jbergie2017-blog · 7 years
Coloring Therapy
Coloring is a fun/ creative activity that is not just for kids! Nowadays there are a variety of coloring books that are for adults! Coloring is a great way to stress less! I love coloring and find it to be an extremely relaxing activity . I purchased a new coloring book over the weekend and I am enjoying it so far. Since we have been focusing on gratitude I found it appropriate to purchase a Gratitude Coloring Book. Each page has different pictures on it and quotes about gratitude . I recommend coloring as a way of therapy. I will share some positive pictures and quotes with you all soon. Namaste J
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jbergie2017-blog · 7 years
The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
Hi everyone! For those of you who have been enjoying these Law Of Attraction activities so far . I have another to recommend to you and something else I wanted to mention . It is the power of Gratitude! It is so important to always remember to be grateful for everything in our lives. We all have blessings that deserve our appreciation. Being grateful will help everyone to live happier and less stressful lives. I am a big fan of Rhonda Byrne and her works. She was one of the contributers to "The Secret". She decided to take it upon herself to come up with a 28 day journey of gratitude . I have taken this journey several times and have found it helpful for me . Today I am recommending for those who this has been resonating with to consider getting this book or looking it up online as there are websites that have this information for all of you for free ! I wish you all wonderful journeys and will check back in with you all with other ideas and information soon! Enjoy! Namaste J
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jbergie2017-blog · 7 years
Hello beautiful people! I am hoping that everyone has now had an opportunity to create their vision boards. I have now created mine and may decide to share it with you sometime soon . I created my vision board by using just a regular piece of cardboard . I then looked threw some old magazines I had laying around and found photos of different things I would like to manifest for myself . I proceeded to glue them to my magical board . I also created a background to my board which is a picture of flowers from an adult coloring book that I colored in. Another fun thing I have been doing is creating a vision board on Pinterest . I named my board "Vision Board" and whenever I see something on Pinterest that I would like to have I Pin it to my Vision Board . I look at my boards every day and try to imagine that everything on my boards have already been done. I also like to feel the feelings of having these things and think about how they benefit my life in different ways. If you have finished your Vision Board and have not done one on Pinterest I recommend doing that too! If you do not have a Pinterest I recommend getting in it is seriously like being in "Law of Attraction" Land! I hope you all enjoy and I will check back in soon with more ideas and activities that help us to relax and live our best lives ! Namaste J
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jbergie2017-blog · 8 years
"The Secret"
Hi everyone ! By now you should have all had the time to either watch the movie " The Secret" and/ or read the book by Rhonda Byrne. For those who have , what did you all think of it? Do you agree or disagree with what they were saying about the Law of Attraction ? For those who this resonated with keep reading.. In summary, according to quantum physics " what we think about we bring about", " thoughts become things and " like attracts like". Keeping this in mind you all have another suggested activity. I have done this several times and it always makes me feel happy and less stressed ! It also helps me to set my goals and get clear about my desires . Many of my desires I have managed to manifest for myself as well, which is also a fantastic feeling! I am encouraging everyone now to get clear about what they truly want in life. Get clear about everything from the small things to the big things. Get clear about every area of your life and what you would like to manifest for yourselves . There are several ways of doing this. In " The Secret " they suggested creating a vision board. Today, I am going to focus u in encouraging you all to make a vision board. t To make a vision board you must find things that you want and cut or print them out and put them up on your board! You could also draw them or write words , just be creative . And remember , the how does not matter when thinking about what you want, just give yourself permission to think about wonderful things you want in your life . When you are finished creating your vision board hang it up somewhere you will see it every day! Look at your board and imagine having those things now! I hope you all enjoy this activity . I hope you all find time to get this done within the next week. I will talk to you all soon! Namaste J
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jbergie2017-blog · 8 years
"Like Attracts Like"-The Law of Attraction
For those of you who have not heard of the "Law of Attraction" I highly recommend looking into it! A good place to start may be reading the book, " The Secret", by Rhonda Byrn.This book was a game changer for me! This book also gave me a wonderful basis of hope at a time in my life when I needed it the most. It is also a movie, so if you are not the reading type watching the movie is just fine too! I know there are also numerous others who talk about this concept. It is something learned in quantum physics! This is one of many concepts that I have found work for me. This is a concept that I like to live my life by. Why? I think it's because #1 it makes me happy!#2 It gives me hope!#3 It motivates me#4 It has helped me to take control of my own life rather than just being a victim to circumstance. Some easy ways you can find this information are a book store. The movie is on Netflix right now, if you have Netflix. Also, I am sure there are also many different places on the Internet where you can find this book and the movie to order. I am telling you this because it is a good starting point in creating the life of your dreams. While you are busy creating the life of your dreams and having fun with it, I feel you will naturally feel less stressed. If you are depressed this can also help with depression, in my opinion. So, I am giving everyone interested to make time to watch this movie and/or read this book at some point within the next 7 days. If your weekend is free this weekend, Now would be a good time. There is no time to waste when working towards creating the life of your dreams. It is worth a try right? If this is something that ends up resonating with you then I encourage you to keep up with my posts. Reason being, this is something I believe in and may refer to it from time to time. The Law of Attraction should not be a secret to anyone. Each person will get something different about learning about this concept and there is so much good information already out there on it. This is why I chose to not Completely explain it myself. I encourage you all to explore this concept this week and get back to me next week for more good stuff! Love and Light JBerg
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jbergie2017-blog · 8 years
Stress Less
Stress is a condition that is very prevalent in society today. Stress effects all people at different times in life. It is inevitable and can sometimes be used productively. However, to much stress is not good for anyone. Studies show that to much stress can lead to a myriad of health problems. I believe it is possible to stress less. I also feel that by reducing stress in one’s life, one’s overall health and quality of life can and will improve! I am creating this blog as a way to reduce stress in others lives. I am hoping that together we can all reduce our stress levels and find great balance in our lives. Although we cannot control all conditions of our lives, we can learn to control our responses to the conditions. Throughout my life’s journey I have learned many different methods and ways of bringing balance into my life in spite of conditions. I believe that everyone deserves to live happy and healthy lives. What works for some may not work for others and that is okay. If my words resonate with you then I am happy to meet you and I am happy you are here!
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