jeffathome1 · 5 months
5 Exercise Habits that Destroy Your Body by Age 50
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5 Exercise Habits that Destroy Your Body by Age 50
5 Exercise Habits that Destroy Your Body by Age 50
The importance of exercise in keeping healthy cannot be overemphasized especially as you age. Meanwhile, it has been established that not all exercises are created equal. As such, it is but right to focus on specific types of exercises that will steer you towards the right direction. The goal is to be able to maximize your independence, longevity, and health span. It can be expected that by now, you have already developed a set of exercise habits that have become part of your regular routine. On the other hand, not all habits can prove to be desirable for the long haul as some of them can even destroy the body – especially so after you reach the age of 50. It would be beneficial to identify them and figure out how you can avoid the same pitfalls. It is the perfect time to put a stop to these harmful habits once and for all so that you can begin truly benefiting from properly programmed exercise in a holistic manner.
A significant amount of research has shown how proper exercise programs like resistance training can minimize and even reverse the many signs of aging, ranging from reduced mobility and balance to increased risks of falls. Other effects that are common to aging that can be reduced by programmed exercise include loss of bone density, loss of muscle mass, and reduction in balance. For certain, these are the very things that you want to avoid if not delay for as long as you can throughout your lifetime. However, in case there are valid reasons for you being unable to ditch these bad habits for good, then it is better to have any form of exercise than not to have any sort of physical activity at all. Here are 5 exercise habits you may have that are detrimental to the body after 50:
1. Ditching exercise altogether
As stated earlier, there is nothing worst than to skip any sort of movement or physical exercise altogether. As with exercise, doing anything that you can is so much better than not doing anything at all. Needless to say, age should not be an excuse not to involve yourself in physical activities because in fact, the older you get, the more your body will need them. That is, if you want to stay healthy and strong for the long-term. And so, if are approaching the age of 50 and beyond, forget this bad habit and indulge yourself instead in short walks, going up and down the stairs, or even cardio machines. Yoga and weight training may be off the table for you but there are so many other activities that you can do. Go ahead and enjoy a good fully body stretch or walk in the park at the minimum. You will be thankful for choosing to do them today as well as in the immediate future.
2. Leaving off mobility work
It is possible that you may be exercising consistently but actually skipping mobility work. By the time you reach 50, this is another exercise habit that you should start getting rid of for your own good. You see, mobility is that critical component that can reduce the risks of incurring an injury and help you make sure that your joints keep up with its functional and normal range of motion. Mobility pertains to stretching, foam rolling, massage, and all other activities that involve certain forms of stretching or elongating of the muscles. Yoga is an active form of stretching that comes highly recommended although passive forms of stretching equally have its benefits. If you are doing weight training weekly, you can incorporate 30 minutes to an hour of the same mobility activities at least thrice per week to maximize the health benefits.
3. Walking solely on stable surfaces
Apparently, mobility and weight training are best when done in conjunction with something as simple yet as effective as walking. While walking on paved surfaces alone is desirable, you can be missing out on a good number of the more serious benefits of walking on surfaces that are uneven. You might also be risking aggravating your joints when you only keep walking on surfaces that are flat. On the other hand, doing your walking on irregular surfaces can improve your ankle strength and help with your balance as well. Walking on rocky terrain, varying trails, sand and any other uneven surface actually reduces the impact on your joints.
4. Focusing extremely on isolation movements
It is easy to be convinced to do weight lifting, but you have to make sure that you are executing the movements correctly. More often than not, the focus has been placed too much on isolation exercises like leg extensions, triceps extensions, biceps curls, and all the other popular routines at the gym. Of course, these weight exercises have its undeniable place in weight training. However, you have to be able to focus on compound movements that make use of various muscle groups and multiple joints as well. Make sure that you include weighted movements like versions of the dead lift or squats that load your spine vertically. You will notice that you will benefit greatly from improvements in your muscles, bone health, and overall performance with the passing of time.
5. Skipping the weight room
If you are one of those who have been intimated by weight training, know that you are not the only one. Despite this however, it is a must to point out how very important it is to include weight lifting in your fitness program in order to slow down or even reverse the process of aging. For those who are 50 years old and beyond, weight lifting that is challenging can be done in a lower number of repetitions. You will know when you are doing it right because the weights feel heavy in relation to your current strength. Performing sets of repetitions that range from 6 to 12 is recommended.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
Comparing P90X vs. Insanity Workouts: Which Home Fitness Program Is Right for You?
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Comparing P90X vs. Insanity Workouts: Which Home Fitness Program Is Right for You?
P90X vs. Insanity Workout: A Comprehensive Comparison
When it come to home fitness programs, two highly regarded options that have gained significant popularity are P90X and Insanity. These workout programs offer a promise of body transformation, improved cardiovascular fitness, and enhanced strength. In this review, we will compare the pros and cons of both programs, as well as discuss their target audiences and additional factors to consider.
My Experience with P90X and Insanity
I have done both P90X and Insanity and I want to tell you, don’t stress out about the decisions of which workout to do. You can always do both. P90X is takes 3 months and Insanity take 2 months. So in the big scheme of things you can knock them both out in only 5 months all while keeping a great variety of workouts. BODi (AKA Beachbody on Demand) makes this easy as you will have access to these and many more workouts with it.  Then you can make your own decision on which program you prefer. Personally, I need weight training in my life so I lean towards P90X but remember this is my opinion and preference. There are many people who love Insanity as well.
P90X and Insanity are something that I think everyone into home fitness should experience at least once. Personally, I now tend to do towards workouts that are a little shorter and also have some cardio in them. Liift 4 is a great option that offers weight training and some cardio. Liift 4 is also only 4 days a week, so you can add in some other things to keep it even more interesting.
P90X Overview
Created by renowned fitness expert Tony Horton, P90X is a comprehensive 90-day workout program that takes a holistic approach to fitness. It combines resistance training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility routines to provide a well-rounded workout experience. The program consists of 12 high-intensity workouts, with a recommended six-day-a-week exercise schedule.
Pros of P90X
1. Diverse and Structured Approach: One of the major strengths of P90X is the variety it offers. The program includes weightlifting, plyometrics, yoga, martial arts, and more, ensuring that participants stay engaged and challenged throughout the 90-day period.
2. Muscle Development: P90X focuses on muscle hypertrophy, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking to build strength, increase muscle definition, and develop lean muscle mass.
3. Comprehensive Nutrition Guide: P90X provides a detailed nutrition plan that complements the workouts. This aspect is crucial for maximizing results, as it helps users adopt a balanced diet that supports their fitness goals.
4. Fitness Level Modifications: Tony Horton provides modifications for each exercise, allowing individuals to tailor the program to their fitness level and gradually increase the intensity as they progress.
5. Supportive Community: P90X boasts a large and active community of participants. This online support network includes forums, social media groups, and other resources that can help individuals stay motivated, share experiences, and hold each other accountable.
Cons of P90X
1. Time Commitment: P90X workouts can be time-consuming, with each session averaging around 60 minutes with the exception of Yoga X which is 92 minutes long. This might pose challenges for individuals with busy schedules or limited workout time.
2. High Impact: Some of the P90X workouts involve high-impact movements, which can be unsuitable for individuals with joint issues or those who prefer lower-impact exercises.
3. Equipment Requirements: P90X relies on various pieces of equipment, such as dumbbells or resistance bands, and a pull-up bar. These additional costs may deter individuals on a tight budget or those with limited space.
>> Get Started with P90X Today
Target Audience for P90X
P90X is best suited for individuals with a moderate to high fitness level who are seeking a challenging and varied workout routine. It caters to those who are interested in strength training, muscle development, and an all-encompassing fitness experience.
Insanity Overview
Developed by fitness trainer Shaun T, Insanity is a high-intensity cardio-based workout program designed to deliver impressive results in just 60 days. The program revolves around maximum effort interval training, which features shorter rest periods and continuous high-intensity exercises.
Pros of Insanity
1. Cardiovascular Endurance: Insanity is specifically designed to push the cardiovascular system to its limits. It focuses on intense cardio exercises, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking to improve their endurance and overall cardiovascular fitness.
2. Minimal Equipment: Unlike P90X, Insanity requires no additional equipment. The program relies solely on bodyweight exercises, making it convenient for those who prefer minimal setup or have budgetary constraints.
3. Time Efficiency: Insanity workouts are generally shorter than P90X sessions, ranging from 30 to 45 minutes on average. This makes it more manageable for individuals with time constraints or those seeking a quick but effective workout. When you get into Phase 2 of the Insanity program you will find the ax workouts are about 1o minutes longer than than the first phase.
4. Calorie Burning: The high-intensity nature of Insanity workouts leads to significant calorie expenditure, aiding in weight loss and fat burning.
5. Motivational Coaching: Shaun T’s coaching style is energetic and motivational, serving as a constant source of inspiration throughout the workouts. This motivational aspect helps participants stay engaged and push themselves to their limits.
Cons of Insanity
1. Limited Strength Training: While Insanity is effective for cardiovascular fitness, it lacks dedicated strength training exercises. Individuals seeking significant muscle mass may need to supplement their workouts with additional resistance training.
2. High Impact: Due to the intense nature of the exercises, Insanity may be too demanding for individuals with joint problems or those who prefer low-impact workouts. It is important to consider your physical limitations and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
3. Steep Learning Curve: Insanity workouts incorporate complex movements and rapid transitions. This may require time for participants to master the exercises properly, potentially increasing the risk of injury for beginners. I have done Insanity, you can modify these moves so don’t let the thought of complex movements scare you away.
>>Get Started with Insanity Today
Target Audience for Insanity:
Insanity is well-suited for individuals who prioritize cardiovascular fitness and seek an intense, high-energy workout experience. It appeals to those who enjoy challenging cardio exercises, have limited time availability, or prefer workouts without the need for additional equipment.
Additional Factors to Consider:
1. Personal Preferences: It is essential to consider your personal preferences and exercise style when choosing between P90X and Insanity. Assess which type of workout resonates more with your interests, whether it is strength training or high-intensity cardio.
2. Fitness Goals: Determine your specific fitness goals before selecting a program. If your primary objective is to build strength and muscle, P90X might be the better choice. However, if you aim to improve cardiovascular endurance, Insanity could be the preferred option.
3. Physical Condition: Take into account your current fitness level and any existing injuries or joint issues. Both programs can be physically demanding, but P90X incorporates more resistance training, while Insanity focuses heavily on cardio. Consider which program aligns better with your physical capabilities and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.
While comparing P90X and Insanity, both programs offer effective home workout options with distinct strengths and target audiences. P90X provides a comprehensive approach that encompasses strength training, muscle development, and overall fitness improvement. It is suitable for individuals with moderate to high fitness levels, who appreciate variety, and are willing to commit to longer workout sessions.
On the other hand, Insanity concentrates on high-intensity cardio training, aiming to enhance cardiovascular endurance and burn calories. It is an excellent choice for individuals who prioritize cardio fitness, have limited time availability, or prefer workouts without additional equipment.
Ultimately, the choice between P90X and Insanity depends on your personal fitness goals, preferences, and current fitness level. Take into account additional factors such as personal preferences, fitness goals, and physical condition when making a decision. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new workout program, especially if you have underlying health concerns or injuries. Stay committed, motivated, and consistent, and you can achieve remarkable results with either program.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
The Power of Cold Plunging: Exploring the Pros and Cons
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The Power of Cold Plunging: Exploring the Pros and Cons
The Power of Cold Plunging and Cold Water Immersion
In recent years, cold plunging, also known as cold water immersion or cold therapy, has gained significant popularity as a wellness practice. Derived from ancient traditions and backed by scientific research, cold plunging involves immersing oneself in icy water for a short duration. Advocates of this practice claim numerous health benefits, ranging from improved physical recovery to enhanced mental well-being. However, as with any therapeutic approach, cold plunging has its pros and cons. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of cold plunging, while also examining its potential drawbacks, supported by relevant citations. Check out some home cold plunge tubs.
Benefits of Cold Plunging
1. Enhanced Physical Recovery:
Cold plunging is known to have a positive impact on physical recovery and muscle repair. When exposed to cold water, the body undergoes vasoconstriction, causing blood vessels to narrow. This process reduces inflammation and swelling, allowing for faster healing and recovery after intense exercise or injuries. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance demonstrated that cold water immersion significantly reduced muscle soreness and improved muscle function in athletes (Zurawlew et al., 2016).
2. Increased Metabolic Rate and Weight Loss:
Cold water immersion activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in metabolic rate. As the body works to maintain its core temperature, it burns calories, which can aid in weight loss. A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that regular cold exposure increased brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity, which is associated with improved metabolic health and potential weight loss (Lee et al., 2014).
3. Improved Mood and Mental Well-being:
Cold plunging has been linked to the release of endorphins and other mood-enhancing neurotransmitters. The shock of cold water triggers a natural stress response, prompting the release of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. These chemicals promote a sense of well-being, reduce anxiety and depression, and enhance overall mood. A systematic review published in the Journal of Affective Disorders highlighted the potential of cold water immersion as an adjunctive therapy for depressive disorders (Macedo et al., 2016).
4. Strengthened Immune System:
Exposing the body to cold water stimulates the production of white blood cells, boosting the immune system’s ability to fight off infections and diseases. A study published in PLOS ONE revealed that regular winter swimming was associated with increased levels of circulating immune cells and improved immune function (Zhang et al., 2018). Cold plunging may also enhance the body’s adaptive response to stress, leading to a more robust immune system.
5. Increased Alertness and Mental Clarity:
Cold water immersion triggers an immediate surge in oxygen intake, stimulating the respiratory system and increasing heart rate. This process results in heightened alertness and mental clarity. Cold exposure has been shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and attention. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology demonstrated that cold water immersion increased alertness and reduced symptoms of fatigue (Peake et al., 2017).
Drawbacks of Cold Plunging
1. Risk of Hypothermia and Cold Injuries:
Cold plunging poses the risk of hypothermia if not practiced with caution. Extended exposure to extremely cold water can lower body temperature to dangerous levels, leading to hypothermia, which can be life-threatening. Additionally, immersion in icy water without proper protection may increase the risk of cold injuries, such as frostbite. It is crucial to monitor the duration and temperature of cold plunges and seek medical advice if necessary.
2. Potential Cardiovascular Strain:
Individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions should approach cold plunging with caution. The sudden immersion in cold water can cause a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate, potentially placing strain on the cardiovascular system. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended before engaging in cold plunging, especially for those with heart conditions or high blood pressure.
3. Discomfort and Acclimatization:
Cold plunging can be uncomfortable, particularly for individuals who are not accustomed to cold temperatures. The initial shock of cold water can be challenging to endure, and some may find it difficult to acclimatize to this practice. It is essential to start gradually and listen to one’s body to prevent excessive discomfort or potential psychological distress.
To get started with cold plunging, here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Find a suitable location: Look for a safe and convenient place to practice cold plunging. This can include natural bodies of water like lakes or the ocean, or you can set up a cold plunge tub or even use a cold shower.
2. Start with gradual exposure: If you’re new to cold plunging, it’s important to begin with shorter durations and gradually increase over time. Begin with just a few seconds of exposure to cold water, and then gradually work your way up to longer durations as your body adapts.
3. Timing and frequency: Start by incorporating cold plunging into your routine for a few minutes, 2-3 times a week. As you become more comfortable, you can increase the duration or frequency according to your preferences. Listen to your body and adjust as necessary.
4. Proper preparation: Before entering the cold water, it can be helpful to warm up your body with light exercise or stretching. This can help improve circulation and make the cold plunge more tolerable. It’s also important to dress appropriately, ensuring you have proper swimwear or suitable clothing for cold water immersion.
5. Slow immersion: When entering the cold water, take it slowly and step by step. Start by immersing your feet, then gradually move up to your legs, torso, and eventually submerge your whole body. This gradual approach can help your body adjust to the shock of cold water.
