jawdroppinq · 4 years
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TEDIOUS EFFORTS TO DECORATE FELLOW partygoers eventually see tally grinning with mischief and pride, as one particularly annoying suitor classmate now dons a copy of an embarrassingly kinky text he once sent her along the span of his back; the SPITEFUL side of her hasn’t wrought havoc on other bare flesh she has touched, at least for the time being, however she couldn’t help herself in this particular instance. she’s been drinking revised versions of her go-to beverages since she’s arrived at quinby, offers of another finally being fulfilled by a now-present val. the new yorker had been wondering exactly WHEN the other would appear, knowing damn well that it was inevitable for val to seek her out at some point tonight — and thank fuck it wasn’t while she was on the cusp of leading her pick of the night to a bedroom upstairs. “ dare i ask what’s in this ? ” tally accepts the cup nonetheless, her gaze shifting between the redhead and her boots as she draws attention to them. to question val from the jump would be enlightening for NEITHER woman, so she bites back whatever doubt she holds for that price tag and opts for a slight nod — albeit with a dubious twinge to her expression that carries into the sophomore’s threat. “ it’s your own fault if they DO, ” tally notes with an apathetic tone, “ why do you think i wear outdated shoes to all of these sloppy parties ? ” who even wears boots to a paint-splattered, poolside rager ? valencia, apparently.
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“ it’s a college party , tally , ” val quips , giving a dismissive wave at what she anticipates will be a displeased response from the other . “ it’s vodka and coke , not fucking moët . sorry to disappoint , queen . ” on that note , the redhead bows in a mock curtesy , before rising with a discreet eyeroll . it is ironic , perhaps even daring , to pull such a move against a peer who does yield such power over her ( even if valencia refuses to admit that as fact ) , but this is when her desires are truly at odds . on the one hand , she wants to be viewed as independent , reliant upon no one , but on the other hand, the desire to maintain the superior image that having thousands of spare dollars to toss around rears it’s head , suddenly making her dependent upon ‘ friends ’ she can hardly tolerate . perhaps that’s why she pulls these ridiculous schemes – attempting to pick a fight over well – loved forty dollar combat boots that she had buffed dirt and scuffs off of ; maybe she is merely looking for excuses to share her true feelings with her peers , but this is no time for introspection . she slightly shakes her head , attempting to clear it of these intrusive thoughts , before giving a bout of sardonic laughter . “ whose fault it is ? trivial details . ” she retorts haughtily , yet again waving off tally’s words . “ i came ready to step on some toes , just waiting for the first volunteer , ” the threat flows from her scarlet – tinted lips easily , almost as if it’s empty , but anyone who knows valencia  is well – aware that she will follow through if necessary . she gives a faint shrug in response to the senior’s follow – up question , cerulean hues crinkling with suppressed laughter. “ honestly , always thought you were trying to revive dead trends . ”
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
【 max 】
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               OCEAN HUES CURIOUSLY   peeked across the quinby common room, though in deep conversation with the red head seated right behind him. armed with neon paint glowing underneath the blacklights  in attempt to fix mistakes that had been made. by matias borges, to be exact. the dangers of putting one’s faith into his tipsy friend.     “ you know i’ll kill you if you make this worse than it  already  is, ”     he grumbled once more, though with back facing her and boisterous music echoing throughout the building, it was questionable she could even hear him properly. not that he meant those words  in the slightest.  with how she managed to wrangle herself into his heart, he would forgive just about anything. the dangerous  part ?  she knew that too.
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her paint – stained fingertip danced firmly across the black cotton , biting her scarlet – tinted bottom lip in concentration as a swirl of paint added a tail to matias’ masterpiece finger – painting . as the abrupt interruption of complaints yet again broke her concentration , her kaleidoscopic palms flew in the air defensively , though she knew he couldn’t acknowledge the action with his back turned towards her . “ oh , but the one who drew a dick on your back gets off scot-free ? ” despite the critical words , she was unable to suppress her amused laughter as she spoke the circumstances aloud for the second time tonight . besides , she knew max well enough to know that the threat was empty . several throwaway threats had been passed between the two ; yet here they were , both breathing , both continuing to seek each other’s aid after encountering life’s pesky inconveniences – in this case , having a vulgar neon painting splayed across one’s back .
