javier-djarin · 3 hours
17 Days!
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javier-djarin · 19 hours
18 Days!
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javier-djarin · 2 days
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Happy birthday, Draco!
It’s Draco’s birthday! So, of course we decided to drop a soft scene between Hermione and Draco from our upcoming fic Nocturne: Jasmine & Snakes!
Chapter 1 is out June 24th!
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javier-djarin · 3 days
@rebelscumlena outdid herself making a mood board for our new fic! Check back on the 24th!
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“I won’t abandon you. I’ll never be so far from you that I cannot protect you.” — Draco Malfoy
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javier-djarin · 3 days
20 Days!
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javier-djarin · 3 days
21 Days until the first chapter!
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javier-djarin · 5 days
The countdown begins!
@rebelscumlena and I are so excited to share this with you!!
22 Days until Chapter 1!
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javier-djarin · 6 days
Here is a sneak peek at @rebelscumlena and my project!!
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Part 1: Jasmine & Snakes
It’s been 12 years since Harry Potter fell at the Battle of Hogwarts; 12 years since Voldemort won the Second Wizarding War and conquered all of Great Britain. As punishment, the isle was split into Quarters, dividing its citizens by magical race.
Draco Malfoy, Golden Pupil to The Dark Lord, has been privileged enough to live in The Capitol. He spends his time moving through society as the Most Eligible Bachelor of Anglia, and bolstering The Dark Lord’s position of power. However, with The 10th Annual Inquisition Games fast approaching, he begins to wonder if this is the life he truly wants. Then The Culling takes place, and Hermione Granger is called forth to represent her Quarter, putting his loyalty to test and reigniting feelings that had been hidden for so long.
Hermione thought two years in Azkaban after Harry was killed would be the worst experience of her life. But then she gets culled as the Tribute for Quarter 3, and is whisked away to The Capitol. After so long, she’s reunited with old friends and enemies, learning that time has changed everyone. All Hermione wants is to survive The Games, and make it out of the Arena alive. But she learns quickly that there is more than just one game taking place, and her best ally is a Slytherin with grey-blue eyes.
Draco and Hermione must navigate this new world together or face the deadly consequences, with old and new enemies around every corner. They’ll need to trust each other if they want the best odds of survival.
Check back on June 24, 2024 for the first chapter!
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javier-djarin · 8 days
@rebelscumlena and I are almost ready to reveal what we’ve been working on!!
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Lena and I have been working hard on our new series Nocturne. Today marks 25 days before its release. In the coming days, we will be releasing the fic cover, summary, and other fun teasers. We are so excited to share our fic with you!! Enjoy and happy reading!
💚 Lena and Luna
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javier-djarin · 11 days
@rebelscumlena and I have created a new account for our upcoming fic-verse! Give us a follow there! We have exciting teasers coming in preparation for our first fic’s launch!
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javier-djarin · 1 month
Fic Updates
I know it has been a while since I’ve posted a new fic or fic update. @rebelscumlena and I have been working on something new. It isn’t Pedro related. We have found inspiration elsewhere. 🐍
However, we have not forgotten about Son of the Medjai. We have plans to finish the last two chapters. But be on the look out for our new project this summer! It’ll be posted on AO3, but links will be posted here.
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javier-djarin · 11 months
You guys!! Check this out! It’s peak millennial culture meets Hades x Persephone with a twist. I’m obsessed!! 🤩🤩
@rebelscumlena did it again. Love love LOVE this.
When Death Calls
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Pairing: Barbie x J Robert Oppenheimer; Barbenheimer
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: Who better to be her partner for the rest of eternity than the man about to set the world on fire? 
A/N: My fingers slipped.. multiple times.. whoops.. This was written before seeing either movie, so as of now it doesn’t follow the plot for either movie so no actual spoilers. This was honestly just a plot bunny that burrowed way too deep for myself and @javier-djarin​. Specifically some musings on what if Barbenheimer had some HadesxPersephone vibes. Slight warning for some dark humour.. I couldn’t help myself and I blame it on the existentialism. Enjoy!
P.S. if you like this kind of writing, check out @javier-djarin​ for some bomb-ass fics (pun absolutely intended). She’s the real mastermind behind the genius <3
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javier-djarin · 1 year
I feel so honored to be apart of this!! Definitely go check out the other authors here!!!
Pedro Sanctuary
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It's here! After months of collecting and organizing I am proud to present Sanctuary Notion Database - a majestic array of Pedro Pascal fanfiction, if I can say so myself
I hope this way more people will get to know these wonderful works.
