jayisbored938 · 3 years
This is just a short something I wrote for fun so be kind even though I know it;s mediocre at best (think it dont say it to my face)
summery: The PM and the ada team together for a mission and Chuuya and reader have to work together 
This was honestly the worst possible situation you could have been stuck in. The ada had temporarily teamed up with the port mafia to fight off yet another threat facing Yokohama and it’s citizens. And while you respected Fukuzawa and his decisions greatly, you just couldn’t wrap your head around why you had to work with such an irritating, short tempered, angry chihuahua of a man. Ok thats a lie, your abilities did work well together, and if push came to shove you would be able to pull him out of corruption mode, and seeing as Dazai had his hands full with his own thing you were the best candidate for the job. But dammit it you weren’t peeved to be working with Chuuya Nakahara of all people.
Look it’s not that you hated the guy. You had no good reason to hate him. In fact, when he wasn’t yelling, you may even go as far as to say you found him somewhat charming. But of course this didn’t go unnoticed, and of course it was Dazai of all people who did notice, and of course he just couldn’t sit idly by as the perfect chance to mess with both his dear friend and colleague as well as his old partner just sat right there within grasp. Of course he has to reach out and grab it, and then promptly smash it back in your face by suggesting to Fukuzawa that you should be the one to work with Chuuya this time round. And now here you were, wearing ability canceling collars, locked in what honestly looked like a dungeon with the guy you found simultaneously annoying and charming.
Looking over you could see that Chuuya was sitting against the wall leaning back with his hat over his face. Honestly you had assumed that in a situation like this he would be rather restless and itching to find a way out. But he seems strangely calm in this situation, dare you say even relaxed. Does this mean he has some sort of plan? Or perhaps he’s just exhausted. You wanted to know. Curiosity may have killed the cat but last you checked you weren’t Atsushi so you should be fine. Quietly as to not startle him, you walked over and gently poked his arm. He looked up, seeming rather surprised you were poking him of all things. 
“What?” he asked. 
You looked blankly for a moment wondering how to phrase the question and not sound like an idiot. Should you say ‘why do I look so relaxed?’ or maybe ‘why aren’t you looking for a way out?’ 
“Why do you look like that?” way to go you, articulation: immaculate, clarity: one million percent, hotel: trivago.
“What? What is that supposed to mean?!” Great now he’s agitated. 
“Sorry” you raised your hands in defense and backed away slightly.”I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant you look rather relaxed given our situation. Do you have a plan or something I should Know about?” Chuuya blinked for a moment and then a slight look of worry seemed to come over his face.
“You…YOU don’t have a plan????” You were very obviously taken aback by this.
Now panicking a little you replied “What are you talking about?! Why would I have a plan???”
“I don't know you seemed so calm the whole time, and every time I’ve come across you you’re always coming up with these supe smart on the fly plans. Why the hell would I be the one to make the plan?”
“I- wait, you think I’m smart?”
“Is that literally all you took out of this whole conversation? I just told you that we are in fact trapped with no plan. Now use that head of yours and get us out of here!”
“Alright, alright.” With Chuuya’s words it had finally dawned on you how silly it had been to waste time assuming someone else would save you when you were a perfectly capable adult yourself. ‘Damn that wasn’t very girlboss of me’ you thought as you plopped yourself down fully beside Chuuya to think. In the middle of your almost meditative thinking state Chuuya poked your upper arm. “What?” you asked. “Oh nothing, just wanted to see if you were still alive. How the hell can a human being go so still? What were you even thinking about?” 
“I was trying to think of a plan and I think I’ve got one.”
—-Small skip brought to you by my inability to think of a good plan—-
Two broken collars, one gravity bashed wall, and one Chuuya provided flight up to the top of a nearby building (the designated meetup spot), later and the two of you were finally free. Luckily for you both the two of you had already retrieved the drive you were sent to collect and the security team hadn’t noticed it’s absence before your capture so were able to hold on to the piece of info your whole mission was centered on. Thank heavens.
“Hm?” you looked up at Chuuya in surprise.
“You got us out of there and you were calm doing it. I would have been pacing around like a caged tiger if you hadn't been so quick and calm about it all.”
You were stunned, what the hell kind of twilight zone type realm had you stumbled into that this man of all men was thanking you.
“I’m gonna be candid here, I was not expecting you to thank me but it’s kinda nice you did.”
You replied.”I should be thanking you too though. Other than getting those collars off my plan was pretty simple and wouldn’t have worked without your help.”
