jaysonpan · 11 years
Really? That's cool. I'm sure that's a blast, huh? I work as Peter Pan. 
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I work as Alice, from Alice in Wonderland, you?
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Angel? I can believe that considering you look like one.
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I’m an angel. 
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Not human.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
We must be secretly twins or something.
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Seriously? Oh my gosh, how can they not like her? She's amazing! The definition of perfect, actually. Ah. Well if it makes you feel better I'm in Paris to get away from my brother. Haha, I get you now! Though tomorrow I'll have to stress about work which sucks big time. 
You’re just like me!
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Can you belive that my family doesn’t like her?  That’s kinda why I’m in Paris.  I can’t live with them.  Um, ya.  Doing nothing for a day sounds way better than stressing over work and school and home.  Hence the awesomeness.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Really? How so?
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I happen to be very not human. 
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jaysonpan · 11 years
I agree. Lazy days are the best, especially after a long week. 
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If you don't mind me asking, what's your job?
Ah, right. Well, sometimes it’s the best thing to do, have a lazy day. I have them a lot.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Greetings to you too, other earthling. 
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Greetings, human. 
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jaysonpan · 11 years
That I can agree on. Beyoncé is the queen and anything that has to do with her is great. I don't see how anyone can dislike her.
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Does it really? I thought it would be a bit boring, but yay!
Yea, those are usually the best ones, half work and half laziness, though Days having to do with Beyoncé are always the best.
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Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty awesome.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
We both have such great middle names. We deserve medals. Eh. My name isn't really all that special, really.
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My middle name is clumsy, so there.. Not a problem, why aren’t you? You should be.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
I'm alright, thank you. I've been on my butt all day, so I can't really say if it's been a good day or not.
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Nice to meet you too, Jayson!
I’m good, thanks, yourself?
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jaysonpan · 11 years
I get that. Having somewhat of a chill day is always nice, yeah?
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Mine was alright. I didn't really do much except for sitting on my butt all day.
I actually liked it.  Yea.  It wasn’t the best day ever, but it was nice.
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How was your day?
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Oh well. Weird isn't my middle name for nothing, haha. Really? Thanks, though I'm not much of a fan of it.
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Yes, it is.. and it’s very weird, I can agree on that. Cool name you have there.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Ah, that's understandable. Being happy is always A+. Indeed. I don't know, it just happens. Weird, huh? Nice to meet you, Jordan. I'm Jayson.
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I don’t know, I’m just pretty happy today. You’re tired from doing nothing..? Well that’s a first. I’m Jordan, if you wanted to know.
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Jayson. Nice to meet you, Mia. How're you today?
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I’m Mia. And you are?
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Really? If you don't mind me asking, why is it so amazing? It's pretty good, thanks! Though I am a bit tired from doing nothing.
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Amazing, actually! How about yourself, mister?
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jaysonpan · 11 years
What's your name, sweetheart?
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Hey there!
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jaysonpan · 11 years
How're you doin' today?
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Bonjour, Hola, Aloha!
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jaysonpan · 11 years
Sounds like you're having an eventful day, yeah?
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My day thus far has consisted of cooking, cleaning, and waiting for Saturday Night Live to come on.
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