jatpimagines · 3 years
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It was a normal Saturday date night, nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the hours before we left, but as soon as we entered the car, Luke became extremely fidgety, and overly excited, to a point that I was worried about our safety on the road.
Luke and I had a tradition of making time for each other on Saturday, no matter what was due the next week, or what had gone on during the days before, we always spent Saturday together. This tradition had become a staple in our relationship, and it had seemed to work so far, as we were now together for 5 years.
Luke and I had become serious over the last two years, as it was in those two years that we started thinking about our life together, so when the conversation of us movining in together came up, we instantly said yes and got our own place. Although it was a shock to live with him at first, I've gotten used to our schedule, and I definitely wouldn't have it any other way. Although I am perfectly content with my life right now, I do feel like Luke and I could take our relationship to the next level, but I don't want him to think that I'm forcing anything onto him. It is probably something I should bring up soon, so that we're not 60 and still only dating.
"Why are you so fidgety all of a sudden?" I ask him, he refuses to turn his head toward me, making sure all of his attention falls soon the road.
"I'm not fidgety, I'm just nervous." He says quickly, leaving no time for him to think.
"Why would you be nervous?" I slightly laugh at him.
"Oh, I don't know because asking your best friend to marry you, is kinda nerve racking." I look at him in shock, knowing that he hasn't entirely realized what he just said. He still refuses to look at me, but slowly pulls the car to the side of the road, and parks it.
I watch him as he looks down at his hands, clearly embarrassed and ashamed for letting his guard down enough to ruin the surprise.
"Yes." I whisper, while looking at him.
"What?" He matches my volume, and finally turns to look at me.
"Yes, I'll marry you." I smile at him, watching as his eyes widen and a huge smile plasters itself onto his face.
"Are you serious?" He stares at me, trying to find the slightest hint of hesitation.
"Of course? Although, I did expect something a little more romantic." I tease him. He puts his hands onto his face and lets out a loud groan as I laugh at his misery.
"I had a lot planned, everything got so stressful that I just let it out, without realizing." He speaks, his hands still giving most of his face.
"Hey." I pull his hands away from his face, holding them in mine as I look into his eyes with a smile. "No matter how you did it, it's perfect, and I seriously love you,"
"I love you too." He leans forward and gives me a kiss. "I guess you want the ring now?"
"Nah, you can keep it." I say sarcastically, he gives me a smile before reaching into his suit pocket and pulling out a black velvet coated box. He looks at it for a moment, before looking at me, while opening the little box to reveal the most beautiful ring that I've ever seen.
"I know it's not the most romantic, or special, but at least it's unforgettable?" I smile at him, and pull him into another kiss, as I laugh at his goofy side.
I watch as he pulls out the ring, his hands still slightly shaking from the nerves, and places it onto my hand.
I stare at the ring, not entirely believing that I'm engaged. It was like I was in a trance, staring at the engagement ring.
Suddenly Luke and I are both pulled away from our own world, as a loud banging was heard from his window, as we look over, we see the other 3 members of his band, as well as flynn, standing there with smiles bigger then I've seen before.
"Why did you stop the car?" Julie asks, knowing exactly what had happened, as she probably already bet that Luke would spill the beans before he was supposed to.
"I spilled the beans." Luke says with a smile, not actually embarrassed about his mistake anymore.
"You owe me $50!" Julie yelled in Alex's face, before she ran back to her car, parked behind us.
"Good to know they're making bets on our relationship already." I laugh along with Luke.
We ended up going to all the places that Luke had planned out, but instead of just us two, the others tagged along as well, at at the end of the night - when Luke was supposed to propose - Reggie ended up proposing to Alex, in place of Luke and I, making everyone laugh at the fake love confession from Reggie.
Needless to say, this night was one to remember, with the amount of giggles, jokes, absolute failures, and unforgettable memories, it definitely was one for the books.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" Alex sings as he looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Noooo, I know you'll just ditch me anyway, there's no point." I pout at Alex, trying to prove to him that I was right.
"But the guys will be there."
"Yes, because I definitely wanna hang out with my best friends' friends who I barely know." He lets out a groan, knowing that I'm probably not gonna budge from the decision that I had made.
"Okay, you win, I'll see you tomorrow?" He stands with his hands on his hips in front of me.
"Of course." I get up and wrap my arms around him, making sure that he knows that we aren't on bad terms. "Call me when you get home tonight." I shout as he walks out my bedroom door.
"Got it!" He shouts back, completely out of sight.
For the next few hours, I mostly just spent some time on my phone, and did a little homework, nothing too extreme.
It was about ten o'clock when my mom knocked on my door.
"There's someone downstairs for you." She says with a smile. Although I'm confused, I instantly go to see who the person could be.
As I walk into our living room, I see Alex looking at one of our family pictures on our mantle.
"Alex? What are you doing back here." He finally turns toward me, allowing me to see his bloodshot eyes. Instantly I walk toward him, wrapping my arms around him, and not letting go until he does.
"He cheated." He whispers, sniffing slightly after. I had to control my rage, I needed to focus on being there for him, and not on some dude who I didn't really like anyway.
"You'll be okay." I say to him, hoping he can find some kind of comfort in those words.
After Alex finally pulled away, I took his hand and led him to the spare bedroom, across from my bedroom. I made the bed how he likes it, and got him some sweats and a shirt that he had left here, from the numerous times he's slept over.
"Do you want anything else?" I lean against the headboard and look at Alex, who was currently tucked into the many blankets in bed.
"Can I borrow one of your books? I don't think I'll be able to sleep, and light reading always seems to help." I smile at him and jog to my room, retrieving the Prisoner of Azkaban from my self before returning and hating it over to Him.
"Don't stay up to late reading it, okay?" He gives me a thumbs up, as I finally leave the room for good, allowing him to have some space to himself right now.
The next day, I wake up almost entirely forgetting what had happened the night before. I brushed my teeth and made myself presentable, before venturing downstairs, on the way there, I remembered that Alex had slept over, which made me change my desired destination. I slowly opened the door, trying not to wake Him, but when I popped my head in, he was nowhere in sight, and the bed was made.
Alex had left before even saying goodbye? That definitely wasn't like him. I pull out my phone quickly, and type a simple message, before putting it back in my pocket and making my way downstairs.
After eating some breakfast, I checked my phone, hoping to get a simple 'I'm not dead again' message from Alex, but still nothing. I carry on with my day, trying to not let him cloud my mind, but unfortunately that was no easy task when he's acting so unlike himself. I tried texting the other guys, but they all said that they hadn't seen him.
The next three weeks played out exactly the same. No contact at all from Alex, Julie had called a few days after he disappeared and told everyone that he was okay, he just needed some space, which I understand to an extent, but he left with no warning, not only leaving his best friend in the dark, but he let his band down, as they had to pause their entire schedule until he finally decided to come back.
The only positive about this whole situation, is that I've gotten a lot closer with the other 3 band members, with them coming over almost daily to see if Alex was back, it was like we were all forced to be best friends, even though none of us were opposed to it.
"Anything from Alex?" My mom asks at she walks into the kitchen, joining me on the island.
"Not yet, he's gonna get his ass beat when he does show up, he's made me so stressed these last few weeks." I put my head in my hands, as my mom rubs my back, trying to comfort me.
Suddenly our bell goes off, I look to my mom, who was wearing a hopeful facial expression.
"It's just the guys, I told them I made cookies last night, and they're animals." She smiles at me as I get up to open the door.
I swing the door open, and suddenly I'm frozen.
"Where the hell have you been?" I shout at him. He whines at the noise but smiles shyly, as he opens his arms for a hug.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went. I just needed time away." He says after kissing my head.
"Just because you got your heart broken, doesn't mean you get to disappear for three weeks." I pull away from him, "it's not fair on me, or on your band, we were all worried sick about you."
"It wasn't just the heartbreak that I needed to get away from." He looks at his feet.
"What else was it?" I fold my arms, trying to make it a point to tell him that I wasn't impressed with his behavior, no matter what his excuse was.
"I had feelings that I couldn't decipher, I needed to figure that out before I could come back."
"What kind of feelings?" I soften up, hoping that he will tell me the secret he's been keeping for the last few weeks.
"Romantic kind." He puts his hands in his pockets and shuffles on one foot slightly.
"You're in love with someone?" I say In shock.
"I wouldn't say love, just yet, but yeah I like someone." He smiles.
I grab his hand and pull him up to my room, hoping to get more privacy then what we had before, as I knew my mom was listening in the kitchen.
"Who is it?" I excitedly scream at him as I throw him on my bed.
"Why do we have to have this conversation?" He groans and shoves his face into his hands.
"Because you're my best friend and I wanna know who you're in love with." I sit across from him, with my legs crossed, waiting for the story.
"I'm not in love, and I don't wanna have this conversation because if I do, then it becomes real and I don't know if I need that right now."
I can't help but frown at his words.
"Why would it be a problem for it to become real?" I use a mocking tone, not understanding why he would not want to be with someone who could make him happy.
"I just got cheated on, that does something to your head, I don't think that if I get into a relationship right now, I'm gonna be able to trust that person."
"You have to realize that not everyone is like that. Just because one person cheated on you, it doesn't mean the next one will too, it just depends on the persons morals. Besides, I've made it my mission, as you best friend, to figure out if a guy is good enough for you or not, before you start dating. Gotta see if his standards and morals are good enough for my Alex. But in all seriousness, I think you just have to trust their word, if they say they won't treat you the way your ex did, then you have to believe them, give them a chance to prove that they're different." I ruffle his hair, making him chuckle.
"What are your views on cheating?" He surprises me with his question, but I assume it's just for closure.
"I think it's dumb, if you consider cheating, then your relationship is doomed to fail. I would never even consider it, if I'm honest, my continence would kill me if I did, and I know I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt." I say honestly, I watch his face for any sign of a reaction, but there's none.
"So, your morals are pretty good?" Jonah asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"I would like to think so-"
"It's Luke."
It comes as a shock, which leaves me frozen in my seat.
"Yeah, no shit?" I say, already knowing that Alex had feelings for him for a while now. He cracks a smile at me, making me giggle.
"Well, thanks for letting us know that Alex is back, Y/n." I hear at my door. Quickly Alex and I pull away, and stare at the visitors, who have interrupted a very special moment of confessions.
Luke, Reggie, Julie and Flynn all stand there with smirks on their faces.
"I'm glad that we're all in love, but dude where the hell have you been?" Luke shouts at Alex, just before running at him full speed, and tackling him onto my bed, with each of the others following to jump on Alex, making for a very fun ending to a very stressful few weeks.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Every teenager is known to look at life with some kind of hatred, while only seeing the beauty in things that interest them. It was a fact that I had tried to ignore for so long, but after getting new friends, and meeting new people, this fact became exceedingly obvious to me.
My days at school were all the same - boring, long and unnecessarily filled with drama. It was a vicious but somewhat calming cycle, as it made me believe that I was in control of what was happening to a certain extent. Unfortunately, my recent choice in friends completely dented this pattern for me, and honestly? I can't tell if it is a good or bad thing.
It's been three weeks since I've started talking to a not so secret, secret pen pal. Our schools were doing these weird activities to get our generation to be more social, because apparently being on your phone all day is a 'problem'.
I signed up for the pen pal drive (we had to sign up for something, and that one sounded the least painful), and ended up getting pared with a guy named Reggie. He was extremely charismatic and excitable from what I've gotten from his letters.
A few weeks ago, Reggie and I had planned to finally meet each other on Skype - our schools were in different states and it was easier then waiting for his letters - and today was finally that day. Unfortunately, I had school, but I could barely keep my attention on the lessons as the day got closer to being over. When the final bell rang, I basically sprinted out of school, and into my car. Even though it was a very short drive back to my house, I seemed to get stuck at every red light and stop sign, making me more impatient then I already was.
I quickly park my car and make my way inside, to my cozy room. My parents wouldn't be home for a few more hours, so I had no trouble with them complaining that I was talking too loud or laughing to much.
I flip open my laptop and click on the Skype icon, ready to finally see my pen pal. It rings a few times before it finally opens to a boy who had blond hair and a confused expression on his face.
"So that's what you look like?" I smile at Reggie, but he just looks at me funny.
"Do I know you?" He says simply.
"We've been talking for weeks, Reggie." I say deadpanned, hoping that this stranger is Actually Reggie.
"I'm not Reggie?"
I feel extremely embarrassed right now, so I try to make an excuse so I can leave as soon as possible.
