jaysunakestor · 1 year
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ona li pali e toki pona tan ni: ona li pilin ike la toki pona li ken pona e pilin ona. tenpo ni la, toki pona li pona e pilin mi, kin! jan Sonja o, pona tawa sina a <3
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
toki a! mi jan wan pi toki pona! a a a
mi wile sona e jan pi toki pona
sina sona e toki pona la o kama jan pona tawa mi a a a a a a a a a a a a
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
mi kute lon tenpo ni! kalama mute ni li musi a li suwi kin!
holy shit kalama musi pi musi Rhythm Heaven li pona mute. ni li sona sin tawa jan ala taso mi. taso la tenpo monsi la mi kute ala e kalama ni tan… n… mi sona ala. mi olin e kalama musi  «kulupu jan tenpo » e kalama musi pi toki ante tawa toki pona, taso ale ni la, tenpo ala la mi kute e … the originals
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
tenpo ala la mi kute e kalama pi musi ni. ken la mi o kute.
nimi “originals” la mi kepeken nimi “[ijo] pi tenpo nanpa wan” li kepeken nimi “[ijo] pi tenpo open”. (nimi “ijo” li ken ante.)
***taso toki pona la nanpa wan li mi ala a a a***
holy shit kalama musi pi musi Rhythm Heaven li pona mute. ni li sona sin tawa jan ala taso mi. taso la tenpo monsi la mi kute ala e kalama ni tan… n… mi sona ala. mi olin e kalama musi  «kulupu jan tenpo » e kalama musi pi toki ante tawa toki pona, taso ale ni la, tenpo ala la mi kute e … the originals
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
I’m not sure if you were wanting to use a different document, but there’s an English version.
From jan KeTami’s comment here:
i wanna learn luka pona but all the doc i want to use to learn the grammer is fully in toki pona and im not good enought to read it lmao 💀💀 what the hhell (silly)
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
kule ni li wawa!
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The third image be like “o monsuta ala”
Doing some experimenting with animation rigs
Also thanks @ the toki ponists who comment/add tags on my panda posting, I’m still no good at speaking/writing myself but I’ve gotten pretty good at reading/understanding now and reading y’all’s comments has been great practice for that ^^
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
Do you ever see a post, try to guess what other people said about it, and then open the notes or comments to check?
I get disappointed both when I’m right and when I’m wrong. But when I predict someone’s comment word for word, a devilish grin splits my face
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
mi wile e ni: sina lukin e lipu tu ni la sina musi!
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tenpo ni la mi pilin pona tan ni: mi kama jo e lipu pu e lipu ku a a a a !
tenpo pimeja pini la mi lukin e lipu pu. ona li pona a !
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
jan olin mi li pana e ni tawa mi lon tenpo suno ni. ona li pona a tawa mi ^w^
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
English to Furbish to toki pona ““dictionary””
today, i learned that Furbish is actually kinda a language?? after reading this post by @favoriteanimal and skimming this wiki page, i naturally decided to try to translate all the Furbish words and phrases into my beloved toki pona. oh boy was it a journey!
overall, i feel like toki pona is a much more flexible + efficient little language in comparison to Furbish. the main issue that irked me was the amount of unnecessary variations of the same concept, but made into 3 or more words! (i think this may just be the toki ponist in me.) i’m also not certain, but it seems like Furbish may be a relex?? someone please let me know, if ya know!
however, Furbish still succeeds in what (i believe) it sets out to do: to be a very cute, baby-sounding language that can be used to express many interactions between pet + owner / baby + guardian.
please note:
i was quite tired + made this in the span of about 3 hours!
i am not a toki pona expert and have little experience with Furbies
toki pona is best expressed in context and sometimes requires multiple sentences to convey an idea, so many of these don’t work well to be translated as abstract concepts.
i used some non-standard words (both non-pu and non-ku suli)
if i’ve made any mistakes, please kindly correct me! if you think a phrase could be better expressed a different way, feel free to share!