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
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               “ YOU’LL SIMPLY HAVE   to trust me. you don’t think i know how to make a long island iced tea ?  ”     hand extended to be placed upon the female’s cheek to playfully force some distance, as she  curiously peeked  across to see what concoction nadine was brewing in the kitchen. free hand reached further towards the collection of bottles yet halted mid air, fingers dancing back and forth in contemplation before  snatching one of them  having barely read the label.     “ just a little should be fine, ”    she announced, as modest pour was added to each cup. and then  just a little more.  straw served as device to stir the mix, before topping with coke. as much as the cups allowed her to.     “ and voila. ”     outstretched hand hands val one of two cups, leaving her own lingering in the air for a  cheers.
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cerulean hues rolled skyward as she snorted derisively . “ sorry , forgot about your major in mixology , ” her voice dripped with playful sarcasm as she lightly swatted at the fingers splayed across her cheek , preventing her from satisfying her curiosity . despite nadine’s protests , val stood on the tips of her toes , straining to peek at the ingredients composing the two cocktails .  with her view blocked , one thing val knew for certain was that chaos was sure to be an ingredient sneaked into any of this self – proclaimed bartender’s drinks . “ right . are we going for two servings of ‘ just a little ’ ? ” she inquired , a hint of amusement in her voice – it wasn’t as if she’d mind if the drink contained more alcohol than she bargained for , ‘ drunk ’ was synonymous with ‘ adventurous ’ whenever nadine was around . hand securing her own cup , val lifted it and tilted it towards nadine’s . “ here’s to . . . livening up this party ? ” a sparkle of mischief illuminated her eyes as she raised her eyebrows – sure that her curiosity wouldn’t be quelled this time .
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
i still owe a few replies & a few plotting/im responses ! however , it’s after 3 am here and i’m exhausted , so i’ll be picking up where i left off tomorrow ! 
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
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the hands touching his upper body were ignored after a certain point in the evening, unless the person in question cared enough to interact, he’s often caught between drinks and new encounters, never entertained in the same spot for too long. mads ingests some gelatin flavoured shot when she steps in front of him. due to the lack of interaction on a daily basis, he’s able to safely assume that she’s probably less than sober by that point. “sounds like a solid reasoning⎯ coming from your lips, that is.” in all fairness, given how he left chaos wherever he’d be, any suspects were hard to pinpoint, with how vast of a list that was. “how about you be extra generous and fix it by using whatever artistic vein you’ve in you?” his head tilts, a smug smirk appearing across his lips. “change it into ‘ blow me ‘ or whatever.”
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she purses her crimson-tinted lips together as a concoction of irritation and alcohol steadily seeps into her bloodstream , not entirely intoxicated enough to let the subtle comment go unacknowledged . “ well , i always was the intelligent one here , right ? ” she asks contemptuously, fist absentmindedly unclenching to point at him before her wrist pivots in her direction . for a moment , her cerulean eyes freeze on her paint-stained fingers , anticipating that she’s caught red-handed – literally – before it occurs to her that nearly everybody occupying quinby property has the same evidence strewn across their hands . “ i think you’re overestimating my generosity. ” she shrugs , a complacent smile tugging at her lips . “ besides , begging for blowjobs ? ” she shakes her head in disapproval , allowing a brief sardonic laugh to escape without suppression . “ damn , how embarrassing .”
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
Don’t you hate that? Hate what? Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it’s necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? 
