jeanlucfrances-blog · 11 years
Thrift Shop | Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 11 years
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
It is French dear. I am from Lyon. I actually used to live in Los Angeles for a 'vile 'vith a friend of mine.
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'Vee moved down south about a year ago. 'Ow do you like it so far 'ere?
I am. I just moved from L.A.
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What about you? That’s an accent I’m not too sure I’ve heard before.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Pleasure to meet you Grace. Are you new 'ere as 'vell? 
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I’m not exactly sure. I haven’t been looking long enough to tell if it’s hard to find one or not.
And hello there!
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I’m Grace.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Is it 'ard to find a job 'ere? I am personally 'vaiting for my boss to get off 'er ass and start 'er studio back up...
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My apologizes, I am being quite rude. My name is Jean-Luc Frances, Mlle.
I think I need to find a job or something. I don’t know how much more of staying cooped up in this apartment I can take.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
So am I! But I don't like talking about it 'ziz much because it includes 'er breasts...
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Whoa now, I’m discussing the sustenance of my children, lets be adult now.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Sure it's not Lyle...You know, Alaizabel may not like it 'zat you're talking about 'er breast so much to o'zer men. I don't even like talking about 'er breasts 'ziz much...
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No, I meant I can’t make a comment as to whether it sucks or not, pun still not intended. 
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
You can't? I 'vas sure you could...but Alaizabel 'as to do 'vat all mo'zers do and just pump.
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She’s doing good, passed the fuck out at the moment, but we’re doing pretty alright I’d say. Diapers are pretty shit, no pun intended, though I can’t make much of a comment on breast feeding.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
'Vell little ladies can be a distraction sometimes. Speaking of little ladies, 'ow is 'zee o'zer one? All i 'eard 'vas 'zat she 'vas tired of breast feeding and diapers. 
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My arm works pretty well, Mels is more of a distraction in herself. One handed writing I can do.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
'Zere are 'zeese nifty 'zings called papoozez...like a little carrier for babies 'zat you can 'vear on your chest...
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Writing would be easier if there weren’t a baby on my chest, however, I refuse to even try that method.
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Jean cocked a brow, legitimately curious as he eyed Katherine up and down for a little. "A dancer? I 'vould like to see 'zat," he chuckled as he returned her kisses with his own, soft, lingering ones as his hands found their way into her hair. The always seemed to like it there, coiled around the strands of too soft curly mess of a nest she liked to call hair. He loved it too, they wildness of it, they way it added weight to her thin silhouette. And he loved the smell of vanilla that wafted about him as he kissed her neck. "And good, I am sure she'll be more 'zan pleased to 'elp," he added with a soft chuckle as he thought of Lai, and her two little babies in that belly, being all excited about this. She loved Kitty, and it was evident...but no one could love Katherine more than Jean did, and as he hugged her, part of her hoped she could feel it. 
Nouvelle Perspective (11:27 PM)
Humming softly in thought banishing the thoughts of finding a Realtor on her own, at least that was a few things checked off the list. Her smile refused to fade as she pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. “I’ll be sure to stop by her studio tomorrow during lunch to ask her about it,” She purred against his lips, too happy to comprehend much of anything other then this. She wanted this studio, she wanted to teach children to dance to be happy. And while she couldn’t be a mother just yet this was a close second, was it not? “And Christie would be a terrible person to work the front desk, don’t tell anyone this but he would make a lovely dancer. No rhythm whatsoever, but he’s got good reflexes and can cope with pain. He has lost many a bet to me involving his learning to dance,” She giggled softly recalling Lyle’s college days and the many blackmail filled attempts at dancing. 
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Jean chuckled sweetly at her, and her barrage of kisses as he coiled his arms around her, making sure she was alright as he held her close to him. Sunny we shuffling away as he held Katherine into his lap, returning a few kisses sheepishly as she wiggled around in his lap, excited from what he could tell. It was always a pleasure and a joy to see her like this, especially after all she's been through. Licking his lips, Jean looked at her, head tilting a bit. "Now, 'vhy 'vould I 'zink it ill planned, I 'zink it's a 'vonderful idea," he reiterated as he looked about, between her, the other animals, and the television that was frozen on someone's face. "'Ell, I 'zink 've should start looking into it as soon as possible, I am sure Lai still 'as 'zee number of 'zat Realtor 'oo 'elped 'er," he nodded, knowing that would be the first thing he did in the morning at work, if that's what his darling wanted.
Nouvelle Perspective (11:27 PM)
Grinning from ear to ear she all but lept over Sunny who glared darkly at her as she ambled down to the other end of the couch. Kitty couldn’t be bothered to mind the dog as she straddled her boyfriend’s lap pressing kisses freely across his face, laughing softly as she did it. “I’m just glad that it doesn’t sound insane, or ill planned,” She admitted brightly between kisses. It was still a shock to her every now and again, just how much she loved Jean, just how perfect he was to and for her. She never wanted to lose this, and that thought brought a flush to her dimpled cheeks. She would have continued on with her studio no matter what he said. That was a fact. She was a grown woman, and he wasn’t her husband, she could make choices for herself. And that was a sign, one that she relished in, she was growing and changing no longer the timid little Lex that Ben had known or the Princess Kitty that the press knew. No she was an adult confident in her choices, finally. And a lot of that was owed to Jean, another reason as to why she loved him even half as much as she did. 