(above/up/high) oo = sewi / lon sewi
(affirmative) ee = lon
(again/another/more) koh-koh = kin
(and) koh = en
(ask) oh-too-mah = [toki pi wile] seme
(baby) bay-bee = kili mama / jan lili mama
(bad) boo-dah = ike
(be/to be) boh = lon / li (kind of, it’s complicated lol)
(beautiful/pretty) ee-kah = suwi lukin / pona lukin
(best) dee-mak = nanpa wan
(best fun/radical) dee-doo-ay = epiku
(big) dah = suli
(no!/big no) dah-boo = ala a
(big yes) dah-ee-tah = pona a / lon a
(birth/birthday) tee-toh = tenpo pi kama lon
(birthday) toh-toh = sike suno
(boring) koo-dah-way-loh = musi ala
(bottle) bah-bah = poki telo
(change) boo-tay = ante
(cloud) ay-loh-may-lah = ijo kon sewi
(come/coming) bye-bye-oo-bah = kama
(complete) toh = pini
(cute) doh-dee = suwi [lukin]
(dance) noh-lah = tawa musi
(delicious/tastes good) yumm-wah = pilin pi moku pona / moku li pona
(diamond) ay-koo = kiwen mani
(dizzy) ay-way = pilin nasa
(do) doo-dah = pali (i’m not sure of the context of this one, so it’s tricky)
(dog) bar-bar = soweli pona? / soweli jan pi nanpa wan? (i’ve always been bad at translating animal names)
(done) toh-dye = pini
(down) nah-bye = anpa
(dream) way-loo = sitelen lape
(dude) dee-doh = mije / jan o (not sure if this is referring to just “a guy” / or is meant to be like “bro”)
(face) kay-tay = sinpin
(feed/food) ah-tah = moku
(finally) oo-tah-toh-toh = tenpo li lon ni a (this one is tricky)
(friend/buddy) noo-lah = jan pona
(full) oo-loo = pilin pi moku mute
(fun) doo-ay = musi
(funny) doo-loo = musi
(game) doo-ay-loo-lah = musi
(game over) kah boo koo-dah = pini musi / musi li pini
(genius) dah-way = wawa lawa
(give) tah = pana
(go/bye/get out) bye-bye = o tawa pona / o tawa a (not sure if this is supposed to be aggressive or what 😅)
(good/okay) ee-day = pona
(good morning) dah-ay-loh-oo-tye = suno pona
(good night) dah-ay-loh-nah-bah = [o] lape pona
(happy) noo-loo = pilin pona
(have) ah-mah = jo
(health/healthy) koo-doh = sijelo pona / lawa pona (physical health / mental health)
(help) ah-noo = o pona! / o pona e mi! / pana e pona
(hey) hey = toki
(hide) woo-bye = weka lili
(high) oo-tah = sewi
(hmm?/huh?/when?/where?/yeah?/what?) doo? = seme
(home) lay-lah = tomo / tomo mi
(hug) may-lah = pilin pona suli kepeken luka (not sure on this one)
(humor/play/joke) loo = musi
(hungry/eat) ay-tay = pilin moku / moku
(interrogative) doo = seme / anu seme
(island) koo-wah = ma lili / ma lili lon telo suli
(joke) loo-loo = musi
(just kidding/not) kah-loo-loo = mi toki lon ala! / mi toki musi taso / lon ala!
(kiss) may-tah = pilin suwi kepeken uta
(life/nature/living things) tee = lon / ijo lon
(light) ay-loh/a-loh = suli ala (i believe this is supposed to refer to weight? if it’s referring to like a lightbulb, then “suno”)
(lightness) ay = suli ala
(like) toh-loo = ni li pona tawa mi / sina pona tawa mi / mi pona tawa sina anu seme? (this one really only works in a sentence)
(like/similar to/comparative) tay = sama
(listen) ay-ay-lee-koo = kute / o kute
(little/smallness) dee = lili
(live) boh-dah = lon
(log) tee-loh = palisa kasi
(look) ay-ay = lukin / o lukin
(love) may-may = olin
(love it) dah-may-may = ni li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa sina anu seme? (again only really works in a sentence)
(maybe) may-bee = ken la
(me/mine/myself/I) kah = mi
(money) moo-lah = mani
(monster) moh-moh = monsuta
(mountain) koh-dah = nena
(move) noh-bah = tawa
(music) ee-kah-lee-koo = kalama musi
(negative/no/stop) boo = ala / o pini
(no way/big no) dah-boo = ala a!
(noise) bah-boo = kalama
(now) nee-way = tenpo ni
(oh) oh = a
(oh my gosh/OMG) oh-kah-tee = wawa a! / a! / seme a?!
