jayparkhq · 2 years
Jay ✉️ Kaya
kay: keep talking 👀
jay: beer? night of your favorite movies? they're the only bargaining chips i have.
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jayparkhq · 2 years
Jay ✉️ Rey
rey: is a quick cash grab really worth the price of our friendship jay? IS IT????
rey: i'm at dress rehearsal rn but I can pick it up right afterwards
jay: it's a shirt. not your kidney.
jay: jk jk jk. i'll keep it. ily really 😘
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jayparkhq · 2 years
Jay ✉️ Kaya
kaya: if u sell it u owe me like,, more than half of the profits
kaya: bc yk, emotional damage
jay: emotional damage? the dramatics are strong with this one.
jay: can i talk you round with pizza and weed?
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jayparkhq · 2 years
Jay ✉️ Open
jay: someone finally dropped in that shirt you keep raving about. you still want it or am i getting rich off this piece of history? 👕
jay: i can see the dollar signs now.
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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JUSTIN H. MIN 📸 Justin Chung
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jayparkhq · 2 years
better off duds ! ( open for — @roswellstarters​ )
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the plaid shirt  — one of two , close in color to the point of being indistinguishable — hung in shreds from striker’s body . ribbons draped over arms , clinging by threads from an oversized torso ; this time around , instead of being attacked by any of puhlman’s livestock , he had lost a one-way fight with a barbed wire fence yet lived to tell the tale . no shoes , no shirt , no service — crudely tattooed skin exposed , he lingered in the doorway of ‘ better off duds ‘ , awaiting a familiar customer for him to extort . “ hey — can y’ help an old guy out ?? “ the male questioned , gesturing to striped attire that resembled that of a scarecrow or a character plucked from ‘ friday the 13th ‘ , “ — ‘n go grab me a shirt from in there or somethin’ , just so i ain’t walkin’ around with my tits out . can’t give people this type a’ show for free , now , can i ?? “ 
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Jay had been hanging out in the back taking their break when they emerged and found Striker lurking near the doorway. The proposition they overheard an amusing one and as they approached slowly, they slid their hands casually into their front pockets, bemused grin crossing their features. “You could come inside and try your luck, you know?” he suggested, eyebrows wiggling a moment. “’Cause you’re right, no one wants to see you walking around like that.” The words were only said in jest, Jay really didn’t care one jot how the older man wandered the streets. “We might have something out back you can have for free.”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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I want us to be friends.
Will McDonald & James Majoos as Cash Piggott & Darren Rivers “The Sheriff” — Heartbreak High (1.07)
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jayparkhq · 2 years
*first autumnal leaf falls to the ground*
me: i must spook
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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JUSTIN H. MIN for GQ Magazine (March 2022) “For eight or nine years, I was purely in survival mode to get the next job, for the first time in my life, I can ease off the accelerator a bit and try to grow in some other areas.”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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jayparkhq · 2 years
location: the middle of the Pride march
open to: love&pride folks and everyone else! @roswellstarters
            Staring at his phone, of course he was late. Not to mention Jack was trying to read what it seemed a fourteenth text from his date.. apparently she was mad because he was being late and didn’t respond to her texts earlier today. If you asked Jack, she should have been happy he even wanted to do the whole date thing during the music festival. “Fuck that.” Putting their phone back into their pocket, Jack scanned his surroundings barely recognizing anyone, but that could be also due to the couple of beers he had on his way over. Not to mention he was standing in the middle of the Pride march. “Hey, you, wanna get a beer?” 
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Holly had been lost in the crowd, mindlessly swaying along to whatever band was playing on the stage —- they had to be honest, they barely knew a single one of them, so were trying to simply enjoy the atmosphere instead. When they heard the familiar voice, they glanced back over their shoulder, flashing a smile in Jack’s direction. “A question I can’t possibly say no to!” they answered enthusiastically. 
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jayparkhq · 2 years
           “That’s too bad.. what did you study?” What Lara loved about meeting new people is hearing their stories that would remind her that not everything in life is simple, black & white, but instead layered in so many shades, so many paths that would always give her hope that everything was possible. “I’m afraid, business. I’m a lawyer and after some thinking, I have decided to open a branch of my law firm in Roswell.” Which was a great cover for mafia business and running away from failed marriage.