"Okay, we'll I'm gonna go then, he obviously gave me the wrong information." I smile at the stranger. He looks like he was about to say something when he is interrupted by a loud shout.
"Alex! Where is my laptop, I need it!" I hear a door open from behind the strangers screen, and I watch as his eyes widen in realization.
"You're looking for Reggie Peters?" He looks down at me again, and I quickly nod. "Your friend is here." He passes the laptop over to another boy, who has brown straight almost black hair and an adorable smile.
"Hey there stranger." He says with a grin. Finally I get to see him.
"Hey there, for a second there I thought you gave me a fake username." I smile at him.
"Yeah, sorry about that, Alex is always stealing my things, so I have to forcibly get them back." I watch his background as he seems to go through a few doors and finally plop down on a bed.
"So how was school?" I ask him, getting the basics out of the way before we talk about the juicer stuff.
We spent the next few hours talking about His band, school, our other hobbies and interests, and everything else in between.
"So, I actually have a surprise." Reggie says randomly. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows and wait for him to answer. "Next week, our music class is going on a field trip to your city, and if you want to, we could meet up and get a coffee or something?"
"Don't you need to partake in school trips?" I smile at him.
"I think I can miss out on this one." He smirks.
"Okay then, but I have to know, would it be considered a date?"
"If you want it to be." I already really liked him, so having the opportunity to go out with him was really a win-win for me.
"Then it's a date."
We spoke for a few more minutes before we both decided that it would be a good time to go to bed, as we both had school the next day.
I wished Reggie a goodnight, and exited Skype. Even though I couldn't help it, I knew that all night I would be dreaming about my penpal, and all the amazing adventures we were bound to go on.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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*au where Luke and y/n are lily and James Potter from Harry Potter (marauders era).*
A loud giggle filled the house for what felt like the thirtieth time that day. The couple and their child had been in hiding for the last few months, and it was beginning to take a toll on the new parents.
The two had been in hiding because of a prophecy regarding their son, Harry, and neither of them was willing to take a chance on whether it was true or not. After a few short weeks, they learned that the prophecy was in fact true, and they were in danger. Luke had promised to keep his family safe, and in doing so, he couldn't see his best friends, nor tell them where he was. He did however pick one of his best friends to be their secret keeper. The secret keeper was the only person who would know the whereabouts of the Patterson family, fortunately, Luke had 3 friends to choose from, but in the end he chose the friend that he considered a brother, who he knew he could trust - Alex.
For the first few weeks, Alex felt uneasy about his job of keeping a large secret, and knowing that his family had connections to Voldemort, he became more aware of the fact that he would be the easiest target, if Voldemort found out about the secret he swore to keep.
It did take a while for Alex to voice his concerns, as he didn't want to disappoint his friends, but he needed them to be safe, which is why he gave up his position as secret keeper, and instead chose Reggie as the newly appointed guard of the Patterson family.
Reggie found himself at the Patterson household almost every day, whether that was from the guilt that was tied to the events that were about to take place, or because he remembered that Luke really was the only person who was there for him when he was growing up, but either way he made an effort to be with his so-called 'friends'.
"Luke! I think it's done!" Y/n shouts from inside the nursery, alerting her husband of the finished costume for their son.
"Well, let's see then?" He smirks as he leans against the doorframe, waiting to see how adorable his son looks in his first Halloween costume.
Y/n turns around, her son giggling as she spins to face her husband.
"What do we think?"
Luke looks at his son, trying to figure out what the boy was dressed as. It seemed so obvious to him as soon as he looks at the leather jacket hanging off the babies body.
"Reggie! I didn't know you were visiting us!" Luke leaps forward and grabs his son, spinning him around, making the baby laugh louder then he ever had before.
"Unfortunately, we had to make do with what we had in the house, but luckily, little Harry here loves his godfather so much that I don't think he minds at all." Y/n watches her son wrap his fingers around her finger.
"Well, I think you did an amazing job." Luke leans forward and pecks her lips, making Harry wiggle in his arms.
"Thank you, I just feel bad for him, not being able to go out and get candy, it's unfair!" Y/n had many outbursts recently, of course she knew why, but she had yet to tell Luke, although he knew something was wrong. Y/n had thrown herself onto the small chair that was sat in the corner of the room, with Luke quickly bending down to talk to her as soon as she showed any sigh of distress.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, I know we're in a tough situation, but we'll get through, we always will, okay?" He gives her a forehead kiss, before standing up straight and looking at her with a cheeky grin. "Besides, I have a surprise for you and Harry." He walks out the door of the nursery, and walks back in moments later, with a plastic pumpkin.
"What is that?" Y/n grabs the plastic bowl and inspects it's contents. Her gasp was loud enough to catch Harry's attention, as he was fiddling with his fathers hair just moments prior.
"I had Reggie get us some candy yesterday, I didn't want Harry to miss out on the fun parts of Halloween, even if he won't remember it."
Y/n smiled widely at her husband, getting up from the seat she was currently in, and hugs him with all her might.
"I love you so much." She whispers in his ear.
"I love you too." He kisses her cheek before handing Harry over to his mother, and walking toward the kitchen.
Y/n had taken the tiny jacket, and Harry's shoes off, and decided to join Luke in the kitchen. She walked out of the room, but quickly got pushed back in by Luke, looking panicked and sweaty.
"He's here." He whispered, cradling his wife and son, trying to calm down enough to explain what was happening.
"Who?" Y/n was in full panic mode, deep down she knew who Luke was talking about, but she didn't want it to be true.
"Voldemort." He said simply, a single tear flowing down his cheek, knowing that his life plan was probably already decided for, and soon, it would come to an end.
"How did he know that we're here!" Y/n was in hysterics, her mind was racing over every possible answer to the questions she had, but most importantly, she thought of escape plans Yet none of them seemed to be reliable enough to ensure their safety.
"Reggie." Luke was utterly heartbroken at the fact that someone who he considered to be a best friend, had sold him out so quickly.
"Oh god!" Y/n held Harry close, hoping to bring herself some kind of comfort.
"Send Alex a message, he needs to be here for Harry." Quickly getting her wand from my pocket, Y/n conjured a Patronus, alerting Alex of the situation.
The noise of the door being blown down, and launched across the lounge area, scared the Patterson family, but Luke wasn't blinded by the noises, he knew what he had to do.
"I'll protect you." He whispered in Y/n's ear, as he hugged her and Harry for the last time. Before Y/n could process what Luke was doing, he run out of the nursery, closing the door behind him, and running down to face Voldemort all by himself. But it wasn't long until Y/n heard a body hit the floor. She wished that Luke had been successful and that he would burst through the door saying that everything would be okay, but she knew better then that. She knew that right now her husband was laying dead on their staircase, as he had died trying to save his family.
Y/n wanted to break down, hunch over and sob over the fact that she was now a widow, hating the fact that she would have to raise her two children on her own, but again, she knew better. She knew the evil wizard wouldn't spare her, or her son, after all, Harry was the one he was after.
She thought of escaping, but there was no time to do so. She knew in a few short moments Voldemort would walk through the nursery door, and kill her, the unborn baby, and her son. She couldn't let that happen, she turned around, placing Harry in his cot, and retrieving her wand from the bookshelf in the corner of the room, and returning to the space in front of her son, ready to protect him with her life.
Everything over the next few minutes happened in slow motion for y/n. She watched as the door opened revealing the evil man, she felt every emotion as she saw Luke laying in the background, but she stood her ground, and made sure that Harry would be safe.
She used an unforgivable curse on Voldemort, making him crucio her, making all of his attention be on her and not on Harry. She cried out as she hit the floor, the pain infecting her body, just like a fire had been pumped into her veins. She knew it was the end for her as she took one last look at Harry.
"You're such a brave boy. Mommy loves you Harry, daddy loves you Harry."
"Avada Kedavra." the simple words were spoken, and yet they caused so much devastation.
October 31st 1981 was a day meant for celebration and learning for the young Patterson, but now, it was a day of loss. Not only would he become an orphan on that day, but his fathers best friend would be imprisoned for helping Voldemort, even though he had nothing to do with it.
Luckily, Harry had a wonderful aunt that made it her mission to raise Harry right, and prove that Alex was innocent, even if her grief left her both frozen for a while, Julie had sworn that Y/n and Luke would not be forgotten.
It might have taken a few months, but eventually Alex was freed after being declared innocent, and was left to fulfill his duty of being Harry's rightful godfather, and even though it was always a hard subject for the two friends, they always told Harry about how many times his mother hexed his father, or what his parents' personalities were like.
Harry was educated on everything involving his parents, and even though they weren't there physically, he found them through the stories that his uncles would tell. Even if the boy was constantly missing that part of himself, he knew that he would always be a waking memory of his parents, and instead of feeling ashamed to be the cause of their death, he felt proud to be who he was.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Nick and I had been married for about 3 years now, and after his band decided to take a long awaited break, we had a lot more time to ourselves, meaning that we could finally live out our dreams of traveling the world, without worrying about showing up for a concert later in the day.
Even though I had found everything I could ever want when I was with Nick, I think it was clear to us both that there was something missing, and unfortunately we couldn't put our finger on what we were missing out.
Every few months we would take little breaks from our adventures, usually around the time where a lot of birthdays were taking place, and this meant we had a lot more time with our huge family. We were always welcomed at Nick's parents house, but after seeing his family being so happy with one another, it felt like Nick and I were out of place, even if we weren't.
It took a few days of thinking long and hard to realize what we needed, but after the idea popped into my head, it seemed so blatantly obvious. I ended up bringing up the idea of having a baby with Nick, and he was beyond excited to finally start trying to expand our family.
Because we had never really tried to have a baby before, we didn't know if we would be successful within the first few months, but low and behold, we ended up getting pregnant only three months after deciding we decided we wanted a family. It was even more exciting when we told our families. Secretly our families had been waiting for us to have children, but nobody ever brought it up, but now that we were going to be parents, our families didn't hesitate to tell us how long they've waited.
Unfortunately for us, our pregnancy didn't go as we had hoped.
I was only about two months pregnant when Something inside of me, told me that I needed to be checked up. I made an appointment on a day that Nick was hanging out with Julie and the boys, just so he wouldn't worry, and made sure to keep myself healthy and prepared for the questions that the doctor would ask.
The first shock of that appointment was waiting almost 10 minutes for the doctor to find the baby. He said that it was obviously hiding away from us, but something told me that he knew more then he was letting on.
Eventually he let out a sigh and put the wand on the small table next to the sonogram machine.
"I couldn't find a heartbeat." He said simply, "this usually means that you have undergone a miscarriage, I truly am sorry." He got up, handed me some tissues to wipe off the gel on my stomach, and walked out, leaving me alone to almost completely break down, although I couldn't find it in me to shed a single tear.
Those very powerful words, were my sign that I just wasn't meant to be a mother. Nick was so desperate to be a father, and I couldn't give that to him.
I walked to my car, after talking a little more with the doctor, and made my way home. I kept music on, trying to distract myself as much as I could, knowing that I would have to break the news to Nick very soon.
I walked into the house, expecting to be left alone for the next few hours, but was surprised with Nick sitting on our couch playing a video game. As soon as I closed the door, he got up and made his way to me - ready to fulfill his daily tradition of saying hello to me and the baby.
He gave me a quick kiss, before bending down and pressing his lips to my stomach.
That's when I finally broke.
I knew that He would catch on pretty quickly as to why I was crying, after all I had voiced concerns of miscarriages before we started trying officially.
When he finally realized what was happening, he got off the floor and pulled me into a much needed hug.
"We'll be okay, don't worry." He whispered repeatedly as he stroked my hair.
I knew that in the future we would be okay, but right now, it hurt more then I thought it ever could.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Your Pov (you're 19)
It was never supposed to happen like this.
I had a plan for my life, I was supposed to graduate, get a job, then focus on my love life, But some plans change, and unfortunately it's not up to me.
Bobby and I had known each other since we started high school, but I can honestly say that I trust that boy with my life. He's been there with me through thick and thin, so I genuinely believe that I got incredibly lucky to have met him.
We were now both freshly graduated, and ready to start our adult lives, but not before we partied our faces off. The night of graduation, Bobby and I were invited to a party hosted by one of the girls that was in my home room. It was a shock to be asked to come, but it was probably the last time who would see most of these people, so why not make the most of it.
The night started slowly, with Bobby handing me a new solo cup every few hours, the night seemed to become more fun as I drank more.
I was on my 6th cup of the mixture that He gave me, and at that point, I could barely see straight.
All I remember from that night, is being taken to a room that was upstairs, and then I was out of breath.