6. Breathing and relaxation techniques: Focus on deep breathing and relaxation during the cold plunge. Slow, controlled breaths can help you manage the initial discomfort and stay calm throughout the experience.
7. Post-plunge recovery: After the cold plunge, it’s important to warm up your body gradually. You can do this by using warm towels, wearing warm clothing, or engaging in light physical activity to increase blood circulation.
8. Assess your tolerance: Pay attention to how your body responds to cold plunging. If you experience excessive discomfort, shivering, or any negative symptoms, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Not everyone will have the same tolerance for cold water, so find a balance that works for you.
Remember, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new wellness practice, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns.
Cold plunging can be a highly individualized practice, and the duration and frequency will depend on your comfort level and goals. As you become more accustomed to cold water immersion, you can gradually increase the duration and frequency of your sessions if desired.
Cold plunging has gained attention as a holistic wellness practice with various potential benefits. From improved physical recovery to enhanced mental well-being, proponents of cold water immersion believe it can bring transformative effects to one’s overall health. However, it is crucial to approach cold plunging with awareness of the potential risks involved, such as hypothermia and cardiovascular strain. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advised, particularly for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. By striking a balance between the benefits and potential drawbacks, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating cold plunging into their wellness routines.
Lee P, Linderman JD, Smith S, et al. Temperature-acclimated brown adipose tissue modulates insulin sensitivity in humans. J Clin Invest. 2014;124(1): 1-13.
Macedo L, Kroczaleski M, Soares J, et al. A systematic review of the effects of cold-water immersion on depressive symptoms. J Affect Disord. 2016; 202: 223-229.
Peake J, Roberts L, Figueiredo V, et al. The effects of cold water immersion and active recovery on inflammation and cell stress responses in human skeletal muscle after resistance exercise. Front Physiol. 2017; 8: 668.
Zhang Q, Zhao Y, Xu X, et al. Winter swimming enhances natural killer cell activity and immune function in the elderly: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2018; 13(11): e0205305.
Zurawlew MJ, Walsh NP, Fortes MB, et al. Post-exercise hot water immersion induces heat acclimation and improves endurance exercise performance in the heat. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016; 11(5): 715-720.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
An In-Depth Review of Beachbody's Insanity Workout Program
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An In-Depth Review of Beachbody's Insanity Workout Program
A Review of BODi’s (AKA Beachbody) Insanity Workout Program
In the realm of fitness, there are countless workout programs vying for attention, promising dramatic results and transformations. One such program that has gained significant popularity is BODi’s (Beachbody’s) Insanity workout. Developed by fitness guru Shaun T, Insanity is renowned for its intense and challenging nature. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the key aspects of the Insanity workout program, evaluating its effectiveness, accessibility, structure, and overall experience.
My Personal Experience with Insanity
I did 60 day with Shaun T and I found Insanity very challenging. I showed up day in and day out and every day was definitely a sweat session. If you are looking to boost your cardio then this is the program for you. Personally, I like a mix between strength training and cardio for a nice well rounded program. Insanity was nice to mix up my regiment but I missed my daily weight training. (I feel lost without my dumbbells.)
Program Structure and Design
Insanity is a 60-day high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program that incorporates cardiovascular exercises, body-weight movements, and plyometrics. It follows a strict calendar that guides users through a series of progressively challenging workouts. The program comprises ten different workout routines, with each session ranging from 40 to 60 minutes in duration. The workouts are designed to target various muscle groups and maximize calorie burn.
Effectiveness and Results
One of the primary appeals of Insanity is its promise of delivering exceptional results. And for those who can consistently complete the program, the results can be truly transformative. By combining intense cardio exercises with explosive plyometric movements, Insanity pushes the limits of your endurance and cardiovascular fitness. It promotes weight loss, increases strength, enhances agility, and improves overall cardiovascular health.
However, it’s important to note that Insanity is not suitable for everyone. Due to its high-impact nature and extreme intensity, individuals with pre-existing joint or cardiovascular issues should exercise caution before attempting the program. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert to determine if Insanity is a suitable fit for your fitness level and health condition.
Accessibility and Equipment
Insanity stands out for its accessibility, as it requires minimal equipment. All you need is a small space, a workout mat, and a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the intense workouts. This makes it an excellent option for those who prefer to exercise at home or have limited access to a gym.
The Workout Experience
The Insanity workouts are challenging, there’s no denying that. They demand mental fortitude, determination, and a willingness to push past your comfort zone. Shaun T’s infectious energy and motivational cues are essential in keeping you engaged and pushing through the grueling exercises. However, this intensity can be overwhelming for beginners or those who are not accustomed to high-impact workouts. It’s crucial to listen to your body and modify movements as needed to prevent injury.
Variety and Progression
Insanity boasts a variety of workouts, ensuring that users don’t get bored or plateau in their fitness journey. From cardio power and resistance training to core-focused routines, each session targets different muscle groups and keeps the body guessing. The program also employs a concept called “max interval training,” which alternates intense bursts of exercise with short periods of recovery. This approach enhances cardiovascular endurance, stimulates calorie burn, and promotes overall fitness gains.
Support and Community
BODi’s (Beachbody’s) Insanity program comes with a supportive online community, allowing users to connect, share their progress, and seek motivation. The program also includes a comprehensive nutrition guide, offering dietary recommendations and meal plans to complement the workouts.
Beachbody’s Insanity workout program is an intense, challenging, and effective fitness regimen for individuals seeking significant fitness gains and weight loss. With its high-intensity workouts and minimal equipment requirements, it provides accessibility and convenience for those looking to exercise at home. While the intensity level may be too demanding for beginners or individuals with specific health conditions, the program can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels. With dedication, discipline, and a commitment to pushing your limits, Insanity can deliver remarkable results and help you achieve your fitness goals.
Pros of BODi’s (AKA Beachbody) Insanity Workout Program:
1. High-intensity and Effective: Insanity is designed to push your limits and deliver exceptional results in terms of weight loss, increased strength, improved cardiovascular fitness, and overall endurance.
2. Minimal Equipment: Insanity workouts primarily rely on body-weight exercises, requiring minimal equipment. This makes it accessible for those who prefer to exercise at home or have limited access to gym equipment.
3. Variety and Progression: The program incorporates a diverse range of workouts targeting different muscle groups, preventing boredom and ensuring continuous progress. The concept of max interval training keeps the body challenged and stimulates calorie burn.
4. Convenience: With Insanity, you have the flexibility to work out at your own pace and schedule. The program provides structured routines, eliminating the need to plan or think about what exercises to do each day.
5. Motivational and Supportive Community: Beachbody offers an online community where participants can connect, share progress, and seek motivation. This supportive environment can help you stay committed and motivated throughout the program.
Cons of BODi’s (AKA Beachbody) Insanity Workout Program:
1. Intense and Challenging: Insanity is not suitable for everyone, especially individuals who are new to exercise or have specific health concerns. The high-intensity nature of the program can be overwhelming and may increase the risk of injury if proper form and modifications are not followed.
2. Potential Joint and Cardiovascular Strain: Due to the high-impact and intense nature of the workouts, individuals with joint or cardiovascular issues should approach Insanity with caution. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting the program.
3. No live,in person training: While Beachbody provides guidance and modifications, some individuals may prefer more personalized coaching or guidance to ensure proper form, progression, and adaptation to individual needs.
4. Time Commitment: Insanity workouts range from 40 to 60 minutes in duration, which may be challenging to fit into a busy schedule. Consistency and commitment are crucial to maximize the benefits of the program.
5. Limited Emphasis on Strength Training: While Insanity does incorporate body weight exercises, it may not provide as much emphasis on strength training compared to programs specifically designed for building muscle and strength.
It’s important to consider your fitness level, health condition, and personal preferences before deciding to embark on the Insanity workout program. Consulting with a healthcare professional or fitness expert can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals.
Here are some common Insanity FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Is Insanity suitable for beginners?
-Insanity is a highly intense program that is better suited for individuals with some fitness background. It may not be recommended for absolute beginners. Starting with a less intense program and gradually building up your fitness level would be advisable.
2. How long are the Insanity workouts?
-The duration of Insanity workouts varies, ranging from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific workout routine. It’s important to allocate enough time for the full workout to ensure maximum benefits.
3. Do I need any equipment for Insanity?
-Insanity workouts primarily rely on body-weight exercises, so you don’t need any equipment. However, having a workout mat and a water bottle for hydration is recommended. As you progress, you may consider using a heart rate monitor for tracking your intensity.
4. What is the duration of the Insanity program?
-The Insanity program is designed as a 60-day program. It consists of different workout routines that gradually increase in intensity over the course of the program.
5. Can I modify the exercises if they are too difficult?
-Yes, you can modify the exercises to match your fitness level. Shaun T often provides modifications for certain movements during the workouts. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust the intensity as needed to avoid injury.
6. How many calories can I expect to burn during an Insanity workout?
-The calorie burn during an Insanity workout can vary depending on factors like intensity, body weight, and individual fitness level. On average, you can expect to burn approximately 400-600 calories per session, but this can vary.
7. Is it necessary to follow a specific diet while doing Insanity?
-While there is no specific diet required for Insanity, following a balanced and nutritious diet can enhance your results. Beachbody provides a nutrition guide that offers recommendations and meal plans to complement the workouts. It’s recommended to focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods to support your energy levels and recovery.
8. Can I do Insanity if I have joint or cardiovascular issues?
-If you have pre-existing joint or cardiovascular issues, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before attempting the Insanity program. The high-impact nature and intense workouts may not be suitable for everyone, and modifications or alternative programs may be recommended.
9. How soon can I expect to see results with Insanity?
-Results with Insanity can vary depending on factors such as adherence to the program, individual fitness level, and nutrition. Some people may start seeing improvements in cardiovascular endurance and muscle tone within a few weeks, while significant transformations can be expected after completing the full 60-day program.
10. What happens after completing the 60-day Insanity program?
-After completing the 60-day Insanity program, you have several options. You can repeat the program for additional rounds to further improve your fitness, transition to other BODi programs, or incorporate a mix of strength training and cardio workouts to maintain your progress. It’s important to continue challenging yourself and staying consistent with your fitness routine to sustain the results achieved with Insanity.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
9 Budget Friendly Tips for Building a Home Gym
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9 Budget Friendly Tips for Building a Home Gym
Tips for Building a Home Gym
A home gym can be a very expensive investment for most people no matter how dedicated they are to their fitness goals. Equipment such as dumbbells, treadmills, or even a stationary bike can be worth hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars. To top it all off, there’s also maintenance and the fact that you will need ample space in your house to fit everything in. However, there are strategic yet affordable ways to get yourself your very own gym at home so exercising can be more convenient for you.
Tip # 1: Measure out your space
The most important thing about setting up your home gym is to plan out what you need and want to include in there. Yes, you can come up with a list so you can plan the layout as well. In this way, you can ensure that you can maximize the home gym space that you have enough for you to be comfortable in it. Figure out the dimensions of what  free space you have and figure out the dimensions of the equipment you can place in it. You need to know what you can store, how much you can store, and write it down the next time you go out looking for gym equipment to buy. If your room is too small, buy some kettlebells or dumbbells. Maybe even an exercise mat might suffice. You don’t want to be buying a rack of weights and not know where to put it. That would be a complete waste of money.
Tip # 2: Determine what your overall fitness goal is and how you plan to achieve it.
Knowing what your full goal is and how you want to achieve it can mean the difference between buying expensive but durable equipment or not. Say, for example, you need to lose weight and the way you want to achieve it is through walking or jogging. Do you really need that treadmill when you can just walk outside? Do you really need a pull-up bar when there’s a perfectly good playground with monkey bars down the street? The point is, always evaluate your goals and approach before needing to buy whatever equipment you don’t need. Your wallet will thank you for that. Remember, you are trying to stay on budget even if you are trying to build your home gym.
Tip # 3: Don’t splurge on machines
It can be very tempting to buy workout machines for yourself, especially the ones that you like at your local gym. The thing is, they can cost up to thousands of dollars and that can prove to be a disadvantage when you set it up at home when only a few people are using it. Even used ones can make a dent in your wallet. In addition, you have to maintain them adequately so they can last for a while. On the other hand, there are several cheap and low-maintenance workout tools that you can use as an alternative. Some examples are Thera Ball, Thera Band, dumbbells, and exercise mats to name a few. With a couple of Youtube tutorials or BODi (Beachbody) on Demand fitness programs, you can use these cheap tools in a multitude of ways such as in Pilates or Barre. It is the versatility of these tools that will allow you to get more bang for your buck in every way possible.
Tip # 4: Perform some Calisthenics
Calisthenics is an excellent way to build muscle mass and lose weight. For those who don’t know it yet, calisthenics is a form of strength training exercise that uses your own body as a weight. Maybe you’ve done some calisthenics in your routine in the past without even knowing it. Some examples include Squats, Push-ups, and Lunges. You can even get creative with these workouts and apply a few extra movements like doing one-hand push-ups or carrying something heavy when you do lunges. Just do a bit of customized research and test out what fits best for you.
Tip # 5: Buy cheap equipment that is on sale
If you’re really insistent on buying some weightlifting equipment due to your goals needing it, you could try looking up sales online. There’s a lot of gym equipment that can be bought at garage sales, thrift stores, or sales in malls. The Facebook Marketplace is also a great place to find some deals. You just need to know where to look or you can ask a friend to lend you their unused equipment. Be sure to also know how to properly maintain this equipment since they’re a very expensive investment and you wouldn’t want them breaking down too fast. Try to search online for cheap ways to best maintain them without breaking the bank.
Tip # 6: Improvise your gym equipment
Some people tend to improvise their equipment by duct taping water bottles for weights or perhaps using old tires for weight lifting. There are a lot of exercises that you can do that can use improvised equipment. One of those exercises uses a heavy rope to improve muscle strength and endurance. If you live near a beach, you can use the sand to help improve lower body strength as you jab or maybe you can use a pool and jog on the water for a bit of resistance exercises. There are many ways to improvise and customize your workouts. With just a bit of research and resourcefulness, you can build that home gym and be more consistent with your exercise routine.
Tip # 7: Use free workout videos online
There are a lot of free workout videos for you to follow online. Although these videos may not work for everyone, they will at least give you an idea of what you can do with your body without the need for a personalized trainer. Trainers can get really expensive over time and although their advice and techniques are effective, they might be draining your bank account fast. Sometimes, it’s best to learn all the techniques by yourself online. Although it won’t be as effective as learning from a trainer directly, at least you’ll be saving up some cash. When your budget is not that tight anymore, you can get a trainer who can help you with your fitness goals if you feel you need one.
Tip # 8: Take on some fun fitness challenges
Why not make it fun with a little competition? But instead of competing against someone, you compete against yourself to see if you can make it to your fitness goals within a time limit via some fitness challenge. This way, you’ll be able to perform your workout routine more consistently as you strive to better yourself and make yourself healthier. Besides, most challenges are fun to do so they can be a good break from your usual routine. Rewarding yourself can be much sweeter too because you have the feeling that you’ve earned it.
Tip # 9: Try a fitness app
Fitness apps like BODi are great ways to track your progress like how many steps you’ve taken, how many calories you’ve lost, and so on and so forth. There are a lot of free apps you can download on your phone that have so many functions for you to use. Fitness apps can also provide you with nutritional programs, fitness topics, and health-related subject matters to get you in the mood and mindset. Some of them can even include instructional videos for certain workouts you can do in your home gym.
What are the Benefits of Having a Home Gym?
There are many benefits to having a home gym, such as being able to save up money in the long run and not having to worry about scheduling. All you need to do is go straight home, get dressed, and start working out almost immediately. It’s honestly that simple when you have a gym at home that never closes.