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
closed starter  ↪  @avtonome​
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it's almost as if there’s a magnetic field surrounding tally , pulling val closer whenever the brunette is within the vicinity . of course , what truly pulls her closer are the advantages – the money , the fame , the image . as val approached tally , two drinks occupying her hands , a fresh wave of adrenaline coursed through her veins , knowing that she was entering the danger zone ; one wrong move , and the truth would be exposed .  the redhead offered her ‘ friend ’ a drink , hoping it would serve as a peace offering for the time being . finding herself submerged in a crowd with tally meant one thing : she had a role to play . “ these boots ? fifteen hundred dollars , ” she lied casually , cerulean orbs trailing to the sidewalk , which she said been absentmindedly scuffing the aforementioned boots against . the nervous habit ceased at once , and as her gaze returned to tally , a stern scowl contorted her features . “ all i’m saying is . . . someone spills so much as a drop of paint on them , they’re dead . ”
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
closed starter  ↪  @madsvandenberg​
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she tiptoed behind him , fingertips as light as her steps as she concentrated on the masterpiece finger – painting she was constructing on the fabric covering the back of an all-too-familiar canvas . when she was satisfied with the completed project , she announced her presence with an unnecessarily rough nudge of his arm as she brushed past him , before spinning on her toes to finally come face – to – face with the last person she wanted to encounter at this party . “ somebody wrote ‘ hit me ’ on your back , ” val confessed nonchalantly , her right hand clenching into a fist merely to hide the remnants of paint that hadn’t been discreetly smeared across mads’ back . “ it’s not bad advice – thought about coming in swinging myself – but fortunately for you , i’m feeling generous tonight . ”
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
closed starter ↪ @jawbreakinq​
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she perches on a bench intended for soccer players not currently in action , and while she doesn’t fit into that specific category , milo seems to be the sole soccer player aware of this unofficial practice .  with her laptop balanced on her knees , val focuses on assignments for her business courses – that is , until she is interrupted by her friend’s water break . setting her laptop aside , she straightens her posture and clasps her hands together in her lap , giving off an aura of professionalism . “ i’ve been thinking . . . if the whole soccer thing doesn’t work out for you . . . we’d make good business partners , yeah ? ” if the subtle insult thrown in the offer didn’t completely reveal her lack of sincerity , the lip-quivering smile she shoots him as she suppresses laughter certainly does . “ i’m thinking . . . ‘val and milo’s disappearing act’ . get it ? everybody will think we’re like – magicians or some shit . but in reality , we make people disappear – annoying siblings , bitter exes , y’know , we don’t judge . “ the pent-up laughter made her voice shake as it crept closer to freedom , yet she still maintains the professional edge of offering a handshake . “ you in ? ”
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
helloooo , it’s bøffy again with bby #2 , who is . . . arguably much more established , so i’ll apologize for the length of this before we even begin ! with that out of the way , feel free to give this a “like” if you’d be interested in plotting , and i’ll msg you via tumblr or discord as soon as possible ! 
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name: valencia montero méndez .
 nickname(s): val .
 social media username(s): valmont .
 age: twenty .
 gender identity: cis female .
 pronouns: she/her .
 sexuality: pansexual .
 birthday: 27 december 1999 .
 zodiac sign: capricorn .
 myer-briggs: estp .
 place of birth: madrid, spain .
 height: 168 cm (5’6”) .
 house: quinby .
 major: business .
 year: sophomore .
 labels: the philophobic, the spitfire, the impecunious, the loose cannon, the firebrand .
 positive: adventurous, coquettish, loyal, self-reliant, valiant .
 neutral: blunt, furtive, introspective, pragmatic, skeptical .
 negative: avaricious, cynical, irreverent, mischievous, reckless .
 pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sundcynights/roleplay-boolies/valencia-montero/
 jet black faux leather jackets, tears of frustration, no-strings-attached hookups to distract from chronic loneliness, showcasing crimson manicures by extending one’s middle finger, becoming anti-love, numbing one’s pain with bad habits, lace-up combat boots, egotistical attitudes concealing low self-esteem, rebelling against authority, collections of sentimental photos, looks that could kill, midnight adventures, snapping photos to preserve memories, maroon-tinted lips and heavy eyeliner, holding grudges, impulsively cutting one’s own hair, showing unspoken affection through actions, insults diluted with sarcasm, 2 am drunken confessions, self-sabotaging one’s relationships, a bouquet of dead roses stored in an empty vodka bottle, firmly believing that rules were made to be broken .
 TW: brief mentions of or allusions to death, grief, drugs, alcohol, panic disorder, and anxiety .
 【𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢'𝔰 𝔫𝔬 𝔰𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔯𝔰】
                valencia montero was born on the 27th of december of 1999 in madrid, spain . with no older siblings to act as babysitters, she relished in the luxury of growing up an only child; nearly everyday was a “bring your child to work” event as she darted between the shelves of her father’s business: a small convenience store . with the family’s income boosted by her mother’s career as an attorney, it was a given that valencia would be supplied with whatever her heart desired . ultimately, she grew up with no need to differentiate between needs and wants .
                while some parents wrote heartfelt notes on the napkins that they packed in their child’s lunchbox, valencia’s mother spoke to her daughter via copies of her favorite motivational poems . undoubtedly, her mother’s contagious passion for art easily spread to valencia . at the mere age of 4, her mother enrolled her in ballet classes, hoping to live vicariously through her as she was handed opportunities her self-made mother had only dreamed of . regardless of her mother’s selfish intentions, valencia fell in love with the art of dance, using it to express her joy and pain through much of her childhood .
                shortly after valencia’s 13th birthday, tragedy would strike their household . her mother would become the casualty of a hit-and-run car accident . for days, valencia refused to leave her mother’s side, providing nearly round-the-clock care and attention until her mother was taken off life support . ultimately, she was hardly given time to grieve before she was expected to fill the gaping hole her mother left within the household by performing a juggling act in which she futilely attempted to balance the responsibilities of school with helping her father upkeep both his business and their home .