I woke up in the morning, alone in the room of the girl who hosted the party. I had somehow taken off my dress, and thrown it across the room. I got up quickly and made my way back home, before messaging Bobby to make sure that he's okay.
~~~~~a week after the party~~~~~
I still haven't gotten a response from Bobby.
When I woke up alone, I felt like I had been abandoned for someone else, which is okay, but not when he's been ignoring me for a whole week. Bobby is my best friend, and I love him more then anything, so if he just gave me a heads up, I would be fine, but he's completely left me in the dark.
It was a couple days after I gave up on trying to contact Bobby, when the nausea started. At first I thought I had some kind of food poisoning, and would get over it in a few days, but it seemed to never stop. Eventually I had begged my mom to take me to the doctor, just to make sure that everything was okay. Unfortunately they didn't seem to have the answers straight away, so they took a few vials of blood to send off for testing, and said that they would have an answer for me within the next few days.
I spent my time in my room, mostly because I was scared that my diagnosis would be terminal, but I also had nowhere to go now that Bobby is MIA.
It was a Friday afternoon when I heard a knock on my bedroom door, thinking it was one of my parents, I yelled for them to enter. Soon enough I realized that it was definitely not one of my parents, but instead it was Bobby. Instantly I get up and run toward him, engulfing him in a hug. When reality hits me, I pull away from him, and thump him on the head.
"Why didn't you answer any of my texts." I shout at him. He looks down at his feet, avoiding actually answering the question.
"How can you stand there and pretend like it never happened?" He says, just above a whisper.
"What?" I ask him, confused over his shy and embarrassed demeanor.
"I'm talking about what happened at the party." He says with a slight growl in his voice.
"I don't really remember specifically what happened, but yeah it was a good party, left me with a nasty hangover the next day though." I laugh slightly, trying to avoid a fight.
"Oh my god." He gasps, "you really don't remember, do you."
"Is there something that I was supposed to remember?" he laughs anxiously.
"Yeah, I would say." He pauses for a moment before walking to my bed and sitting down. "We have always been open with one another, and you know everything about my life, but this is the hardest thing I've ever had to tell you."
"Just spit it out, I'm sure it's not that bad." I sit down next to him and gently rub his back.
"I slept with someone, the night of the party." He was still avoids eye contact, so something tells me that whoever this person was, it wasn't a good thing that they got together.
"Who was it?" I ask calmly.
"You." He says simply, finally looking at me.
He just stared at me for a while as we sat in silence, but it was incredibly hard to stop my laughter, which ended up exploding through the whole room.
"IT WAS ME? OMG I DID THE FRICKY FRACKLE WITH MY BEST FRIEND." I couldn't stop my laughter from throwing me into a full on laughing attack. Luckily Bobby began to see the humor in the situation and began laughing with me.
We sat around talking about what had happened, when we were rudely interrupted by my phone going off. I quickly grab it, and shush Bobby, making him chuckle as I finally answer.
"Hello?" I say sweetly into the phone.
"Hello, is this miss Y/L/N?" The lady says on the other line.
"Yes it is, what can I do for you?"
"This is Mandy, from the doctors office."
"Oh hi, so did they find out what's wrong with me?"
"Yes, I'm delighted to inform you that you're about 4 weeks pregnant, congratulations miss Y/L/N." I freeze in place at these words, not actually letting it process in my mind completely. "We've booked you an appointment with our Sonographer for next Wednesday at 2:30pm, is that alright with you?"
"Yeah." Although I might've sounded rude, it was just about the only words I could actually get out.
"Alright, we'll see you next week, have a good day!" Her chirpy voice was refreshing when I answered, but now it was just annoying, and it felt like she was mocking me.
"Goodbye." I say, lowering the phone from my ear, and staring straight ahead.
"Who was that?" Bobby began playing with my fingers, something that he always did to calm me down.
"It was the doctors office." I replied lowly.
"What do they want?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"I'm pregnant." I say quietly, letting the shock of it all get to me.
"Yeah right." He laughs slightly, which makes me turn my head to him, letting him see the tears that slowly begin dripping down my face.
"You're actually pregnant." He looks me dead in the eyes, trying to find any hint of sarcasm or playfulness.
"And it's mine"
"Considering you were my first and my last, it's safe to say that it's yours." My temper was getting the best of me, but I make no effort to calm down. "What are we gonna do?" I ask him, which instantly snaps his head toward me.
"What are you gonna do." He corrects me with a raised voice.
"What?" I look at him, confusion clear on my face.
"Listen, we just graduated, and I'm joining a new band soon, I'm not letting some kid ruin that for me. You have nothing to do anyway, so you'll be fine."
I can't say anything. I'm frozen, but I can feel my rage growing by the second.
"Get out." I say lowly, as I avoid eye contact. I hear his footsteps echoing on the ground as he walks out of my room, and possibly out my life forever.
How am I supposed to do this alone, out of all people that I thought would abandon me, Bobby was nowhere near that list.
I walk downstairs and grab my car keys from the key rack, before stepping outside, making my way to my car.
I know this is the best choice for everyone.
I start the engine and start my Journey to the place that I never thought I would go.
I finally arrived at my destination, it felt like I spent an eternity just staring at the entrance to the facility. I know that if I get this done, I could get my best friend back, but at the same time, maybe this baby could bring us closer then we ever were before. But how could I raise a baby? How could I possibly do it alone if Bobby never steps up?
I see my future, and it has no baby in it, anytime soon. So I step out of the car and begin walking toward the entrance. Just before I enter, I stop, feeling lightheaded, but continue walking moments after, knowing that it was probably just nerves getting the best of me.
I don't remember much after walking in, it all just faded away, although I did feel a small amount of pain just before it went blank.
When I finally come to, the lights shining onto my eyes seem extremely bright, but I manage to get used to them quite quickly. I look around the room, nothing seems out of place, except for my best friend sitting in the corner of the room, fast asleep. I look to him, and examine him as closely as I can, not entirely understanding why he was here. He had soft tear stains under his eyes, and I watched as he slowly twitched in his sleep, probably having a nightmare.
I look around for something to wake him with, when my eyes land on an apple that was placed on my bedside table. I grab it quickly and aim it at his head, knowing it'll probably fall lower. As soon as it hits Bobby directly in the face, I have to keep myself from snorting, as he comes out of his dreamy state. He looks around the room, before looking straight at me.
"Hi, how are you feeling?" he asks as he gets up and walks toward me.
"Fine I think? why, what happened?"
"You passed out while walking into the abortion clinic." His voice held a little hint of disgust, "You really we're gonna kill our baby."
"Our baby? OUR baby? you wanted nothing to do with this baby 24 hours ago, so don't come with this OUR crap. It is my baby, and it always will be." I practically yell in his face.
"I know that I over reacted, I came to my senses, I thought about it and I was prepared to drop everything so I could be a good dad, but I guess it was for nothing."
"Why would it be for nothing?" I didn't really care, but I didn't want to be left alone, so I decided to ask anyway.
"You had a miscarriage. Your body wasn't handing it well, that's why you passed out." His tear stains started glistening on his cheeks.
"I lost my baby." I feel the tears forming in my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, babe." He quickly climes onto the bed with me, letting me hug him as tight as I could.
"We'll be okay." He whispers to me, just as I fall asleep.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
Luke, Alex and I had always been close. Luke and I grew up together, but after the band got created, it felt like our limited time together was even more special. Alex had always been the one to chaperone Luke and I when we went out, seeing as he and Luke got on very well.
It was no surprise to anyone when Luke and I finally got together, and nobody was more supportive of our relationship then Alex. In fact he was probably more excited about it then Luke and I were.
We all lived together, which was something that was still new to all of us. Although Luke and I were in a relationship, we thought it would be better if we had our own rooms.
It had become a routine for one of the guys to sneak into my room for some cuddles at night, which usually meant that I had to share with one of them.
I watch as my bedroom door quietly creaks open, the dim light of the hallway floods the corner of the room that it's facing, as a body slips in through the door, closing it fully after they enter. I watch as they walk to the side of the bed, and lift up the covers, before getting in.
"You're not very sneaky." I whisper, causing Alex to jump slightly.
"You're supposed to be asleep." He pulls me in closer, as he always does.
"I was before the Hallway light blinded me." I look up at him, watching as he rolls his eyes.
"Go to sleep," He whispers back to me.
"But now you're here, we should have a party." I suggest, dancing slightly in the position I was currently in.
"It's nearly midnight, you need to sleep."
"I'll sleep when I'm dead." I challenge him. He looks down at me, smirking widely.
"Luke will kill me if I let you stay up." Although he was trying to get out of it, because of how luke will react, I knew that he really wanted to.
Without any hesitation, I lift the covers off me, and jump off the bed, not waiting for Alex as I hurried out the door. I didn't make any effort in keeping quiet, knowing that I would be waking Luke in a few seconds.
I walk to Luke's door, and watch as Alex walks out my room, a worried look plastered on his face. I turn the doorknob, and creep into the bedroom. Alex rushed behind me, putting his hands on my waist to try stop me, but it just encourages me as I shout:
Luke bolts up in bed, watching as I dance around his room, Alex's hands on my hips, as he smiles slightly at Luke.
I was expecting Luke to shout at Alex and I, but he just smiled, yawned and got out of bed, all while I was still dancing.
He walked toward me, making me stop in my tracks. He leans down and plants a kiss on my cheek, before giving Alex a kiss on his cheek, making Alex overreact completely, as he ends up on the floor. Luke then walks out the room, leaving Alex and I alone, and confused.
"Why did he just leave like that?" I ask Alex.
"He's so tired of your shenanigans that he's not even bothered anymore." Alex laughs, still sitting on the floor.
"Shut up." I step over Alex and walk out the door, going to find Luke. I walk through the entire upstairs section, and can't find him, so I venture downstairs.
The moment I get down there, I smell pancakes. I walk into the kitchen, and see Luke shirtless, wearing a fluffy pink apron, making blueberry pancakes at nearly one in the morning.
"Well, that's not a normal sight." I laugh slightly.
"I'm just making the best out of a situation. I promised myself that if I couldn't sleep I would make some pancakes, and thanks to you two," he looks behind me, making me turn to see Alex standing there, smiling, "I don't think I'll ever get to sleep."
I walk up to him and inspect the pancake that was currently in his pan.
"Do we at least get some?" I ask him innocently.
"Absolutely not." Luke replies without a thought to spare.
"No biggie, it's not like I wanted your flat ass pancakes anyway." I turn to walk away, but am scooped up from behind, by a giggling Luke. He runs to Alex and basically throws me into his arms, making me scream, as he goes back to his pancakes.
"How dare you prioritize your pancakes over me!" I yell at him, as Alex puts me down.
"At least my pancakes aren't annoying."
"Wait! I have a joke." Luke and I turn our attention toward Alex, knowing this would probably be a good one. "What do you have in common with that pancake."
Alex looks proud as Luke and I try work out the pun, but inevitably fail.
"You both are getting eaten by Luke later."
He wiggles his eyebrows, and even though it takes me a few seconds, I finally get what he meant.
"3." I say quietly, giving Alex a death stare.
"3 what?" Alex asks as he cockily folds his arms.
"2." I whisper.
"Run!" Luke screams, making Alex bolt upstairs.
"1." I scream as I run after him, making sure that he'll pay for his dirty mind.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"Your majesty, it's time to get up! We have a big night ahead of us!" My lady in waiting, Sophia, calls out as she whips open my curtains, causing the harsh sunlight to almost blind me. I had gone down for a nap after a long day of pretending that I'm a fancy person, when I'm reality, I hate being fancy.
"Just five more minutes, I promise!" I groan, shoving my head into the pillow.
"Ma'am, you've been booked to attend a concert on your grandmothers behalf, that is something to look forward to." I didn't need to look at her to know that she was rummaging through my closet, to find a suitable dress for the day.
"Why do I have to go? Can't Harry do it, he's the one who's into music!" I finally peer at Sophia, the light still burning slightly. Harry was my older brother, who loved music, and who could always make any kind of situation fun.
"Unfortunately he has a military event to attend today, your majesty." I watched as she pulled out one of the newer dresses, and laid it on the ottoman along the front of my bed.
"Do we really have to go full royal today, why can't I just wear a shirt and jeans?"
Sophia laughs at my idea, knowing that it would never be allowed.
"If we're going full royal today, can I at least pick my dress?" I pout as Sophia dramatically thinks about it.
"Okay, your majesty, but please make sure it meets the requirements for formal wear." She walks out of my room, to go get my breakfast, leaving me alone to go through my wardrobe.
