jay-and-pumpkinmon · 1 month
Alright, so some team updates since last time we were here. My name is Pumpkinmon, and I'll be the one giving you all the rundown! Tiny is a Falcomon now, and has been training for the last few weeks to get into the competitive scene.
Pepsi ended up going through his reload not long after Coke Digivolved into a Shoutmon, surprisingly (he's never gone down this route before, but he's excited about it!) and Pepsi is currently a Candlemon. They're still inseparable, of course.
Danni actually ended up moving a few of her friends in with us, a pair of Pagumon twins (Mari and Raph respectively) and a DemiDevimon named Penelope. According to Danni, she and Penelope are actually cousins!
As for Lance, he's still on our team but he isn't living here anymore. He found a tamer that he really likes hanging out with, and who officially took Lance in not ago! We're all really happy he's found somewhere he feels comfortable, especially since he was never entirely certain he wanted to live with us.
And me? Well, Jay and I have been working like crazy at our new job! It's technically the same thing as our old job, but with better hours than before- not to mention the benefits.are pretty good, too. We also got an invitation to a very small local guild that we're thinking about joining, but we haven't decided yet. We'll keep everyone updated!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 1 month
Hey guys! Its been a LONG time, and a lot was going on in our lives- but we're back now, and we'll be posting on the regular again soon!
Sorry we vanished for so long. We'll give a team update soon, since things have changed a little since last time we updated, including a change in jobs!
Hey everyone! I know its been a long while since we updated anything on here, so we wanted to let y'all know everything is going alright. Tiny has evolved into a Falcomon, Coke hatched again after awhile and is currently a Gigimon, and everyone else is doing pretty good too! Lance also decided he was going to stay on our team permanently.
As for why we've been gone, we've been working double shifts (i.e. dayside and nightside for the shipping company) for roughly the last month or so. We'll be fully switching over to nightside soon, and once we do we'll be much more active on here!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 3 months
Yeah, no problem!! I hope you're able to find one!
The worst part and the thing I'm really just starting to beat myself up over with breaking my Loader is that the mod that Dr. Trudy gave me is pretty screwed up as well... I'll tell em and stuff but god I just feel awful about this. I really hope they understand... I want them to trust me and stuff..
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 3 months
If you're somewhere near Primary Village, there's a store just outside it that sells a bunch of different kinds of digivices. I can't guarantee that they'll have a fusion loader, but it's worth a shot!
The worst part and the thing I'm really just starting to beat myself up over with breaking my Loader is that the mod that Dr. Trudy gave me is pretty screwed up as well... I'll tell em and stuff but god I just feel awful about this. I really hope they understand... I want them to trust me and stuff..
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 3 months
Aw, man, that really does suck... Do you want help looking for a new one, or are you going to try to get a different Digivice all together?
Ugggh this is.... A problem... Despite our best efforts my poor Digivice can't be saved. RIP Xros Loader, we failed you.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 3 months
Hey everyone! I know its been a long while since we updated anything on here, so we wanted to let y'all know everything is going alright. Tiny has evolved into a Falcomon, Coke hatched again after awhile and is currently a Gigimon, and everyone else is doing pretty good too! Lance also decided he was going to stay on our team permanently.
As for why we've been gone, we've been working double shifts (i.e. dayside and nightside for the shipping company) for roughly the last month or so. We'll be fully switching over to nightside soon, and once we do we'll be much more active on here!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Hey guys, guess what? Tiny evolved for the very first time! She's a Pinamon now! She's decided she wants to take it slow with her evolutions and really get a feel for each and every form, so I'll keep everyone updated on that.
Coke still hasn't re-hatched, so we're keeping an eye on that, too. Pepsi is carrying around the Digitama everywhere.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Sorry to hear Tiny isn't taking things well! Its never easy to try and explain to Baby Digimon why things happen, especially before they've grown and matured a little so that sort of thing sticks in their heads.
You've been doing a fantastic job with them, though, and I don't doubt they'll settle down soon :)
Thanks for the support! Honestly, between Tiny and Pepsi, I think Pepsi is taking it much worse. They've known each other their entire lives, and according to Pepsi, they both get like this when they reset.
Tiny is taking it better now that Pumpkinmon sat down and talked to her about it, and told her that it'd take awhile for Coke to regain his memories but that he'd be back to normal eventually. I think she's also just happy that someone just as small as her is going to be around soon.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Howdy guys! Sorry for the lack of posts after we got back to Primary Village. We're back home now, and Coke hit his reset not even an hour after we got back. Pepsi is not happy about it, and is missing his best friend- we've been trying to help him out, but Tiny keeps asking where Coke is, and she's not taking it well.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Took longer than anticipated, but we are back in Primary village! Tiny is thrilled. Also, to all the poor workers, I am so so sorry that she immediately got herself stuck in a cupboard and thank you SO much for helping us find her in the ensuing chaos.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Oh yeah, it was storming like crazy last night! We heard a few trees fall and everything. We actually decided to turn back since we last posted that... So far, the trail is not looking good.
Hey all! Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, to the island got hit pretty hard with a massive storm. It's still raining, but the storm has mostly past us- that being said, hiking after a storm like that has to potential to be dangerous. We're currently discussing if we want to head back early or not. So far, the vote is pretty split down the middle. The only undecided party is Cypress, so we're waiting to see what he thinks.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 4 months
Hey all! Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, to the island got hit pretty hard with a massive storm. It's still raining, but the storm has mostly past us- that being said, hiking after a storm like that has to potential to be dangerous. We're currently discussing if we want to head back early or not. So far, the vote is pretty split down the middle. The only undecided party is Cypress, so we're waiting to see what he thinks.
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 5 months
Okay, okay, hear me out though- Pigeons are super cool. Elm is onto something with that interest of hers.
In addition to banging out resource posts, the girls and I are taking a walk around downtown today! It's my first real day off since all that happened so we're taking Elm around to see the sights. Felt has gotten her favorite donuts, I've gotten a fancy coffee, and Elm is fascinated by the pigeons. All in all, a successful morning
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 5 months
We met up with Cypress yesterday, now we're a quarter of the way up the first mountain. We'll probably reach the peak by tonight, but I'll keep everyone updated!
As a sidenote, the local digimon are very friendly. Tiny is having a great time, too!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 5 months
Howdy guys! We left the village early this morning with BanchoLeomon, and got to the island roughly 3 hours later. Now we're going to meet up with our other friend, a Puppetmon named Cypress, and we'll be heading down the coastline and up the mountain. Wish us luck!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 5 months
Not at all! We aren't leaving until tomorrow morning- we appreciate the offer though! For now we're just hanging around and letting Tiny meet the other younger Digimon.
It's important for young Digimon to get out all their extra energy and socialize. I'm keeping watch over Tiny while Coke and Pepsi talk about the hiking route with Jay.
Alrightz guys! We just arrived in Primary Village. Were meeting up with our friend Leomon once he's done working for the day (he helps with the kitchen here) and then we're headed for the island in the morning! Our other friend is going to meet us there.
Tiny is having a lot of fun meeting all the other recently hatched digimon in the meantime, and even Danni seems to be in a fantastic mood!
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jay-and-pumpkinmon · 5 months
Alrightz guys! We just arrived in Primary Village. Were meeting up with our friend Leomon once he's done working for the day (he helps with the kitchen here) and then we're headed for the island in the morning! Our other friend is going to meet us there.
Tiny is having a lot of fun meeting all the other recently hatched digimon in the meantime, and even Danni seems to be in a fantastic mood!
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