jazzie60212-blog · 4 years
Hey everyone how's it going?? I apologize for not keeping up to date of what's been going with me. Well ima start off that last year I contracted covid-19 and believe me it was fun to begin with. The virus not only made me feel like shit but it seriously was effecting my current mental health issues. I suffer from depression, so when I had covid-19 my depression was kicking my ass because I had to be in isolation away from people I know. At the same time I know I had to in order to prevent those I know from getting this virus. What was worse is that due to me being sick I couldn't go to any of my families Christmas gatherings, so therefore I didn't really have a good Christmas last year. Other than that, I'm very blessed to be alive because this virus is no joke and I hope y'all stay safe by maintaining your 6 feet distance, wearing your masks, and most importantly keep your environment and your hands clean. Overall this virus had taught to be grateful everything you have in your life. Other than that as far as the new year goes I'm trying to make a goal to start working despite of this pandemic. But because of my learning disability it's been a challenge for me because when it comes applying for jobs and typing up a resume is somewhat new to me. Because the last time I was taught to do a resume is when I was in high-school. It was so long ago. Now I'm older lot has changed due to my learning disability its hard for me to grasp about how to type a resume. My boyfriend says "it's not complicated your over thinking it". As much as I love him, he doesn't quite understand my struggles regarding my learning disability. My disability is mild intellectual due to that I've been in Special Ed class most of my life. But I'm hoping I can work this year making something of myself you know. But anywho I just wanted to give an update about me and so far I'm doing okay but struggling about adulting. Hope yall have a good day.
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jazzie60212-blog · 4 years
Hi everyone my name is Jazmine but everyone i know calls me Jazzie. I just wanted to start blogging about my life and struggles I face everyday. Ima tell a lil about myself. First things first, I am disabled also suffer from mental health issues along with medical health issues. I'm around my 20s and not afraid to being an open book. My blogs will have no filter so therefore ima say things how it is. I just want everyone to see what type of person I am and especially expressing whats like to deal with struggles that has to do with my disability, mental health issues and medical problems. I want to spread out this awareness because not a lot of individuals take it seriously. I want those that are going through similar issues to know that your not alone. So y'all stay tuned as I take you all through my journey of my daily life. Y'all will hear the good and the bad. Anyone thats interested in blogs feel free to give me a follow.
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