I eye out a few of the newer dresses, although none of them really catch my eye. As I get toward the end, I am met with a sky blue tulle dress, and I know instantly, that that's the dress I'll be wearing today. I unhook it from the closet rod and place it next to the dress that Sophia picked out.
"Deciding to disobey everyone again?" I head from my bedroom door. I turn my head and see Harry dressed in his military uniform, with a clear smirk on his face.
"I wish I could, but I've heard they can decapitate someone for that, and I quite like my neck." He laughs at my answers, but steps into the room, and looking down at the two dresses laid on my bed.
"Which one are you wearing?"
"Blue." I walk to my vanity and start my morning skin routine, before I start on my makeup.
"Let me guess, Sophie picked out the white one, and you hated it, so you bargained and chose the blue one." He walks over to me and looks at me from behind the mirror.
"I would look like I'm getting married, if I wore Sophia's choice, and you really should stop calling her that, if anyone hears that, and figured out you're having a little fling with her, she'll be fired straight away." I curl my eyelashes and stare at Harry, waiting for a witty remark.
"Maybe we shouldn't keep it a secret anymore." He sets down a box, which takes me a minute to realize what it is. I snap my head toward him, and back to the box, flicking it open, to reveal our grandmothers engagement ring.
"How did you even get this?" I know our grandmother would've never just handed it over, especially if she knew Harry was planning on marrying a member of her staff.
"I told her I found a princess, while on my trip to Hawaii last year." He smirks, grabbing the box again, and shoving it in one of his many pockets.
"You are gonna be in so much shit." I laugh maniacally.
"Language!" Sophia warns as she walks in, holding the tray carrying my breakfast.
She sets it in front of me, as I thank her. She steps back, eyeing the door, and then quickly kissing my brother before anyone comes into the room.
"Now, what did you pick?" She sings, as she walks over to the bed, and looks down at the blue dress I had picked. "Shall we get you dressed?" She smiles sweetly.
"So it's approved?" I smile, as she nods, "alright, Harry, get out."
"Nice to see you too sis." He chuckles as he walks out, leaving Sophia and I to get dressed.
"So, who am I seeing perform?" I ask as she ties up my dress from the back.
"I believe it's a band, your majesty, although I'm not entirely sure what they are called. All done." She spins me around, making me look in the mirror, as she works her magic on my hair.
"Can't we google who it is?" I flutter my eyelashes as a form of begging. She smiles before pulling out her phone, and typed a few things into it.
"According to this, their is a band called Julie and the phantoms, playing at the O2 tonight. That would be them." She hands me the phone, and I'm met with hundreds of pictures of 3 boys and one girl who look like they were around my age.
"They're cute!" I snap toward Sophia, looking at her knowing grin. "That's why I'm being sent there isn't it? So I can fall in love and finally get married?"
Sophia doesn't feel pity for me as she laughs at my realization.
"Why can't they just focus on getting Harry married." I whisper.
"Because once they know that he's engaged to me, they'll go ballistic." I look at her in the mirror, clearly confused as to how she knew about Harry's plans for the engagement. "He's not great at keeping secrets." She simply says, and I instantly understand.
"I think you're ready." She helps me stand up and put on my heels as we make our way out, to the car that would drive me to my destination.
"Here is your purse, it has some chewing gum, chapstick, and some sweets Incase you get peckish." Sophia hands me the black clutch purse, I quickly thank her and step into the car, anxiously awaiting my arrival.
I lean my head on the glass window, knowing that I could see the outside world, but they could not see me. I hope tonight is somewhat enjoyable, I would hate to be stuck at a concert for a band that makes terrible music.
"We're here, your majesty." The driver says, stepping out the car quickly after finishing his sentence.
I watch as he opens my door, and holds out a hand for me, as I step out the car, knowing I'm prone to falling, and tonight was not a night that needed me to mess up my dress.
I find a security guard waiting to escort me to my box. I quickly greet him, and he introduces himself as Arnold, and gives me a brief breakdown of what will be happening tonight.
"Right now, I will be escorting you backstage to meet the band, after that, I will take you to your box, and that is where you will be for the whole concert, after the concert finishes, I will take you backstage once again, to say your final goodbyes to the boys. Do you have any questions your majesty?"
"Yes, can you tell me a bit about them, I'm afraid I've never even heard of them before, and I would like to know a few things, so I can have a decent conversation with them, I would hate for it to be awkward." He nods at my request, and starts telling me some basic information about the band members as we walk. He tells me about them so by the end of our short walk I know, their ages, their names, some of their song names, and a brief history on the band.
By the time we get backstage, I feel like I know the guys pretty well, the only problem is, I didn't know faces yet, so while I had the info, I had no idea who was who.
"They should be waiting for us in their dressing room." Arnold tells me, as he walks slightly ahead, leading me into the room where the boys were waiting.
As I walk in, I see all of them lined up, ready to greet me. Arnold steps out of the way as I make my way toward the first member, I shake his hand as he introduces himself as Alex, then Luke, Reggie and Julie. Finally I'm able to put their faces to the information I was given.
"It's so nice to meet you all, I've been hearing a lot about you recently." I somewhat lie, I had been hearing about them recently, only my recently happened to be a few hours prior. Being a royal, especially being in your twenties, meant that you had limited knowledge on the less relevant things in life, and bands were definitely not one of my strongpoints.
"I hope it was all good things." Luke laughs, making all the others chuckle.
I can tell that they were all extremely nervous about meeting a royal, anyone would be, but I'm honestly just a person and they have nothing to fear.
We all made slight conversation as we waited for their show to start, although I did notice how quiet one member had become as the conversation grew. Reggie appeared to be the shy one in the group, as he barely spoke, and when I directed a question toward him, one of the other boys would answer for him. Although he seemed okay when I first asked the simple questions, something must've made him uncomfortable during my time here, that made him more distant then the others. I know that if my grandmother had been here, instead of me, she would've called Him rude and disrespectful, but I know from personal experiences how quickly you can switch moods when it came to socializing, so I don't blame him.
One of their managers had informed them that they were on in 10 minutes, which meant I had to get to my box in that amount of time.
"I will see you all after the show, break a leg!" I shout as I walk out, letting my royal act fall for a moment, causing all the boys to let out a confused laugh.
Arnold, walked me to my box, and luckily we arrived before the show began.
Surprisingly all they were amazing singers, and I genuinely enjoyed watching them. They all seemed to look up into my box every once in a while, and I gladly waved at them as they peered up, causing them to smile, during one of their more upbeat songs, I managed to make Luke burst out laughing as he was singing, due to my dance moves.
All of their songs seemed pretty catchy, but there was one in particular that gained my interest, I had asked Arnold what the song was called and he said it was "Be myself". I felt like the song could relate to my life in some ways, and I definitely understand what was being said.
(A/n the song mentioned is one by why don't we, would highly recommend it)
By the end of that song, I felt my tears run down my cheeks, something that I had previously been unaware of, until I had broken my focus from the song.
I knew that I needed some air, so I quickly walked to the entrance and opened the door, bringing in some fresh air, as I wiped my tears.
When I felt like I was okay again, I walked back to the front of the box, and watched the show finished, luckily not crying again.
"Your majesty, would you like anything to eat while we wait for the arena to empty?" Arnold asks me.
"I could do with some food, whatever they have available, I'll be happy with, thank you." He bows a little before walking out, to retrieve some Food for me.
I had been waiting for a little over twenty minutes, when Arnold walked in again, holding a toasted cheese sandwich, some chips, and a large coke.
"Would that be all your majesty?" He asked as he placed my food and drink down. I smile at him and nod happily, after thanking him. "We should only be up here for another 10 minutes or so, then I can escort you downstairs again."
"Thank you Arnold, for everything." I say genuinely, he takes a step back, allowing me to eat my dinner in a somewhat private space, which wasn't that private, but it was a lot more then I was used to back at the palace.
When I had finished my chips and one half of the toasties, Arnold had informed me that it was time to go. I threw away the plastic plate that held the last slice of sandwich, and grabbed the large coke, slipping it happily as we walked backstage.
"Hello, boys!" I shout as I walk in, scaring half of them, while the others just laughed. "Thank you Arnold, I'll be okay alone in here." I turn toward him, and even though he has a doubtful face, he steps out the door, and closing it behind him. As soon as it shuts, I let out a deep sigh, and rip off the heels that have been cramping my feet since I got here. I quickly make my way toward The couch, and plop down next to Alex, who happened to be eating some fries, I reach over and grab one, giving him a cheeky wink as I pull away.
I look up at the band, seeing them all look at me like I had three heads. I knew why they were reacting like that, it was clear that my behavior in the last 20 seconds was not something that they expected from a princess.
"Sorry, I've just had the princess act up for so long, I can't take it anymore." I explain, making most of them just smile at me, as I made myself comfortable.
"I'm glad you feel like you can be yourself around us." Alex says genuinely.
"You guys do seem trustworthy, just don't tell my grandmother I took of my shoes in front of you, or that I had coke, or that I had chips. She will kill me if she knows." I say seriously, but clearly they don't think I'm serious as they all laugh.
"So, how did you like the show?" Luke asks, leaning forward on the chair he was in.
"Terrible." I say bluntly, making everyone's face drop. "Oh my god, you should've seen your faces." I laugh as they realize I wasn't serious.
"So you liked it?" Julie asked.
"Liked it? Are you kidding? I loved it. I mean honestly wasn't expecting that from you guys but wow. And don't even get me started on the vocals, I was blown away." I say honestly.
"Thank you very much." Julie says, causing all the boys to mutter a thank you after her.
"And who's your favorite singer?" Luke looks at me, making me smile.
"Although you are all amazing, I have to say, Reggie is my favorite, how can he not be? With those riffs, absolutely beautiful!" I watch as jacks face goes red, causing all the other boys to laugh. "How do you guys feel when you're on stage?" I blurt out.
"It's a rush." Julie says.
"It's like riding a rollercoaster, but so much better." Luke adds.
"That much be addictive." I pose as more of a question then a statement.
"It can be, especially if we haven't done it for a while." Alex explains.
"Have you ever been on stage?" Julie asks.
"Sure, not as big as that one, but a few smaller ones. Although I'm not really a singer, I mostly stay in the background while my grandmother bosses people around." I giggle.
"Do you wanna go check out the stage?" Reggie asks, causing everyone to look at him, as that was his fist time speaking since they got off stage.
"Definitely." I say, my voice barely above a whisper. He gets up off his chair and holds out his hand for me to take. I smile and grab his hand, as he leads me to walk out, I give the other boys one last look.
Arnold looks at me like I'm insane as we walk out, but I assure him that I'm okay, and luckily, my dress was long enough that he couldn't see my bare feet.
Reggie leads me into the middle of the stage before letting go of my hand. For a few minutes I forget that I'm here with him, and focus all my attention onto the actual arena, and how big it is. It's crazy that only a few hours ago the place was filled with thousands of fans, and now Reggie and I are the only people here.
"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" He snaps me out of my daydream, making me look at him.
"It is, I don't know how you guys don't get more nervous then you were."
"In the moment it doesn't feel like a lot, but when you come off, it eventually catches up to you. Sometimes it doesn't leave a great feeling, but I guess that just comes with the job title." He sits down on the edge of the stage as he speaks, making me sit down next to him.
"Is that what be myself was about?" I ask, as his head turns to me. He seemed shocked that I knew the name of one of his songs, especially one that I could ask the deeper questions about.
"Yeah, kinda. Luke wrote that song for me, the whole band had a deep conversation when we were writing the album, and we all spoke about something we wanted to write about. Most of them wanted to write about love, or having fun with your friends, which is cool, but I wanted something more personal, so I spoke about the anxiety that I had battled with. Luke got so much inspiration that he ended up writing that song. The fans seem to like it, it's relatable to most of them."
"It's really relatable." I say blankly, trying not to cry at the thought of what Reggie has probably gone through.
"To you?" He asks, and I slowly nod my head. "Guess being a princess can be pretty rough sometimes."
"Oh you have no idea. I know that I've never experienced being homeless or struggling financially, but it genuinely sucks being a princess sometimes. Like yeah I have the money, and the power, but do you know how lonely it gets? I mean I've got no friends other then my brother and my lady in waiting, everyone else is too scared that they'll say something wrong."
"I get that. But maybe you just haven't found the right friends yet, I mean, eventually you'll meet people that aren't scared to let you be yourself. It might take a while, but you will find them." He lays his hand on top of mine.