Benefit # 1: Your Gym is practically open 24/7
Gone are the days when you’re finally done with work only to realize that the gym you frequent has closed due to some unforeseen consequences or some holidays you didn’t realize. Sometimes, it can even be difficult to schedule your busy day with a trip to the gym. With a home gym, you don’t need to worry about that because it’s in your own house. If you want, you can even combine some activities with your workout such as walking the treadmill while you do some work on your laptop. Perhaps you can watch TV or play your own music as well.
Benefit # 2: Your gym is customizable to your needs.
There’s a lot of equipment you don’t need when you go to a gym. It’s especially bad since you might be paying a lot and only use less than half of the equipment available there. For people who tend to use a lot of gym equipment, that’s completely fine. For people who don’t? That might be seen as wasting money. If you’re only going to use a couple of the equipment, it’s best to just buy what you need on your own. It’s a lot cheaper and it’s a good long-term investment.
Benefit # 3: Your gym gives you some privacy
Privacy is something a lot of people like. One of the biggest reasons why people don’t go to the gym is because they have anxiety. This anxiety is more apparent with plus-size individuals or even regularly-sized ones who are body conscious. Having a home gym eliminates that feeling of anxiety as you practically do all your workouts in the comfort and safety of your own home. Plus, you don’t need to wipe someone else’s sweat off the equipment. That’s another added bonus to having a gym at home.
Benefit # 4: You and your family can pitch in on the fun.
Chances are, you’ll have family and friends who would want to work out too. This is a great opportunity to help boost each other’s confidence while also having fun. You can also give each other advice on certain workouts and have a spotter for lifting heavy weights. There’s also a thing called Herd Mentality where if you see multiple people doing one thing, you’ll also get the urge to do it as well. This mentality becomes more effective once you see family and friends in the mix as well.
Benefit # 5: It can be safer for you and your family.
Sometimes, jogging out at night or going to your gym in a shady area is a little worrisome. You might get threatened with a knife or a gun on your way to your local gym. At least in a home gym, you’ll be safe since it’s in your own house. No need to risk your life trying to work out in a place that isn’t safe for you. Not only that but you also run the risk of leading unsavory people back to your home from the gym once you’re done with your work out which could endanger the lives of your friends and family. Sometimes it’s better to stay at home where it’s safer than out there in the dark.
Benefit # 6: You make the rules.
Some gyms have weird rules that you have to follow. A lot of these rules have been put in place due to rowdy customers or it could just be the owner’s decision. Whatever the case, these rules can sometimes be annoying to follow. At your own house gym though, you can make your own rules to follow. This is a huge bonus for those that find it too restricting to work out at the gym. You can scream, shout, and blast your favorite workout music or whatever. It’s your house gym and it’s your rules.
Benefit # 7: You don’t have to sit there and wait for the other guy to finish
It can get quite annoying waiting for your turn to use the equipment, especially when it’s a fully packed gym. What’s even worse is when they don’t wipe the sweat or return the equipment after they have used them. It’s just absolutely disgusting. You don’t have to do any of that at your home gym which also means it also has lesser germs on them as well. Waiting can be pretty boring at times or time wasting and you may become distracted as you wait for the other guy to finish. This causes you to sometimes forget that you’re even working out or just go home without finishing your routine. And don’t forget about how some people can be at the gym when they scream loudly or become stinky after a workout. Fortunately for you, you don’t have these kinds of problems at a home gym.
These are the best reasons why you should have a home gym and how you can get one for cheap. Having a home gym is an investment you have to commit to. If you become lazy and decide not to work out at your home gym, it would be considered wasting money. On that note, you should also learn how to combine working out with eating healthy as that is also just as important as moving around. Another thing you have to note down is consistency with how you exercise. Home gyms are meant to help you keep consistent by reducing travel time and providing an environment for you to work in. There are no excuses this time so get up from your couch and start aiming for that dream body you’ve been craving for.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
P90X by BODi (AKA Beachbody): A Comprehensive Review
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P90X by BODi (AKA Beachbody): A Comprehensive Review
P90X by BODi (AKA Beachbody): An Overview of the Workout Program
P90X was developed by Tony Horton and Beachbody. It is a popular home fitness program designed to transform your body in 90 days. This comprehensive workout system combines intense strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises to help users achieve their fitness goals. In this review, we will dig into the various aspects of P90X, including its effectiveness, workout structure, nutritional guidance, and overall user experience.
P90X was the very first program that I ever did from Beachbody (Now BODi). I definitely noticed major changes after completing the program. I followed the nutrition plan and did not miss any workouts. I had my best results after my first round 12 years ago. You can see my P90X results here. I noticed major results in my back and I’m sure it’s from all the pull-ups.
To this day I still think that P90X is the most extreme program that BODi offers but others do come close. Insanity is tough but it is mostly a cardio program. Hammer and Chisel is tough and a great program as well but P90X still holds the crown in my opinion. Everyone should experience this program at least once.
P90X Effectiveness:
One of the key factors in assessing any fitness program is its effectiveness in delivering results. P90X has gained a reputation for being highly effective due to its focus on muscle confusion and high-intensity workouts. The program utilizes a technique called “Muscle Confusion,” which involves constantly varying the exercises, sets, and reps to prevent plateaus and keep the body constantly challenged. This approach helps users avoid adaptation and maximizes their fitness gains.
P90X Workout Structure:
P90X consists of a rigorous 90-day program divided into three phases: the Foundation Phase, Strength Phase, and Performance Phase. Each phase lasts approximately one month and targets different aspects of fitness.
1. Foundation Phase: This phase focuses on building a solid fitness foundation and improving overall conditioning. It includes a variety of workouts such as chest and back, plyometrics, shoulders and arms, yoga, and cardio exercises. The workouts range from 45 to 60 minutes in duration and are designed to increase endurance and prepare the body for more intense training.
2. Strength Phase: In this phase, the intensity ramps up, targeting muscle development and strength gains. The workouts incorporate heavier weights and more challenging exercises to promote muscle growth and enhance overall power. Resistance training workouts include workouts such as legs and back, chest, shoulders, triceps, and back and biceps.
3. Performance Phase: The final phase focuses on enhancing athletic performance, agility, and speed. It introduces more dynamic exercises and intense cardio routines to improve cardiovascular endurance and maximize calorie burn. Workouts in this phase include core synergistics, Kenpo, and yoga workouts.
P90X Nutritional Guidance:
To complement the workout program, P90X provides a comprehensive nutrition plan. The plan emphasizes a balanced diet comprising lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and an adequate intake of fruits and vegetables. It includes portion control guidance and recommends consuming five to six small meals per day to maintain stable blood sugar levels and optimize metabolism. The program offers three different nutrition plans based on individual goals: Fat Shredder, Energy Booster, and Endurance Maximizer.
P90X User Experience:
P90X offers a challenging and engaging workout experience that caters to individuals of varying fitness levels. The program is led by Tony Horton, an experienced fitness trainer who guides users through each workout with clear instructions and demonstrations. The workouts are well-structured and progress in intensity as users advance through the program. Additionally, P90X provides modifications for different fitness levels, allowing beginners to start at their own pace while still challenging more experienced individuals.
Pros: 1. Effective muscle confusion technique to prevent plateaus and promote continuous progress. 2. Well-structured workout program targeting various aspects of fitness. 3. Comprehensive nutritional guidance and portion control recommendations. 4. Tony Horton’s clear instructions and modifications for different fitness levels. 5. Supportive online community for motivation and accountability.
Cons: 1. Intense workouts may be challenging for beginners or those with certain health conditions. 2. Requires a significant time commitment, with workouts ranging from 45 to 90 minutes. 3. Some equipment is necessary, such as dumbbells or resistance bands, which may require additional investment.
P90X by Beachbody (now BODi) is a highly effective and well-rounded home fitness program that offers a challenging and engaging workout experience. With its focus on muscle confusion, well-structured workout phases, comprehensive nutrition plan, and Tony Horton’s guidance, it has gained a strong reputation among fitness enthusiasts. While it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly beginners or individuals with specific health concerns, P90X delivers results for those who are committed to the program. Its emphasis on accountability and support through online resources further enhances the overall user experience. If you are seeking a transformative fitness journey and are willing to put in the effort, P90X could be an excellent choice to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Here are some common P90X FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
1. What equipment do I need for P90X?
– The program requires some basic equipment, including dumbbells or resistance bands, a pull-up bar or resistance bands with door attachment, a yoga mat, and a yoga block (optional). Additionally, a chair or stability ball may be used for certain exercises.
2. Is P90X suitable for beginners?
– P90X is known for its intensity and may not be suitable for complete beginners. It is recommended that individuals have a baseline level of fitness before starting the program. However, modifications and alternative exercises are provided to accommodate different fitness levels.
3. How long are the P90X workouts?
– The duration of P90X workouts varies depending on the phase and the specific workout. On average, the workouts range from 45 to 90 minutes.
4. Can women do P90X?
– Absolutely! P90X is designed for both men and women. The program focuses on strength training, cardio, and flexibility, which are beneficial for individuals of all genders.
5. How often do I need to do P90X workouts?
– P90X follows a 6-day per week workout schedule. The program includes specific workouts for each day, with one day designated as a rest or stretch day.
6. Will I lose weight with P90X?
– P90X is designed to promote overall fitness and body transformation. While weight loss can be a byproduct of the program, it ultimately depends on factors such as individual adherence to the workout and nutrition plan, starting weight, and metabolism.
7. Can I modify the exercises if I have physical limitations?
– Yes, P90X provides modifications for various exercises to accommodate individuals with physical limitations or injuries. It is important to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or limitations.
8. Do I have to follow the P90X nutrition plan?
– Following the P90X nutrition plan is recommended for optimal results. The nutrition plan is designed to complement the workouts and provide balanced and portion-controlled meals. However, individuals can still see progress with their own personalized nutrition approach.
9. Can I combine P90X with other workouts or activities?
– While P90X is a comprehensive program, it is possible to combine it with other workouts or activities depending on individual preferences and goals. However, it is important to consider adequate rest and recovery to avoid over-training.
10. Is P90X suitable for individuals with specific health conditions?
– Individuals with specific health conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before starting P90X or any intense exercise program. It is crucial to ensure that the program aligns with their health needs and limitations.
Remember, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness program, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or medical conditions.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
Drinking Coffee to Lose Weight: Pros and Cons
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Drinking Coffee to Lose Weight: Pros and Cons
The Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee to Lose Weight
The myriad of potential health benefits that coffee provides are quite well-known. Drinking coffee promotes a longer lifespan, supports muscle function, improves digestive health and sharpens the cognitive function. It also helps in lowering the risks of developing chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and dementia. The caffeine content in coffee improves energy, boosts metabolism, and can further weight loss. When it comes to coffee helping with weight loss though, there are pros and cons that need to be considered because its efficacy will depend on how they apply to you. This is a quick guide that you can use to weigh the pros and cons properly and be able to use the pros to your advantage.
PRO: Coffee can help tone down hunger pangs
What is required in weight loss is a minimal calorie deficit or calories that are fewer than what you can burn as you go through your activities daily or through exercise. And when you are drinking coffee, it can help in tipping the scales to your favor. Amanda Kostro Miller, RD explains that the caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant and can curb hunger in between your regular meals. For those who are on an intermittent fasting program, drinking black coffee helps them quiet hunger bells without disrupting their fasting mode. It is good to note that when you drink coffee at least half an hour before your meals, it can help you eat less than usual.
This recommendation is based on a review that was published via the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Logically speaking, drinking coffee can make you feel full even before you eat, so this is indeed good practice when you are looking to lose weight. In another study, the results show that the reduction in your appetite can take effect longer and even extend until the next day when you drink coffee in moderate amounts of 6.7 ounces per day or 200 ml a day. This especially holds true for those who are living with obesity or are overweight. So remember to drink coffee before your meals and drink in moderation to help you shed some pounds.
CON: Drinking coffee can make you crave for more sweets
The thing about drinking coffee is that it often goes together with a habit that can be nasty if you are trying to slim down. If you are one of those who cannot have coffee without cake, a pastry, or some other dessert, then drinking coffee this way is definitely a disadvantage. Apparently, coffee can encourage your cravings for sweets. A study published via the Journal of Food Science revealed that caffeine does trigger sweet tooth cravings as it tweaks one’s perception of sweetness. It is not a surprise then if you are constantly ordering some cheesecake or donuts each time you hang out for coffee at the corner café. Come to think of it, what is coffee without some hot, moist muffins to go with it, right? Unless you can have desserts that are considered low-carb or keto-friendly, then drinking black coffee with them could probably work. Otherwise, drinking coffee to lose weight will defeat its very purpose. Unless you can drink coffee without the sweets, then ditch the coffee and try other drinks that will give you the benefits of weight loss without encouraging your sweet tooth cravings.
The other relevant issue that can turn drinking coffee into a con is what is typically added to plain coffee or espresso. Typical add-ons can include packets of sugar, lots of cream, flavored syrups, and all the delicious toppings that you can think of to boost its taste. While they are meant to offset the bitter flavor of coffee, it tends to be a big-time calorie bomb when you overdo it. On its own, coffee is actually a low-calorie drink so try to stick to enjoying your coffee black or take the healthier route and minimize the add-ons. If you are determined to lose weight this time, skip the caramel macchiato, mocha java frappe, or hazelnut latte and just stick to brewed coffee or Americano. At the café, you can also choose to customize your drink and make it into a no-sugar version or natural sweetener version to help you stay on track.
PRO: Coffee can make tougher workouts easier to take on
Supporting your healthy diet with consistent exercise can really up the ante when you are working on losing weight. Regular exercise is easier said than done though and coffee can prove to be of big help in this regard. If you have been struggling with making exercise a part of your daily routine, you can try drinking coffee before you start your workout. As mentioned earlier, coffee is great in boosting your energy so when you have your dose of caffeine pre-workout, then you will certainly feel more energetic as you hit the gym. Think iced coffee to awaken the senses or hot black coffee to warm you up.
Caffeine and its stimulating effects are going to help enhance your muscle strength, get that blood pumping, and increase your power and endurance. It could even lower your perception as to how hard you are actually working out. So instead of loading up on carbs to fuel your sweat sessions, go for coffee and power up your workouts. However, Kostro Miller reminds gym enthusiasts to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Electrolytes are also best especially when you intend to exercise for more than an hour. It is time for you to concoct a new workout drink with diet-friendly, delicious coffee.
CON: Not everyone has the same response to coffee
Just as there are different personality types, people can also have different responses when it comes to drinking coffee. Every “body” is not made the same so the supposed effect of coffee will likewise be varied from one individual to the next. It is most likely that you have experienced this yourself or have noticed this in others and that is because coffee may affect you in a radically different manner in comparison to somebody else. While drinking coffee makes someone feel good, the other is having some upset stomach and vows not to have a cup ever again. While others cannot live without coffee, the rest have better days not having coffee ever. The individualized response to coffee can mostly be attributed to one’s genetic makeup and how certain genes determine how the body processes your caffeine consumption. Apparently, there are those who are considered fast metabolizers while others are slow metabolizers.
The fast metabolizers belong to the group who can drink coffee as much as they can and benefit highly from it while the slow metabolizers are the exact opposite. When slow metabolizers drink coffee, they can suffer from higher risks of developing prediabetes, heart attack, and high blood pressure. Instead of a boost of energy and muscle strength, slow metabolizers will also notice a decrease in their athletic performance. In addition, remember that coffee is a mixture of a thousand chemicals and the cup that you brew at home is not the same as the one you enjoy in a café. The difference can also lie in other factors such as the type of coffee beans, amount of grind, how they are roasted, and how they are brewed. How much coffee you drink can also affect you differently. Caffeine at low to moderate doses at 50 mg to 300 mg can result in increased energy, alertness, and ability to concentrate. But doses higher than that or more than 400 mg can have negative effects on your body’s overall functioning including increased heart rate, insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety.