“Well I guess we both did good then” Chuuya replied, putting out his hand.
“I guess we did. You know you’re pretty cool Chuuya, for a PM exec.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” he asked, playfully lifting an eyebrow.
“Nothing, Just that I enjoyed working together a surprisingly lot more than I suspected.”
“Well isn’t that the most touching thing!” you both turned around to see Dazai leaning against the edge of the railing wiping away a fake tear. When did he even get there and how was he so silent when he wanted to be??? “I’m glad you guys get along so well, oh I can hear the wedding bells now.” Chuuya quickly dropped your hand and went to yell at Dazai for sneaking up like that and interupting him before he got to talking and so on but not before discreetly slipping a peice of paper in your pocket with his number on it. He honestly enjoyed your company too and he hoped you could be friends in spite of your differing career paths, and maybe even one day something more.
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jayisbored938 · 3 years
you know what that’s it *abandons schoolwork to write subpar fanfiction*
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jayisbored938 · 3 years
This is my first fic ever.It’s not good, I just got super bored and decided I’d try my hand at it and thought i might as well post it so here it is. Pls dont judge me I’m new and have never done this before. Thank you
warnings: none its just a fun little thing I wrote
words: 688
Its pretty platonic but I guess you could read it however you like
Howl had a great idea. Not all of his ideas were great (not that he’d ever admit that) but this one sure was. y/n had recently been administered the silent treatment by Sophie for the massive mess that she and Markle had created during an impromptu food fight. Markle being a child and therefore given some leniency when it came to such behavior was more or less let off the hook, but y/n being a fully grown adult was not so lucky. Not liking to see the tension between the two, Howl had devised a plan. He had bribed Markl with cupcakes from his favorite bakery and sat down, pretending nothing was wrong, waiting for the plan to be set in motion.
Sophie, Howl, and y/n were all sitting doing their various activities in the living room. Sophie was sat leaning against the couch sewing, Howl was writing something or other most likely of a wizardly nature, and y/n was was sat on the other side of the couch from Sophie reading a book, glancing up every once in a while at the other two, hoping that Sophie would give up on her punishment soon. Suddenly Markle bounds down the stairs in a great leap and yells “THE FLOOR IS LAVA!” and quickly ran back up the stairs.
Howl, having already known what was going to happen, had already sat himself on his desk as soon as Markle had uttered the words. Sophie and y/n however were somewhat caught off guard. y/n scrambled to lift her feet from the floor and then helped Sophie to get herself on the couch as well, seeing as she had looked somewhat perplexed and startled by the whole situation. “Now do you forgive me after saving you from the lava?” y/n asked half in jest and half seriously.
This was the sort of reaction Howl had expected from the two. y/n always had a chivalrous air to them when it came to Sophie and Howl so her helping Sophie up was nowhere near unexpected. What he did not expect was, however, Sophie's reaction.
“Hmm maybe, but i just need you to do one more thing for me before I can forgive you”
“What is it soph?”
Sophie, sitting on the back of the sofa, gave y/n, who was rather precariously perched on the arm of the sofa, a light shove with her foot.
y/n was, evidently, not expecting this and tipped off the sofa and fell right on the cushions Sophie had previously sat on before this whole debacle. Unhurt and with an air of drama that could rival even Howls, y/n decided to play along.
“Aaaaaah the agony!!! The horror!! I’m melting! To be betrayed in such a way by the woman I trust most! I shall never recover! What a world! What a WORLD!”
During this whole performance y/n had cast herself in a most dramatic pose pretending to melt on the floor of ‘lava’ wicked witch of the west style.
Howl found this so amusing that clutching his sides from laughing had lost balance on his desk and fallen onto the floor himself.
“Ha! That's what you get for mocking my pain.”
This statement did not however affect Howl in any other way except to make him double over in even more laughter. And between fits of giggles you could hear Howl attempt to keep the spirit of the game alive by saying the same sort of things y/n had, but all that came out was something like,
“Hahah lava- ahaha bur- haha burning ha.”
Sophie now had also been laughing along with the pair, evidently alot less mad at y/n then she was before she said “okay okay you got me I’m not mad anymore. I forgive you”
Distracted by the sweet forgiveness neither of the pair noticed Howl move behind the sofa until it was too late. Grabbing Sophie he pulled her backwards so she fell on him and now all three adults were on the round laughing like children.
Say what you will about Howls planning skills but this one certainly turned out pretty well.
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