grandmother who used to tell the scariest stories when children were wild. scared them right into shape. should find a scary story....”
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janette-porter · 5 years
that’s JANETTE PORTER walking down the street, the twenty two year old, who looks like zendaya here in apple peak, they are a/work as a fine arts and conservation student/ part time zookeeper. some say she acts like jane porter from Tarzan, she can be intelligent, but also a little bit eccentric.
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 she is the breeze dancing through the field. she is like a sunflower, bursting with brightness and always running towards the sun . a golden hour, drown in her fiery hues. she is the rain drenched windows, the smell of books, hands covered in ink, she will stain you with her presence, joyous and unforgettable.  
heya, the names cordelia and I am an almost degree holder in event planning(two more weeks, give me that paper.) i live in a constant state of exhaustion and drink more coffee then i should but ya know gotta do what ya gotta do. i’m just counting down the days until i move to walt disney world. i love a good plot so lets plot!
meet janette an english rose with a quirky personality 
janette is the only daughter of professor porter and she loves her father dearly. her mother passed away when she was very young and doesn’t remember her all that much. 
she and her father lived in england for a while, before they started traveling. they explored the jungles and terrains, fighting for people and animals
from the time she was little though her father odd like her instilled in her an ambitious attitude, ready to stand up despite her own fears.
growing up she picked up a pencil and started drawing and never stopped. while traveling she documented their trip with all her drawings
janette is weird. she’s quirky and eccentric, she speaks fast, rambles and trips over her words but she’s genuine, loves easily and is soft
she can be outspoken if she chooses, protesting and bright.
enthusiastic is a word lots of people would use to describe her. 
she works at the zoo as well as double major’s in fine arts and conservation. 
janette loves her jobs, getting to spend the day with the animals, drawing them and talking to them.
janette isn’t really that sure what she wants to do but she knows she wants to travel again.
this is my quirky, adorable child. if anyone picks up tarzan and wants to incorporate a plot where they met while she was traveling i am 100% down. if anyone just wants to plot in general i love to plot, come at me. 
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janette-porter · 5 years
zendaya lockscreens
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janette-porter · 8 years
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janette-porter · 8 years
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janette-porter · 8 years
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janette-porter · 9 years
She was the kind of girl who was a chaos of contradictions from one second to the next, for her mind was never free. Sometimes bright like the sun, sometimes calm like the moon, sometimes stormy like the ocean, and sometimes all three.
A Girl of Contradictions | Nikita Gill (via untamedunwanted)
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