javascript-courses · 2 years
3 Benefits of Pair Programming
Whether working remotely from home or working in an office environment, coding is often considered to be a solitary line of work. Many coding professionals work independently to write and review code before it is submitted for further review and approval. While this methodology works well in many cases, it doesn’t allow for code to be reviewed in real-time. For this, you might consider pair programming.
Pair programming is a method of writing code in which two people work together on coding problems at one workstation. Below are three benefits of utilizing pair programming over solo coding:
1. Code is Often More Accurate
When two people work in tandem through pair programming, there is a better chance that errors will be caught before they make their way into a final build. Although most coding projects undergo review further down the line, noticing errors early reduces work for others and increases productivity. When two people work together, with one tasked specifically with checking code as it is written, this can help to improve accuracy in coding.
2. Pair Programming Improves Teams
Because coding professionals often work alone, they sometimes feel left out when it comes to teams in the workplace. Although coders are usually a part of teams at work, because they work alone most of the time, they may feel a bit disconnected from the usual workplace camaraderie. Programming courses sometimes address this as a major selling point of pair programming for employers interested in the topic. While video conferencing and in-person meetings can help to include programmers, pair programming may be a more personal approach to solving this common problem.
3. Pair Programming Expands Knowledge
Pair programming also serves as a teaching tool for coding professionals working on solving a coding challenge together. While programming courses are a great way to learn new skills, coding professionals can also learn from others when paired with more experienced programmers. Even coding professionals who are on the same level when it comes to knowledge and experience can learn from one another when working together to solve coding challenges.
Read a similar article about learn programming here at this page.
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javascript-courses · 2 years
How to Create Web Applications
Since the dawn of the World Wide Web, web applications have shaped the Internet experience. The first applications provided easy access to a world of information through browsers and interactive information hubs. While websites do a fine job of presenting static information, web applications offer more dynamic functionality, keeping users engaged.
Modern web apps rival dedicated software, providing easy access through mobile and desktop browsers. They don't require data-heavy downloads, creating more convenience and an intuitive user experience.
If you're interested in diving head-first into web app development, here's how.
Learn the Right Development Languages
Developing web applications is not too different from standard web development. Many of the same languages are utilized, and your focus should lie on which side of the equation you want to contribute.
Those interested in working on the front end focus on what users see. It's about the overall experience, the UI's convenience, and the app's front-facing functionality.
One of the first things budding developers should do is take online HTML classes. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is used to structure the page's content. HTML elements dictate how the application presents text, audio, video, images, and more.
JavaScript is also necessary. The client-side language paves the way for an application's dynamic features, such as clickable buttons, scrolling elements, etc.
Finally, front-end app developers need to understand CSS or Cascading Style Scripts. CSS is the language that controls the app's presentation, such as colors, layouts, fonts, and other visual elements.
For back-end development, languages like Java, Ruby, Python, and PHP are standard. Back-end development focuses on the app's behind-the-scenes functionality, including how it sends and receives data, security authentications, and other critical elements users don't see.
Creating a Web App That Serves a Purpose
After taking online HTML classes and learning all the technical side of things, you can adopt a similar workflow to standard software development. Successful app creation is about defining a problem and providing a solution.
The process requires systemic organization, an efficient workflow, and frequent testing. Finished apps don't appear overnight. Development cycles involve trial and error before an app is ready for hosting and launch.
Read a similar article about learn to code here at this page.
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javascript-courses · 2 years
Get into Cybersecurity in 2023
Cybersecurity is one of those buzzwords that we hear all the time, but if you were put on the spot, could you define it? We can: cybersecurity is protecting internet-connected systems from cyber attacks or threats. Both individuals and organizations employ cybersecurity professionals to guard their private or sensitive data read more
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javascript-courses · 2 years
How to Change the Design of a Webpage
After spending tons of time and creative energy designing the perfect webpage, you can publish your masterpiece and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But don't get too comfortable! Your various pages will need updating at some point. Whether you only provide periodic refreshes or you're changing things every week, knowing how to make changes is paramount.
A solid CSS course can help you learn the technical back-end details, but here's a quick breakdown of how you can do simple revisions.
Changing Images
The most common changes you'll make are image changes. You can upload new photos, change clipart, and more to revamp your page's entire look. To do this, start by prepping an image folder in your working directory.
When working with images, it's wise to separate them by file type. It helps with organization and makes updating your site much easier moving forward. Create a folder called "images," and place the files you want to put on the webpage into it. Make sure to name them appropriately for easy reference.
Making changes is as easy as changing the SCR attribute in your HTML coding. The SCR attribute tells the browser the location of the image you want to look at. Input the file name from the folder you just created, and it should look a little like this:
img scr="images/image-name.jpg"
From there, you can use what you learn in a CSS course to liven things up. CSS lets you adjust the borde, add a shadow, and more.
Changing Background Colors
Refreshing the page background is a great way to bring new life into a design. It's a dramatic change that's easy to do. There's no need to download files or do any complicated coding.
To make this change, dive into your coding and find the body and background color coding. Input the new hex code, and you're good to go! You can also take things a little further by creating horizontal rules, linear gradients, and more with CSS.
Simple Changes That Pack a Punch
Those are two of the simplest refreshes you can do. They might not seem like much, but they make a big visual difference. Update your page copy, and you can use these two steps to make your web page look brand-new.
For more information about the React course training, visit this website.
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javascript-courses · 2 years
How to Change the Design of a Webpage
After spending tons of time and creative energy designing the perfect webpage, you can publish your masterpiece and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But don't get too comfortable! Your various pages will need updating at some point. Whether you only provide periodic refreshes or you're changing things every week, knowing how to make changes is paramount.
A solid CSS course can help you learn the technical back-end details, but here's a quick breakdown of how you can do simple revisions.
Changing Images
The most common changes you'll make are image changes. You can upload new photos, change clipart, and more to revamp your page's entire look. To do this, start by prepping an image folder in your working directory.
When working with images, it's wise to separate them by file type. It helps with organization and makes updating your site much easier moving forward. Create a folder called "images," and place the files you want to put on the webpage into it. Make sure to name them appropriately for easy reference.
Making changes is as easy as changing the SCR attribute in your HTML coding. The SCR attribute tells the browser the location of the image you want to look at. Input the file name from the folder you just created, and it should look a little like this:
img scr="images/image-name.jpg"
From there, you can use what you learn in a CSS course to liven things up. CSS lets you adjust the borde, add a shadow, and more.
Changing Background Colors
Refreshing the page background is a great way to bring new life into a design. It's a dramatic change that's easy to do. There's no need to download files or do any complicated coding.
To make this change, dive into your coding and find the body and background color coding. Input the new hex code, and you're good to go! You can also take things a little further by creating horizontal rules, linear gradients, and more with CSS.
Simple Changes That Pack a Punch
Those are two of the simplest refreshes you can do. They might not seem like much, but they make a big visual difference. Update your page copy, and you can use these two steps to make your web page look brand-new.
For more information about the React course training, visit this website.
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