jemimori-blog · 8 years
OMG!!! I can’t believe that just happened! LMAO!
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Hanging out at Big Machine, 2007 [x]
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jemimori-blog · 8 years
Let’s see where this leads us...
 I haven’t come up with a title yet, but I am pretty sure that it’ll come to me once I get this ball rolling. 
Sera Woods sat in the cozy cafe, drinking a cup of coffee, as she waited for her two best friends to come. People were walking in and out, sitting at tables, conversing or just minding their own business as they looked at their laptops or phones. Soft jazz played in the background, adding to the calming atmosphere of the place. 
The cafe was called “Marina’s Coffee and Lounge”. It was a local hot spot in Laguna Beach since it turned into a twenty one and over lounge after eight. There was no specific dress code at night, but everyone knew to dress classy. The cafe was rather large with regular tables as well as couches. The bar was in the shape of a circle, towards the back of the cafe. Two of the four walls was made of glass, and the atmosphere was set by the dim lights hanging from the ceiling. 
Sera looked down at her watch and took a sip of her coffee. When she looked back up towards the entrance, her two friends walked in. Sera lifted her hand up and waved. Her friends looked over at her and walked towards her. 
Morgan Bass, Camila Dominguez, and Sera had all been friends since they were seven. They were all actually from a small city called Shelby that sat outside of Houston. 
When they had graduated from high school, all three of them packed their bags and headed to UCLA where they graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. It had been three years since then.
Even though they were all best friends, they all had different personalities and interests. Morgan was a surgical nurse for Kingsley-Hope Hospital, whereas Camila was a Location Scout for TV productions. 
Sera was an executive assistant for Henry Clark, an operations manager for Caldwell Holdings Enterprise. She loved her job and she loved her boss. 
Morgan lifted her hand and waved for the waiter to come over. She rested her head on her hand and looked up towards the waiter with a soft smile and sparkling eyes. With her other hand, she pushed her long blonde hair behind her shoulder and let out a soft sigh. 
“W-What can I get you?” The waiter stammered as he fidgeted with the pen and notepad in his hands. 
“A dirty chai, iced, and,” Morgan looked over at Camila and smiled, “a cafe au lait please.”
The waiter nodded and turned around quickly, bumping into another waiter. 
“Wow, Morgan. Way to go on scaring the boy.” Camila teased.
Morgan just looked at them and flashed her perfectly white teeth quickly changed her expression into a scowl. “I was being…polite. Anyway, did you-”
“You flirt with anyone that breathes!” Sera interjected as Morgan tried to change the subject. “He’s so young!”
“And what, I’m old?” Morgan looked appalled as she gasped and covered her mouth with one hand and with the other, she placed on her chest as if it were to stop her “beating” heart. The three looked at each other and began to laugh. 
“He looks like he might be a college student. Maybe twenty.” Sera looked over at the waiter. She squinted her eyes, acting as if she could see him better that way. “Oh, look at that butt…”
As if on cue, all three faced the object that Sera was identifying. It wasn’t the twenty something nervous waiter. It was actually a man in a suit who had his back turned to them. 
Morgan frowned and exhaled. “False alarm ladies. It’s Adrian.” 
Camila let out a huge laugh. “How is it you know my brother’s backside better than me?”
Adrian turned his head as soon as he recognized his sister’s laugh. Sera noticed the siblings’ making eye contact. She knew he wouldn’t be surprised to see the three of them together. Adrian used to joke that the three of them were practically joined to the hip. He made his way over to them and sat at the last empty seat at the table. 
“Hey Cami.” Adrian said, leaning over and kissing her cheek. 
“I thought you were going to be at D.C for the week.” Morgan said as she leaned in her chair. 
Sera mentally sighed. 
Before Adrian could respond, the waiter came with the drinks. He smiled down at Morgan with a lot more confidence he had shown earlier. He placed the two drinks on the table and cleared his throat. 
“So, maybe if you aren’t busy later on-”
“She is.” Sera and Camila said at the same time.
Morgan raised an eyebrow at them. Sera just shrugged.
“I’m sorry. I’m busy all week. But thanks for the drinks.” Morgan gave him her winning smile. 
“I’ll take an Americano.” Adrian said as he began shaking his head. 
The waiter looked at all of them and sighed. He nodded and turned back to the bar. 
“That was smooth.” Adrian said, sarcastically. 
Sera agreed. “Morgan loves giving men false hope.”
Morgan began to respond, but Camila spoke first. “Morgan is right. Why aren’t you in D.C.”
Sera had known Adrian for as long as she’d known Camila. The only difference was that Adrian wasn’t around much growing up. He was eight years older than them. By the time they reached ten years old, Adrian was off to college. Adrian was a FBI agent, stationed in the Los Angeles field office. Adrian, like Camila, had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He was about a foot taller than her though. He was a couple inches over six feet tall and had an intimidating figure. And just like Camila, he tanned nicely under the hot Californian sun. 
Ever since Sera and her two friends moved out to California, Adrian was a lot more interesting to spend their time. When they first moved there seven years ago, he had taken them everywhere. And like a good, protective brother, he made sure no idiot had sticky hands with Camila. 
