#tw: panic disorder
skullinacowboyhat · 14 days
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panic attack.
during his deprogramming and training on Tython, Leiko regularly suffers flashbacks and anxiety attacks from their time as the Wraith. They eventually get better at handling the attacks, focusing on their breath and the moment at hand, but he continues to suffer PTSD for years after.
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universitypenguin · 1 year
The next chapter of "The Princess and the Lawyer" will be posted tonight! Chapter 17 will be published at 11:59 PM.
Before it comes out, I'd like to give some important content warnings, which will be included in the pre-story notes. The warnings are for two particular areas that might be very triggering for some people: child abuse and panic attacks.
Chapter 17 contains a scene about Lloyd's childhood memories which contains semi-graphic descriptions of child abuse. The nature of the abuse is physical violence. There is also a vivid, graphic description, of a panic attack. This scene is written in a manner intended to draw the reader into the physical experience of the panic attack.
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
ugh. so i started taking antidepressants for my panic disorder and i hope they will help me! 🫶 but it's the first week and my stomach doesn't like it at all :/ at least I'll lose weight.. if you have any tips, what helped you to overcome panic disorder, let me know, please ♡ we can do that!
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soxiyy · 7 months
Being Jewish with a panic disorder is a 0/10 experience, would not recommend
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panic attacks are scary, i feel like i'm dying but i'm not. stop joking man and just let me die not only the feeling
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 4 months
:33 < can we stop with the "oh if youre cringge ? just be yourself !! doont let people judge you !!" speech alterhuman community ? ihave avpd and it really shows yall do not think once about the fact that people could literally be disabled and not able to not let people judge them because yall just assume feeling fear because of judgement is a "silly little thing" and "just being yourself can fix it !!"
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dailyashleighraichu · 11 months
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“B-but… how…? She never had issues with food before!”
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“….I knew there was a reason she wanted to lose weight…”
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"I can't say with certainty as she didn't tell me, but these things can happen suddenly. One traumatic event can be all it takes for something like this to develop.”
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"If you talk to her directly about this now, it may push her away further. And, if you will permit, I’d like to talk to her first on her own to better understand her mental health at the moment, and then formulate a plan for both everyone here,” he gestured around the room with two of his tails, “and also for herself. Does that sound fair to everyone?”
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“I’d say that’s pretty fair.”
Coro and Taima nod in agreement. Ash still looks incredibly worried, however.
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"I don’t want to lose her, Dew-!"
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“I take this very seriously, as both a consulting doctor and a parent. Which is why I am going to make sure everyone knows what to do, so that Joule can begin the healing process.”
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"If she needs to be hospitalized for a time, I can make sure she is well looked after with my co-workers, But I will only know how to best work with her, and everyone here, until after I assess her.”
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"Now then, could you please show me where Joule is? I will speak with her now.”
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"Y-yeah. Of course."
He starts to show Lucky to Joule’s room, but is stopped as Taima joins him.
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"She’s not just your sister, knucklehead. I want to listen too."
Coro nods, and the twins show Lucky down the hall to Joule’s bedroom.
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undiagnosed-autistic · 6 months
For the first time in years I'll take the train. It'll be a two hour long ride and I'm extremely afraid I won't be able to make it. Actually, I'm not sure if I can survive the day at all. I'm going to an art museum and my agoraphobic and my autistic self are freaking out.
Everything seems impossible. My autistic self is so afraid that the train won't be on time, that it might broke down and I'll have to change train, that there'll be a lot of people, that the noise of the train and of the people might be too much, that it will be too hot, and my agoraphobic self just adds up: what if I want to go home? I won't be able to. What if I don't feel good? I'll be trapped in that train, home will be so far away.
And that's only the train ride, I have to survive a museum visit, lunch, another museum and then the ride home (train again, two hours).
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bipolarmango · 6 months
My parents: your childhood was just fine
Me: what about these guys then *vaguely gesturing at my c-PTSD, dissociation, panic disorder, and ongoing personality disorder investigations*
My parents: *squinting eyes* well well well maybe you were the problem then
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k4i-ztimz · 3 months
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Panic disorder stimboard!
I love the star on the flag! It was a bit hard because the grey can be seen as green or blue, but i did neither! I personally really like this one!
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vink-charles · 10 months
Why is life so hard?
I just wanna lay down
Wait until it's less active
Just focusing on breathing
Hoping to calm down for once
But everytime I try to rest
People call me 'lazy'
Say I am 'unproductive'
But when I continue to suffer
I am 'overworking myself'
Or I 'look tired'
It's never enough, no matter what
How can one escape this cycle?
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aftgficrec · 28 days
can you do any fics where jean and neil are besties?
The friendship between Neil and Jean is a popular concept (especially in the wake of The Sunshine Court), although it’s not always the main focus. - S
This recent post will show you a greater number of recs, while below are a few of the newer ones: 
favourite Neil & Jean or Neil/Jean fics here
Drowning In Your Warmth by starsnsoul [Rated G, 2711 words, complete, 2024]
“Why are you here?” He asks as he stares at one of the looser threads on the multicoloured blanket. Neil finishes changing into clothes that are not clinging to his skin and sits on the edge of the bed, “I was in town.” He says. “Liar.” Jean says. I missed you too, he thinks. - Jean fears the sound of thunder, the smell of rain. Neil knows this and visits when the rainy season starts.
tw: panic attacks
Defining Friendship by yall_send_help [Rated T, 3954 words, complete, 2024]
4+1 someone said that jean and neil were friends + one time they realized it themselves
animal brisé, humain vivant by electric_typewriter [Rated T, 3109 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Part 3 of the healing and rebirth of nathaniel wesninski
Nathaniel and Jean begin the long and difficult road to playing together again. Perhaps, to get through it, they need each other more than they need anything else.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: dissociation, tw: panic attacks, tw: anxiety
To balance your conviction with certainty by The_stars_ship_us [Rated T, 1374 words, complete, 2024]
Alternate scene/added scene to The Sunshine Court. Neil cuts Jean’s hair.
tw: implied/referenced abused, tw: mentioned minor character death
the complications of asking your best friend to be your best man by defenselessgold [Rated T, 551 words, complete, 2024]
“Jean.” Jean could almost hear Neil’s lip curl in a sarcastic smile. “I need a favor.” Jean replied with a low hum, his nerves getting the better of his vocal cords. Neil let out a short but quiet spurt of laughter. “Could you be my best man?” or Neil calls Jean in the wee hours of the morning to ask him to be his best man.