Please see notes & how to - it has important info and very nice video tutorial, yep, I made fucking video instruction for it
(as always, watch out for authors’ warnings and remember - this is 18+ blog)
Dear writers, thank you all so much for all of it, you are extremely talented people creating amazing worlds with your stories!
And also thanks to Pedro for being him.🤍
Writers are mentioned in the comments section (because tumblr probably has broken from so many cool people)
Love you ✨
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javier-djarin · 1 year
@rebelscumlena FACTS!! 💕💕
I do in fact live in the middle of nowhere while you’re on Jupiter!! 🤣🤣
meeting people on tumblr
• attractive
• into the same shit as you
• kind and understanding
• humorous
• good company
• easy to talk to
• live in the middle of nowhere or on jupiter
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javier-djarin · 1 year
Justice for Willy and down with Lewis!!
Space Sailor
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Pairing: Marnie x Willy (Stardew Valley)
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: It’s common knowledge in Pelican Town that there’s something going on between Marnie and Mayor Lewis. But how exactly did Marnie end up with Lewis? Wasn’t she seeing someone prior to him? Could it possibly be the fisherman who’s constantly watching her from across the Saloon? Why aren’t they together anymore?
A/N: Not the way I expected to get back into fanfiction, but I’ll take it. The Dynamic Writing Duo is back at it again! This idea was developed a week ago when @javier-djarin​ and I went down a rabbit hole of SV conspiracies, and the song Space Cowboy by Kacey Musgraves made it complete. Thank you as always to @javier-djarin​ for being my beta on my stories and giving me encouragement to write. Your usual recipe of teeth rotting fluff and soul crushing angst is here! Enjoy! 🐮
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javier-djarin · 1 year
Stuck in Colder Weather Part 2
A Din Djarin One Shot
Ship: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 3,365
Warnings: Pining, Fluff, Angst
Part 1
For more Holiday Content by me!
Holiday Content by @rebelscumlena
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Summary: Both you and Din are reminded of the good in your relationship. You start to see that maybe he has changed but are afraid to give him that second chance.
A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Here is part 2 of a little Holiday gift I have been cooking up with my writing partner. Thank you, @rebelscumlena, for helping me grow into a better writer. You're the best! I hope you all enjoy what we've created! As always, if you want to be on my tag list, let me know. Fill out this form! Love you all! Thank you to all my readers that have been around since the beginning of all this, and welcome to my new readers! Happy holidays, everyone!
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Part 2: Redemption
Sleep evaded you all night. You still had a hard time grasping the fact that Din Djarin was asleep in your living room with the target he’d thrown away everything for. You had heard the stories of how the guild’s best stole an asset and went rogue. You were just shocked that he still had the kid; something that you were certain he never wanted. Or he never wanted it with you, you thought to yourself as you tossed and turned in your bed. 
Luca and Tula had warmed to him over dinner. Though much to Tula’s dismay, Din would not eat in the presence of company. “Mando,” she’d beckoned, “take off the helmet, eat!” 
Din just sat stoically.
“I found the fattest fowl at the butcher’s for tonight just to welcome you,” she prodded, “eat up!”
Tula came from a large family where they expressed themselves through large gatherings and meals; the exact opposite of how Din lived his life. 
“Tula,” you began, “he doesn’t eat--”
“What do you mean he doesn’t eat any meat?” She continued fixing Grogu a small platter.
You sighed, glancing at Luca who was grinning behind his mug of hot chocolate. “Tula, he doesn’t eat in the presence of others. It requires him to take off his helmet.”
Tula’s eyebrows raised in surprise as she took a bite from her dinner. “Never?”
“Except in the presence of family,” he paused, “or my Riduur.”
Silence had fallen over the dinner table, and you kept your gaze trained on the plate in front of you. “Can I go to the fields with Din tomorrow and have him show me how to fly?” Luca asked, breaking the tension.
You choked on your drink. “What?”
Din turned his helmet toward your nephew with what you were certain was a shocked expression.
“Well, you  won’t take me, and Tula said after the last time, she’ll never go with me again. So, why not Din?”
You sighed. “Fine, but you will listen to everything Din tells you to do.” You paused, glancing at Din. “That is if you want to take him.”
“I…uh,” he stammered, “I don’t mind.”
That instantly made Luca his best friend as he grilled him about the different types of ships he’s piloted. Tula grinned at you, quickly pulling you into the kitchen to clean off the plates with her. You knew what was running through her mind, so you instantly jumped on the defensive. “Whatever you’re about to say, don’t,” you stated, “Din and I want different things. I’ve accepted that he will never want to settle down.”
