jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
In the first place, infertility is defined as trying to get pregnant with frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year with no success. Female infertility warning signs arise due to various factors. Infertility results from female factors about 1/3rd of the time and male factors about 1/3rd of the time. The cause is unknown or a combination of both factors for the remaining 1/3rd cases. Female Infertility Warning Signs Female infertility causes can be quite difficult to diagnose in the first place. There are umpteen numbers of treatments, depending on the infertility cause. Many infertile couples will therefore go on to conceive a child after appropriate medication and lifestyle changes.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
In the first place, infertility is defined as trying to get pregnant with frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year with no success. Female infertility warning signs arise due to various factors. Infertility results from female factors about 1/3rd of the time and male factors about 1/3rd of the time. The cause is unknown or a combination of both factors for the remaining 1/3rd cases. Female Infertility Warning Signs Female infertility causes can be quite difficult to diagnose in the first place. There are umpteen numbers of treatments, depending on the infertility cause. Many infertile couples will therefore go on to conceive a child after appropriate medication and lifestyle changes.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Round Ligament Pain, which is characterized by a sharp, jabbing sensation in the lower abdomen or groin area on one or both sides.
Higher levels of progesterone during pregnancy can lead to increased gas, causing abdominal discomfort.
Abdominal pain may result from constipation, a common issue during pregnancy.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Mothers carrying a single baby typically experience a gradual increase in belly size. Consequently, weight gain is moderate, and the baby bump becomes more noticeable as the pregnancy progresses, reflecting the growth of a single foetus.
In contrast, a twin pregnancy manifests with a more rapid expansion of the belly. Additionally, womencarrying twins tend to gain more weight and exhibit a larger belly size earlier in the pregnancy. Further, this is attributable to the presence of two growing foetuses, placing additional demands on the maternal body.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Braxton Hicks contractions, often referred to as ‘false’ or ‘practice’ contractions, are a natural occurrence during pregnancy. These contractions play a crucial role in preparing your body for childbirth by toning the muscles in your uterus
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Generally, couples who are contemplating pregnancy are strongly encouraged to undergo pre-conception counselling.  Moreover, these pre-conception counselling connects you and your partner with an experienced expert. And, they will walk you through a range of diagnostic tests.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Generally, stretch marks occur when the skin loses its elasticity due to factors like pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and growth spurts. Over time, the skin’s ability to stretch diminishes, rendering it vulnerable to the development of stretch marks.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Effects of Asthma during Pregnancy
Asthma can have various effects during pregnancy. In addition, approximately one-third of pregnant women with asthma may experience worsened symptoms, while another third might notice an improvement. Further, hormonal shifts and physical changes, such as a growing uterus limiting lung space, can contribute to breathing difficulties.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Food aversions are intense dislikes toward specific foods, often accompanied by unpleasant physical symptoms triggered by the sight or smell of those foods. However, these reactions are more likely associated with emotions rather than the food itself, and they can present a challenge to maintaining a well-balanced diet during pregnancy.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Infertility is a medical condition related to the reproductive system, leading to the inability of individuals or couples to achieve pregnancy. Further, this condition can affect people from all walks of life and can stem from various underlying causes
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Breast Milk – Liquid Gold
To begin with, mother’s milk is the Best Food for Newborn . Nursing the infant can be a marvelous experience for both mother and baby. Breast milk provides the best nutrition and an exceptional bonding experience that many mothers cherish.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 3 months
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Follicular Study Procedures
Initial Assessment
The follicular study begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, menstrual cycle regularity(menstrual problems), and fertility concerns. 
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jeevanwomenclinic · 4 months
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Consequently, the conclusion is that an average pregnant woman requires about 30 mg of elemental iron per day to effectively maintain haemoglobin levels throughout pregnancy and to meet the demands of additional blood circulation, the maturing placenta, and the developing foetus.
Moreover, most combination prenatal vitamins contain the necessary iron, nearly double the amount required by a non-pregnant woman.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 4 months
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Follicular studies are often conducted to pinpoint the timing of ovulation accurately. Additionally, by monitoring the growth of ovarian follicles, healthcare professionals can predict when the mature follicle is ready to release an egg. Consequently, this provides valuable information about the most fertile window within the menstrual cycle.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 4 months
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Tandem Feeding, with the closeness, nurtures an intimate and deep connection between the breastfeeding parent and each child(bonding with your baby in pregnancy). In fact, this shared experience enhances the bond and emotional connection, creating a positive and nurturing environment for both the parent and the children.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 4 months
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A well-informed partner is better equipped to support his wife. Understanding the changes, both physical and emotional, that occur during pregnancy is vital. From dietary requirements to supplement intake, being aware of these details demonstrates genuine care and involvement.
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jeevanwomenclinic · 4 months
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During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes profound changes to accommodate the growing foetus. Initially, the lining thickens, and blood vessels enlarge to nourish the developing life. Throughout the course of pregnancy, the uterus expands exponentially, reaching sizes many times larger than its non-pregnant state.
Consequently, the fundal height, indicating the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus, becomes essential for monitoring the baby’s growth.
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