"I think I might've found some tonight." I look into his eyes and smile.
"I hope you're talking about us, because that would be extremely awkward if you weren't." He smiles, hopefully, causing me to giggle.
"Of course I'm talking about you, I just told you about my life in a way that I've never told anyone, so consider yourself a friend now."
"I'm honored." He replies genuinely.
"So what is the band doing tomorrow?" I ask him, trying to clear the air from the awkward situation that was approaching.
"We actually have the next two days off, then we head to Germany." I gasp at the realization.
"You guys should visit the palace!" I suggest, in a more demanding and excited tone.
"Would we be allowed to?"
"Just don't bring any guns or nuclear weapons and you'll be fine."
"Great, then we'll see you there. Although I should probably brief the guys before I make any promises."
"Let's go then!" I hop up, and hold my hand out for him to take. I quickly pull him to the dressing room.
After asking the boys, and explaining all the details, we had arranged for their visit the next day, and with that, it was my turn to head home. I gave each of the boys a hug and headed back to my transportation, squealing in excitement for tomorrow, the whole way home.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
This is based off the first scream movie, however this won't be the same as the movie, it'll be more modern, and some of the plot will be different. Also anything that is said about the people in this, obviously isn't true, it's just a fun little story based on a famous horror movie.
"I'm just saying that you should be careful the next few days, you heard what they did to her, I don't ever want that happening to you." Luke stokes my arm as he leans against the lockers, waiting to take me to our first lesson together.
"I know, it's just bringing up bad memories and I feel incapacitated because of it." I explain, as I pull out my English and science textbooks.
"Why don't you come stay with me for a few days?" He asks, but I know that his motives aren't exactly clean.
"I would, but I already arranged to go stay with Tate for a few days, besides if anything was gonna happen her brother could easily protect me." I always knew that Luke didn't favor Liam, even if he was a policeman.
"Yeah because the puny police boy will save you. Come on, you know I'll keep you safe, way better then that loser." He seems extra persistent, making his desperation seem a lot more apparent then usual.
"I'll be fine, don't worry." I give him a kiss on the cheek, and grab his hand to walk him to our next class.
We walk in, and instantly notice the two empty seats on the left side of the classroom. Flynn and Reggie were the most loved couple at the school, so after finding out what happened to them, it was no secret that everyone was so upset. Of course, we still had a few people who were unexplainably insensitive about the whole subject, but they were being dealt with pretty quickly, by the people in charge of the school.
"Why so sad?" Luke leans over to me.
"Two of our classmates just died, have some respect." I snap at him, he quickly holds up his hands in defeat and turns toward the front of the class.
"Y/n, it's your turn." The teacher walks in and instantly dismisses me, I give Luke one last look, before walking out, ready to get questioned once again.
"Ah, miss Y/l/n, please take a seat." Principal Graham points toward the chair placed in front of the all too familiar policemen.
"Officer Erikson, Liam." I acknowledge the two men.
"It's Sargent Dahl today." Liam smiles at me, as he had been waiting to say that to me since he became a police man. Liam and I were never really close, but we did like to annoy and brag, almost every time we saw one another.
"Now, these are only some routine questions, obviously we are just asking you and the rest of your classmates as a precaution." Officer Erikson explains, I nod my head, knowing how this all goes already. "Did you know Flynn at all?"
"We had English and science together, but I wouldn't say we were the best of friends. I only spoke to her a few times, and it was probably only about the homework." I explain, mainly looking at Liam throughout, knowing that he was there for some kind of support.
"And what about Reggie Peters?"
"I didn't really know him. I saw him at a few football games, but other then that I only knew his name."
"So you wouldn't know if he or Flynn had any enemies?" Principal Graham asks.
"No, sir." I respond quickly.
"That's all we needed from you, if we need you again, we will let you know." Officer Erikson smiles at me, before I get up and walk out, and heading back to class.
"I think they asked us all the same questions. All about the murders of those two preppy losers." Alex laughs as he snuggles into Tate.
"They didn't deserve that, no matter how stuck up, or preppy they were." I say a little too harsh.
"Sticking up for the bullies now?" Tate teases.
"You and I both know that Flynn was nothing but sweet to us, Reggie on the other hand never even looked in our direction."
I could feel myself getting more upset by the minute, which Luke also picked up on, as he started running his finger down my spine, knowing that it calms me.
"If you knew how he treated some of the kids at school you would be glad he's dead. Some people just deserve to die." Alex says without any kind of remorse, which instantly sets off a bomb in my mind. All the death threats and hate that I revived after last year made those words a lot more personal then they were originally supposed to be when coming out of his mouth.
"Dude stop, can't we just talk about something else." Luke tries to push for another subject, which Tate instantly understands, but Alex seems a little more clueless toward the hints.
"So I'll pick you up tonight after I get back from practice?" Tate asks after the loud ring of the school bell sounds out through the grounds, signaling the end of our lunch period.
"Yeah, that's fine." I reply, turning back to Luke to say goodbye, as we didn't have any other classes together today. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Sure. Have fun with Tate, and be safe, okay?" He leans forward and gives me a kiss before jogging to catch up with Alex.
Gonna be late, Alex's taking me for some fro yo, I'll be there before 10, promise!
Tate texts me at 4, when she was supposed to pick me up from my house. Great, now I'm left alone, waiting for my best friend to finish her date, while there's a killer on the loose.
"Why do you do this to me!" I shout in frustration.
I walk around my room, thinking about what I can do to take my mind off the subject of murder, when I hear a crash from downstairs. From my knowledge of horror movies, I know that you should never ever go toward the noise, but if someone was in the house, I would be a sitting duck waiting up here.
I quietly tiptoe down the steps, making sure to not make any sudden movements that could make the potential intruder aware of my presence.
As I get down the steps, my phone stars blaring, I quickly pull it out my pocket and answer, with a whisper.
"Hello, Y/n." An unsettling voice says lowly.
"Who is this?" I say quickly, as the number was a no caller ID number.
"That doesn't matter." The voice says.
"Luke is this you?" I say genuinely confused.
"No." The voice says simply, making me smile, knowing that even though the voice was slightly deeper, it definitely was Luke.
"Why are you playing with voice effects, I like your voice how it is." I smile, walking to the living room, to peer out the windows, hoping that He would be downstairs waiting to hang out with me.
"This is not Luke." I furrow my eyebrows in response, genuinely confused as to who the voice belongs to.
"Then who is it?" I laugh, knowing that it's probably some kid wanting to scare me.
"Why don't you come find out?" My blood runs cold, for no apparent reason, but something inside me knew I was in danger.
"Okay, where are you?" I look out the window, not seeing any figures or any movement.
"On your front porch."
Suddenly the bravery in me builds up, as I walk toward the front door with confidence, yank it open and look around for the caller.
I laugh as I see that nobody was there. I step back into the house and close the door, pressing my forehead against the cold wood, as I bolt lock the heavy door. I remember that the caller is still on the phone call, so I bring it back up to my ear.
"Really funny, you got me. Bye now." I say with an unamused voice.
"Turn around." The voice says calmly, and suddenly my adrenaline spikes up to 100.
I slowly turn around and see a black cloaked figure standing there, a ghost face mask on, holding a sharp looking knife, yet I don't give any kind of reaction. In the few short seconds that we stand facing each other in silence, I look over details of the figure. Everything they were wearing was black, and it was clear that they tried to hide every piece of their actual body, except for the brand new sky blue converse on their feet.
My eyes trailed up from the shoes, landing on their masked face, when they decided to come charging at me. I quickly held my hand out, blocking them from stabbing me with the knife that was in their grasp.
I battled with them, trying to hold them off as I pushed them backwards so I could try and get upstairs, and lock myself in my room, long enough that I could call 911. I knew that it would be almost impossible for me to get out the front door, seeing as I had locked it, only moments before.
Finally I push them back just enough to get a head start up the stairs and into my room. As I started closing the door, they pushed their head into the room, to refrain the door from closing. I used all my power to fight them out of the room, eventually getting the door closed and locked, I opened my phone and called 911, with the masked intruder still banging on the door.
"911, what's your emergency." As soon as the operator said those words, the pounding on my door stopped, I waited for a moment, before walking toward my window, ready to escape if the intruder was going to break down my door.
"Hello? Ma'am what is your emergency." The operator says again.
"There's someone in my house, they're trying to kill me."
"Hey!" I head a voice from behind me, I scream and instantly turn around, dropping my phone onto the floor. I look up and see Luke standing there with wide eyes.
"What's going on? I heard screaming?" He asked, as he climbs in through my window.
"Luke, someone's downstairs, they're trying to kill me!" I sob into his shoulder as he pulls me into a hug.
"You're okay, nobody's gonna hurt you now, I'm here." He pulls my body away from his, and holds my face in his hands.
I hear the police sirens from outside, knowing that the operator probably tracked my call and sent the police straight away.
I look outside, Luke's hands still firmly on my face, and watch as the blue and red lights grow brighter.
I close my eyes, composing myself, as I turn around and reach for my phone, which causes me to look toward Luke, but something makes me freeze as I see it. Luke was wearing all black - which was not uncommon for him, but what was new, was the bright sky blue converse on his feet. I stand up straight, clutching my phone in my hand, I calmly walk over to the door, feeling Luke's eyes on me, and unlock it slowly. As I open the door, I take one look behind me, at the boy who seems extremely confused, and break into a sob, he tries to step toward me, but I instantly bold out my bedroom, and to the front of the house, where the police were just arriving.
"He tried to kill me!" I shout at Liam, who looks scared and worried, as I fall into his arms, not holding back my sobs, as the other policemen enter my house.
Moments later they reappear, dragging Luke out, as he screams that he is innocent.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"Do we have everything?" Mom shouts as I walk out the front door, heading to the car.
"Yes sir!" Ryan salutes her in the doorway, she smiles at him as he skips over to me.
"And we're ready to go!" Dad was the last out the house, locking the door behind him and heading to the drivers seat.
"You seem a lot more excited about this then you originally were." My mom looks at me from the passenger seat as we turn onto the freeway.
"After thinking about it, I don't think it'll be too bad. Especially if they serve good food." I try coming up with a decent answer, not wanting to admit that I just want to see Sacha again.
"I'm sure there will be a lot to eat there, they said it's an all you can eat buffet." Dad adds.
For the rest of the drive, mom and dad make silly conversation, not including my brother and I, which was okay as I was mostly just daydreaming, so I definitely wasn't in the right headspace for a full conversation.
We eventually got to the dock, and even though the process of boarding the ship was almost insufferable, we eventually made it on, and headed to our shared room.
"Look at that view!" Mom shouts from the balcony, as she looks across the scenery.
"It's just different shades of blue." I say, walking outside to join her.
She smiles at me, and turns to see if my dad would hear what she was about to say.
"So, are you going to find that boy today?"
My eyes widen, as I had never told her that zach was coming on this boat as well.
"How did you know?"
"Please, give me more credit then that. I know you thought he was cute when we were shopping, then all of a sudden you're excited about the trip you've been dreading. I know you too we'll unfortunately." She smirks knowingly.
"Even if I wanted to find him, there's so many people on the boat, I think it's pretty impossible." I sit down on the one sub chair that was on our balcony.
"Just think about where teenage boys would be on a boat. That's how you'll find him."
"Is this just your way of making me take Ryan to the arcade?"
"Yep! Now if you go now, you'll be sure to find him before dinner. Ryan! Go get your shoes on, you're going to the arcade."
Ryan runs around the room, shouting about his excitement. I wrapped a hoodie around my waist, and waited as my parents gave Ryan the talk, before we headed out.
"Now if you get lost, you go straight upstairs and we'll meet you by the pools okay? And remember that the only thing you can do is stay calm. If you don't stay calm, we can't help you quicker then we can if you are calm. Okay bud?"
Ryan nods at my dads words. Finally my dad gives us a nod, letting us go adventure as they unpack all our stuff.
We safely made our way to the arcade, after getting lost a few times, Ryan instantly began running around, looking at the flashing lights on the machines, planning out his strategies for his gameplay. While he was running around, I got us the cards that we would need for the games.
"Okay, which one do you wanna play first?" I ask Ryan, he looks around in wonder, and I watch as his face lights up over the claw machine with little amount us guys in it.
"I want the red one!" He shouts.
I pay for one game, and attempt to make my little brother happy. Unfortunately, I haven't had much experience with claw machines, so ultimately, the whole experience was a flop.
Even though I knew I probably wouldn't get the plushie, I kept trying, for Ryan's sake.