The final verdict
If you take a look at the cumulative research on coffee, it will tell you that it is beneficial for your health. And so the bottom line is that, it is desirable to drink coffee if your ultimate goal is to lose weight. It is definitely a low-calorie beverage option that can give you the energy that you need while tasting so good. In general, the effect of caffeine is going to be different from one person to the next but it is considered safe to drink 3 to 4 cups a day equivalent to up to 400 mg of caffeine. You just have to drink water as much as you can and remember not to use coffee to replace your meals. Despite what marketers are saying about coffee, it is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss.
It is true that promising studies have found how caffeine can boost your weight loss efforts. However, it is not an end all because losing weight involves going for a holistic approach that includes engaging in consistent exercise, consuming nutritious foods, and creating a small calorie deficit. When it comes to the pros and cons, the trick is to make it work to your advantage by avoiding the cons and focusing on working on the pros.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
What Is Body Beast Muscle Building Program?
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/what-is-body-beast-muscle-building-program
What Is Body Beast Muscle Building Program?
Body Beast: Unleashing Your Inner Beast for Ultimate Muscle Building
When it comes to sculpting a well-defined, muscular physique, Beachbody’s Body Beast workout program is a formidable force. Designed specifically for individuals looking to gain lean muscle mass and transform their bodies, Body Beast combines intense resistance training, strategic nutrition, and expert guidance to help you achieve your strength and physique goals. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve into the various aspects of the program, from its structure and effectiveness to its suitability for different fitness levels.
On a personal level, I gained about 20 lbs when I did Body Beast. Mostly muscle. It was the most I ever weighed in my life, but for me, I don’t like eating that much food so I gradually dropped back down to about 165-175 lbs. This is where I am the most comfortable.
Program Structure and Workouts:
Body Beast is a 90-day program that focuses on hypertrophy training, which involves lifting weights to induce muscle growth. It consists of three distinct phases: Build, Bulk, and Beast. Each phase is carefully crafted to target different muscle groups and achieve specific goals.
The Build phase lays the foundation for muscle development, emphasizing proper form and technique while building strength. The workouts in this phase include a mix of compound exercises and isolation movements, effectively engaging various muscle groups to create a well-rounded physique.
Moving on to the Bulk phase, the workouts intensify, pushing you to lift heavier weights and increase your overall muscle mass. This phase is designed to create a more significant muscle pump, stimulating growth and enhancing definition. The combination of progressive overload and high-intensity training in this phase challenges your body to adapt and grow stronger.
Finally, the Beast phase takes you to the pinnacle of muscle building, with advanced training techniques and intense workouts that demand maximum effort. This phase focuses on refining your physique, achieving peak muscularity, and showcasing your hard-earned gains.
Workout Length and Frequency:
The Body Beast workouts range from 30 to 50 minutes in duration, making them highly manageable for individuals with busy schedules. The program follows a six-day split, targeting specific muscle groups on different days, with an optional seventh day for rest or extra cardio. This structure allows for adequate recovery while still providing the necessary stimulus for muscle growth.
Trainer Expertise and Motivation:
One of the program’s highlights is its dynamic and knowledgeable trainer, Sagi Kalev. With his extensive background in bodybuilding and fitness, Sagi brings a wealth of expertise and motivation to the workouts. His instructional cues and enthusiasm create an engaging environment that keeps you motivated throughout the program.
Furthermore, Sagi provides valuable tips on form, nutrition, and supplementation, helping you make informed decisions about your fitness journey. His emphasis on proper technique minimizes the risk of injury and ensures you get the most out of each exercise.
Nutrition and Meal Planning:
Body Beast places significant emphasis on proper nutrition to support muscle growth and recovery. The program provides comprehensive meal plans and recipes, guiding you on what to eat and when. The nutrition plans are structured to meet your caloric needs, with a focus on lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
The meal plans are designed to fuel your workouts and optimize muscle repair and growth. They are flexible enough to accommodate individual dietary preferences, making it possible to follow the program whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or have specific food sensitivities.
The Body Beast nutrition guide also offers guidance on portion control, supplementation, and hydration, creating a holistic approach to fueling your body and maximizing results.
Effectiveness and Results:
The effectiveness of any workout program lies in the results it delivers, and Body Beast has an impressive track record in this regard. Countless individuals have reported significant muscle gains, improved strength, and enhanced overall physique after completing the program.
The combination of progressive overload, varied training techniques, and strategic nutrition creates the ideal environment for muscle hypertrophy. The program’s structure allows for continuous adaptation, ensuring that you’re consistently challenging your muscles and avoiding plateaus.
Furthermore, Body Beast offers a comprehensive set of tools to track your progress, including workout sheets and tracking logs. This allows you to monitor your performance, increase weights gradually, and measure your strength gains throughout the program.
Suitability for Different Fitness Levels:
While Body Beast is primarily geared towards individuals looking to gain muscle mass, it can be tailored to suit different fitness levels. The program provides modifications and options for both beginners and advanced users, allowing individuals to progress at their own pace.
For beginners, the Build phase offers a solid foundation, focusing on proper form and technique before moving on to heavier weights. The program gradually increases the intensity and difficulty, ensuring a progressive overload that stimulates muscle growth.
Advanced users will appreciate the challenges presented in the Bulk and Beast phases, where the workouts become more demanding and incorporate advanced training techniques. These stages are designed to push the boundaries of your strength and endurance, ensuring continued growth and progress.
In the realm of muscle-building workouts, Beachbody’s Body Beast stands out as a comprehensive and effective program. With its strategically designed phases, expert trainer guidance, and emphasis on nutrition, the program equips you with the tools and knowledge necessary to transform your physique and unleash your inner beast.
Whether you’re a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an advanced lifter seeking new challenges, Body Beast caters to a wide range of fitness levels. By combining the program’s workouts, nutrition plans, and motivation, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that leads to increased muscle mass, enhanced strength, and a body you can be proud of.
Embrace the opportunity to sculpt your physique, unlock your potential, and experience the thrill of becoming a true Body Beast.
Here are some common Body Beast FAQ’s
How do you get started with Body Beast?
– Getting started with Body Beast is simple, all you have to do is grab yourself a BODi Membership and you are ready to go. You can get your BODi Membership here.
Is Body Beast suitable for beginners?
– Yes, Body Beast offers modifications and options for beginners, allowing them to start at their own pace and gradually progress.
How long is the Body Beast program?
– The Body Beast program lasts for 90 days, divided into three phases: Build, Bulk, and Beast.
What equipment do I need for Body Beast workouts?
– Body Beast workouts require basic equipment such as dumbbells, a bench or stability ball, and resistance bands. A pull-up bar is recommended but not essential.
Can women do the Body Beast program?
– Absolutely! Body Beast is suitable for both men and women who want to build muscle and transform their physique.
Will Body Beast make me bulky?
– Body Beast is designed to help you gain lean muscle mass and enhance your physique. It can lead to muscle growth, but it won’t make you bulky unless that is your specific goal and you’re following a specific nutrition plan for it.
How often do I need to work out with Body Beast?
– Body Beast follows a six-day split, with one optional rest or cardio day. You’ll be working out six days a week, targeting specific muscle groups on different days.
What is the recommended diet and nutrition plan for Body Beast?
– Body Beast provides a comprehensive nutrition guide utilizing The Portion Approach designed to support muscle growth. It emphasizes lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, tailored to your caloric needs.
Can I do Body Beast at home or do I need a gym?
– Body Beast can be done at home or in a gym, depending on the equipment you have available. The program offers modifications for various settings, ensuring you can adapt it to your preferred workout environment.
What are the differences between the Build, Bulk, and Beast phases?
– The Build phase focuses on foundation-building exercises and technique, while the Bulk phase increases intensity and promotes muscle growth. The Beast phase introduces advanced techniques and intense workouts for refining your physique and maximizing muscularity.
Will Body Beast help me lose weight?
– Body Beast is primarily designed for muscle building, but it can contribute to weight loss by increasing your metabolism and promoting fat loss. However, combining it with a calorie deficit and proper nutrition is crucial for significant weight loss.
Can I combine Body Beast with other workout programs or activities?
– While Body Beast is a standalone program, it can be combined with other activities such as cardio workouts or sports, provided you manage your recovery and nutrition appropriately.
How long are the Body Beast workouts?
– Body Beast workouts range from 30 to 50 minutes, making them manageable even with a busy schedule. The program is designed to optimize results in an under an hour.
What kind of results can I expect from Body Beast?
– Body Beast has a track record of delivering significant muscle gains, increased strength, and improved overall physique. Results may vary depending on individual commitment, nutrition, and consistency.
 Is Body Beast suitable for older individuals or those with physical limitations?
– Body Beast can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels and physical limitations. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.
Do I need to take supplements to see results with Body Beast?
– Supplements are not mandatory for Body Beast. While they can support your fitness goals, proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet are the foundation for success.
Can I do cardio workouts alongside Body Beast?
– Yes, you can incorporate cardio workouts alongside Body Beast. However, managing your recovery and nutrition becomes crucial to avoid excessive fatigue and optimize muscle-building results.
How does Body Beast compare to other muscle-building programs?
– Body Beast offers a structured program specifically focused on muscle building, combining resistance training, nutrition, and expert guidance. Its emphasis on hypertrophy and its comprehensive approach sets it apart from other programs.
Can I continue doing Body Beast after completing the 90-day program?
– Yes, once you complete the 90-day program, you can continue doing Body Beast or transition to another workout program based on your goals and preferences.
What happens if I miss a workout or fall behind in the program?
– If you miss a workout or fall behind, you can either make up for it on your rest day or adjust your schedule accordingly. It’s important to stay consistent and committed, but don’t stress over occasional setbacks.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
What is Liift 4 by BODi (Beachbody)?
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What is Liift 4 by BODi (Beachbody)?
Liift4 by BODi (Beachbody): An Effective and Dynamic Fitness Program for Total Body Transformation
Liift4 by Beachbody is a revolutionary fitness program that combines weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to help you achieve a lean and sculpted physique in just 8 weeks. Designed by renowned trainer Joel Freeman, this comprehensive workout regimen targets all major muscle groups, enhances cardiovascular endurance, and supports fat loss. In this post, we’ll delve into the key features, benefits, and highlights of Liift4, providing you with an in-depth analysis of this popular Beachbody program.
Personally I have done this program from start to finish twice and then I have used it as the base of my workouts for well over a year. What’s great about this program is it is only a 4 days a week program so you can easily add in a little extra where you see fit. For example, I added in Body Beast Bulk Legs in place of Liift 4 Leg day. Another great way I used this program was to do the lifting portion of the 50/50 workouts and then hopped on our bike for some cardio.
There is so much variety and so much to choose from with BODi that you will be able to customize your workouts in many different ways.
Want to try before you buy?
No problem. You can do a sample Liift 4 workout with out totally free BODi Membership. All you have to do is go to “Is there a free trial of BODi (Beachbody On Demand)?” and this post will walk you through it.
1. Dynamic Workouts and Training Structure
Liift4 features a series of 32 unique workouts spread across an 8-week period, ensuring variety and eliminating the risk of monotony. The program adopts a four-day workout schedule per week, allowing for rest and recovery periods, which are crucial for muscle growth and injury prevention. Each workout is approximately 30-40 minutes long, making it convenient for individuals with busy schedules to squeeze in effective workouts. The training structure combines strength training exercises with HIIT intervals, offering the perfect blend of muscle-building and fat-burning elements.
2. Comprehensive Strength Training
Liift4 incorporates traditional weightlifting exercises, focusing on compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. By utilizing a combination of free weights, resistance bands, and body-weight exercises, the program promotes functional strength, stability, and overall muscle development. The exercises are carefully designed to progressively increase intensity over time, enabling individuals of different fitness levels to challenge themselves and make steady progress.
3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
HIIT intervals in Liift4 involve short bursts of intense cardiovascular exercises, followed by brief recovery periods. This method effectively elevates the heart rate, enhances cardiovascular endurance, and maximizes calorie burn during and after the workout. The HIIT elements add an extra layer of intensity to the program, allowing participants to experience the benefits of both strength training and cardiovascular conditioning in one workout.
4. Expert Guidance and Motivation
Joel Freeman, a seasoned fitness trainer, leads each workout with enthusiasm, providing clear instructions and demonstrating proper form throughout the program. His engaging coaching style, combined with his extensive knowledge of fitness and nutrition, helps keep participants motivated and focused on their fitness goals. The program also includes a supportive online community, where participants can connect with fellow Liift4 enthusiasts, share experiences, and seek guidance and inspiration. Connect with me on Instagram.
5. Customizable Nutrition Plan
Liift4 comes with a comprehensive nutrition plan designed to support muscle growth, fuel workouts, and optimize fat loss. The program offers easy-to-follow guidelines and meal suggestions, allowing participants to create a balanced and sustainable eating plan tailored to their dietary preferences. The nutrition plan emphasizes the importance of macronutrient balance, portion control, and whole foods, helping participants develop healthy eating habits that align with their fitness goals. You can choose between to awesome plans, Portion Fix and 2 B Mindset.
6. Measurable Progress and Tracking Tools
Liift4 provides a dedicated tracking sheet, enabling participants to monitor their progress and record the weights used, reps performed, and overall performance. This tracking system allows individuals to track their strength gains, identify areas of improvement, and stay accountable throughout the program. By visually seeing their progress over time, participants are motivated to push their limits and surpass their previous achievements.
7. Benefits and Results
Liift4 offers a time-efficient workout solution for individuals who want to build lean muscle, lose fat, and improve overall fitness without spending hours in the gym. The combination of strength training and HIIT yields significant results, including increased muscle definition, improved cardiovascular endurance, and enhanced metabolism. The program is suitable for a wide range of fitness levels, as modifications
Here are some common Liift 4 FAQ’s
How do you get started with Liift 4?
Getting started with Liift 4 is very simple, all you have to do is grab yourself a BODi Membership and you are ready to go. You can get your BODi Membership here.
Is Liift4 suitable for beginners?
Liift4 is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels. While prior weightlifting experience can be helpful, the program offers modifications and progressions to cater to beginners. Joel Freeman provides guidance on proper form and offers modifications for exercises, allowing beginners to start at their own pace and gradually increase intensity as they progress.
How long are the Liift4 workouts?
Each Liift4 workout session lasts approximately 30-40 minutes, making it an ideal option for those with busy schedules. The program’s time efficiency is one of its key advantages, allowing individuals to achieve effective workouts in a short amount of time.
What equipment is required for Liift4?
Liift4 primarily utilizes weights, including dumbbells or resistance bands, depending on personal preference and availability. A sturdy workout bench (you can still do this program without a bench)or stability ball may also be used for certain exercises. Additionally, it is recommended to have a mat for floor exercises and a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the workouts.
How many days per week should I do Liift4?
Liift4 follows a four-day workout schedule per week, allowing for three rest and recovery days. This structure ensures adequate time for muscle repair and growth. It is important to adhere to the recommended schedule to optimize results and prevent over-training.
Can I do Liift4 if I have limited space at home?
Yes, Liift4 can be done in a small space, such as a living room or bedroom. The program does not require a large workout area, and most exercises can be performed within a confined space. However, it is essential to ensure sufficient clearance for safe movement during dynamic exercises.
Will Liift4 help with weight loss?
Yes, Liift4 is an effective program for weight loss as it combines strength training and HIIT, which are known to increase metabolism and burn calories both during and after workouts. The program also includes a customizable nutrition plan that supports fat loss and healthy eating habits, further enhancing weight loss results.
Can I follow Liift4 if I have joint issues or injuries?
Liift4 workouts can be modified to accommodate individuals with joint issues or injuries. Joel Freeman demonstrates modifications throughout the program, allowing participants to work within their comfort levels and avoid exercises that may aggravate their condition. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fitness program if you have specific concerns about your joints or injuries.
