jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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Froy Gutierrez
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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339 notes · View notes
jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
“Baby, you don’t need to worry about that. The prettiest boy in town is going on a date with me. You better believe I’ve got enough fuel to get to Andromeda in back.” There it was. As soon as Jamie kissed Benji on the cheek, the taller man’s lips stretched to his familiar smug smirk. “Damn, be still my beating meat.” Benji muttered loud enough for the other to hear, throwing his arm around Jamie’s shoulder as he walked out with him.
“Hey, you don’t have to call me out like that.” He whined as they stepped outside. “Lucky for you, you’re in good company. I, uh— don’t really have a car right now, so transportation’s tricky. Do you drive? I was thinking we could go hang out at the park. I have some weed if you want to smoke, but we could just chill and talk without it too.”
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Be still my beating meat. Well, that was probably the first time he’d heard Shakespeare quoted that way but, well, he wasn’t going to explain when it made him laugh. Leaning into Benji as he felt broad arms stretch around him, he playfully rested his head on the other’s shoulder and grinned himself.
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“No, no, I don’t drive,” he said, thanking the dating gods that the other didn’t either. No dumb excuses for avoiding a ride. They could just walk or cycle together without the weirdness of that conversation looming over him. “I’ve never done... smoked weed?” he said, running his hand through his hair, nerves bleeding into his laugh. “We can go to the park and just hang out. That sounds nice.”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
Milo broke the stoic face, though for only a moment. Houldn’t help the wince that came to his face when the needle wove into his knuckles for the first time and as the numbing settled in. One of his eyes twitched as the skin was pulled together and eventually he got a grip of his expressions again.
“’Suppose it had something to do with what music did for me when I was growing up.” He was looking at the doctor still, Dr. Tyler  was what his name tag read. “My dad one of the history teachers there. Everyone in my family attended that school. What made you want to become a doctor?”
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It was interesting to hear about the teaching gene running through the Valentine family. His own father was a teacher, after all, and he hadn’t really ever considered with any real thought following in his footsteps. “Oh, well, lots of things,” Jamie went to respond, his eyes still trained on the wound that he was treating.
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“I suppose, I wanted to heal people. Help people. And it was either this or crystals and I don’t think crystals are my aesthetic,” he teased, ensuring the stitches were tied with precision. “Okay, last two now, you’re doing really well.”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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“No, nothing wrong with it, but not really how people normally want to end a night out” he replied with a shrug. Not like he really wanted any of the details, there was a line between it. “Oh, but I’m very offended. How am I meant to tease you about it otherwise” not that he was serious, he was sure he could find another way to tease him. 
There was where it complicated. He didn’t want to explain that it was because of his training. He had made very sure that Jamie never knew anything about that. “Nightmare, think it was IRA related, but you know what dreams are like, gone as quickly as they come. Well that and your dad snores” he replied with a shrug. 
Perhaps, now wasn’t the time to mention that bringing someone home wasn’t exactly his priority. Not now that he was... well, was dating the right term if you had only had one date? Well, he was dating someone. The alcohol didn’t seem to care it wasn’t the right time, however. “I’m seeing someone anyway so... hooking up isn’t really at the top of my agenda, right now,” he said, turning to focus on his sandwich, listening to his father speak about his dad’s snores.
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“You know, I don’t know how you sleep next to him sometimes,” he smirked, an obvious tease in his tone. “I can hear him from the other side of the house sometimes. It’s like an earthquake.”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
“Nice. I met a guy the other day who’s an EMT.” Jack. Johnnie didn’t learn his last name. He only remembered that Jack talked about an EMT with some sense of excitement, something that Johnnie wished he had just a little more of these days.
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“How’s that going?” Johnnie asked, finishing off his pastry. “I heard residencies tend to kick your ass.”
It seemed like every other conversation that Jamie was having recently was circling back to Jack. He knew exactly who this stranger was talking about without him having to say his name. ‘Nice guy who’s an EMT’, not the first time he had heard that term used to describe the... friend he had made.
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“Yeah, they do,” he laughed, shaking his head. “What can you do though, right? Gotta start off down at the bottom of the pyramid.” Pursing his lips he continued, “you spend a lot of time hanging around with us medical lot? Accident prone?”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
Benji was on his phone when he got Jamie’s text, so he was quick enough to get on his two feet and steady himself. Though he wasn’t feeling the greatest, he was at least feeling better than before. He stretched for a second before making his move over to where Jamie was, spotting the other in his more casual clothes. “You look hot.” Benji remarked, approaching Jamie from the front.
Laughing, Benji tossed his shoulders. “I did go out of my way to get ‘em, babe. The staff saw me mop them while the couple was taking pictures. I had to run out of there. Who knows when I’ll be able to go back to that Starbucks… Now I’ll have to like— probably learn how to make iced coffee. Do you think I can teach my cat to do it for me?”
The bartender bit his tongue at the question. “That’s uh, a good question. Honestly? I was thinking about it, but I thought I’d figure it out with you. I’m a democratic dater. We could hang out at the park, chill at my place, get drunk at some bar, whatever you want.”
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Hot. Well, that was hardly the vibe that he thought that he was giving off but, that being said, he wasn’t opposed to the descriptor. “I’d say you look hot but if I fuel your ego anymore, you’ll burn a hole through the ozone layer,” Jamie quipped before he listened to Benji’s ramblings of Starbucks and his cat making iced coffee.