"You suck at that game." A voice says behind me, just as I was about to pay for another game.
I turn around and am met with the boy I had seen the previous day, guess mom was right.
"Sacha! Hey, and yeah I'm not the best, but I have to try for him." I point to Ryan, who was too busy staring at the plushies to realize we had a guest.
"You have a kid?" His eyebrow cocks.
"God no, that's my brother. He's 14 years younger then me, but he's cute so I take care of him as much as I can." Sacha smiles as I talk about Ryan, clearly understanding the bond that I have with him.
"You know, I'm pretty good at those machines, mind if I give it a try?" I step aside and let Him try for the toy, hoping that he'll be more successful then I am.
I watch as he carefully positioned the claw, checking it at all angles, before pressing the bottom that will make it scoop up the plush.
Much to my surprise, he ends up getting the plushie, and hands it over to Ryan, who smiles wider then over, as he thanks the stranger.
"I owe you one, I think I would've been here for a while if you didn't show up." I laugh, as Sacha and I walk behind Ryan, who is checking out the games that he can actually play.
"How about I take you on a date?" He blurts out, taking me by surprise.
"We're on a boat, there's not much you can do?"
"I'll make a plan. So, how about it?" There was absolutely no way that I was going to deny myself the pleasure of going on a date with him.
"Sure, but when?"
"Tonight after dinner, but keep the old clothes on, we can pretend to be Jack and Rose." He winks.
"So you have a death wish?" I instantly shoot down his flirty suggestions.
"Mood killer?"
"Always." I wink at him, mocking his earlier body language, as I walk slightly ahead of him.
We spent a little more time together, playing games with Ryan, and talking, until I got a text from my mom saying that we much come back, and get ready for dinner.
"So, we've gotta go, my mom wants us to get dressed for dinner. So I'll see you after?"
"Sure, we can meet by the pools at 9, and see what happens from there."
"Cool, I'll see you then. Ryan, let's go. Say goodbye to Sacha."
Ryan quickly waves at Him, as we walk away.
"Is that your boyfriend?" He asks innocently.
"No, not yet." I wink at Ryan, making him giggle as we head over to our room.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Started : 2021/11/17
Last updated : 2021/11/19
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
"I think it's through here." I say, as I turn into a corridor, hoping to find our way to the pit.
"It doesn't look like it is. Please don't let us get murdered." Y/f says, clinging onto my arm as we walk past dozens of doors.
Suddenly we hear a high pitched scream coming from a few meters in front of us, making us stop dead in our tracks. We watch on as one of the boys from the band we were here to see, falls backwards onto his ass, laughing as he goes down. Reggie's head instantly snaps toward us when he realizes we're there. His eyes widen in fear as he runs back into the room he fell out of.
Y/f and I look at each other, extremely confused by what just happened, but also the excitement settles in over the fact that we just saw one of the guys.
All f three boys pop their heads out the door, looking at us worryingly, as we stand frozen over the eyes that stare us down.
"Uh, you aren't supposed to be here." Alex says, making sure he appears tough, so we get too scared to pounce.
"I guessed that." I say loud enough for them to hear. My response earns a snort out of Julie, making my heart beat even faster when I realized she was looking at me.
"So, are you gonna leave?" Alex was trying not to be rude, but it was clear that he was slightly freaked out.
"We would, but seeing as we ended up here, when looking for the pit entrance, I don't think we should be wondering around." I explain, making the boys relax over the fact that we weren't deliberately looking for them.
"Do you wanna wait with us?" Luke says, giving Y/f a smile.
"Yes." Y/f answers and jumps forward, toward the boys before I can decline.
We walk into what appears to be their dressing room, and instantly we notice the mound of candy piled onto the table on the far right side of the room.
"You can have some of you want, there's plenty to go around." Reggie says as he puts his hand on my back, leading me toward the table, making me smile.
"Why do you need so much anyway?" I pick up one of the bags of m&m's and tear it open, before grabbing a few and popping them in my mouth.
"We're growing boys you know, don't hate the player hate the game." He smirks, knowing his somewhat flirting was only teasing.
"That was beyond lame." I say, giving a giggle as he chuckles at my honesty. As Reggie and I fall into a comfortable silence, I peer around the room, finding Y/f chatting her life away with luke, Alex and Flynn playing a round of ping pong, and Julie looking at me dead in the eye while sitting on one of the couches. Her harsh gaze makes me look away immediately, knowing that accepting the offer to join them in here was probably a mistake. I look to Reggie, who seems quite content with the massive mound of candy, and decide to start a conversation with him, hoping to forget about the intense death stare that was currently being thrown at me.
Suddenly a loud voice booms in through the speakers, informing the guys that they're on in 20 minutes.
"I think it would be best if we got going." I tell Reggie, who's face instantly drops.
"Yeah we should, we still wanna watch you guys!" Y/f squeals.
"But you'll be nowhere near the front of you go now." Alex remarks. He seems to think for a minute before coming up with his idea. "Just come backstage with us. We can easily get you passes, and you'll skip the big crowds."
I look at y/n hoping to earn a response from her before deciding, and her face said it all. I look toward Alex, and give a brief nod, making all the boys shout.
"Now I hate to be rude, but we have to change, so if you'll step outside for a few minutes that would be awesome." Luke points to the door. "Unless you want a show." He winks at Y/f, making me widen my eyes in shock. I quickly grab Y/f and pull her out the room, leaving 3 giggly boys and a still angry looking Julie to get changed.
When the boys were done, they walked out the room and dragged Y/f and I toward the stage, making sure to grab us some passes on the way there.
We all spoke for a while, until the boys finally got onto the stage and performed as if their lives depended on it.
The guys had invited us back to their dressing room after the show, as they celebrated with champagne and candy.
I had spoken to everyone in the band, except for Julie. She clearly had a problem with me, and even if I didn't understand it, I respected her wishes to keep her distance.
By the time I had checked the time and realized it was way too late to still be here, y/f and Luke had snuck off somewhere, meaning I wasn't able to leave yet.
I sat down on the couch once more, sighing at the realization that I wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. As I usually do when I'm bored and alone, I went onto my Instagram, and watched a few videos and liked a few posts.
"Hey." I heard a voice say from infront of me, making me look up from my phone. "Do you wanna go on a walk?" Julie asked me.
I raised my eyebrows in confusion, but followed her outside anyway.
As we walked, Julie always stayed a few steps ahead of me, and never spoke. I was beyond confused and slightly worried over her sudden attention toward me, but it was better then being ignored like the plague.
We eventually passed through a few doors, leading back to the stage, that sat in the middle of a now empty stadium.
He walked along the catwalk that was attached to the middle of the stage, and I followed behind her, but not too close.
She stopped at the edge of the catwalk, and sat down, before turning to me, and offering me a hand, so I could sit next to her, which I accepted quickly.
"I'm sorry that I seemed rude tonight." She says bluntly. I look at her in shock, not at all expecting an apology.
"It's okay, I get that sometimes people just don't feel like socializing with someone new."
"It's not that. You just reminded me of someone that I wanted to forget." She still doesn't look at me, but I can tell that the subject was hard for her to talk about.
"An ex?"
"No." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "When we started this band, I didn't know if it would be beneficial to me, so I was hesitant for a while before we actually formed. I had heard so many horror stories about bands getting their lives ruined by getting big, and as much as I wanted the recognition, I wasn't willing to sacrifice my safety or the privacy of those that I love."
I look down at our feet dangling off the edge, thinking about how small we must've seemed in the arena.
"A year after the band got together, I started receiving packages that were more then weird. I'm talking dirty underwear, tampons and voodoo dolls of myself being stabbed. It was freaky, but I thought it was just a joke. Then I started getting pictures of my family, out for dinner, at the movies, asleep in their beds. By that point I was beyond creeped out. I didn't have any idea who was doing it, and why they were doing it. So I tweeted out. 'Whoever is doing this, please stop'. It was simple and didn't give too much away, but I hoped that it would make the person stop. Unfortunately, it just made it worse. The person started showing up at gigs, and sneaking into places that you aren't typically allowed to go. When we were doing a show in Vegas, I caught them, and had them arrested, and I filed a restraining order after the evidence was found on their phone. Point is, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you, and I wasn't sure if you were that person, or if you just looked the same. Its why I was so rude tonight. So I'm sorry for assuming the worst about you, and I really do hope that you can forgive me, and we can start over." She finally looks at me, and I see the tear stains on her cheeks.
"I would love that." I say genuinely.
"Hey you guys! Can you stop having a heart to heart, I'm trying to focus on Luke." Y/f pops her head up from one of the seats a few rows back, shouting at us, before vanishing again, to continue whatever she was doing with Luke.
"Yeah I don't even wanna know what they're doing." I quickly get up and pull a giggling Julie away from the stage, making sure that she knew we were okay with each other.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: None
Request: None
July 2021
Today was the first day in nearly a year that the girls and I would be together, it just so happened, that today was also Perrie and Leigh's shared baby shower. They had found out that they were both pregnant around the same time, so they really did try and do everything together.
Jade and I were left to do most of the planning - as the appointed godmothers of the babies.
Jade and I spent the whole morning setting up for the other two, making decorations, blowing up balloons, and setting up for the food that was going to be delivered before everyone got here.
"Okay, I've got me wine, what else do I need to do before I can drink it." Jade says, holding her glass high in the air.
"Go sit down, I'll finish up, Julie and the boys should be here soon, so please listen out for the ring." I remind her, she quickly nods and heads inside my house, probably going to make herself comfortable.
I had finished putting out the cupcakes on a tray when a loud voice shouted out.
"Who's ready to shower some babies!" I turn around and am faced with the band that have been causing havoc in my life for the past year, not to say that it was unwanted.
"Hello, Reginald, kindly shut up, I don't need any more noise complaints from the neighbors." I walk up to him, and even with the prominent pout on his lips, I hug him tight, eventually making him hug back.
"This looks sick, the girls will love it." Alex says as he embraces me.
"I hope so, Jade and I have been working out asses off for the last few weeks, trying to make everything perfect." I hug daniel as I speak.
"It really does look amazing." Julie says.
"Yeah, remind us to book you for our birthdays." Reggie wraps his arms around my shoulders, as I grab onto his forearms as my form of a hug.
"Unless you're one of my godbabies, you're not getting anything like this." I smirk.
"What about your boyfriend?" I finally find luke standing a few feet away from us, I smile at his presence and make my way toward him.
"I think I can make an exception for you." I squish his cheeks together and give him a quick kiss, before stepping away from him, and continuing with my setting up.
I give all the boys little jobs to do, to help them pass the time, and to make sure that they don't eat all the snacks that have already been laid out.
"You know Jade is completely passed out on the couch?" Luke grabs some of the cupcake holders and starts setting them down, for us to fill them with sweets later on in the day.
"The girls are on their way!" Jade screams as she runs outside, grabs my arm and pulls me inside to get ready, while the boys finish up outside.
"I hope everyone sticks to the theme." I sigh as I take off my sweats and tshirt, slipping on my blue dress.
"I hope so too, if they didn't, we'll boot them." Jade smiles at me, acting like it was a joke, when in reality, I knew she was dead serious.
"I almost yelled at Reggie when I saw he wasn't wearing any blue or pink, but he showed me the pink laces he had on."
"I'm glad they all stuck to it, I didn't need you stressing because one of them decided to wear all black."
We laugh at the usual fashion choices that the guys make, of course they were stylish, but a little more color would do them good.
Jade and I put on our heels before making our way downstairs, only to be greeted by the doorbell ringing. We instantly went to open it, knowing it was the two pregnant members.
"Hello!" I shout as I open the door, revealing Alex, Andre, Leigh, and Perrie.
"We all came in one car. It was a mess." Perrie hugged me first, then Alex, Andre, and finally Leigh.
"So, how are the babies?" I ask Leigh, knowing that she's been having a lot more pain the last few weeks, from the twins kicking her constantly.
"They're definitely footballers like their dad, I must admit that I'm sick of pregnancy now."
"It sure doesn't look like it, every time I see you, you're practically glowing."
"Thanks, babes. Is Luke here yet?" Perrie perks up at the mention of Luke, as she was determined to make my relationship be one to remember.
"Yeah, he's in the back with the other lads." I point toward the back door, and Perrie takes off running, with everyone else following closely behind.
"Lukas!" Perrie shouts as she runs to him. Since we've been dating, Perrie has become best friends with Luke, they always seem to be playing pranks together, or annoying Alex and I, and it was honestly refreshing to see.
"Hey, how's the pregnancy?" Luke asks as he embraces her.