(ok) oh-kay = oke
(over) oo-bah = lon sewi
(party/party time) dah-no-lah = ma musi / tenpo musi
(path) bye-way = nasin
(pet) ah-may = luka suwi / mi luka suwi e sina
(play) loo-lay = musi
(please) doo-mah = sina pona e mi la mi pilin pona (idk if there’s really a good way to say “please” in tok, but here’s a sentence “if you help me, i’ll feel good”)
(pull) ah-loo = luka / pakala lili (depends on context)
(rain) wah-wee-tee = telo sewi
(receive) tah-tah = kama jo
(really?/seriously?) loo-loo-doo? = seme? / ni li lon anu seme?!
(rock - music) boo-koo = kalama musi kiwen (not meant to be literally— i’m describing rock music as kiwen/“hard”)
(rock - nature) koo = kiwen
(sad) boo-noo-loo = pilin ike / pilin laso
(scared) dah-boh-boh = pilin monsuta / monsuta
(sea) ee-wah = telo suli
(shake) koo-bah = tawa suli
(sing) wee-tee = kalama musi uta
(sleep) way-loh = lape
(so) doh = tan
(song) wah-tee = kalama musi
(sound) lee-koo = kalama
(stand) oo-boh = awen noka
(story) wee-loo = lipu musi
(sun) dah-ay-loh = suno
(sweet) nee-may = suwi
(tail) dee-tee-tah = linja monsi sijelo
(talk) noo-noo = toki
(tell) wee-tah = toki
(thank) dah-kah = toki lon te sina pona to
(thank you) dah-kah-oo-nye = sina pona / pona tawa sina
(that’s right) boh-ee-tay = ni li lon / lon
(thinking/mind) way = pilin / isipin / lawa
(tickle) nee-tye = pana e pilin musi
(time) toh-toh = tenpo
(touching/holding) ah = pilin / luka
(touch) tay-boo-koo = pilin / luka
(tree) tee-tah = kasi suli
(twinkle) tee-wee-lah = suno
(uh-huh) uh-huh = lon
(uh-oh) uh-oh = a ike
(uh-uh) uh-uh = ala
(uncle) oo-kah = jan sama mama / jan sama pi mama mi (not sure on this one)
(very) mee-mee = mute
(wassup?) doo-oo-tye? = sina pali seme? / seme li lon ni?
(water/rain) wah = telo
(where are you?) oo-nye-doo? = sina lon seme?
(whoa) whoa = a!
(wise/wisely) wah-lah = sona suli / kepeken sona suli
(wonder) way-nah = isipin / pilin
(worried) boh-bay = pilin monsuta lili
(yay) yay = pona a!
(yea!) wah! = lon a!
(yes) ee-tay = lon
(yippee) yippee = a! / musi a! / pona a!
(you) oo-nye / u-nye = sina
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
I want to do a comparative study of Toki Pona and Furbish
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
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tenpo sike suno kama la, o musi o pona a !
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
tenpo pini suli la, mi toki tawa jan misikeke tan ni: mi wile e misikeke meli. ona li pana e ona tawa mi, li toki e ni: "misikeke ni li meli e sina."
sona ni li ike. misikeke li ante ala e kon, li ken ante e selo e sijelo taso. meli tonsi li kepeken ala e misikeke, la ona li awen meli.
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
i've realized that on the occasion that i think in toki pona, my thoughts are almost always About my thoughts
i don't know if this was the point but i am always like pilin lawa mi li whatever the fuck i never think it like In The Normal Way I Think In English
is this something that other people experience
like it's not in the way of oh i feel sad let me think in toki pona i just start thinking about toki pona and then start thinking in toki pona and suddenly nimi "mi' li lon ala
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
toki pona is about finding fun ways to say things actually
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
toki pona li suli tawa mi
tenpo pini la mi kama sona e ni: toki pona li lon. mi kama sona kepeken tenpo lili e toki pona.
kulupu pi toki pona li pona tawa mi. mi toki tawa jan ante pi kulupu ni. ona mute li musi li wawa li pona. mi kama jo e jan pona tan ni 😊
kin la mi kama sona e toki pona la mi pilin wawa. mi pilin e ni: mi ken kama sona e ijo mute! pilin ni li suli.
taso.. ijo suli pi nanpa wan li ni: mi kama sona e toki pona la mi musi mute. tan ni la pilin ike mi li weka lili. toki pona li pona a tawa mi.
(ken la ni li lipu olin tawa toki pona a a a 🤣)
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