Stepping closer, he rolled his eyes with jest before he moved to place a gentle, chaste kiss on the other’s cheek, a thanks. It wasn’t, perhaps, the boldest of moods that someone could make but, for Jamie, he was used to being a little more passive than that. Benji seemed to bring out a side of himself that he wasn’t familiar with.  “Well, I appreciate them. Even if you did steal them. I guess I’ll be buying you our iced coffee for the foreseeable future,” he suggested before folding his arms over his chest. 
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“A democratic dater?” Jamie asked, shaking his head. “What a cop out,” he said before a laugh escaped his lips. “Well, I don’t mind where we go, right? It’s all to do with the company.”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
                 OPHELIA had to admit, especially now, she was so thankful for the group of friends that she’d surrounded herself with in Edens Town. Jamie was a newer addition to that group, but it didn’t mean that she was any less grateful for the company. She laughed lightly as he pulled her into the living room, shaking her head softly, “Hey, it’s a comfort thing,” Ophelia replied, dropping down onto the couch and tugging her blanket around her, another laugh echoing from her lips, “Alright, so I can’t resist a Disney movie, what’s new?” She admitted, a light tease in her tone. “We can definitely order pizza - but only if you can handle the weird pregnancy cravings I’m currently coming up with.”
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Sliding down onto the sofa beside her, he moved to get his own blanket. Tugging it over himself as he leaned playfully on the other’s shoulder, he took out his phone to begin searching for a pizza delivery when that action was stopped dead in it’s tracks at the seeming offhand comment in regard to... pregnancy.
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Pausing, he sat up right, an evident confusion on his face. “Hold on, hold on, back up,” he said, shaking his head, “you’re- Have I missed something? You’re pregnant?”
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jcmietyler · 4 years
“Yeah, as soon as I saw those roses. I knew. And don’t tell people, okay? Can’t have you ruining my bad boy image.” Winking, he laughed and shook his head. That was the last thing he thought of himself as. “I figured. Damn, I am on fire today. I wish I could like, marry myself. Imagine the sex.” 
Benji nodded, tossing the snacks on a nearby table. “For sure. Well, right behind Phantom. He’s a pretty cute boy. But right after him, you’re the second cutest I can think of.” Relieved that the other accepted, Benji could almost feel some of the pounding stop. Some of it, anyways. “Okay, I’ll come back in a few. I kind of have to hit the pharmacy and raid it for some Advil, anyways. Just text me when you’re off, and I’ll swing back by.” He tossed another wink Jamie’s way and threw in a finger gun to sweeten the deal, walking backwards as he did and nearly tripping on himself. He swung around, making his exit.
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Benji spent the first hour doing exactly as he said. He bought some Advil and a bottle of water to wash it down with. He didn’t have much to do and no car either, so he figured he’d hang around the hospital. Thankfully, Benji was easily entertained. He spent a few hours mindlessly on Twitter, posting memes and sharing some DMs with followers while he waited for Jamie to get off his shift.
With Benji gone, Jamie found himself stood in the wake of his madness. Iced coffee, snacks and flowers. He would have to be fast to store them away in his locker before one of the senior residents found him farting and fannying about with roses. Luckily, he managed to get to the lockers unnoticed before his pager announced that he was needed in the ER and he began his fast walk towards that wing of the hospital, preparing him for the next few hours.
Once his shift was over, Jamie had no choice but to use the hospital showers to scrape off the grime of the day off of him before he climbed into his jeans and t-shirt. Not exactly the perfect First Date Outfit that he would have chosen but it beat scrubs. Checking his phone, finally, his grin widened at the news that the flowers had been nicked from some poor unassuming couple. Still, he would cherish them. Keeping them in his locker, he popped them in a mug of water to take home the next day.
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Standing out the front of the hospital, he waited patiently as he texted Benji his location. Standing at the sight of him approaching, he laughed and shook his head, “here I was thinking you thought to go out of your way to get me flowers but you pinched them,” he smirked as he jabbed him playfully in the arm. “Okay, so where are you taking me, Casanova?” 
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jcmietyler · 4 years
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jcmietyler · 4 years
“Dude. Fifty bucks is exactly what I need right now. As soon as you’re off your shift, we’re legit looking for a shark. How far away is the beach from here?” Benji looked down at the coffee and flowers. “No taksies backsies.” He said, sticking his tongue out for a second, while also holding out the snack package. “Maybe you can hold this with your chin. Or— maybe I’ll just hold it for you for a second.”
Rubbing the back of his head, Benji shrugged. “I dunno. I was kinda wanting to ask you on a date. And I figured I’d get you coffee ‘cause I knew you had a late shift. And then, the flowers— well, you probably haven’t read your texts yet, right? Uh… You’ll get it when you do. But yeah. Just, y’know, just figured I’d ask the cutest boy in town on a date. That’s what I’m doing. Yup, that’s what I’m visiting you to do.” He was talking quicker now, his hangover seemingly pounding his head a bit harder.
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“I, well, thank you for... you know, thinking of me. That’s super nice of you.” It was, maybe, the sweetest thing that anyone had done for him and, yet, it was disguised as anything but. He supposed that was part of Benji’s charm. His ability to do the sweetest things in such a nonchalant way. ‘No taksies backsies.’ Glancing to the roses in his hand and the ice coffee. Lifting the straw to his lips, he sipped and sighed with relief. “This is just what I needed, thank you,” he let out a heavy groan.
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The invitation to a date was what really caught him off guard but it wasn’t a bad surprise. “Cutest boy?” Jamie echoed, stepping a bit closer, wetting his lips as he became suddenly aware his cheeked were heating up. Attempting to suppress his excitement at the proposal, he shrugged,  “Alright, well... you can stop by in a few hours? Take me on this date. Since you asked me so nicely and beat up a vending machine.”
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