"Absolutely brilliant. Now, where are the cupcakes." He points to them, and Perrie instantly goes for a blue icing one.
"No! Those are for later," I grab it out her hand and put it back, "none yet, you'll get your own cake later, just be patient."
She pouts, and grabs my hand, leading me to the area of chairs and tables, with Leigh following behind us.
"He's acting strange." She says simply.
"Whatcha mean?" I start playing with the table decorations.
"He's not as talkative as usual, did you two have a fight?" Her eyebrows furrow in worry.
"No? I would've told you guys if we did."
"Strange." Perrie looks off in the distance, contemplating life.
Leigh and I make small conversation as Perrie drifts off into her own world.
"Y/n! Guests are arriving!" Jade calls from inside the house, I say goodbye to the girls and head inside, waiting to greet all our friends and family.
Everyone seemed to arrive at the same time, and soon my backyard was flooded with people.
"Hey, Can you please go get the mic from upstairs, the one I have is acting up." I ask Luke, as he ends his conversation with Andre.
"Yeah sure, the pink one, right?"
"Yes, thank you!"
He walks away quickly, leaving me with Andre.
"Please don't have any more kids anytime soon, I need a break from being a godmother." He just laughs at me as I walk away, trying to sort out the mic and speaker situation.
"Here you go." Luke hands me the pink mic, and I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek, before I hook everything up, preparing to make my speech that I had been nervous for the whole week.
"Jade!" I spot the girl all the way across the room, but my shouting ends up getting her attention, making her walk toward me. "Will you stand with me while I make the speech?"
"Course." She smiles and grabs my hand as we walk up to the front of the room.
"Hello, can everyone take a seat really quickly." My voice booms out through the speaker, as everyone finds a seat. "Pez, Leigh, we saved you a seat here in the front." I call my girls, making them walk up, while everyone cheers, and sit on the two chairs that jade and I had made into makeshift thrones.
"Right, so hello everyone, thank you for joining us today, I think I can say on behalf of the parents to be, that they are really excited to be able to spend this day of celebration with all of you. Now, being who I am, aka the best godmother ever, I was asked to make a short speech, about the moms to be, with a few baby jokes here and there, but unfortunately, I'm not that funny." Everyone laughs at my honesty. "But I do tend to make better speeches when I speak from the heart, so without any cards or cues, I'm going to try and make a speech from my heart. And just a warning, I will probably cry." Everyone laughs again, Jade let's go of my hand, grabs a few napkins from behind us, and hands them to Pez and Leigh.
"Firstly, I think that we should all acknowledge how amazing it is that you two are doing this together, it's truly inspiring how you two have supported each other through every step of your pregnancies, and I know that the support you two show each other will carry on for many years after your babies are born. Now I'm gonna get a bit personal, obviously as you all know, I am still the new one in Little Mix, and a fear that I had when joining the group, was that I would feel completely left out constantly, I mean you guys have been friends for nearly ten years, and here I am, stepping into your amazing group, not really knowing any of you, other then the information I find online. After literally two weeks of being apart of the group, I felt like I was already apart of the group, we already had our inside jokes, and our daily wardrobe fails, that made every day an adventure. Being the youngest of the group also felt like a disadvantage at the time, but as soon as Perrie started calling herself my mum, I couldn't help but see all three of you from a different light. You really were like my mums, you guided me, advised me, and generally loved me, all while you all showed me what you would be like with an actual child, which is why I can say with everything in me, that you two will be the best mothers, and I know that no matter who, or what your children become, you will always love and accept them. I think everyone here knows how amazing you both are at making people feel welcome, so I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you'll be any less welcoming to your babies. I really cannot wait to meet your babies, because I know that they'll all absolutely adorable, and I will love them with every inch of my being. I also should thank you, for trusting Jade and I with this party, we knew how much it means to you, and I hope we did it justice. So, can everyone raise your glasses, as we honor our queens, our g-o-d-d-e-s-s-e-s, our amazing mother to be, Leigh-Anne and Perrie. Here's to you guys."
I lift my flute of champagne in the air, as everyone cheers. The two girls come up and hug Jade and I, as they were both crying at this point.
After talking to the girls a little, and their baby daddies, I ended up wondering back into the house, as I needed some air from all the baby stuff.
"You okay?" Luke walked into the kitchen, making me take my eyes off the wooden floor that I had been staring at for the last few minutes.
"Yeah, I'm good." I smile at him, as he walks closer to me.
"I loved your speech."
"Thanks, I don't remember any of it." He laughs at my bluntness.
"Yeah, I sometimes get that on stage, too much adrenaline I think." He scratches his forearm, something that he only does when he's nervous.
"What's wrong?" I ask, his head snaps up to look at me.
"Nothing?" I smile at him, knowing that he knows I know him better then that.
"Spit it out, something's worrying you, I can tell." I step closer to him, but he turns around, facing the counter now, with my front to his back. I'll admit that his sudden distaste for me makes me feel awkward. "Okay then, I'm going back outside."
I feel his hand around my arm as I try walk away. I look up him, with a questioning glare, but his face seems emotionless.
I see his other hand shuffle around in my peripheral line of sight, which causes me to look down, and stare wide eyed at the ring that he was holding.
"I know it's only been a year since we've been together, but I know what I want, and after seeing you be so vulnerable tonight with leigh and Perrie, it made me realize that I need to push my fears away, so I can take what I really love. I'm not really good with words, so I'll just say it. I love you, and I've tried to show you how much, but I feel like nothing I do will be good enough, but if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to prove that I'm deeply in love with you. So," he gets down on one knee, " even though this isn't the most romantic thing to happen to us, will you marry me?"
I stand there frozen, I obviously am going to say yes, but for some reason, I can't get the words out. I watch as his face slowly falls into a frown, clearly taking my silence as a no. He gets up quickly and walks outside, leaving me standing in the kitchen, alone.
It takes a few minutes for me to gain consciousness, but when I do, I sprint outside, searching for Luke, like a maniac.
I see him talking to the rest of the boys, I can't see his face, but I can already tell that he's devastated.
"Luke!" I yell, making almost everyone turn and look at me, including Luke. "Yes!"
He looks at me funny, "yes?"
"Yes, I'll marry you!" His face breaks into a smile as I run to him, he catches me and spins me around as everyone claps and yells.
This day really couldn't get any better.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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"Why do we have to go on this, I don't feel like being traumatized from reliving something so devastating." I whine, trying to get out of the trip.
"You should've said something before we payed for you, besides this will be a good experience for us, you know family bonding." My dad says, stirring the pasta that was on the stove.
"Yeah, because nothing screams family bonding like the titanic." I say sarcastically. My younger brother walks in and sits down next to me.
"Why can't you just be act a little thrilled, Ryan is so excited to spend time with you, do it for him." Dad points to my six year old brother.
"The only reason he's excited is because he doesn't know what it is. He just sees a big boat and thinks it's shiny, and is instantly fascinated."
Mom laughs at that, knowing I'm absolutely right.
"No matter what you say, you're going, besides maybe you'll actually like it, it's only for two days, so please just put on a fake smile and try to enjoy yourself." Dad smiles weakly at me, showing he wasn't prepared to argue anymore.
"Fine, but just know that I'm not happy about it." I grab one of the plates and start dishing up my dinner.
"And your father didn't tell you the best part." My mother starts, causing me to face her. "While onboard, we all have to dress up as if we're in the 1900s, how cool is that?"
"Not very! I don't have any clothes and I'm not dressing like some old woman just because there's a stupid dress code." I practically shout.
"That's why we're going shopping tomorrow, and we'll find you a beautiful dress from that time, it'll be fun I promise." Mom cradles my cheek, hoping to calm my nerves, but it just enrages me a little bit more.
"Can I eat in my room tonight?" I say bluntly, not wanting to have a full on meltdown because I have to spend another second with them.
"Go ahead." Dad says. I grab my dinner and make my way upstairs. After eating, I spend the rest of the night looking at pictures of dresses that I might have to wear, and needless to say, I'm even less excited now.
"We're here!" Mom says excitedly, making Ryan squeal with excitement. I look at the storefront, already being put off by the many period dresses and suits that have been showcased in the windows.
We all exit the car and make our way inside. My mom lets my brother roam in the shop, while she talks to the owner about the clothes she's looking for, hoping to get some kind of professional opinion on what the correct dress should look like.
The owner, who's name was Marcy, ends up helping us pick out 5 dresses for my mom to try on, 4 suits for my brother, and one dress for me.
We all head to the changing rooms and my mother goes first, hoping that her kids will be helpful in choosing her outfit.
Every time she came out, she looked the same to me, but I plastered on a smile and told her what I liked about it, leaving out the many, many things I didn't like.
My brother was next, and he was a pretty easy kid to buy for, he was satisfied with the second suit he tried on, so he was sorted. And then it was my turn,
I have a last look at my mom when walking to the dressing room, when I spotted a group of boys walking into the shop. Great, nothing worse then a group of boys staring at you while you try on granny clothes.
I slide on the dress after taking off my other clothes, and as soon as I see myself in the mirror, it's like the excitement in me bubbles. For a dress that's over 110 years old, I really do like it, especially the color.
I hesitantly step out of the dressing room, and let my mother gasp at how I look, while my eyes focus elsewhere, not wanting to let slip the fact that I'm somewhat excited for the experience.
As I listen to my mother rave about how I look, I spot the group of boys again, who were looking in the 1910 section as well. I watch as the bicker about what they'll wear, until one of them turns around and looks directly at me. My eyes go wide and I quickly look away, yet I can still feel him staring at me.
"I think we have everything we need, go take that dress off and Ryan and I will go pay." Mom says, I take one last look at the boy, who is still staring at me, and head back to the dressing room, changing quickly after folding the dress neatly, not wanting to damage it.
I unlock the door, and grab all my things before walking out.
"Hey." I hear a voice from behind me, I turn and see the boy from before.
"Oh, hi." I say quietly.
"Sorry, I don't wanna hold you back from your family, but I just had to say that you looked really nice in that dress." My cheeks heat up at his words.
"Thanks, it's the only dress I actually liked." I awkwardly laugh.
"What's your reason for getting it?" His eyebrows furrow at his question, and I can't help but find the action incredibly cute.
"My family and I are going on a titanic experience tomorrow, and we needed some clothes for it." I explain, hoping that the boy won't be so uninterested that he leaves.
"No way! My friends and I are going on that too, it's happening on the hotel ship, right?"
"Yeah it is." I smile at his excitement.
"Y/n we're leaving!" My mom yells from the front of the shop. I look at her and see that she's smirking, clearly knowing that she's breaking up my moment with the cute stranger.
"So I guess I'll see you on there." He smiles.
"Yeah hopefully." I say a little too quickly, making him giggle.
"Im Sacha by the way." He holds out his hand, which I shake quickly.
"Im Y/n, although you probably guessed that from my mother screaming it from across the store." He laughs again, "I'll see you tomorrow, Sacha."
"See you then, Y/n."
I wave goodbye to him as I walk away and out the shop.
"So, who was that." My mother smirks.
"Nope, we're not having that talk." I laugh and speed walk to the car. Leaving my mother and brother laughing at my embarrassment.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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May 2020
After joining a famous girl group, y/n finds out her celebrity crush is in the audience of one of the shows she'll be singing on (award show)
"You're on in 10 minutes." One of the stage directors pops his head in, catching all the girls attentions'.
"Thank you!" Leigh Anne says, waving him out of the room, getting ready to do their pre-stage rituals.
"Well come on then, you're apart of the team now." Jade waves the newest member over, as they all embrace in a group hug.
Y/n Y/l/n was the newest member of the infamous girl-group, Little mix. After the departure of Jesy Nelson in late 2019, Little Mix carried on as a three-piece, but they always felt like there was something missing in their tight-knit group. They thought they just needed a distraction for a while - writing more songs then you would believe to prepare for their first album after loosing a member, but eventually they realized that they just needed another partner in crime. They had a few ideas of people who would've fit in really well, but none of them were perfect enough for the girls.
Y/n happened to be friends with Perrie's little sister Caitlin, as she was only two years older then the youngest Edwards, she was never really a consideration. That all changed when the girls had gone for a night out at a karaoke bar with the members of Little Mix and some of their other friends. It was safe to say that Y/n blew almost everyone away with her cover of 'My heart will go on', and soon enough she got a call from one of Little Mix's managers, asking if she would be interested in auditioning. Of course she was, and she ended up getting picked to be in the group.