 【𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔰𝔥𝔢'𝔰 𝔣𝔞𝔯 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱】
               the remainder of secondary school passed by in a blur for valencia . she left the emotional outlet of dance behind, the memories of her mother all too fresh with each performance . thus, peer pressure and a general discontentment with her life left her resorting to alcohol or drugs to temporarily ease her emotional pain . unwilling to face her father in such conditions, she would avoid going home for days, crashing upon the couches of friends for multiple nights in a row . unable to maintain his gradually failing business by himself, her father had no choice but to close the small corner store and file bankruptcy .
                the way of living that valencia had grown accustomed to throughout her childhood was seemingly uprooted overnight . with the two of them now relying on her father’s measly unemployment benefits to scrape by, lavish living was no longer an acceptable option. purchases were made on a need-by-need basis . valencia took a rapid tumble down the social ladder . it was impossible to maintain friendships based upon popularity and social status when she no longer had access to the financial means necessary to arrive at school in the trendiest outfits or with the newest iPhone .
                as valencia observed the life of the wealthy elites from the sidelines, a small bug named jealousy bit her, injecting her with a resentful longing for their popularity, their material possessions, their mere comfort in life . thus, when the family’s pro bono attorney was finally able to reach a settlement (albeit, a disappointing one) regarding her mother’s death, valencia packed her bags to attend university in claremont, california . she saw an opportunity to reinvent herself in a different country, where nobody was aware of her background . she saw a flicker of hope that she could climb the social ladder yet again .
                she arrived to the university as a slightly worse version of her old self . she was very materialistic and high maintenance, continuously expecting the best and nothing less out of herself and everyone else . she would only be seen in seemingly “designer” clothing and accessories, even if they were made of faux leather or were blatant knock-offs . she continuously sought to surround herself with friends of wealth, prestige, or fame . she had a role to play, and even if it was exhausting, she did everything in her power to showcase the image of herself that she wanted others to see .
                ultimately, valencia’s one honest portrayal of herself in university was her academic plan . she declared a major in business with a minor in english . although it wasn’t uncommon to see her in class intoxicated by the effects of alcohol or drugs, she was making a genuine effort to graduate with a decent gpa . after feeling guilty and partly to blame over the loss of the family’s business, she entered university with the plan of someday opening up her own corporation, ensuring that she’d have the resources to take care of herself and her family without struggling .
 unsurprisingly, largely surrounding herself with the wealthy while she’s tirelessly living as a double agent, desperately attempting to live amongst them while secretly attempting to stay afloat financially, has done nothing to tame her snappish attitude . ultimately, she’s prone to irritability, and exhaustion only exacerbates it . she lets small, insignificant inconveniences pile up until suddenly, she explodes, and whoever happens to be around at that moment becomes collateral damage .
 she’s not one to back down from an argument or fight . she will stand her ground until her opponent merely gives up or walks away . always has an offensive remark at the tip of her tongue, and she typically can identify the telltale signs that she’s getting under someone’s skin . similarly, she’s prone to tears of frustration and/or anger . she will 100% shout at someone with tears falling from her eyes . embarrassing? yes, 100%, but not as much as forfeiting a conflict .
 “'cause i feel like i’m the worst, so i always act like i’m the best” could describe her entire personality, honestly . she can occasionally have an aura of haughtiness and pompousness, but it’s mostly a self-defense mechanism to avoid actually having to confront her low self-esteem . ultimately, she’s continuously feeling as if she’s screwing things up and disappointing those around her, which leads to those lingering self-doubts concerning if anyone truly wants her around and truly loves and/or cares about her . despite the cold exterior, she’s actually a softie ? she just wants to feel loved and cared for .
 she has a tendency to become absolutely panicked if she’s forced to acknowledge her insecurities . she has built up a whole wall of potential defense mechanisms solely to avoid having to cope with her problems – drugs, alcohol, sex, whatever . if someone blatantly makes note of her insecurities, she’ll be subjected to that heart-pounding, lump-of-anxiety in her throat, dizzying and exhausting sensation of just … pure and utter panic .