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“Dance. I was at Juilliard,” Holly told her, nose wrinkling a  moment. “I try not to let it bother me, but who am I kidding, it bothers me every single day.” They’d given everything to attending the prestigious stage school back when they were nineteen. “A lawyer, huh? I couldn’t even imagine doing something like that. When I haven’t been doing something to do with the arts, I’ve been working on coffee shops or candy stores. I worked in an ice-cream parlour once. Take it you like it, then?”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
“yeah, not all of us can be born with such talent—like me, unfortunately born with two left feet. best i can do is attempt to start a mosh whenever there’s enough room but i don’t think the people ‘round here would be down for that tonight.” they might’ve not been born with the best coordination when it came to dancing but they surely could handle themself just fine at a punk show. “that’s nice t’hear. i’m glad i ran into you tonight, been a while. can i buy you a drink?” they offer with a small one-sided grin.
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"Yeah, kinda feel like it’s not really the place for it,” Holly responded, casting a glance over their shoulder and toward the crowd they’d been talking about. A light sigh followed, and then they turned their attention back to Jett with a bright smile. “Hmm, let’s see, share a drink with such a beautiful person? I think I could be persuaded...”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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a stream of giggles following jaden as he moved , he tucked himself away behind the very same alien where holly was taking refuge . a good soldier never left another soldier behind . sucking in his own breaths , chest rising and falling from the rigorous , and uncharacteristic , exercise , he lowered his paint-filled weapon . “ you’re not really gonna die , are you ?? “ the male questioned , a slither of concern amongst laughter , “ ‘cus i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to carry you out of here on my own without getting pelted myself , “ 
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The back of Holly’s head hit the alien cut-out, their breath still laboured, grip tight on the paintball gun —- so tight their knuckles were going white. “It’s debatable... really touch or go here,” they answered, casting a glance in his direction, and then beginning to laugh a little. They really weren’t cut out for this kind of thing, what did they think they were doing? “You don’t think you can give it a go?”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
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nora sighs and she feigns a look of defeat, “fine. it’s fair” a laugh still falls from her lips, she gives wyatt some love. “mhm, i should’ve known! i’m the same though, this guy is my whole world” she smiles, nora got wyatt when he was just a puppy, little elena was tottering around as a toddler and it really helped with things. she nods, “oh i agree, their always ready to listen” she replies, “hows your pack doing anyway?” . 
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“Four dogs have always been kind of a dead giveaway, what can I say?” More laughter and Holly’s eyes lit up in that moment, the amusement taking over. “Sometimes these guys are better than the people in our lives, although I doubt you’d say that about Elena, of course.” They doubted Nora would even consider it for a second. “They’re doing good. Keeping me busy, along with everything else.” They shrugged. “How’s Elena doing?”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
Suraj nodded with a smile, shrugging at the ‘being an adult’ part, they had to agree of course. “We need to make it our own, I think, we might figure out a way to continue to do the things we like,” they suggested. Then chuckled. “Ah, I forgot to include ‘spend time with friends’, I have time for that too,” they said. “Going to the movies is technically research, right?”
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“Our own way of becoming an adult? Probably a good idea... although me trying to find my way has always been a hilarious thing to observe from the outside.” Holly shrugged lightly. “Oh, so you do, do that? Good.” Another gentle laugh escaped them. “Research? I mean, I guess so, it depends o what you’re wanting to research though.”
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jayparkhq · 2 years
location: alien gulch paintball park
status: open !! @roswellstarters​ ( capping at 5 responses ! )​
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“ cover me !! “ a yell from a goggle-eyed brunette as he dashed from one hay bale to another , trigger-happy and pelting a 6-foot-tall alien cardboard cutout with viridian paint splatter . it was as close as he was going to get to ever being an extra in a sci-fi movie ; perhaps , if stranger things had a casting call , his passion alone would land him a bystander role , ten-point text in the rolling end credits . “ another one bites the dust — hah !! who’re you targeting next ?? “ 
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“You expect me to be targeting people?” Holly questioned, their eyes wide as they hid themselves behind the closest alien, breath heavy. “I can barely hit a target, let alone moving people...” Why had they agreed to this, that was the question, why on earth had they agreed to it? “I think I’m going to die...” This was a little dramatic, but their panting near enough confirmed it.
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