Needless to say, joining the group was a huge amount of pressure, and she knew that she would have to deal with a large amount of hate, because people would think that she's replacing Jesy, when she really wasn't. Of course the girls helped as much as they could, but there was still a expectation for Y/n to be the best of the best.
Today they were performing at the kids choice awards, which to the other girls wasn't that much of a big deal, but it was Y/n's first live performances and she was beyond scared.
"Okay, now we know that you're probably shitting yourself right now, but we promise that we'll have your back no matter what." Leigh-Anne says as she grabs my hand.
"And if you need me to sing your part for you, just give me a sign and I'll do it." Perrie says.
"And we have a surprise for you, not one that we particularly organized or knew about until an hour ago, but you should know that a particular band is sat in the audience tonight." Jade adds.
"Which one? I'm sure there are a hundred bands here tonight." I laugh, but soon the stage director pops in again, leading us to the stage.
Jade grabs my hand as we walk, rubbing it with her thumb, hoping to calm me down.
We stop at the entrance to the stage, making sure that we're in place.
"Also, we're doing Secret Love Song part two with a feature." Jade whispers to me. I instantly widen my eyes at her, knowing that I'll have to open if we do part one.
"Why didn't I know about it and who's the feature?" I ask, she just smirks and looks away.
"And now ladies and gentlemen, here to sing for us, we have Little mix!" Olivia Rodrigo introduces us. Jade takes my hand and pulls me onto the stage, deafening screams fill the arena, as we stand in a line in front of the piano, and the piano player. Once the screaming dies down, the piano starts. My instincts kick in quicker then I can understand, and soon enough I'm singing my part, with the other three looking at me with proud smiles.
(This is based off of The Jingle bell ball 2016, secret love song performance with Nathan Sykes.)
We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough
As you drive me to my house I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down You and I both have to hide On the outside where I can't be yours and you Can't be mine But We know this We got a love that is homeless
Why can't I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? Cause I'm yours
Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? Cause I'm yours
Suddenly everyone starts screaming again, making me slightly confused, but I just smile and wait for Leigh to start her verse, but a completely different voice sounds out through the speakers. Jade squeezes my hand, making me look at her, and follow her gaze to our left, where I see the familiar face, of a boy I've been crushing on since 2020.
It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face But we know this, we got a love that is homeless
Luke sings the verse effortlessly, as he walks over to the piano, taking over from our piano player, as he stares back at me.
Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
I don't wanna live love this way I don't wanna hide us away I wonder if it ever will change I'm living for that day Someday
When you hold me in the street And you kiss me on the dance floor I wish that we could be like that Why can't we be like that 'Cause I'm yours, I'm yours
As I'm singing, I can't stop myself from staring at Luke, I felt completely star struck at this point, and it made my heart beat a thousand times faster when he looked at me.
Oh, why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours Why can't we be like that Wish we could be like that
All the fans screamed as we finished the song, which snapped me out of my Luke filled haze. I look to the crowd and wave out to everyone, as we make our way off the stage.
I notice that Luke went off the opposite way that we did, so I quickly pull the girls into a huddle.
"How could you not tell me that he was the feature!" I practically scream.
"Surprise!" Perrie claps her hands together, making me laugh.
"I appreciate it, but a heads up would've been ideal." I say to the girls, not actually angry anymore over the fact that I had just sang with one of my biggest celebrity crushes.
"If we told you, you would've refused to come out." Leigh says, knowing that it's 100% true.
"I think we should leave them alone." Jade whispers, while looking behind us, we all turn and face Luke, who is standing there, increasingly awkward. I feel taps on my back and the mumbling of goodbyes, but I keep my eyes on Luke.
"You were great out there." He finally says.
"You were too." I can't help but blush at how quickly I responded, knowing it was probably really awkward for Luke.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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That about all I was feeling right now. I had just found out that I was pregnant, and not that it was very unexpected, as Reggie and I aren't the greatest at keeping it safe, but now it was a reality, and that made things scary.
I had bought a few pregnancy tests the week before, because I had my suspicions about missing my period and the fact that I was throwing up a lot more then usual, but I ended up scaring myself out of if, because I was scared of the inevitable.
Reg and I had always talked about kids, but of course we didn't want any until we had been in a relationship for a while, and now 6 years later, here I am, pregnant with my fiancés baby. We hadn't really spoken about kids since we got engaged, but I can only hope that he will be a little excited.
I have my first appointment in two days, so I plan on telling him after that, as I'll have the sonogram pictures to show him after that.
So, after going to the doctors, it is now a fact that I am pregnant, even though that's not a complete shock, I just thought that maybe it wasn't true, as the fear was slowly setting in.
"Reg, I'm home." I called out as I entered the door. Taking off my shoes and undoing the jacket I was wearing.
"In here sweetums." I hear a high pitch voice, that definitely wasn't Reggie.
"Shut up, dude. I'm in the living room." The real Reggie calls out.
I walk into the living room, and am met with the 2 other boys who seem to always be over.
"Oh my, what a surprise, the boys are here. Again." I say deadpanned, pretending like their existence annoys me, when I'm reality, I love having the boys over, as there was never a boring moment when they're around.
"I'm sorry, you know that no matter how hard I try, they will never leave." Reggie comes up to me and gives me a hug hello.
"Oh, don't act like you don't love us." Luke says, sending a kiss our way.
"Yes, because I love caring for 4 men children, so fun." I walk toward the kitchen, feeling the sudden need for some tea.
"Hey, you're not actually mad that they're here right?" Reggie walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me, from the back.
"Of course not, I like having them around, just don't tell them that." I laugh.
"So how did the appointment go." My whole body freezes at his words. I never told him about it, I simply said I would be gone for a few hours. "You left your calendar open on your desk." He whispers into my ear.
"I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you today, I just wanted the pictures to make sure." I turn around in his arms, and shove my face into his sweater.
"Are you?" He asks, I look up at him and for a second I see hope flash in his eyes, making me a lot more confident with my words.
"Yes." I smile slightly.
He doesn't say a word as he stares ahead of him, his arms still wrapped firmly around me.
"How far along are you?"
"The doctor said it's around 8 weeks." I whisper to him.
"I'm gonna be a dad." It's at that exact moment, that a tear runs down my cheek, as all the nervousness rushes out of my body.
He wraps him arms firmly around my waist and spins me around, while putting his face in the crook of my neck.
"What's got you so excited." We hear a voice at the archway to the kitchen. Alex stands there with Luke draped on his shoulder, with confused looks on their faces.
Reggie looks at me, silently asking for permission to tell the boys about the baby.
"Go for it." I smile at him as he screams "IM GONNA BE A DAD!"
All the boys seem confused for a minute before finally the sentence clicks in their heads. They all run to Reg and push him around in celebration, before they each come up to me and congratulate me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Now, if you all would go away, I would love to spend time with my kid and my fiancé." Reggie says bluntly.
"Usually we would ignore you, but because of the reasoning, we'll see you tomorrow." Luke salutes before walking out the kitchen, and out the front door, making Alex follow him, after they wave goodbye.
We were both laying in bed later that night, I was reading a book, while Reggie was staring at my stomach.
"If you wanna touch it, just do it." I say, keeping my focus on my book.
"I don't wanna touch it, I wanna talk to it." I look up from my book, giving him a confused look.
"Then talk?" I say, posing as more of a question.
"But it's embarrassing, you'll be here to listen to what I say." He says honestly.
"My dear, you have done a lot of things that are way more embarrassing then talking to your baby, besides, I'm reading, not listening. I promise."
"Okay." He agrees and I quickly turn my Attention back to the book, hoping to create some kind of privacy for him and the baby. "Hi baby." I feel his fingers slowly lift up his shirt that I was currently wearing. "I'm your dad. I know you probably can't hear me, because I don't think you have ears right now, but you should know that I'm really excited about you, I've wanted kids for a while, and now I have you. No matter who you are, I think that you'll be amazing, and I know that I'll always love you, no matter how much you annoy me or even if you and I have nothing in common, I promise to always be the best dad that I can be. And I also promise that I'll be the best parent ever, your mom won't stand a chance."
"Hey!" I say to him, making him smirk.
"I knew she wouldn't give us the privacy we need, she'll always spy on us, making sure we don't do anything dumb." He winks at me as I giggle, remembering all the times I've had to get him out of trouble. "But seriously, I can't wait to meet you, I hope you know that I love you beyond belief, and I promise I'll talk to you with every chance I get." He gives my stomach a kiss, before kissing me, and going to turn off the bedroom lights, knowing that after his sweet words, I wasn't going to read anything else for the rest of the night.
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jatpimagines · 3 years
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Request: None
Today was Luke's birthday, and unfortunately it was also a day that the baby I was carrying, decided to kick the shit out of me since 3am this morning. I didn't say anything to Luke, as I wanted him to feel special today and not have to worry about his pregnant girlfriend fighting with his unborn kid.
At 12am, we had planned to go out with the boys and their partners for a birthday lunch at one of Luke's favorite restaurants. It was a fancier restaurant, so we had to make sure that we all looked a bit more formal then usual. I decided on a baby blue flowing dress, knowing that it was probably the only dress that would fit over my baby bump. Luke wore black suit pants, and a baby blue shirt, just so he can match with me. We headed out the door, and made our way to the restaurant.
All throughout the drive baby Patterson was killing me from the inside, she definitely would become a soccer player if she kept up all the kicking, but I stayed silent, and made small conversation with Luke, knowing that the restaurant was close to our house, and we didn't have much time to talk.
When we arrived, we found everyone was already there, and they all greeted us with cheers and hugs. The girls all came over to me after saying hello, and hugging Luke, wanting to check on me and see how the baby was, while all the boys hugged me, and said hello to baby Patterson before walking over to Luke. As soon as the girls put their hands on my stomach, their faces filled with pity, knowing that I was very clearly in pain from all the relentless kicking going on inside of me.
We all sat down after getting our greetings in, most of the attention being on Luke, but I saw how the girls kept looking over at me, making sure that I was okay.
"So what did you get for your birthday so far, Luke?" Julie asked, knowing that I had gotten Him a guitar wrapped in a lime green colour - something that he's always wanted but he could never find.
"Well, the most amazing woman, ended up getting me a lime green Gibson Les Paul guitar, and some of my favorite snacks." He smiled proudly.
"A Gibson Les Paul? Aren't those really expensive?" Alex asks me.
"Yeah, but Luke has always spoiled me, so I don't see any harm in returning the favor." I smirk at him as he touches his nose.
We all end up ordering our food, and making some more light hearted conversation, and the day is going pretty well, until I end up yelling at the fact that I think Luke's kid just fractured my rib.
"You okay, baby?" He asks me, I try to answer, but the fact is that I'm in too much pain to do anything.
"Is she seriously kicking that hard?" Flynn rushes out of her seat and kneels down beside my chair, putting her hand on my stomach, making sure that her suspicions are correct. "Luke, I think you might need to take her to the hospital, that baby is kicking like mad, and I don't know if she'll stop anytime soon."
As soon as Flynn suggests this, I snap out of my pain filled haze.
"No, don't be silly, I'm fine, she just kicked a bit to hard on that one."
"How long has she been kicking like this?" Luke puts his hand on my stomach, and his eyes widen as he feels the baby kicking his hand.
"Since 3am." I say quietly.
"3am? Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."
"I just didn't want to ruin your birthday, I'm sure she'll be okay soon, she just excited." I sigh.
"Y/n, I don't think Luke would mind if you told him that, especially if you're in pain." Alex furrows his eyebrows at me.
"I would never mind." Luke says.
"Then I guess I should be honest, she's been kicking me relentlessly and I'm pretty sure that she fractured one of my ribs with that last kick."
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Luke asks, worry filling his face.
"If it's not too much to ask." His worried face turns into happiness as I finally accept the help that he's been offering for months.
"Right, sorry to cut this short, but I promise we'll do this again one day. Gotta get my lady to the hospital, here's some cash for our lunches, if one of you can just get it in a take out box, I'll fetch it later and we'll have it then."
"Go dude, I'll pay for your meals," Nick says, waving us off, telling us to not worry about what would happen with our food.
Unfortunately, the rest of Luke's birthday, was spent in the hospital, fortunately, he ended up getting a newborn as the result of the hospital visit.
"Hi baby, I'm your dad." I watched Luke talk to the baby in our room, as he slowly picked her up from the crib they had brought her back in. "You've made today quite exciting for me, it's my birthday today, although you probably knew that, you were so excited for me that we had to let you into the world so we can all have a big party for your dad. I promise next year we'll part like there's no tomorrow."
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