jeanallen0-blog · 5 years
Keto Pro Plus : What Are The 3 Types of Fat?
!#Keto Pro Plus#~:: In some published articles, we find reports of people who had difficulty sleeping when they tested intermittent fasting. According to these studies, this effect is detrimental because it wears off the energy for the next day and interferes with weight control. Poor sleep has already been associated with increased appetite, increased desire for sweet and fatty foods, decreased desire to eat healthy foods and triggering overeating and weight gain.
Therefore, intermittent fasting is bad and may not be appropriate for many.
Excessive eating
Obviously, if you go on and on for intermittent fasting, you will be starving, which can encourage you to gorge yourself by the time you reach your eating window and end up filling up with unhealthy foods.
Vicent Pedre cited an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal , in which author Roger Collier claims that intermittent fasting promoters, even if unintentionally, promote overeating.
“They often portray people eating a lot of fat-rich caloric food like hamburgers, chips and cake. The implication is that if you fast, you can devour as much bullshit as you can handle for the rest of the feeding window hours, ”Collier argued.
Similarly, in a published article, we found people who had fasted from 4 pm to 8 am, confessed that they had not resisted, after hours of thinking about food and seeing their family members eating, and running into the kitchen after eating more food than they would have eaten if it were an ordinary night when they could eat normally.
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