What kind of results can I expect from Liift4?
By following the Liift4 program consistently, participants can expect visible muscle definition, increased strength, improved cardiovascular fitness, and enhanced overall physique. Results may vary depending on individual effort, adherence to the program, and personal fitness goals.
Can I continue Liift4 after completing the 8-week program?
Absolutely! Liift4 can be repeated for further progression and maintenance of results. Additionally, Beachbody offers various other fitness programs that participants can explore to continue their fitness journey and challenge themselves further.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
4 Medical Issues Associated with Weight Gain
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4 Medical Issues Associated with Weight Gain
4 Medical Issues that could Cause Weight Gain
Losing weight is no easy task and the progress that you have been waiting to see can take a while to manifest. This especially holds true when your program involves losing weight at a steadier pace instead of that quick fix type of thing. If you have been trying to shed some pounds for a while now, it is possible that you, yourself have already observed the same. Well, as they say, aim for progress and not perfection, right? On the other hand, if you are beginning to notice that you are not making any progress at all and that you seem to be plateauing, then it is time to take a step back to see what could be going wrong. Get back to the basics of what you are eating, how you are exercising, and which tracking program you are using.
Now, at the end of all that and you could not find anything significant, then the root cause of the problem could be a medical issue. In case you have been gaining instead of losing weight, then the weight gain could be just a symptom of an underlying problem that needs to be addressed first. Yes, there are medical conditions that can hinder you from achieving your weight loss goals and lead you in the opposite direction. It is not even your strategies that are the culprit but the health issues listed below:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women
A common hormonal issue, PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome affects women who are of childbearing age. It particularly affects the reproductive function and women can suffer from high levels of androgen, irregular menstrual periods, infertility, acne, excess hair growth, and yes, weight gain. Women with PCOS can have numerous cysts that develop in the ovaries and may not ovulate. The hormonal shifts can either lead to a heavy period flow or loss of periods and can be made worse by weight gain. What happens is that, a resistance to insulin takes place and the weight gets concentrated in the abdominal areas. The other factor that contributes to the weight gain in the midsection is the overproduction of the male hormone, androgen.
Dr. Sherry Ross is an OB/GYN at Santa Monica, California, practicing at the Providence Saint John’s Health Center. Ross adds that aside from the weight fluctuations, the common symptoms of PCOS can include dark skin patches under the breasts, in the armpits, and the back of the neck. As such, it is best to have yourself checked first with your OB/GYN so you can rule this out before getting back to your weight loss regimen.
Depression and its link to weight gain
Emotional eating is a well-observed phenomenon for those who have gained weight and are making efforts to lose them. The thing is that, mood and food always go together. On one hand, you could be looking for comfort in a jar of chocolate chip cookies or a pint of pistachio ice cream every time you feel down. And on the other, you could be feeling so stressed out that you can’t even bring yourself to eat a single meal. Your relationship with food often has an emotional connection to it. Meanwhile, it is but normal for you to respond to difficult emotions by overeating or eating too little. However, if you have been diagnosed with clinical depression, it is most likely than not that the changes in your attitude towards food is going to be long-term that it can lead to sudden drops or increments in your weight as well.
Furthermore, the link between weight and depression can go both ways. If you are depressed, it is more likely that you can be obese. And obese people are also the ones who are bound to suffer from a higher risk of clinical depression. Also worth mentioning is the fact that depression is likewise linked to eating disorders which ultimately impacts weight. You see, the biochemical changes that result in depression have effects on your food consumption as well and eventually, unintentional weight gain. It is important to note that a good number of depression medications classified as serotonin re-uptake inhibitors has weight gain listed as a side effect. Examples of these drugs are Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, and Celexa. Should you have an inkling that you may be suffering from depression or have already been diagnosed, ask your specialist for help specific to your weight loss goals.
Cortisol and Cushing Syndrome
One of the hormones that are produced naturally in the body is cortisol. Cortisol is known as the fight or flight hormone because it is typically released when you are under stress. During this mode, your regular body functions are paused temporarily and your metabolism is slowed down. Certainly, it plays a vital role in survival but in excess, it is can be harmful. Cortisol creates a sudden surge of energy in the body and increases appetite at the same time. Elevated levels of cortisol cause sweets, salty, and fatty food cravings over the healthier choices. Furthermore, chronic stress tends to cause an overproduction of cortisol that can contribute to your weight gain as well. Avoid getting distressed at all costs if you do not want the weight gain.
The more severe overproduction of cortisol however is likewise something that you need to check on. A rare disease called Cushing syndrome is caused by a pituitary gland tumor and is characterized by high amounts of cortisol in the body at abnormal levels. Cushing syndrome can cause easy bruising, abnormal facial hair, skin changes or acne, and unexplained weight gain. While it is rare, it is worth a trip to the doctor if these symptoms are present.
Hypothyroidism and weight gain
A more common condition that is affecting 5% of the population is called hypothyroidism. Most often than not, some people have it but cannot easily realize they already do. What happens in hypothyroidism is that the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the hormones needed for bodily systems such as in metabolism and weight. In fact, when doctors see that there is a significant loss or gain in weight within a particularly short time frame, then a thyroid disorder is one of the foremost considerations. When the gland is not producing hormones as it should, the symptoms can include stiff joints, feeling cold, mood swings, fatigue, and weight gain.
Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center endocrinologist, Dr. Benjamin O’Donnell clarifies that hypothyroidism tends to slow your metabolism and that is often what results in the change in weight. As individuals feel frustrated or stressed about it, it worsens the problem even more. As such, it is important to go to your annual check-up even if you are feeling generally well because there might be medical issues that need to be addressed that you are not currently aware of. Do so when you notice any sudden changes in your body especially in relation to your weight.
Some next steps to take
At the end of the day if the medical problems listed above are not a concern but you are still gaining weight then there could be other factors that are causing the change. For instance, bloating is typically caused by other potential issues from kidney disease, ovarian cancer, to irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, poor liver function, stress, and lack of sleep can also be factors. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Michelle Ogunwole recommends that you make a list of your symptoms. Take special notice of any headaches, bloating, water retention, allergens, changes in food, energy levels and weight fluctuations.
As pointed out earlier, some medications can also have an effect on weight gain so it would be smart for you to write down both of your over-the-counter and prescription drugs. In the same way, you can do your own research and verify if weight gain is indeed a side effect of certain medicines that you are taking so you will understand the bodily changes better. This will also help as you go to your next doctor’s appointment because you can use all that information in helping your physician identify trends and narrow down the root cause. You will be able to take charge of your own wellness and become an active healthcare team member because you do have the most important role to play anyway.
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jeffathome1 · 1 year
How to Find the Right Diet Plan for You
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How to Find the Right Diet Plan for You
How to Find the Diet Plan that is Right for You
Vigorously exercising everyday is a great way to stay in shape but that’s only half the battle. Maintaining a proper diet to go along with your exercise routine allows you to lose weight in an effective manner. However, there is always that one lingering question. With so many diet plans to choose from all around you, how would you know if any of them work? More so, how would you pick the right one for yourself? There are some that project being able to help you burn fats and lose weight fast. Others claim that you need to consistently maintain the plan for a long period of time in order for it to work. In all honesty, it depends mainly on you and your body. In the meantime, below are ways you can figure out which diet plan is best for you.
Tip #1: Explore the more sustainable diet plans
The biggest killer in maintaining a diet is doing one that cannot be done in the long term. What is meant by this? Well, dieting is not so much of a plan but rather a lifestyle change you should adhere to for a very long period of time, and most of the time, for the rest of your life. Don’t go overboard thinking that if you do this diet once, you’ll be fit in no time. It doesn’t work like that. Diets are meant to be healthy and starving yourself isn’t healthy.
Tip #2: Check out its flexibility
You’ve got to reward yourself once in a while, right? Look for diets that allow for the occasional cheat meal in the plan. It may sound a little counterintuitive but you’ll probably be only doing this a couple times a month or so. Rewarding yourself for you own progress can help keep you motivated through your weight loss journey. In fact, since you’re only going to be having a cheat meal once in a while, it would taste all the better so it is really to your utmost advantage.
Tip #3: Observe how you can adapt to proper food portioning
You have to acclimate your body gradually to the portions you’ll be eating. You can just start out by eating small. If you’re used to eating big meals, try to eat meals with smaller portions until you get used to it. After that, make the portion smaller and smaller until you have the preferred portion size you’re willing to stick with. The purpose of this is to help progress and acclimate you slowly but surely to the changing sizes so that you don’t become hungry just as quick. If you start eating small now, you’ll just get hungry and might be tempted to start eating more than you normally would.
Tip #4: Get to the nitty-gritty budget details
Some diets can be inherently expensive like buying imported foods or using dietary supplements that can go for hundreds of dollars. Go for diets that fit within your budget so that you’ll be able to maintain it for a long time. Try buying fruits and vegetables that are in season as those can go for cheap in the markets. Also, you should always cook your own food whenever possible as to be able to control the portions you get.
Tip #5: Test out the vibes
This one may be obvious to some but not to others. Some people believe that you don’t have to like the food you eat because it will help you get fit. If you want your diet to be there for the long term, you’re going to have to make sure you like it. There are different diets you can choose from such as carnivore diets to vegetarian diets and paleo diets. These are some of the many diets you can choose from that will allow you to get you on track to be a fitter and better you.
What are some types of diets you can do?
There are multiple diet options one can do to help get fit and slim. Although it’s best to do your own research and personalize your own plan, here are some types of diets you can follow and modify to suit your needs.
Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean Diet is a diet that is based off of traditional cuisines of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. It uses whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, spices and seeds as the cornerstone of its diet. Of course, you can also modify it with a bit of meat to give you that protein. Even then, a Mediterranean diet is such a broad example as there’s a lot of countries that border the Mediterranean with dishes and foods that you can follow. Take Spain for example, for breakfast, they eat toasted bread, soft cheese and freshly squeezed fruit juice. In Syria, they use pickles, radishes and chickpeas as part of their morning diet. You can mix and match them to suit your preferences and needs.
Intermittent Fasting
This is a diet where you eat normally for a limited amount of time and fast during the rest of the time. This is not recommended for beginners or people with certain medical conditions. If you wish to try intermittent fasting, consult your dietician first. There are many ways to do intermittent fasting. There’s the 16 hours fast, 18 hours fast or the Warrior diet. The 16 and 18 hours fast are self-explanatory. You just need to fast for those times and then eat after those times are up. This is considered excellent for those beginning to intermittent fasts. The Warrior’s diet is only for those who are truly committed to intermittent fasting. It is a 20 hour fast with only a 4 hour eating period. However, these three aren’t the only types of fasting you can do. You can always modify the hours to best suit your particular lifestyle and your nutritional needs.
Ketogenic Diet
Ketogenic Diets are one of the most popular types of diets to date. It’s simply a diet that eliminates carbs from the food you eat. The reason why is that the diet is trying to get your body in a state of Ketosis, hence the name. Ketones come from your liver breaking down fat due to a lack of energy coming from your carbs. Meanwhile, unused energy that come from carbs and sugars turn into fat. Ketones are also used as energy but they don’t go back to becoming fat for any unused ketones. Instead, they are either used by the body’s involuntary parts or urinated out. However, Keto diets cannot be as modified as much due to you having to eat specific things to help keep your carbs as low as possible.
What are the core rules to follow when dieting?
No matter what diet you’re going for, there are some key rules you have to follow if you want to be successful. Although it isn’t universal, you should at least take note of these rules when performing your diet and then simply customize them to suit your particular preferences.
Rule #1: Keep your foods varied
Although not every diet plan can be flexible in what you can and cannot eat, it’s best to be able to eat a variety of foods. This is so that it won’t become too monotonous and you start to hate your diet. Again, as a reminder, your diet should be sustainable and keeping your meals varied is a good way to make it sustainable for a very long time.
Rule #2: Drink plenty of water
Water is a good appetite suppressant as it can help you fill the empty space in your stomach. Not only that, but hydration is incredibly important when you do your exercise routine. It helps the body flush out toxins, regulates body temperature and promotes weight loss. Don’t go around spending money on energy drinks because those contain sugars that will add to your weight instead of losing it. Besides, water is free anyways so what do you have to lose?
Rule #3: Never Skip Breakfast
As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why is that? It’s because you need the energy to go about the rest of your day. Think about it. After dinner, what do you do? Do you watch TV? Do you prepare for bed? At night, you barely do much so dinner isn’t as important. With breakfast on the other hand, you do so many things after you’ve eaten your breakfast such as going to work, working out, meeting with friends and so on and so forth. All of those activities require energy. Without a good breakfast, you’ll be out of energy before you even know it.
These are the tips and tricks to help you find the right diet for you as well as some guidelines to help you on your journey to become a better and healthier you. Stay consistent and always do your best.
Also, with BODi you will have access to 2 awesome meal planning options. Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.
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jeffathome1 · 2 years
15 Budget Friendly Tips to Lose Weight
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15 Budget Friendly Tips to Lose Weight
Here are Some Budget Friendly Tips to Help You Lose Weight
Is there really such a thing as losing weight on a budget? And how can you even make that possible when you seem to have so many things to change in your usual routine and food prepping? Losing weight and staying fit can be a difficult lifestyle change for many. You’d need to change your schedule to fit your new activities, strategize your meal plans and limit your food intake among others. What many people seem to not take notice though is how to turn that budget around to accommodate their new lifestyle.
Some tend to spend hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars on superfoods and personal trainers thinking that that is the only way to go to be successful at shedding those extra pounds. This has further led others to believe that hitting your weight loss goals will require lots of extra spending in order to fund their new lifestyles. That’s completely false as you can perfectly attain the healthy lifestyle that you want while also staying within your usual budget. Fortunately for you, you can easily get the same results by just eating your vegetables and doing daily exercise. Oh yes, it can be as simple as that if you just commit to it and stay consistent. Below are some tips and tricks on how you can lose weight effectively while on a budget.
Tip #1 Learn what your goals are and then strategize accordingly
The first step to creating a budget-friendly plan for your weight loss program is to determine the end goal. Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months. You need to know what foods you can and cannot eat, then schedule your exercise, as well as the time that you need to spend for each. When it comes to your diet plan, it is always good advice to mind your portions and this implies eating less than your usual consumption. As such, you can easily trim down your budget by trimming down the amount and quantity of food that you get from the supermarket. As for exercise, there is no need to buy equipment or set up a home gym immediately. Using your body-weight is a very effective way to exercise and lose weight so it is something that you should be considering. There are many factors to consider when strategizing for your goals. This will help you organize your budget a lot better and not spend too much on expensive supplements that you do not actually need.
Tip #2: Research, Research, Research
You can’t strategize your diet plan’s budget without a little research, right? It’s easy for many people to neglect this part of the process and get frustrated trying to think about what went wrong. However, knowledge is power and power in this sense refers to knowing and learning as much as you can about budget-saving ways to go about your healthier lifestyle. Learn more about the nutritional facts of the foods you have locally and compare it to prices. Alternatively, you can also learn other recipes that are cheaper and healthier than foods that you can buy while eating out. Oh and when it comes to eating out, you might consider lessening this activity or avoiding it altogether because this is much more expensive than eating at home. Also, you will have more control over what you consume if you stay and eat at home instead. On top of that, you can also research what kind of exercises can go well with the foods you eat so that your weight loss progresses even faster.
Tip #3: Learn how to portion your meals
When you portion your meals correctly, it does not only make you feel full after every meal but also maximize the food in your budget. There are a lot of premade plans out there for you to follow like Beachbody’s Ultimate Portion Fix eating plan. It’s an easy comprehensive guide to the foods that are inexpensive, delicious and nutritious which can guide you all the way. You can choose to explore that and see how it works for you as an option. However, that is only one option among many others that you can try so just keep an open mind. With enough research and know how, you can determine what fits you the best according to your work, body proportions and body condition.