“He’s got Grogu now,” she stated, “he’s probably changed.”
And that thought was what kept you awake that night. Din said he’d changed, but you didn’t want to let yourself believe it. You tried convincing yourself that he was still the same, stoic man you left behind -- the man that wouldn’t fight for you, the man that wouldn’t compromise. But he was the same man that would give you the moon if you’d ask for it, the same man that loved so fiercely behind closed doors that it quelled all of your doubts you ever had about him. 
Light peeked through your window forcing you out of the comfort of the nest you’d built in your blankets. You grabbed your robe off the back of your door and shuffled out into the living area. Din was sitting on the couch with Grogu in his arms, softly talking to him. His head turned to you as soon as that floorboard creaked at the end of the hallway. Gently, he placed Grogu back on the couch and stood. “Good morning,” he softly whispered, his voice distorted in the modulator of his helmet.
You gave him a weak smile and nodded. “Are you hungry?” you asked.
“I already fixed something for us,” he replied, “but thank you.”
He followed you into the kitchen, leaning against the door jam as you fixed a cup of coffee. You could feel his eyes tracking your every move, and you resisted the urge to turn to him. Your heart skipped several beats when you noticed his helmet on the counter next to your hands. Slowly, you turned, and Din was standing so close to you that you were sure he could hear your heart beating. “Din --”
“Despite what you want to believe, Cyar’ika,” he said, “I have changed. Grogu can’t live a life on the run, and he depends on me.”
“I’m happy for you and your child, Din,” you breathed, “and if you’ve changed, then I’m glad it’s for him.”
His hand cupped your face as his thumb lightly caressed your cheek. “Are you still holding on to that hope that I’d fight for you to stay?”
You closed your eyes, feeling the barely healed crack in your heart split open again. After several deep breaths, you finally spoke. “Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do.” You paused, opening your eyes to see the pleading in his. “We wanted different things, and I couldn’t expect you to change for me. So, when I left, I swore to myself that I’d never go through that again.”
“I did come after you,” he admitted, “I knew you ran to your sister’s, and so I followed.”
You felt a chill wash over you as your heart fell into your stomach. “Then, why --”
“You looked so happy with them,” he continued, “and I didn’t think I could give you that.”
Placing a hand on his chest, you lightly pushed him away, handing him his helmet. “All I wanted was you, Din, and I would have accepted living on the Razor Crest, if that meant that’s how I could have had you.”
He held the beskar to his chest. “That wasn’t the life I wanted for you.”
You took a deep breath to calm the overwhelming emotions bubbling at the surface. “But expecting me to wait dutifully for you to return home after months on end was the dream? How long did it take for you to realize I was gone?”
Din didn’t answer.
You pursed your lips together and nodded. 
“Am I interrupting?” Luca’s voice called from behind Din.
Slowly, Din slid his helmet into place before turning around to find the young man smirking with Grogu clinging to his leg. “”Good morning, Luca,” you replied, “get dressed while I make breakfast. Din’s ready to take you on a flying lesson.”
“Yes!” he exclaimed.
“Land speeders only!” you called after him as he ran back to his room. 
“What’s the deal with you and my aunt?” Luca asked, once they were comfortably seated in the landspeeder Tula let them borrow.
Din knew his usual method of avoidance would not cut it with the teenager. “Just focus on driving without crashing, Luca,” he replied, “because if anything happens, she’ll be more than happy to kill me.”
“She threatens to box my ears on the daily,” he laughed, backing out of the garage, “what did I interrupt this morning?”
He sighed. Luca was tenacious and clearly took after his aunt, which meant he would never drop the subject until he was happy with Din’s answers. “We were settling some unresolved issues,” he said, “which I’m sure will be fixed as soon as Grogu and I leave after the festival tonight.” Luca had successfully pulled out into the street without hitting anything. “Gently push the control forward to take it out of reverse.” He showed him all the controls to help him navigate the streets of Capital City, promising that once they reached the flats just outside of town, they could open-her-up without the hazards of pedestrians or buildings around. 
“She misses you,” Luca admitted as they moved through the crowded city, “even though she won’t admit it.”
Din remained quiet.
“It’s the way she won’t let anyone get close to her,” he continued.
He glanced at the boy. For fifteen, he was more observant than most. 
“You know her favorite part of the winter solstice festival is --”
“The glow-globe displays,” Din finished, “she said it reminded her of solstice on Coruscant when she was a girl.”
Luca smirked. “Well, the displays in Capital City are legendary.”
Din huffed, wishing there was a way he could whisk her away to the displays and remind her of a time when they were happier. After seeing her again, he realized just how much he missed her, how empty his life was without her there. 
