jdbiebersanon · 4 years
and I’m really not sure if you have received my previous message or you’ve chosen to not reply after knowing my identity which is more than understandable :) I hope despite what the year has been, you’re okay and have the best holidays! :)
I’m sorry, I was hoping you’d text me fr
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jdbiebersanon · 4 years
reblog this if you’re an anon account and still around
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jdbiebersanon · 4 years
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jdbiebersanon · 4 years
heyy josh (:
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
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I’m drowning up my sorrows
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
Is this still a thing?
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
I hope you life out of tumblr is doing well.
I hope the same for you, because you do deserve it.
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
I thought about you the other day, looking up at the stars reminded me how we used to stay up last night and talk until one of us fell asleep, I thought I would told you to let you know you still have a special place in my heart.
That made me feel special already.
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jdbiebersanon · 5 years
Ok ok cool so you won’t freak out if I tell you who I am?
Of course not.
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jdbiebersanon · 6 years
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jdbiebersanon · 6 years
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jdbiebersanon · 6 years
And it’s really cool to hear you’re finally a psychologist!!
Thank you! i’m really happy too.
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jdbiebersanon · 6 years
Ok here it goes, since you’re back, it’s time for me to apologise for the time I’ve hurt you and made you sad. Our friendship was something I highly appreciated and kept close to my heart because you meant a lot to me and it didn’t occur to me that I could have lost you. Like I said earlier, I hope we can at least be decent to one another tho I’m not expecting us to be as close as before or for you to even want to talk to me at this point. But I still want to say I’m sorry.
Past is past, I think we can both get over whatever happened between us. I really enjoyed being your friend, so I guess we could try it again.
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