Tip #4: Workout at home
A lot of people enjoy going to the gym to perform their workouts. The atmosphere, equipment and personal trainers that can provide can help you get into the workout mood. What’s not to love about going to the gym? But it can be expensive over time, especially if what you’re going to is a high-end gym. Even more expensive is having to pay extra for a personal trainer who, while being very dedicated to your fitness, can stretch your wallet to its limits.
Anyway, you can get the same results by knowing how to do home workouts. Home workouts can be a cheaper alternative to going to high end gyms. You just need to be creative with how you exercise. Some of the exercises you can do is by going up and down the stairs, doing pushups or maybe you can go out and do a bit of jogging. And the best part about doing home workouts is that your “gym” is open 24/7 so you don’t have to worry about it closing anytime soon or missing out when the weather is not that favorable.
Tip #5 Buy your food in bulk
It can be a lot cheaper when you buy your food in bulk rather than individually. It can look expensive on the outside but if you really stop to analyze the prices and combine it with your meal portioning plans, you’ll come to realize that it’s a lot cheaper than you think. Yes, buying in bulk will complement your meal prepping as you plan ahead and cook your food in preparation for the days or the week ahead.
More importantly, food items or any item at that, cost less when they are packaged in big bulks rather than in small, individualized packaging. Many stores can sell their products for cheaper if you can buy it in bulk, especially if its food produced locally. Try to figure out which stores sell food in bulk and try to compare the prices for each of them so you’ll save more money in the future. All in all, buying in bulk is solely to your advantage.
Tip #6 Shop with a grocery list
It’s a proven fact that the longer you stay in the grocery store, the more likely you’ll buy unnecessary and unhealthy food items. This rings especially true when you don’t have a list to guide you. Try to bring a shopping list every time you go to the market as it will help focus on what you need to buy versus what you want to buy which often causes you to go overboard with your set budget limit. So yes, grocery lists can definitely help limit purchase impulses and can be used to help reduce unnecessary trips back to the food store. It would likewise help a lot with your budgeting if you check out the food prices ahead of time before going to the supermarket. You can always choose the less expensive one on the list while staying true to your weight loss goals. Overall, it just makes your life way more convenient and stress-free without having to remember and figuring out what you need to buy for you next meals.
Tip #7 Learn to make your own meals
It can be very tempting to just go out and have your meals at a restaurant or diner. Other times, you don’t know what to cook or are too lazy to make your own meals. It’s time to stop being lazy and start learning how to cook your own meals. There are a lot of cheap and healthy recipes you can find online. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t look like the picture because you’ll just get better over time. It can be fun and rewarding once you’ve mastered the art of making your own meals.
All it needs is a little time and effort to make all the difference in the world. The only hard part is just getting started. So before you say no and say cooking is not your cup of tea, try it out for a few weeks and see how it goes. Who knows, you might actually like it and develop a passion for cooking, baking, plating, and all the other interesting stuff you can do in the kitchen. Besides, there is no better way to know what is exactly in your food than preparing them yourself. Remember, you are trying to lose weight and what’s in your food will spell the difference between being successful at it and failing altogether.
Tip #8 Be with a like-minded group
Finding a like-minded group can be like finding a needle in a haystack. You need to be very careful who you choose to be with on your fitness journey. Of course, that’s not to say you have to cut off friends and family who don’t follow your lifestyle. You just need to surround yourself with people who encourage and support healthy habits. Not only that but some people who have been doing this for a longer time than you can give you advice on how to better budget and plan your meals. This will be like benefiting from free coaching for you and not just any coaching because it will be from experience. In this case, you can expect it to practical, and yes budget-friendly. They can also join you in your exercising session so that time will fly faster while you have fun so it is really a win-win.
Tip #9 Leave some leftovers
Another big thing you can do is to cook larger meals and divide it up into smaller pieces that you can eat and enjoy throughout the day. By creating leftovers, you save yourself time from cooking as well as help save money on other things like cooking oil and other ingredients. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can also use your leftovers in other recipes too. This is where you will discover how unlikely options and alternatives can actually make your food more delectable for you. It will allow you to make typical recipes with your own spin so it won’t feel like some bland diet food that you need to force yourself to eat. Just don’t over do it or you might be gaining weight instead of losing it. Another thing you need to know about making leftovers is that you might take longer to consume it. This, in turn, will give it a high likelihood of spoiling if left untouched so eat all of your leftovers in a timely manner.
Tip #10 Never shop when you’re hungry
It’s a dangerous thing when you shop and you’re so hungry that you can practically hear your stomach grumbling in the background. You’ll more than likely buy more food than necessary or buy unhealthy food because it’s tempting. Of course you will listen more to your immediate cravings rather than that now-distant goal to lose weight. And you won’t even care whether it is going to be within your budget or not. Your brain will tend to overpower whatever willpower you might have left and just pay for that food that you are craving for. It’s an obvious piece of advice that people often forget when they go shopping but it can be the only advice they need to heed to lose weight even if they are on a budget.
Tip #11 Incorporate more activities in your life
Dieting is one thing but doing your exercises is another. It can be difficult for some people to plan out their exercise routines either because of their hectic schedule or a general lack of energy. Whatever the reason may be, you should try incorporating more activities to your day for the sake of your life-work balance as well as for your weight loss journey. As an example, instead of taking the car to deliver some mail, you can walk to the post office.
You can also take a short walk between your lunch breaks at work or, when you’re done working, you can jog back home. There’s a lot of ways to seamlessly incorporate more activity into your life. All you have to be is a little creative. At the end of the day, you will be hitting two birds with one stone as you exercise and stay on budget at the same time with this strategy.
Tip #12 Try to do some Calisthenics
At the gym, you can find all sorts of equipment, from nautilus,bike, dumbbells to the treadmill, all are good to help you build muscle. However, they’re not mandatory for building muscle and getting fit. At this point, you could try some Calisthenics. What are Calisthenics, you might ask? They are exercises that rely only on a person’s own body weight. Some examples of these exercises are Push-ups, Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Lunges, Planks and Jumping Jacks. Calisthenics can also increase your metabolism while building muscle and enhancing body coordination. Give it a shot and you will be losing weight without spending a dime.
Tip #13 Learn how to create a home gym
Let’s say you tried to maintain any form of home workout but you simply can’t keep it consistent due to one of many reasons. This can be true for a lot of people but perhaps the problem lies with where you do your workouts at home. Like, how a student studies at a library or how you go to the beach to relax. You might need to make a separate space in your house to give you the feeling of working out in a gym.
There are a lot of creative and cheap ways to set up your own personal gym at home with a budget. One way is to look for used equipment for cheap at any yard sale. the Facebook Marketplace or a thrift store. Perhaps, you can try using your chairs or any old nylon bands to help with resistance training. You can even use the stairs in your house to climb up and down. If that doesn’t work and you lack space for any of these then you can borrow a workout DVD from a friend or grab yourself a BODi Membership. If you got a bit of money to spare, try looking for multi-use equipment and make sure it’s durable because you’re going to be using that for a while. If there’s a problem, there’s always a solution, you just need to know how to find it.
Tip #14 Health smoothies
Health smoothies are an amazing, delicious and cheap way to increase your vitamin and fiber intake. It also helps with food cravings and can even be a meal replacement for those with stricter diets. Plus, it’s fun to mix and match what fruits and veggies you like for your smoothie. You just have to make sure which fruits and veggies are in season and which are not as you can always buy the in-season fruits and veggies in bulk for a cheaper price. There are some recipes you can follow online for delicious combinations to help jump start your day or keep you going through out your day.
Tip # 15 Always try to be consistent
The hardest part about any weight loss program is to be consistent. There’s always going to be temptations that can not only make you fat but also eat your wallet away. Saving a little money here and there may not look like too much now but it can build up over time. You need to learn to be patient with yourself, forgive any mistakes and move on. Nobody’s perfect and you aren’t either. The only thing you can do is to do the best you can and commit to the process.
These are the best tips you can use to lose weight while on a budget. Do try to remember that these are just guidelines and not the rules. Everyone is going to experience something different and it’s up to you to figure out what’s best for yourself. Maybe you need to eat less or exercise more. You don’t really know that unless you try. But the best part about exercising on a budget is that you can keep trying and trying until you get it right without risk of spending more money than you normally would.
One last piece of advice that everyone should follow is that you should not compare yourself to others even when you think they have the best equipment or personal trainers, you can literally achieve the same results if you do your own research and commit to your own training regimen.
0 notes
jeffathome1 · 2 years
What Happens when You Take Collagen Powder Every Day
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/what-happens-when-you-take-collagen-powder-every-day
What Happens when You Take Collagen Powder Every Day
Can Taking Collagen Daily Really Benefit You?
What is all these buzz about collagen powder and how effective is it? You have probably heard about this popular supplement that is said to help you achieve healthier, younger-looking skin as well as reduce joint pain. Apparently, you can sprinkle collagen powder in your favorite coffee or add a scoop to power up your smoothie. You can also just simply pop a collagen supplement and you’re good to go.
Collagen can also be incorporated into your oatmeal, yogurts, soup, Jell-O, tea, and practicality into your whole lifestyle. Results from the Grand View Research reveal that in 2022, the collagen market worldwide has been valued at more than $9 billion. In addition, it is not showing any signs of its popularity or success slowing down at any time in the near future. Its growth continues on an upward progression.
This in-demand collagen supplement is technically made up of small bits of protein that are sourced from animals. And some branded products promise lofty benefits in their advertisements including the reduction of wrinkles. It makes you wonder though what happens for real when you make collagen a part of your daily diet regimen. It is time to dig deep and learn about the real score when it comes to collagen and the validity of the claims that have been associated with it.
The lowdown on collagen and collagen powder
In 2022, a published a review which defined collagen as made up primarily of the amino acids hydroxyproline, glycine, and proline. You see, the body is made up of lots of different proteins and the various types of collagen is included as part of these proteins. Because of this, collagen can be found anywhere and everywhere in the body such as in our skin, connective tissue, bones, and cartilages.
On the other hand, many animals have the same abundance of collagen as in human bodies. As such, collagen powder is collagen that is sourced from these other animals and the variety of collagen will depend on that particular animal. Bovine collagen is the one sourced from the cow while porcine collagen is from the pigs’ collagen. Marine collagen is sourced from fish body parts, skin, and scales.
However, it does not matter from which animal the collagen protein was sourced from because it is then processed and turned into the products of flavorless powder that is available on the market today. Collagen powder is typically sold in the form of a supplement that can be added to chocolates, bars, creamers, smoothies, and a wide selection of food and beverage recipes.
Potential benefits of taking collagen daily
In the world of dietary supplements, a lot of different promises are made by manufacturers just to lure in potential customers. The scenario can be the same in the collagen supplement market where manufacturers emphasize taking it daily if you want to maximize its proposed benefits. And so, if you want to have younger looking skin and healthier joints, then you also have to follow the directions stated on the label to the letter.
At the end of the day though, what you really want to know is the effect of collagen in the body as you take it daily. The results will tend to vary from one person to the next but listed below are some things that you might commonly observe. Just remember though that collagen is no magic bullet. It is not a cure-all for what you may need and want in a supplement despite the supporting data that exists for the following outcomes:
It can minimize skin aging
If you take collagen every day, there is an increased possibility of you experiencing lesser instances of skin aging. It is apparent that as you age, you will lose collagen and you will notice your skin becoming dryer, thinner, or less elastic over time. The International Journal of Dermatology published a review in 2021 which focused on the comparison between those who do and those who do not use collagen as a supplement. The results indicated that daily intake of collagen for 90 days is associated with better elasticity and hydration. In addition, those who took collagen had fewer experiences of wrinkles on their skin.
It can improve hair growth
What makes hair long and beautiful is the protein known as keratin for which it is made of. In turn, keratin is made from the amino acids that are found naturally in collagen. Needless to say, when you take in collagen, you are fueling your body with the same amino acids that will help produce the keratin to grow your hair. A study was conducted in 2022 and published via the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. It was found that if you need extra support with regrowing your hair or preventing hair loss, then taking collagen just might help with that. On the other hand, additional well-organized clinical trials on human subjects are needed in order to firmly establish this relationship.
It can facilitate better recovery with resistance training
It is a fact that collagen may not be complete as a protein as it does not have the tryptophan essential amino acid. On the other hand, there is some evidence found in the current opinion in clinical nutrition & metabolic care in 2022 that suggests that supplementing with collagen may allow for recovery after you practice resistance training. In addition, collagen supplementation has been associated with pain reduction and strength improvement in those who do resistance training like that you get with BODi.
It can strengthen bones
The office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has estimated that about 10 million of Americans aged above 50 years old suffer from osteoporosis. This statistic certainly emphasizes the importance of focusing on your bone health. Your bones will deteriorate as you age but the goal is to be able to keep them strong enough for as long as you can. The good news is that collagen can impact the structure as well as the strength of your bones. In a study published in Nutrients in 2018, it was found that there are certain collagen peptides that can help increase the density of bone mineral and at the same time minimize bone breakdown in post menopause.
It can help reduce joint pain
If you take collagen supplement on a daily basis, it could help minimize pain in your joints. This is especially true for those who suffer from joint pain. A systematic review done in 2021 and published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information indicated that individuals who received 5-15 grams of collagen peptide as a supplement daily experienced a reduction in joint pain and functionality in comparison with those who didn’t not receive the supplementation. This effect will not be the same or be that successful for everyone though and that more research is required in order to understand how the mechanism actually works.
It can speed up the healing process
The thing about collagen is that it is a component of the skin so if you have it in abundant quantities, it can help in speeding up the healing of your wounds. A clinical trial conducted in 2019 and published in The Journal of International Society for Burn Injuries revealed that supplements that are hydrolyzed collagen-based can help with the healing process by expediting it. In particular, it was found in the randomized controlled trial that in subjects who had 20%-30% body surface burns, wound healing was sped up and the length of hospital stay was significantly reduced.
What’s in it for you?
One thing about any kind of supplement is that they aren’t regulated by the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration and apparently, collagen supplements are not exempted from this. It is therefore crucial for you to choose collagen supplement brands that are tested by third party verifiers and manufactured by companies which adhere to sound manufacturing practices. As such, before buying any collagen product, know who you’re buying it from ans watch out for products that contain contain too many sugars or unnecessary fillers.
Also, in case you are taking other nutritional supplements or multivitamins, make sure that the collagen supplement that you are taking does not have any additional nutrients in them so you can avoid over-supplementation. On the other hand, you can also choose a particular collagen product based on the kind of benefits that you are looking for. Collagen supplements come in different types but the most common ones are classified as type I, II, and III. You can go for type I or combine type I and type III collagen if you want the best of its healthy aging benefits. But for pain relief, type II collagen is typically deemed most beneficial in this respect.
At the end of the day
As you know by now, collagen as a supplement is currently enjoying the spotlight in a significant period of popularity. It is really no wonder why this is so, considering the most sought after benefits that it can potentially provide. It has been incorporated into various recipes and products with the goal of achieving accelerated wound healing, healthier bones, and younger looking skin.
At the end of the day however, it would be unrealistic to assume that if you take it on a daily basis, you will indeed have super strong bones or lesser joint pain. The data available on collagen supplementation is showing a lot of promise when it comes to helping people improve their quality of life. However, some more well-designed studies on the subject are still needed to confirm such an association.
If you have been thinking about giving it a shot though, there are no evident or major downsides to the regular intake of collagen supplements for as long as you are taking them in accordance with the manufacturer’s specific instructions, they contain high quality ingredients and are also third-party tested. Because of this, you can say that it won’t hurt for you to try it out as it could actually work to your advantage. To be on the safe side though, it is recommended that you consult your own personal health care provider for more individualized guidance on collagen supplementation.
Collagen Boost by BODi is a great option to add into your daily regiment.