“Seminar ended early. I’m actually going to swing by the office later to pick up my partner. We have to…check something out.” Adrian said as he leaned back in his chair. 
The waiter came and placed the cup in front of Adrian. Sera watched as Adrian tucked his tie into the middle of his button up shirt. 
“Partner? I didn’t know you swing that way.” Morgan scoffed as she took a sip of her drink.
Both Sera and Camila looked at Morgan. 
“What the hell, Morgan.” Camila frowned. 
“Oh, it’s okay. She just has a stick shoved up her ass.” Adrian smirked.
“Wow, real cool you guys.” Camila shook her head.
Sera didn’t say anything. She had her suspicions on why Morgan was acting that way towards Adrian. 
“Well, whatever…So, do you guys want to see something?” Morgan asked, with a mischievous smile.
Sera and Camila both looked at their friend, waiting to see what she was going to show them. 
Morgan pulled out her cellphone, did a little movement, and then put the cellphone on the table. 
Camila grabbed it before Sera. Sera watched as Camila’s eyes scanned over the screen. She gasped loudly.
“What is it? Give me the phone, Cami.” Sera leaned over the table and tried to grab the phone. 
Camila pulled the phone away and leaned away from the table as she finished reading. 
Sera jumped out of her seat and ran over to Camila’s side. 
It was then that she read the top text. 
“Alice DuVant is pregnant?!” Sera gasped.
“Who cares.” Adrian said, enjoying his cup of coffee.
“Who cares? Alice DuVant is basically the princess of Shelby! Don’t you remember that her father is none other than James DuVant?! He owns practically all of Shelby!” Camila spoke so loudly that others began looking towards them. 
“She’s not even married!” Sera added in loud whisper. 
“Plenty of people get pregnant before marriage.” Adrian said, looking as if the news didn’t faze him. 
“Not in Shelby!” Sera, Camila, and Morgan said at the same time. 
“Is she getting married?” Sera asked Morgan.
“Yup. And guess who is the lucky guy?” Morgan asked, crossing her arms and looking smug. 
Sera and Camila leaned across the table, waiting for Morgan to speak.
“Gael Dominguez.” Morgan finally said. 
Adrian almost choked on his coffee.
“What?!” Camila yelled. 
This time, everyone in the cafe looked towards them. Some even gave them a nasty “be quiet” face.
“Are you talking about my sweet, sweet cousin?” Camila asked. “How did they even meet? He lives in San Antonio! And why haven’t we heard of anything? Who is your source?”
“Well, I have a very reliable source. Lily is the one texting me. Apparently she is so upset since she had a thing for Gael. Everyone knows Gael. He goes to visit your parents almost every month. According to Lily, no one else knows she’s pregnant. He’s already proposed as well.” Morgan said. 
“I can’t believe Alice’s own sister ratted her out.” Sera shook her head. She let out a dry laugh. “Morgan, I think you should change your career to gossip journalism.”
Before Morgan could respond, Adrian’s phone rang. 
“Hey man, how are you?” Adrian spoke into the phone. There was a long pause. “No kidding! Wow, congratulations.”
Camila’s eyes widened. She worded “Gael” to Adrian. He nodded. 
Adrian shook his head a and made agreeing comments. “Next month? No I should be free…wait, really? Yeah, definitely.”
There was another long pause. 
Sera and her two friends leaned towards Adrian, waiting in anticipation. 
“I’d love to be your best man. Sure…and hey, thanks for calling. I’ll see you there.”
With that, he hung up. 
Camila burst out into laughter. Sera and Morgan couldn’t help but join in the laughter. 
“Hey, I’d love to stay and chat but I’ve got work to do.” Adrian said. He leaned over and kissed Camila on the cheek. 
“See you later, Adrian.” Sera said. 
“See ya.” Morgan waved as she looked down at her phone. 
They waited for Adrian to leave before they spoke again. 
“Looks like you’ll be related to royalty.” Morgan smirked. 
“Yeah?” Camila joked.
“Watch, we’re not even going to be invited. 
A week later, all three of them received an invitation to the Wedding of Gael Dominguez and Alice Lynn DuVant.
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jemimori-blog · 8 years
Why am I even here?
So...I’ve decided to start my very first blog....ever!
What this means: I am desperate to obtain motivation to write! 
Since I was 8, I fell in love with reading. The first book I picked up and read cover to cover was from the magic tree house series.
When I was 11, I read “Someone Like You” by Sarah Dessen. She is the reason why I am obsessed with love stories! 
When I was 12, I wrote my very first short story (it was a horror story). I loved the fact that I was able to bring characters to life. 
When I was 14, I read my first adult novel (Linda Howard), and I have been hooked on adult novels ever since. 
I am 20 years old now and i have tried (unsuccessfully) to finish a story. Up until now, the most I’ve ever written was close to 20,000 words. 
I have decided to create a “blog” and force myself to finish. 
So please read...Please motivate me...and please, make sure I finish!
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