javonfromearth · 2 months
I guess the trick comes down to having the patience with yourself falling in motion toward what you want.
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javonfromearth · 3 months
What a life.
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javonfromearth · 4 months
“Conscious thought can influence the activity of the solar plexus (or celiac plexus) through its effects on the autonomic nervous system, leading to changes in physiological and emotional states in the abdomen.
“Understanding this connection can help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and emotional arousal more effectively through practices that promote relaxation and balance in the autonomic nervous system.”
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javonfromearth · 5 months
Accountability Post
I can trace my mistakes all the way to the present. I control my life, and I got myself here.
Feels like my transformation will activate soon.
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javonfromearth · 6 months
Nothing matters, everything matters. I don’t care anymore. I hope everyone dies today.
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javonfromearth · 6 months
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javonfromearth · 7 months
698th Day
I was in jail for six months. My Coursera account stopped working. Our children have grown so much while living with their grandmother and uncle. My wife and I have so much work to do.
please you why i need fulfillment
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javonfromearth · 1 year
when life talks, record.
it’s not about wanting to see signs everywhere, but understanding that there are many different types of language. how many times life has talked to me without words
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javonfromearth · 1 year
Family offers purpose.
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javonfromearth · 2 years
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During a psychedelic experience I had as a teenager, It came to Mind that I must write, to which I verbally responded with, “All right/I’ll write.”
Alas, I didn’t write. The unconscious resistance I emitted from within my being pulled and pushed this meat vessel toward everything but writing (physically), and that went on for years.
Now, one can say the living that took place during my non-writing may serve as significantly meaningful material with which to write, and I think I might have an inclination to agree with that.
Still, the neglect of that skill has brought me to a state of regression in the mind which impedes upon my ability to organize thoughts. So, it excites me to find myself engaging in and gravitating toward journaling [almost] daily.
picrel: these tumblr filters are pretty cool
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javonfromearth · 2 years
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javonfromearth · 2 years
281st Day
Damn, I haven’t completed a single Coursera course yet. Come on, let’s focus. I need to do this for my refinement. I have to increase my dedication to achieving an optimal experience.
I like staying near the beach. The nature of leaves and grass and trees that I grew accustomed to from parks have been replaced by the sands and breezes and tides on the shores of this peninsula. Maybe people who live by the coasts and get affected by natural disasters have good enough reason to risk residing in such places. It feels nice when the weather permits.
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javonfromearth · 2 years
274th Day
All things take time.
Nothing gives it. All things take place, in time.
Listening to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball while I inhale a spliff in the third bathroom of this single men’s shelter can easily put things into perspective. I think about the billions of humans on a planet billions of years old in a universe billions of light years wide, and the numbers fail to have any real effect on me. My theoretical insignificance lacks enough berth to displace my practical indifference. Although the truth behind life and its machinations does and may always whet my brain’s appetite, I find my interests in the tangible becoming more prominent in the forefront of my mind lately.
I’m fucking broke.
“I need a job.”
“No, you need a REVENUE STREAM.”
“Like, a job?”
“Renting out your time half the day for what?”
“Noo, you don’t wanna work for money!”
“Yes, I do. That’s all I wanna work for.”
“No, you wanna make money IN YOUR SLEEP.”
“I mean, yeah, but—”
“So, you gotta have ASSETS, darling,”
“Don’t those cost money?”
“And they can be ANYTHING. Your hair? That’s an ASSET! Your shirt? ASSET!”
“I should sell my hair and clothes?”
“No. You should upload digital representations of your hair and clothes to online markets—”
“Okay, let’s end this post now…”
“Non-fungible tokens, Javon—”
“…I know, I know believe me, I do but let’s get out the bathroom now.”
Fuck the law.
Any potential employer that does a background check on me will notice my recent legal entanglements, so like Pekar said, “It doesn’t get any easier.”
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javonfromearth · 2 years
How do i
Let go
Letting go
Let’s go
Let me go
I let go
Why do i have to do this? (Obvio)
What lies ahead? (Extremadamente obvio)
Whom i become still, my beating heart knows
When will the end to this beginning start?
Where is my mind am i?
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javonfromearth · 2 years
Oh, yeah, that looks like something on which I need to check myself. I continue to judge others for their low "frequencies" while repressing the negative emotions I feel.
Definitely want to reach some fulfillment within—at least as far as emotional constitution goes, and really feel like ceasing harsh thoughts toward the way others react to their anger since my own expressions of rage end up hurting people more often than not (judge less! love more).
Doing the same with sadness and fear alienates others as well-"shut it down,” is usually my first instinct; "Please, Don't Cry."
I become especially combative in asserting my support against the depression and anxiety of a loved one rather than offering that support throughout their tough time. Though, I think if I put myself in their shoes hearing “Tell me about it,” helps way more than “Snap out of it!”
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javonfromearth · 2 years
232nd Day
Everybody that knows me thinks of me as an incompetent yet brilliant guy who still needs to grow up.
When I think of me, and what I know of me, I experience a deep ambivalence. What I believe about myself has remained locked in a constant battle with the variable sum of decisions that brought me to this moment.
Tomorrow, I will enter the 83rd Precinct of the NYPD. Whatever happens, my faith in this Mighty Creator, the Master of this Ceremony named Life, will hold resolute.
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javonfromearth · 2 years
183rd Final 199th Day
First, these New York City agents separated my family in June. Now, they’ve unlawfully taken my children. Neither I nor my wife have seen our daughters (3mo, 1y, 2y) since September 23rd. I am at my wit’s end.
It has become clear to me that I will never have the opportunity to provide a nice life for my loved ones. I am nothing and nobody.
I am become Persistence. I will, with more presence, become present.
Our daughters have their mother to care for them. We will all have each other as a family in one home, soon.
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