Clipped Wings by rosebouquets [Rated M, 25504 words, incomplete, last updated August 2024]
They hadn't run away before he was adopted into the Ravens. He did though, he ran years later with a different body by his side and the past haunting him. It's not something to escape, he'll never be able to escape it fully. Without a second thought, he gave in to the offer for the Foxes, not for himself but because Jean couldn't run forever. He ran from the Ravens once before, this time he'll have to face them head-on. Neil and Jean escaped the Ravens at sixteen, they found themselves as the new Freshmen for the Palmetto State Foxes, and facing their pasts as the partners they were meant to be.
tw: violence, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced disordered eating
Aftg Runaways AU by @sillysapphillean [tumblr, 2024]
use tag aftg runaways AU on author’s blog to see more
AU where Mary dies when they are in france and coincidentally around the same time is right before jean was about to get sold
8D asmr sounds would finish these two off  by @doesephs
forever partners in another life by @wuzeio
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maytheratseatureyes · 9 months
I can't believe I even have to write this. More under the cut, warnings in tags. Vent post. Just me getting my frustrations out.
I was pretty shocked that upon opening tumblr today, I was greeted with two memes from the Slay the Princess fandom. One joking about giving someone with panic attacks LSD and the other having, You Should Kill Yourself Now, written in all caps.
There were no tags other than Slay the Princess. No warnings.
It's becoming clear that the BTGs fandoms are not a safe place for people like me. I've already seen several people chased out and made to feel like they're no longer welcome on the discord, and it's a shame.
This isn't even getting into the issues I've been having with a certain person in the fandom. I've blocked this individual and have continued to ignore them, but their gross behavior has continued, and they've made several people uncomfortable to the point of not wanting to post anymore. Mods were contacted, but it seems nothing was done, so I'm left to assume that the things they've been doing aren't considered a big deal. There were several complaints made about this person, and I'm wondering just how many people they have to make uncomfortable before some kind of action is taken.
I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I don't think there's anything I can do. I guess I'll just leave like others have.
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moondragon618 · 1 year
Some c!Tommy angst based on a dream I had the other night:
So basically, during exile c!Dream had a set of rules in place meant to train c!Tommy out of his selfish habits- stealing things, demanding things from others, being ungrateful, taking things when he doesn't deserve them, that sort of thing.
1. He is not allowed to have more than what he deserves. Anything extra that he gets on his own must be turned over to Dream. Attempting to hoard things where Dream can't find them will have severe consequences :)
2. He is allowed to ask Dream for more if he can make a convincing argument for why he deserves it, but watch out :)
3. If Dream offers him something, he is expected to ask for permission before accepting it and to thank Dream for allowing him to have it even if he doesn't deserve it. If he accepts it right away, he is punished for being greedy. If he rejects it completely, he is punished for being ungrateful.
This applies to everything but food in particular was often the biggest source of conflict- in part because Dream would intentionally ensure that the amount of food Tommy "deserved" was always less than what he actually needed. This was the most effective way to keep things interesting, after all :)
The result of this is that ever since exile, people offering him things as a gift always feels like a trap, especially when it's food, and he often isn't getting enough to eat because he feel like he doesn't deserve it and feels guilty when he does.
Now for the actual dream stuff lol:
After a while he does get a little more comfortable with accepting gifts, and his friends would take notice of how skinny he was and try to make sure he's eating enough.
But sometimes things happen :)
Imagine- Tubbo invites Tommy over for dinner with him, Ranboo, and Michael, and at first all is well. Until Tubbo offers Tommy some extra food and he accepts it without thinking- and then he freezes, a feeling of guilt and dread creeping in. This was already way more food than he should be having. He just accepted more without thinking.
Someone asks him if he's okay, and instinctively he begins to apologize.
He doesn't deserve all this. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve it-
Someone comes near to try and comfort him, and he flinches away, begging Dream for mercy as he fully expects to feel the bite of Nightmare's blade for what he's done-
But that voice isn't Dream's, and nobody is hurting him. Slowly he calms down, and he realizes it's just Tubbo, looking at him with concern (and maybe a little guilt). Ranboo and Michael seem to have disappeared.
Tommy hopes he didn't scare Michael too much.
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venty-times17 · 2 months
he thinks I’m being a baby when I tell him his screaming stresses me out. my therapist calls it a trauma response, the way my stomach twists and contorts as my hands start to shake and my mind reels with anticipatory fear. the way I throw out angry words to protect myself as I shut down.
I’m not a baby, I’m just traumatized.
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ocean-not-found · 9 months
My communication cards.
Never used them before but since i cant speak bc of my mental health, i hope they can help me communicate with the carers.
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I said to my school therapist "i picture my hallucinations like... a cloud in a place it shouldn't be?" Which made sense to me, as hallucinations *shouldnt be there*. So i put a weirdcore edit onto the card, for my enjoyment :).
My Mary statue helps with my derealisation (not feeling real/nothing around me feels real)
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