jdoegainer · 2 days
Some days the fat and horny gods win and you devour almost 1.75 in 2 mins. I’m not mad at them, I’m just disappointed Im not quite at 2L yet 😉🥵
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jdoegainer · 7 days
I want to be the reason you’re as greedy as you are, how you end up being so fat, why your belly is so big, the reason your body is covered in stretchmarks.
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jdoegainer · 7 days
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I’m going to stuff you again tomorrow. It never stops. 🦄
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jdoegainer · 9 days
Signs that you're destined to get so much fatter:
You get turned on by the idea of being too fat to touch yourself and can't get off without someone else's help
Whenever you masturbate, you're thinking about food, fat, and obesity
The thought of being too fat to climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath makes you horny
You get hungry when you're horny and vice versa
Feederism throws a large shadow over and other kinks you have
Reading this list turns you on
Being called out for your deprived fantasies and fetishes turns you on
Being shamed and degraded for how far you're getting turns you on
Being humiliated in public turns you on
The idea of being sabotaged, manipulated, brainwashed of even physically forced into morbid obesity instantly turns you into a weak-minded, horny mess
Horny? Aww... You'll get so much fatter ~
If you're so horny you want to read more you really should get a snack. Go. Get food. Stuff yourself. Get worse. Get bigger. Now!
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jdoegainer · 9 days
You know this is permanent, right?
You will never be able to go back to the way you used to be. You probably don't want to anyways, right? The damage you've done to your skin by adding so many stretch marks to your body will never go away again. All those deprived fantasies of the hundreds of ways you want to be fattened will never leave your mind. All those habits of stuffing yourself, giving in to your cravings, they'll never fully go away. That realization that you'll probably never be fully happy unless you're morbidly obese will never go away.
This is just a phase permanent. It'll only keep getting worse better. It'll ruin you make you happy. You can always never go back. You're so embarassed horny about how fat you're getting. You know you should really lose gain more weight, right? Just think about how unhealthy exciting it is.
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jdoegainer · 10 days
ballooning as a result of being spoiled rotten by a partner will always be my favourite trope. show me how much you love me by handfeeding me to the point of uncomfortable fullness and then rub my overstuffed belly and tell me what a good girl i am for fattening up for you <3
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jdoegainer · 10 days
Yes please
I want to make you so fat that you’ll never be able to be skinny again.
Pile the pounds of soft blubber onto your frame that you’ll become completely unrecognizable.
Helplessly addicted to stuffing thousands of calories down your throat day after day after day.
Going from a confident, dominant person to the most submissive piggy around.
You’ll become glued to the couch, weighed down by the hundreds of pounds I’ve put on you.
Any thought of losing weight will be met with the funnel, and thousands of calories of heavy calorie shake.
You think you’ll just gain a few pounds and please me.
You’re wrong.
Once you start you can’t go back.
Might as well start oinking butterball.
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jdoegainer · 11 days
hit that rb button if you're in desperate need of fat snuggles 😔
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jdoegainer · 12 days
I love seeing fat guys get rock hard while chugging or stuffing their face. Like wow this really does turn you on like nothing else can, doesn’t it? It’s so… cute. So pathetic, yet so adorable and amusing and so fucking sexy all at the same time. You really just can’t help it, can you?
What a desperate food slut.
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jdoegainer · 17 days
I want to vividly describe what I’m going to do to you.
I’m not just going to fatten you up a little.
I’m going to completely turn you into a fat gluttonous pig.
Oh not just physically. Mentally too.
I want to pile the pounds of fat onto you.
Take your athleticism.
Take your motivation.
Take your social life away.
Take your mental capacity away.
All that will be left is a fat helpless pig addicted to stuffing themselves and me.
You’ll be pinned to the couch by your weight.
You’ll oink on command.
You’ll be a true pig.
And exactly what you’ve always wanted to be.
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jdoegainer · 18 days
If I could sit on your lap and keep shoving food into your mouth I might not feel like crying so much
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jdoegainer · 21 days
gamers make for the perfect feedees because you can keep refilling their snacks while they are busy playing. can you imagine how many bags of junk food they would accidentally eat in a day? how many cans of soda they would finish because they keep reaching for more?
getting them so used to always having something in arms reach that they dont even notice themselves stretching out their arm to get more?
making them forget what it’s like to ever feel hungry, pleasuring them whenever they are comfortably full so they start associating the two. pushing their capacity more each day & not giving them any relief until you feel their belly bulging, constantly bloated
getting them so used to it that they get hard whenever they feel themselves getting full, knowing that the more they eat the sooner pleasure will come
god… it wouldnt even take long for them to outgrow their wardrobe, wearing sweatpants that stopped fitting 10 pounds ago and leave red marks all over their stomach ~
i cant wait for you to feel your fat gut resting on your lap once im done with you<3
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jdoegainer · 21 days
Has someone been reading my mind? 😳
i want to secretly fatten someone up & encourage all of their bad habits until it gets to a point where they spend all day grazing and eating without me needing to do anything… i want them to be extremely addicted to food but they can’t even tell because i always make sure it’s readily available
playing it off as happy relationship weight and sizing up their clothes for them so they stop thinking about it while i keep loading up their plate with more fattening food
making them associate pleasure with being stuffed until they start getting horny just from eating
i don’t want them to realize until it’s way too late, their clothes barely fit and their belly always peeks out from under their shirts<3
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jdoegainer · 22 days
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jdoegainer · 26 days
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jdoegainer · 1 month
It amazes me just how fucking heavy people get as they get fatter.
You’re just constantly aware of this big sagging sack of lard hanging off of you and pulling on your back. Hearing the bed creak more and more as you gain. Hearing chairs crack and groan underneath you, having to wonder whether they’re gonna hold all of your massive weight or simply give out underneath you. The struggle of standing up, having to heave your own lard around. Hearing the floor creak under your heavy, labored footsteps. Getting slower, more out of breath. Your puffy arms being forced outwards due to your fattening chest. Being buried underneath your own fat when you lay down, your fat chest and tits engulfing your disappearing neck, looking like they’re trying to suffocate you.
It’s hard work lugging all that excess lard around everywhere you go. But you wouldn’t have it any other way, would you? Of course you wouldn’t. You love it when I lift your fat belly up, my skinny arms struggling to hold it all before watching it slam back down onto your thighs as I release it, the swift motion sending ripples up and down every inch of your fat laden body. And you can’t help but love the feeling of gravity trying to force you back down to where you belong: either sitting back or laying down. Standing is too much work for someone as hugely obese as you. It’s so much more comfortable down here anyway, isn’t it?
Everything from your cellulite covered thighs, huge double chin, thick softening chest, pillowy sagging arm fat, and ginormous ever-growing belly, is ever present on your body. Constantly commanding your attention as you jiggle with each and every step you take. As you feel the weight of your belly on your expanding lap when you sit down. As you feel your jeans digging uncomfortably into your ballooning waistline. As you feel your obese belly get in your way when you reach down to put your shoes on. As you start to feel your gut bulging into the steering wheel as you add more food onto your order in the drive thru. You’re becoming more lard than anything else. There’s absolutely no escaping just how fucking fat and heavy you’ve made yourself at this point. And let’s be honest, you and I both know how much you love it. How much you need it.
So don’t be shy, baby. Give in to gravity.
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jdoegainer · 2 months
The urge to meet and be funnelfed by an female feeder until i feel like i am going to explode like the fat pig i am is huuge these days 😪😪😪
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