 she doesn’t really express affection through straight-forward statements . frankly, hell will probably freeze over before you hear her speak the words, “i love you,” platonically or romantically . however, she does show affection in her own unique ways . directing playfully sarcastic quips towards someone, reassuringly squeezing someone’s hand, ensuring that someone gets home safely . ultimately, she’s an “actions speak louder than words,” type person, so if she cares about someone, she won’t waste meaningless words on them; she’ll prove it .
 she drives a used 2007 toyota camry solara (claims it “has character”) . sleek red exterior, black interior, and a convertible top ? completely matches her aesthetic . furthermore, she’s the type of impulsive, reckless person you’d expect to drive like a speed demon, but she’s surprisingly cautious behind the wheel . that, along with a mild case of road rage, stems from the anxiety of not being completely in control of every situation occurring on the road . catch her cursing someone out every time she gets cut off and has to slam on her brakes .
 red and black are her signature colors . every piece of clothing in her closet, every eyeshadow palette or lipstick tube in her cosmetics’ bag – it’s all red and black . her current style paints a stark contrast against her style choices growing up . catch her wearing every color in the rainbow in those old, sentimental childhood photos she keeps laying around .
 she’s not a professional photographer by any means, and doesn’t even own a legit camera . however, she’s continuously reaching for her cellphone to snap photos, and always having to delete old photos to clear space for new ones . ultimately, she became a bit obsessed with preserving memories after losing her mother . so, her close friends can expect a minimum of one selfie or unexpected candid photo per visit . she has a box filled with nothing but photos and sentimental mementos at this point .
 she speaks both english and spanish fluently . however, in the united states, she only uses spanish if she’s speaking to another native spanish-speaker, if there’s not a direct english translation for a word, or if she’s speaking too fast for her mind to truly catch up with what she’s saying . thus, unless one is a native spanish speaker, they’ll probably only hear her speak spanish when she’s angry .
 her bad habits are definitely fueled by her bad moods . she’s definitely the type to attempt to drink her feelings away, end up feeling even worse, and send a plethora of embarrassing 2 am texts that she’ll probably have to give lackluster explanations for in the morning . similarly, she’ll attempt to combat loneliness with meaningless hook-ups . overall, she has no healthy responses to complex or negative feelings whatsoever .
wanted connections.
these are mostly . . . ideas that i thought of within like, 20 minutes ? so definitely not a comprehensive list or even a well-composed list ; it’s mostly just a few ideas to get us started ! that being said , i am very open when it comes to plots , so please feel free to approach me with any ideas you have as well ! ( also , just a side note , all of these are open to any muse (f/m/nb) !
give me those negative relationships ! ex: enemies , exes , a “will they , won’t they ?” that turned into a “definitely won’t” because one of them did something ridiculous . just . . . please, this girl is vindictive and petty and 100% will drag someone’s name through the dirt if she feels they’ve wronged her . also . . . flip the tables, give me friendships and relationships that she’s screwed up so now there’s just . . . anger on all sides ?
give me those platonic relationships ! ex: unlikely friends , someone who . . . tries . . . to be a good influence , some who she’s a bad influence on , old friends who grew apart for whatever reason , solely party friends . honestly ? she’s a loyal friend , but a frustrating & hard to handle friend . someone can give her the best advice and she’d still push it aside to do what she wants to do . probably comes up with wild plans and ideas that most people would raise their brow and ask “wtf?” in response to , but y’know , she can be persuasive . would and most likely has gotten into a fight or heated argument defending any of her friends in need .
give me those other miscellaneous relationships that we’re all in love with ! ex: flirtationships , friends with benefits , past hook-ups , unrequited crushes (on either side ! ) probably the closest things she’ll get to like a . . . real , committed relationship at this point in her life , but y’know , it’s cool , she’s got plenty of time ! give me those unrequited feelings that she’s totally oblivious to (or just takes advantage of & just . . . “unintentionally” complicates their whole life), those unrequited feelings on her part that just . . . give her a whirlwind of emotions that she ? has ? no ? idea ? how ? to ? deal ? with ? . similarly , give me those hookups & such that she just . . . calls up whenever she needs a distraction from whatever she’s feeling !
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
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jawdroppinq · 4 years
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