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
Looking at her with questioning eyes, Jean had to wonder what this was all about. Usually when she got like this it was about something bad, or sad, or depressing to say the least, but he'd listen, even if the outcome gave him a conniption and sent him to an earlier grave. Licking his lips all the while, Jean's questioning sapphire eyes turned to bewildered eyes, to happy eyes all in a matter of seconds as he laughed his worry away. Look at him, thinking this was going to be her announcing some off stalker again, or that fact that one of the pets were being put down. Maybe he needed to stop over exaggerating everything in his head. "I 'zink 'zat is a 'vonderful idea Katherine! Maybe you can get Lyle to 'vork 'zee front desk, or I can, and just leave Lyle to 'is crazy 'vife," he chuckled as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, grabbing, and holding her hand in the process. "But I ''zink it's a fantastic idea all 'zee 'vay 'zrough," he nodded reassuringly, wondering why she even asked in the first place. Hell, if she wanted to start a brothel Jean didn't think he'd mind too much as long as she wan't dancing, stripping, or dancing on the laps of other men...or sleeping with them. 
Nouvelle Perspective (11:27 PM)
Giggling softly at the sight of Jean so absorbed in Glee, something that she’d teased Lyle for watching in the past relentlessly. Only to be teased for her odd adoration of terrible horror movies. Careful not to step on any animal as several of them had sprawled themselves out onto the living room floor Kitty made her way to the couch. Half sitting in Jean’s lap, between his legs and just after Sunny. Running  her fingertips across the dog’s head only to cause her to stir slightly, peering up with dazed blue eyes. Smiling softly Kitty raised her gaze up to Jean’s own blue eyes, much darker then Sunny’s. “I’ve been thinkin’,” She began, wincing slightly at how ominous that sounded. Very few positive things followed those three words. Although what was to follow was positive, at least in her mind it was.
“I don’t think I can model anymore, not after everything it’s put in my lap. It’s a bad luck charm. I still fully intend to produce my own line though, and while I love working at Solstice with Ev, it’s not a career and I need a career…” She explained chewing on her lower lip, mentally cursing the man whose legs she was between at that moment for gifting her with his bad habit. But that was the least of her worries. Her finger’s found their way to the material of his pants fiddling with the seam as she thought of how to phrase her words. “And so I made a list of all of my marketable skills, modelling, cosmetology, art, and dance. The first two are out of the question for previously mentioned reasons, and my art’s already in use for designing. Which leaves dance…and I love kids so I was considering a ballet studio…” Her teeth dug into her lower lip slightly as she peered up at him with questioning eyes, wondering how he would respond. 
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jeanlucfrances-blog · 12 years
It had been a relatively nice day. Lai was in and out of the studio, another appointment gone by, another babble of how pregnant she was, and it startled him from time to time to see her belly grow so much. He still needed to make the cupcakes for her and Lyle, denoting the sex of the children than him and Kitty knew of. He was excited, too excited really, to get on with it, maybe giving them to her at work in the next few days when he got the recipe just right. Licking his lips as he lounged on the couch, Sunny splayed out between his legs, huffing and snorting sleepily as he pet her vaguely, still more intrigued in the show he tivoed than the puppy he bought. She was getting big though, and it was getting only a little harder for the puppy to be a puppy anymore. Sapphire eyes squinted at the American show that Lai had mentioned Lyle watched, and he decided to give it a shot half way though. It was good, mildly entertaining, but Jean had a nasty habit of watching bad television.
Even in France he watched bad television, warranting the ridicule from his mother. Pointedly barking at the screen in French, Jean squinted his sapphire eyes in confusion and bewilderment. He didn't get it, but it entertained him to a point. Blinking though at the sound of his girlfriend's voice, Jean looked behind him with a large, lazy smile. "Non, it is fine darling, I can always pause you know," he said slowly as he did just that, fishing the remote from between him and the dog and pausing, looking back, and adjusting himself on the sofa. "'Vat's up love?" he asked, attention on her as he stretched a bit, feeling oddly cramped and tense as he looked at her, pretty as always, with rapt attention. 
Nouvelle Perspective (11:27 PM)
Fiddling with one of her many McQueen rings, she had her own collection of them, in love with each and every piece of jewelry. But that was not important right them and there. What was important was the fact that Kitty intended to ask Jean what he thought about her idea to open a ballet studio. It wasn’t as if the entire idea of a studio weighed on his opinion, no she would make the choice on her own, but having his input would help, it always helped. She still wore her work clothes, having darted into the study that she’d set up when they redid her home. The high gloss walls creating slight reflections in their pale grey surfaces. She could see the murky color of her burgundy skirt, and an even murkier reflection of the sheer black shirt that was tucked into her skirt. She looked chic, as always. Even off the runway Kitty was too used to having every single inch of her body look perfect in terms of the fashionable impression it gave off. Even if she was just sitting in her study drawing designs and letting her thoughts wander until she began to google dance studios in the area. There were none, she’d have a monopoly and the thought brought a grin to her lips. It wasn’t that Kitty would take advantage of the monopoly in terms of money, no she’d take advantage in the sense of having no competition. 
Still looking across open building spaces that she could rent and or buy to have her studio built in Kitty bit her lower lip, lip gloss tasting sweet, like mocha. She hadn’t bothered to remove the deep brown shadow that was smoked around her eyes or the gloss she’d applied earlier in the day. Something Evan had yanked out of her makeup collection and forcibly applied to Kitty’s mouth. It had a golden sheen and matched so she hadn’t questioned. Inhaling sharply the model stood, straightening the skirt that ended just before the middle of her thighs and began at the base of her ribs. She could do this, it wasn’t as if Jean was someone that she had to make business propositions to. He was her boyfriend and he loved her as much as she did him, she could trust his opinion. Padding out of her study having kicked off her heels long ago. She peeked her head into the living room, smiling softly as she saw him watching Glee on the DVR he was babbling in French and she couldn’t help but to giggle, dimples pressing into her cheeks as she leaned against the doorway. “You busy, White Knight, because I could come back?” She teased softly, looking at him with soft eyes framed nicely by her brand new fringe. 
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