What’s inside of BODi Collagen Boost?
BODi Collagen Boost is made with a bio-available form of collagen peptides created by a process of breaking down collagen proteins.
What’s the source of collagen peptides in BODi Collagen Boost?
BODi Collagen Boost peptides are sourced from bovine hides.
What type of collagen is in BODi Collage Boost?
The collagen peptides in BODi Collagen Boost are from mainly type 1, the most prevalent type of collagen, as well type 3 collagen. Both type 1 and type 3 have been studied for skin and nail benefits.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
0 notes
jeffathome1 · 2 years
Shakeology On Amazon
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/shakeology-on-amazon
Shakeology On Amazon
Can You Buy Shakeology on Amazon?
As of October 31st, 2022 Shakeology can be purchased on Amazon but the real question should be, “Should I purchase Shakeology on Amazon and is it the best deal?” In this post I am going to share with you some pricing strategies, where to find the best deal on Shakeology, where I would never buy Shakeology and the ins and outs of Shakeology on Amazon.
*To cut to the chase, you will always find the best deal on Shakeology for $129.95 on the TeamBeachbody.com website.
Why did Beachbody Decide to List it’s Products on Amazon? (including Shakeology)
Beachbody is focused on the success of the BODi Partners in the organization, and the association with Amazon does precisely that.  As Amazon is one the the largest retailers around in only makes sense to have a retail presence there. Without this business relationship, it would be harder for Beachbody to control outsiders selling Beachbody items and undermining the Organization. By collaborating with Amazon, Beachbody can set the right retail costs for its items. This permits Beachbody to control the costs of its items on Amazon, as well as to construct new associations with Amazon customers.
Which Flavors of Shakeology are available on Amazon?
Chocolate Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Vanilla Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Cookies & Creamy Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Café Latte Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Tropical Strawberry Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $175.00
Chocolate Whey Shakeology $164.95
Vanilla Whey Shakeology $164.95
Why is Shakeology more expensive on Amazon?
The price of $164.95 was set to give the BODi Partner network the best value and to compete with current Shakeology resellers on Amazon. Ensuring we have the best priced Shakeology offer protects our brand position in the marketplace. Having a presence on Amazon makes sense but you will always get the best prices on TeamBeachbody.com by purchasing from a BODi Partner.
Will you be able to Subscribe and Save on Amazon?
No, the BODi Partner network will have exclusive savings when you use subscription services. Meaning, you can not order on a monthly auto ship through Amazon. Being on a subscription through the BODi Network will give you access to Super Saver Shipping of $3, which is still cheaper than ordering as a Prime Member on Amazon.
All returns, refunds, requests for cancellation must be done through Amazon. Beachbody will not be able to provide any sort of customer service if you purchased through Amazon. Amazon does not share customer information with the retailers so Beachbody would have no record of your purchase. Also, you will not be eligible for Beachbody’s “no questions asked” bottom of the bag 30 day guarantee.
Money Back Guarantee
This is a huge benefit of ordering your Shakeology through a BODi Partner like myself. You will get a 30 day money back guarantee even if the bag of Shakeology is empty.  All you have to do is go here to start a return as long as you are within the 30 day window. Yes, you could actually drink it all and still ask for a refund. Personally, I have been drinking Shakeology every day for about 11 years or so. (I can’t even remember) It’s part of my healthy routine now. It’s one of  my healthy habits.
Buyer Beware
A couple of things to look out for when shopping for Shakeology. Check out the images below and I’ll point out four things. Look at the four red arrows that I have added to this screen shot. Even though this is Shakeology, this is not sold by Beachbody.
First Arrow. Notice the price of the packets, $214.00 (WOW) $129.95 from TeamBeachbody.com.
Second arrow. $185.00 for a 30 serving bag and again $129.95 from Teambeachbody.com.
Third arrow. You can see who the actual seller of this Shakeology is. It reads senseOfeeling. Well, that’s definitely not Beachbody and they would be shipping it from their house or who knows where.
Fourth arrow. Last but not least it says 30 day money back guarantee. This seller nor Amazon can guarantee this. Amazon will guarantee lost or damaged merchandise but not a bottom of the bag guarantee like Beachbody. This seller clearly copied and pasted this description from the Beachbody site. Again, you can not call Beachbody customer service with issues if you made your purchase from Amazon.
If you are on the Shakeology page on Amazon, you will see no mention of a money back guarantee as it’s not offered with an Amazon purchase.
To sum it up. Purchasing Shakeology on Amazon really doesn’t offer any savings or advantages. You could possibly get it a little quicker with Prime, but that is about it.
Buying Shakeology on the Company site
Making your purchase from the company website is definitely the clear winner when it comes to savings but also you will have access to customer service if you ever need it. (change flavors, pause you order, damaged etc) Also, you get me to to answer any questions you might ever have. I definitely look forward to hearing from you.
There are actually 4 ways to purchase Shakeology and I want to show you all three. The savings could be quite substantial.
Ordering Shakeology- 1 Time Order
There are no savings when you order a one time supply of Shakeology. Many people do order this way but I  want to point out that there is a better way. Ordering 1 time you would pay $129.95 plus shipping and handling which varies from state to state. Shipping will most likely will range from $8 to $15. (tax will vary depending on your state) In this example the total would be $141.90.
To order Shakeology 1 time just head on over to the site here.
Ordering Shakeology on a Subscription
Ordering Shakeology on a subscription plan is a great way to save on shipping and handling. You will only pay $3 bucks when you are on a subscription. So basically you would still pay $129.95 for your Shakeology and $3 for shipping bringing your total to $132.95. (tax will vary depending on your state)
To order Shakeology on a Subscription just head on over to the site here.
Ordering Shakeology as a Preferred Customer
The membership fee to become a Preferred Customer is $15.95 a month. If you are buying Shakeology monthly you will definitely realize a savings as this would bring your Shakeology down to $97.46 and only $3 shipping with a subscription for a total of $100.46 (tax will vary depending on your state) As you can see you are saving $41.44 a month on just Shakeology so it makes paying to become a Preferred Customer worth it. (You are paying $15.95/month for these savings)
As a Preferred Customer you will also save 25% on all of your other supplement purchases. Items like Energize, Recover, Hydrate, Shakeology Boosts, Beach Bars, Collagen, First Thing, Last Thing, Ultimate Reset and so much more.
You will also have the opportunity to be the first to experience new Beachbody On Demand releases as they become available. You’ll have the chance to purchase VIP early access to programs before they are added to the BODi Library.
To become a Preferred Customer just go to TeamBeachbody.com
Ordering Shakeology as a BODi Partner
Partnering with myself and BODi will give you the opportunity to turn your passion for home fitness into a business on your own schedule. By becoming a product of the product, referring people will just be a natural progression. We will provide the tools, training, website, customer service and everything you need to succeed.
The cost is also $15.95 monthly with a $39.95 up front business fee which can be waived with the purchase of a Total Solution Pack, which I highly recommend. Purchasing a Total Solution Pack will give you everything you need to set you up for success.
You will also save 25% off of your Shakeology. You will be getting it for $97.46 and only $3 shipping with a subscription for a total of $100.46.
Get more information and get started at: Becoming a BODi Partner.
Get a Total Solution Pack
To really get some savings I would recommend you combine an annual BODi membership with your Shakeology. This package offers the best all around savings. Just go to Total Solution Pack to get the offer.
Where I would Never Buy Shakeology
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post I would also share a site where I would never buy Shakeology. That site would be eBay.com. Don’t get me wrong, I think eBay is a great website and I use it but it is not a great place to purchase Shakeology. As of the last time I checked eBay, most of the Shakeology was listed at a price between $70-$80 dollars but it all seemed to have one problem in common. All of the listings were beyond the Best By date. Meaning that the freshness of the product will be somewhat questionable as it is basically expired. I checked ebay on 2-15-2023 and the above image will show you what I found. A Best By date of Sept/22 which is about 5 months ago as of this writing. So all I am say is is “Buyer Beware” if you make a purchase of Shakeology on eBay.
0 notes
jeffathome1 · 2 years
Shakeology On Amazon
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/shakeology-on-amazon
Shakeology On Amazon
Can You Buy Shakeology on Amazon?
As of October 31st, 2022 Shakeology can be purchased on Amazon but the real question should be, “Should I purchase Shakeology on Amazon and is it the best deal?” In this post I am going to share with you some pricing strategies, where to find the best deal on Shakeology, where I would never buy Shakeology and the ins and outs of Shakeology on Amazon.
*To cut to the chase, you will always find the best deal on Shakeology for $129.95 on the TeamBeachbody.com website.
Why did Beachbody Decide to List it’s Products on Amazon? (including Shakeology)
Beachbody is focused on the success of the BODi Partners in the organization, and the association with Amazon does precisely that.  As Amazon is one the the largest retailers around in only makes sense to have a retail presence there. Without this business relationship, it would be harder for Beachbody to control outsiders selling Beachbody items and undermining the Organization. By collaborating with Amazon, Beachbody can set the right retail costs for its items. This permits Beachbody to control the costs of its items on Amazon, as well as to construct new associations with Amazon customers.
Which Flavors of Shakeology are available on Amazon?
Chocolate Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Vanilla Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Cookies & Creamy Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Café Latte Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $164.95
Tropical Strawberry Plant-Based Vegan Shakeology $175.00
Chocolate Whey Shakeology $164.95
Vanilla Whey Shakeology $164.95
Why is Shakeology more expensive on Amazon?
The price of $164.95 was set to give the BODi Partner network the best value and to compete with current Shakeology resellers on Amazon. Ensuring we have the best priced Shakeology offer protects our brand position in the marketplace. Having a presence on Amazon makes sense but you will always get the best prices on TeamBeachbody.com by purchasing from a BODi Partner.
Will you be able to Subscribe and Save on Amazon?
No, the BODi Partner network will have exclusive savings when you use subscription services. Meaning, you can not order on a monthly auto ship through Amazon. Being on a subscription through the BODi Network will give you access to Super Saver Shipping of $3, which is still cheaper than ordering as a Prime Member on Amazon.
All returns, refunds, requests for cancellation must be done through Amazon. Beachbody will not be able to provide any sort of customer service if you purchased through Amazon. Amazon does not share customer information with the retailers so Beachbody would have no record of your purchase. Also, you will not be eligible for Beachbody’s “no questions asked” bottom of the bag 30 day guarantee.
Money Back Guarantee
This is a huge benefit of ordering your Shakeology through a BODi Partner like myself. You will get a 30 day money back guarantee even if the bag of Shakeology is empty.  All you have to do is go here to start a return as long as you are within the 30 day window. Yes, you could actually drink it all and still ask for a refund. Personally, I have been drinking Shakeology every day for about 11 years or so. (I can’t even remember) It’s part of my healthy routine now. It’s one of  my healthy habits.
Buyer Beware
A couple of things to look out for when shopping for Shakeology. Check out the images below and I’ll point out four things. Look at the four red arrows that I have added to this screen shot. Even though this is Shakeology, this is not sold by Beachbody.
First Arrow. Notice the price of the packets, $214.00 (WOW) $129.95 from TeamBeachbody.com.
Second arrow. $185.00 for a 30 serving bag and again $129.95 from Teambeachbody.com.
Third arrow. You can see who the actual seller of this Shakeology is. It reads senseOfeeling. Well, that’s definitely not Beachbody and they would be shipping it from their house or who knows where.
Fourth arrow. Last but not least it says 30 day money back guarantee. This seller nor Amazon can guarantee this. Amazon will guarantee lost or damaged merchandise but not a bottom of the bag guarantee like Beachbody. This seller clearly copied and pasted this description from the Beachbody site. Again, you can not call Beachbody customer service with issues if you made your purchase from Amazon.
If you are on the Shakeology page on Amazon, you will see no mention of a money back guarantee as it’s not offered with an Amazon purchase.
To sum it up. Purchasing Shakeology on Amazon really doesn’t offer any savings or advantages. You could possibly get it a little quicker with Prime, but that is about it.
Buying Shakeology on the Company site
Making your purchase from the company website is definitely the clear winner when it comes to savings but also you will have access to customer service if you ever need it. (change flavors, pause you order, damaged etc) Also, you get me to to answer any questions you might ever have. I definitely look forward to hearing from you.
There are actually 4 ways to purchase Shakeology and I want to show you all three. The savings could be quite substantial.
Ordering Shakeology- 1 Time Order
There are no savings when you order a one time supply of Shakeology. Many people do order this way but I  want to point out that there is a better way. Ordering 1 time you would pay $129.95 plus shipping and handling which varies from state to state. Shipping will most likely will range from $8 to $15. (tax will vary depending on your state) In this example the total would be $141.90.
To order Shakeology 1 time just head on over to the site here.
Ordering Shakeology on a Subscription
Ordering Shakeology on a subscription plan is a great way to save on shipping and handling. You will only pay $3 bucks when you are on a subscription. So basically you would still pay $129.95 for your Shakeology and $3 for shipping bringing your total to $132.95. (tax will vary depending on your state)
To order Shakeology on a Subscription just head on over to the site here.
Ordering Shakeology as a Preferred Customer
The membership fee to become a Preferred Customer is $15.95 a month. If you are buying Shakeology monthly you will definitely realize a savings as this would bring your Shakeology down to $97.46 and only $3 shipping with a subscription for a total of $100.46 (tax will vary depending on your state) As you can see you are saving $41.44 a month on just Shakeology so it makes paying to become a Preferred Customer worth it. (You are paying $15.95/month for these savings)
As a Preferred Customer you will also save 25% on all of your other supplement purchases. Items like Energize, Recover, Hydrate, Shakeology Boosts, Beach Bars, Collagen, First Thing, Last Thing, Ultimate Reset and so much more.
You will also have the opportunity to be the first to experience new Beachbody On Demand releases as they become available. You’ll have the chance to purchase VIP early access to programs before they are added to the BODi Library.
To become a Preferred Customer just go to TeamBeachbody.com
Ordering Shakeology as a BODi Partner
Partnering with myself and BODi will give you the opportunity to turn your passion for home fitness into a business on your own schedule. By becoming a product of the product, referring people will just be a natural progression. We will provide the tools, training, website, customer service and everything you need to succeed.
The cost is also $15.95 monthly with a $39.95 up front business fee which can be waived with the purchase of a Total Solution Pack, which I highly recommend. Purchasing a Total Solution Pack will give you everything you need to set you up for success.
You will also save 25% off of your Shakeology. You will be getting it for $97.46 and only $3 shipping with a subscription for a total of $100.46.
Get more information and get started at: Becoming a BODi Partner.
Get a Total Solution Pack
To really get some savings I would recommend you combine an annual BODi membership with your Shakeology. This package offers the best all around savings. Just go to Total Solution Pack to get the offer.
Where I would Never Buy Shakeology
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post I would also share a site where I would never buy Shakeology. That site would be eBay.com. Don’t get me wrong, I think eBay is a great website and I use it but it is not a great place to purchase Shakeology. As of the last time I checked eBay, most of the Shakeology was listed at a price between $70-$80 dollars but it all seemed to have one problem in common. All of the listings were beyond the Best By date. Meaning that the freshness of the product will be somewhat questionable as it is basically expired. I checked ebay on 2-15-2023 and the above image will show you what I found. A Best By date of Sept/22 which is about 5 months ago as of this writing. So all I am say is is “Buyer Beware” if you make a purchase of Shakeology on eBay.
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jeffathome1 · 2 years
5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/5-ways-to-eat-healthy-on-a-budget
5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Food is Getting Expensive. Here are a Few Ways to Save Some Money
Have you ever screamed, “I can’t afford to eat healthy!” Understandably, it is easy to utter these very words when asked about one’s unhealthy eating habits. Considering how fast food chains and food processing companies market themselves nowadays, many would tend to think that eating healthy would cost them more than the five-minute processed foods in the market. Apart from the convenience they offer, these processed foods may appear like they are more flavorful and delicious as well but when you dig deeper, you will see how it promotes unhealthy lifestyles in the long run. Moreover, various brands have marketed themselves vigorously, proposing quick shortcuts to a healthy and fit body with some juice cleansers or diet pills – at a high price of course.