You’d put Grogu down for a nap in Luca’s room while you and Tula finished decorating your tree with glow-globes and ornaments. You could see her watching you out of the corner of her eye, but never saying anything -- just waiting for you to spill everything on your mind. Din’s admission from earlier stuck with you, buried itself deep within your chest and festered. He had come after you like you’d hoped; he just didn’t want to disturb the happiness he believed you’d found. You could feel the pain spreading across your chest the longer you thought about it, picturing him on Coruscant watching from afar and believing the only way he could make you happy was to let you go. You gently rubbed the center of your chest, taking a few deep breaths before placing an ornament on a branch in front of you. “What, Tula?” you asked, noticing her ever watchful eye of concern on you still.
“Did the two of you talk this morning?” she asked.
You ignored her.
“Did it go well?”
You glanced at her before hanging another ornament. 
She crossed her arms and glared at you, making you so uncomfortable that she forced you to answer. “I got the answer to a question I’ve held onto for four years,” you sighed, “and I’m not sure how to process it.”
Tula sat down on your couch, waiting for you to elaborate. “Is it the answer you wanted?”
“It’s much more complex than that.”
She raised an eyebrow at you.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you continued to decorate your tree. “He said he did come after me when I left, but when he saw how happy I was, he didn’t want to ruin what I’d found.” You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat. “All I wanted was for him to fight for us, and the fact that he came after me to bring me home --”
“So then what is the issue now?”
“I have more than myself to think about.”
Tula rolled her eyes. “Don’t use Luca as your excuse to miss out on this.”
You turned your back on her and added a few more glow-globes to the tree. You heard your door open and Luca ran in with Din behind him. “And don’t worry, I won’t tell Tula about the missing paint,” he said, plopping down on the couch next to her.
“Missing paint?” Tula asked, lightly shoving him.
“Din took a turn too fast and skimmed a boulder in the flats,” Luca said.
Din sat in the chair adjacent and shook his head. “I think it’ll be safer if I take the blame on this one,” he admitted, “so that’s exactly what happened.”
“Luca, you’ll be working it off for Tula for the next week,” you said without turning around. 
He groaned and sank into the couch cushions. “The last time I worked for her, she had me reprogramming droids.”
“It’s good practice,” you added, “now go wash up for the festival.”
You grabbed the star out of the box, holding it in front of you. It was the only item you took with you when you left Nevarro, and you were certain the pair of eyes piercing through you recognized it as well. You heard him shift and move across the room, rapidly closing the distance between the two of you. Tula and Luca silently battled with each other on leaving versus staying, and Tula won -- she would stay.
Din’s hands closed over yours bringing the silver and blue star between the two of you. “You still have this?”
You nodded, avoiding his gaze. You both fell silent for a beat before you found the courage to look at him through the visor of his helmet. “Will you do the honor?”
He reached up and gently stroked her cheek before placing the star atop of the tree. The light reflected off the star, reflecting shimmers of blue all over the room. As Din relaxed in front of the tree, he instinctively dropped his arm around your waist, pulling you close as he had so many times before when decorating the tree. You gazed at him, lost in the memory only for a moment before you saw your eyes reflected in his helmet. “Grogu is probably hungry,” you sighed, “and I need to change for the festival.”
You moved out of his grasp and disappeared down the hallway, leaning against your closed bedroom door to catch your breath.
Before heading to the festival, you needed to stop by the yard and drop off your famous cookies for Rix. As usual, he was sitting in his office elbow deep in ship parts with his nose buried in shipments. You lightly knocked, startling him out of his concentration. “I was wondering if you were stopping by,” he said, jumping up to embrace you, only to stop short at the sight of the Mandalorian standing behind you. 
“We have a packed schedule tonight, but I would never forget to bring you some sweets to take home,” you smiled.
“Is the bodyguard necessary?” he nervously laughed.
You rolled your eyes and glanced at Din over your shoulder, noticing how tense he was standing there. “Will we see you in the morning for breakfast?” you asked, trying to change the subject.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he smiled, finally brave enough to hug you and kiss you on the cheek. “Enjoy the festival.”
You turned, leading Din out of the shop to join Tula, Luca, and Grogu. You and Din lead the group to the Town Square where the majority of the festivities were taking place. Occasionally your hand would brush against Din’s, and it took everything in you to prevent muscle memory from taking control. You wanted to pretend, even for one night, but you couldn’t allow yourself to open up old wounds even more. 
The city had never looked more serene and festive than it did tonight. Booths and vendors lined the streets. A stage was erected in the center where a band played festive music, and just at the other end of the square was the entrance to the glow-globe displays. Suddenly, you felt lighter, happier. And when you felt a gloved hand slip into yours, you didn’t pull away. You let yourself lean into him as you lost yourself to a memory. 
“The kids and I are going to get us some drinks,” Tula softly said, tugging Luca away with her.
You and Din stopped moving, watching the three of them sneak off to leave the two of you alone. “Cyar’ika,” he softly said.
You glanced up at him. “Yes?”
“Would you like to accompany me to the glow-globe displays?”
You could feel your smile light up your face as you nodded, wrapping an arm through his. He led you through, the lights reflecting off his armor and making you grin even more. “You’re so festive in your new armor,” you laughed.
He chuckled and turned to you. “I think I missed your laugh the most,” he whispered.
Much to your surprise, your smile didn’t fade as you stared into his visor, resting your hand on the side of his helmet. “I missed your eyes the most,” you replied.
Din loved the way the glow-globes lit her up. She was glowing with happiness as the lights danced across her face. She looked just as beautiful as he remembered. He rested his helmet against her forehead , lightly sighing as he found peace with her again. For the first time in years, he felt whole again. “Tell me, Cyar’ika,” he said, “does that merchant make you happy?”
She took a step back and gazed at him. “He’s just a friend, Din,” she breathed.
Smiling, he pulled her to his side again as they continued their stroll. They walked in silence for a while, stopping to look at the colorful displays. She fit so perfectly in his arms, that for a moment he entertained the idea of staying here with her. Grogu would finally have a home, they wouldn’t be hopping from planet to planet worrying about where their next meal came from. And he would finally have her back in his life. “What if I did stay here,” he softly added, “on Lothal?”
The dream suddenly shattered when she froze against him and didn’t respond. “Don’t,” she replied, her voice shaking, “don’t do this.”
“Would you want me if I stayed?”
He saw the tears in her eyes as she turned away from him, wiping them from her cheeks before they even had a chance to fall. “I--” she paused, taking a deep breath, “I need a minute.”
She started backing slowly away from him. Din reached out to hold her, but she disappeared into the crowd. However, this time, he was not letting her go. She was running, again, except this time he was going to chase her. He moved through the crowd with ease, looking for any sign of which direction she went. That was when he spotted Tula with the kids at a bench. She smiled at him and they all pointed in the direction they saw her run. Without a second thought, Din ran after her. He ran through the streets, against the crowd until he ended at her apartment complex. 
Taking several stairs at a time, he was in front of her door within moments. He strode in, all the lights in the apartment were out, save for the decorated tree. She was standing there in front of the tree, hugging herself. He could tell, without seeing her face, that she was crying. Gently, he placed his helmet on the couch and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “For four years, I dreamed of what our life would have been like had I stayed and worked things out with you,” she said, her voice cracking, “I knew I could never ask you to give up your life, and I’m not going to ask that of you now.”
He spun her around in his arms. “I left the guild,” he said, “I can go back whenever I need money, but I’m done.”
Tears swelled in her eyes.
“If I’ve learned anything over the last two days,” he continued, “it’s that I was given a second chance at life with the one that got away.”
She reached up, cradling his face in her hands. “What are you saying?”
“That I want to stay here, Cyar’ika, with you and Luca on Lothal.” He grinned at her, his eyes lighting up for the first time in a long time. He pulled her closer to him. “After all, who’s going to teach that boy to drive?”
She laughed, and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. “You followed me?”
“I’m not letting you go this time,” he said, leaning closer to her, their noses brushing. 
His Cyar’ika leaned closer, their mouths mere centimeters apart. “There’s still so much we have to figure out,” she sighed, “but all I want is for you to kiss me right now, Ner Kar’ta.”
Din smiled and obliged her, his mouth gently caressing hers before turning more passionate. He allowed himself to completely absorb everything about her, satisfying a hunger he hadn’t known was there the last four years. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tighter against him, silently vowing to never let her go. Whether it was the grace of the Maker or pure luck, he was thanking whatever force in the galaxy had brought him back together with her. As her fingers carded through his hair, he cursed himself for ever letting her out of his arms in the first place.
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javier-djarin · 1 year
Thank you for adding me alongside these talented creators! 🥰🥰
New Writers added to The Pedro Library 🐼
@oogaboogasphincter @justnat15
New Works Added ✨
Many fics aren’t appearing in the tags when searching. If I miss yours, please let me know 💗 Or add me to your taglist cuz I love being tagged 😊
As always, if you would like me to remove your work from the rec list, please let me know and I’ll remove them asap 😊
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