With all these distractions, who would even think that eating healthy while on a tight budget can even be possible? Thankfully, it can be made possible using different creative ways that will also need some amount of discipline and effort on your end but will it all be worth it. You just have to think outside of the box and go out of your way to explore new ways of doing things in order to reach your health goals. A new, healthy lifestyle, will require some changes on your part anyway so why not make them positive changes while you’re at it? To avoid getting overwhelmed though, let us start with these 5 ways to eat healthy while keeping it budget-friendly:
1. Start growing your vegetables and herbs
Some people think that eating healthy is expensive owing to the inflating prices of fresh produce in the market. Compared to processed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables can fill your weekly grocery basket and empty your pockets within minutes. And more often than not, sealed greens get thrown away without any chances of being opened with the amount of eat outs people do nowadays. But if eating healthy is a goal, better start growing your vegetables and herbs in your backyard. You can plant your herbs, vegetables, and perhaps even fruits wherever you live or in any area of the house as long as you have access to sunlight and water.
Small herb plants and vegetable seeds typically cost way less. And you can grow a few things in a window box, on the patio, or a fire escape – or even using your used plastic bottles or any recyclable containers. Another viable option would be to start your plot in a community garden like some cool urban farmer. Several subdivisions or compounds designate a place for gardening where healthy-minded individuals like you can plant and grow your produce. Try coordinating with the community officials on this initiative – who knows, you might encourage more people to live and eat healthily in this way as well.
2. Try buying canned and frozen produce at all costs
When grocery shopping, don’t skip the freezer department like some people would do. Fresh fruits and vegetables are undeniably the healthiest options, most especially when they are organic. However, it would be good for you to know that farmers likewise choose the best products to be placed in cans or freezers. Usually, they are those which are not too ripe or still a little unripe. And a budget-saving advantage of canned or frozen produce is their longevity compared to fresh organics. A bag of frozen carrots can last longer than a bag of fresh spinach, reducing food waste and ultimately leading to more money in your pocket for other matters.
On the other hand, you may worry about the nutritional content of canned produce but worry not as they are comparable to their fresh counterparts. Studies even reveal that the heating process can make the fiber in canned foods more soluble or usable once digested. Just make it a point though that the vegetables in your bag are all vegetables only. Avoid the ones that contain butter or sauces in them. The same applies to frozen fruits. Make sure that it only contains fruits and no added sugars or preservatives. One last tip, when buying cans, be sure to check the sodium content. It can very from brand to brad greatly. (The lower the better)
3. Launch your food cooperative
Start your very own food-sharing cooperative by gathering a few health-conscious friends, or some people you see regularly, or your neighbors. More often than not, doing things that require discipline and effort will tend to bore you or make the task too daunting that you’ll end up reverting back to square one. Sharing the same goals with people around you however will surely encourage you to keep moving.
Here are some casual, stress-free suggestions to get you started with your friends:
Divide the annual membership costs on malls, supermarkets, and food delivery services that offer great deals of fresh and organic produce.
Make a list of your weekly or monthly produce to buy and share. And always remember to buy what you can finish in a week or month. Never purchase more than your average use to avoid spoilage and waste of money.
Participate in seeking cheap and environmentally responsible produce delivery services that reduce food waste. If your area does not have any, have the initiative to start yours and hit two birds with one stone with your friends. Many products are thrown out mainly for their aesthetic features – not pretty enough on the market shelves. But these fresh products can reach good hands by offering a delivery service that allows people to access new and healthy produce.
Buy dairy goods and poultry by dozen or more from organic and responsible farms with your friends to divide costs and save money for bills and other necessities.
4. Do meal preparations in advance
Living life to the fullest sometimes means being too busy for cooking and eating out seems like the next logical choice – saving you some time free of meal preparations. However, preparing several meals ahead of time allows you to have a ready-made healthy meal or snack without having to sacrifice your time and your allotted budget.
A study reveals that people who plan their meals are more likely to follow dietary recommendations and consume a wider variety of foods as well. In other words, they are more likely to consume a balanced, healthy diet, containing a wide variety of nutrients. Furthermore, it encourages you to buy in bulk, cook them right away, and avoid more waste. If you wish to do meal preparations ahead of time, try these tips to make it a habit.
a. Create a schedule for preparations.
Try setting an hour or two to draft your grocery list and food plan. Dietitians and nutritionists alike suggest allowing time for meal preparations and making it a priority – similar to giving time for Netflix and movies. It is likewise advisable to set aside additional time for post-shopping preparation, such as slicing vegetables into bite-sized pieces for snacks or preparing freezer dinners in bulk. Along the way, try finding a schedule that works for you and eventually develop it into a positive habit that comes naturally.
b. Try to organize your pantry and keep track.
Utilizing what you already have on hand is a fundamental aspect of meal preparation. Hence, you can do some thorough inventory checks on your pantry and keep it organized at all times – making it easier and more fun. Furthermore, organizing and keeping track also allows you to check what fresh produce is near their expiration dates and be able to consume them first – making it a sustainable way to reduce food waste.
c. Purchase seasonal produce, but never shy away from frozen foods.
The best approach to motivate yourself to try different types of produce is to buy what is in season. For instance, tomatoes taste best in the summer, but squash is typically more widely available in the fall. Produce in season tends to be at its nutritional peak, has the most elevated flavor, and is cost-effective. Buy a combination of fresh and frozen vegetables for not-in-season organics. Not every ingredient you prepare needs to be homemade.
d. Start using containers with compartments.
You do not have to purchase a brand-new set of Tupperware right away. All you need is any safe, food-grade container with compartments for various foods. You may even use the ones you already have at home. To satisfy your nutritional demands, containers with compartments in them naturally aid in portion control and enhance meal diversity as well. You can have your daily dose of protein and minerals from vegetables all in one meal – thanks to containers. But if you are still planning to buy one yourself – better purchase glass containers that are safe for microwaves. Lastly, if you plan to consume it in the following days, label each one after packing it. It is best to include the contents and the date it was prepared and saved on the label.
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e. Say hello to boiled eggs – your eggceptional best friend
Eggs, the inexpensive and go-to food for everyone can be considered a superfood according to scientists. Eggs contain six grams of protein and are a good source of nutrients like vitamin D and choline. If you wish to prepare your meals beforehand, cook dozen of hard-boiled eggs over the weekend and incorporate this food into your meals as breakfast or snacks or a complimentary food.
f. Say no to pre-cut fruits and veggies
Avoid the pre-cut fruits and veggies at the supermarket. While they could be time-saving at first glance, they can cost you more than doing the chopping yourself. Saying no to pre-cuts begin with making cutting a habit – possibly, a new activity as well to add to your me-time. Furthermore, pre-cuts in supermarkets can result in more food waste as it spoils faster than pre-cut foods especially if not stored properly.
5. Practice portion-control
Take a moment to answer these critical questions: How much do you generally spend and consume when you dine out every day for lunch throughout the workweek? Or when you order in for dinner? How many calories do you consume when eating out or ordering from fast food? You may think you’ve been saving a lot of money from eating out and maintaining weight from the one cup of rice policy that you adhere to in every diner but think again. Instead of saving, you end up spending more than your budget.
Besides helping you fine-tune your diet since you’ll be preparing more meals at home and eating less overall, the portion-control approach allows you to save money. You’ll also be eating more wholesome, nutritional foods. Furthermore, you may see long-term cost savings when you are aware of the real portions you should be consuming for better health and perhaps weight loss.
To best practice portion control, begin by using colored containers for your food (e.g., green for vegetables and orange for fruits). It is also best to use large containers for foods you should consume more like vegetables and fruits, which are nutrient-dense and fiber-filled produce. Once go on a portion control regimen, you should be reducing your consumption of the following items: the majority of processed, packaged foods, condiments, prefab frozen foods, artificially or sugar-sweetened beverages, and coffee-based drinks. Unbeknownst to many, these goodies conveniently affect your health and weight – and their long-term effects may be more expensive than doing portion control.
Pro tip: If you are new to the portion-control concept and are eager to learn portion-control recipes, you can check out BODi. Everything you need to know about the Portion Approach is there. 
Incredibly Cheap Healthy Foods for Your Healthy Lifestyle
Budgeting Tips would never be complete without introducing you to the incredibly cheap produce available in the market. Besides eggs, here are five more healthy foods to help you start your healthy lifestyle journey while keeping to your budget:
1. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes provide a significant amount of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. According to studies, they may have anti-inflammatory actions that help reduce the chance of developing chronic illnesses including cancer and diabetes. Sweet potatoes also go well with almost any recipe and are simple to cook by steaming, baking, or roasting.
2. Carrots
Beta-carotene, which gives carrots their outstanding vitamin A content, is one of the most abundant plant compounds in the world. Vitamin A, which supports healthy immune function and vision, is 428% of your daily needs in one cup of carrots. Additionally, carrots have fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and manganese, which are highly needed by the body. Regular consumption of carrots, either cooked or raw, may help lower the chance of developing some cancers, such as prostate and stomach cancer.
3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal’s fiber, vitamins, and minerals may be able to lower the risk of several illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Commonly, oatmeal is consumed during breakfast, combined with yogurt, milk, and fruits.
4. Bananas
Bananas are among the least expensive fruits available. Besides the cheap price, bananas also carry several health advantages. They are packed with vital nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese with a significant amount of fiber that encourages weight loss, improves digestive health, and reduces the risk for diabetes.
5. Apples
Apples are incredibly healthy and typically inexpensive. The three grams of fiber in one medium apple are primarily responsible for apples’ beneficial benefits on weight loss and blood sugar regulation. Furthermore, apples include a small number of vitamins C and B, trace minerals, and antioxidants. Regular consumption could reduce the body’s inflammatory response that often triggers various chronic diseases.
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jeffathome1 · 2 years
10 Must Have Pieces of Home Gym Equipment According to ChatGPT
New Post has been published on https://www.decidetostayfit.com/10-must-have-pieces-of-home-gym-equipment-according-to-chatgpt
10 Must Have Pieces of Home Gym Equipment According to ChatGPT
According to ChatGPT- 10 Must Have Pieces of Home Gym Equipment that are Available on Amazon
I put this post together as more of an experiment than anything else as I wanted to see exactly what Chat GPT would spit out when I threw some questions at it. I started with this topic as it is a common question. Remember, the products listed below were recommended by Artificial Intelligence. (Pretty fancy)
Chat GPT came up with a pretty good list and I was surprised that it actually named some “brands” on certain products. Why? I have no idea. Do you need all of these things to get started on your fitness journey, no. Will some of them help, yes. Personally, I  have a lot of things on the list but not the exact brand. For example, I have a full rack of dumbbells but not Bowflex Dumbbells. I have resistance bands, a good pair of workout shoes, a yoga mat, a jump rope, a heart rate monitor and a pull-up bar.
The things that I don’t have from the list are an elliptical (we opted for an awesome stationary bike instead), TRX training straps and an ab roller wheel.
What gym equipment do you really need to keep you in shape?
This is an ever evolving question and your needs will change as you change and as your goals change. Technically, you don’t need any equipment to get in shape. You could do a program like “Just Bring Your Body” which only requires you to use your own body weight. But……..
You will want to get stronger and progress. So the simple things that I would recommend would be a good set of dumbbells, a bench, a mat (depending on where you workout), a good pair of shoes, a planned workout regiment and a good nutrition plan to follow. Equipped with these things you will have everything you need to stay healthy and fit. As you grow you will most likely add in some things later but having these core pieces of equipment will take you a long way.
What is Chat GPT?
This could be a whole blog post by itself but I will just sum it up for you. Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence bot that was designed for online customer care. It uses a pre-trained generative chat model that makes use of (NLP) Natural Language Processing. So basically you can ask it anything you want and it will give you an answer based off of the data it pulls from websites, text books and various online articles. Chat GPT will give you a human- like response which literally will blow your mind.
This is a very brief description of the capabilities of Chat GPT and I’m sure the engineers that created it would be offended but I didn’t want to spend the whole article explaining Chat GPT. Instead I just wanted to focus on this one very small topic of what workout equipment it would suggest.
So let’s get to the Chat GPT recommendations…… and yes, the descriptions were written by Chat GPT.
Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells
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These adjustable dumbbells are a great option for those looking to save space in their home gym. They can easily be adjusted from 5-52.5 pounds with the turn of a dial, and the compact design makes them easy to store. They are also built to last, with durable construction and a two-year warranty.
Resistance Bands Set
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "changeyourl0e-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07DWSPQQY"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "1eb32acda2c492b9937657e6ff026334";
This set of resistance bands is a versatile and portable option for strength training. The set includes five bands of varying resistance levels, as well as handles and anchors for a variety of exercises. They are also made of high-quality, durable materials that will withstand intense workouts.
Bowflex Max Trainer Series
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "changeyourl0e-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B085N9LTWF"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "3df2250d1cb4b850d78707d1f83368df";
This elliptical machine is a great option for those who want a full-body workout in the comfort of their own home. It combines the easy low-impact motion of an elliptical with the calorie burning power of a stepper. Max can deliver the cardio benefits of interval training in as little as 14 minutes. Max also has target zone and burn rate indicators motivate you by setting targets to help you achieve your goals.
TRX Suspension Trainer
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This suspension trainer is a great option for those looking to build strength, stability, and flexibility. It features adjustable straps and handles that can be used for a variety of exercises, and is made of durable materials that can withstand intense workouts. You can also get a 30-day free trial to TRX training club to get access to over 500 on demand workouts.
Nike Metcon 8
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These versatile training shoes are perfect for a variety of workouts, from weightlifting to running to high-intensity interval training. They feature a durable, sticky rubber outsole for traction and stability, as well as a supportive, breathable upper that will keep your feet comfortable during your workout. (This one I tweaked just a bit. Chat GPT initially suggested the Metcon 5. Chat GPT is limited to information prior to 2021 so I just added the most up to date shoe.)
Yoga Mat
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This yoga mat is a great option for those looking to practice yoga at home. It is made of high-quality TPE material, providing a comfortable and stable surface to practice on. The mat is also non-slip, which helps you to maintain your balance and poses. The mat is also lightweight and easy to roll up and transport, making it easy to take to the gym or yoga studio.
Fitbit Charge 4
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This fitness tracker is a great option for those looking to track their activity and sleep. It features GPS, heart rate monitoring, and a variety of workout modes. The device is also waterproof and has a long battery life. The device also has smartwatch features like phone notifications, and the ability to control music and pay with your wrist.
Jump Rope
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This jump rope is a great option for a cardio workout at home. It is made of high-quality materials that are built to last, and the adjustable rope length makes it easy to customize for your height. The comfortable handles also provide a secure grip during your workout.
Ab Roller Wheel
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "changeyourl0e-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07RKW5H68"; amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c7c6059f9b146ac0938b98203bff9b0f";
This ab roller wheel is a simple but effective tool for targeting your core muscles. The wheel is made of durable materials and the handles provide a secure grip. The compact size of the wheel also makes it easy to store and transport.
Pull Up Bar
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This pull-up bar is a great option for those looking to build upper body strength at home. It is made of durable steel and can support up to 300 pounds. The bar is also easy to install and can be used for a variety of exercises, including pull-ups, chin-ups, and hanging leg raises.
In conclusion, these products are a great way to get in shape and stay fit at home. Whether you’re looking for weights, cardio equipment, or tools to target specific muscle groups, there’s something for everyone on this list. All of the products are highly rated and well-reviewed by customers, so you can be confident in your purchase. Overall, these products are a great investment for anyone looking to improve their fitness and reach their goals.
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