jenn-art-station · 2 years
Title: Myungshim-bogam review
When memorizing something, especially when memorizing something intellectual, it is common for Koreans to erase the letters with a black pen. My parents taught me the above method, and I used this way to memorize Chinese characters. I applied the concept of memorizing using a black pen to Myungshim-bogam. It shows my will to keep this book as a guidebook for life in my heart, and it shows that I have engraved the Myungshim-bogam in my heart at the end of this video. How do you memorize?
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Title : Goodbye, my friend
It is a voice message from a deer who died first after being locked up in a zoo to a friend who is still in a cage. The dead deer recalls the past and reveals the heart he had in order to forget all the regrets and hardships. He has some vague memories and some he wants to forget. Because of this reason, I lowered the video quality to a very low level, making it difficult for viewers to see it. The dead deer and the deer in the picture roamed freely in the endless fields of the Serengeti, but after being captured, their freedom was deprived. They have no right to eat whatever they want when they want. They just eat the spinach people give them when they can. They do not have the right to run and play in large areas. They just sit or walk helplessly. I looked at the deer in Central Park and saw a deer without freedom and lifeless. Finally, I wanted to make a story to tell about the problem of wildlife capture.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Title: Time traveling by ancient man
An ancient man who came to Songdo, Korea in 2022 through an unknown time trip from the Stone Age, sees and feels a world that is so different from the world he knew. All he knew was nature and the sounds of it. In particular, the first thing that caught his eye was the birds and the sounds of the birds. He has a very narrow view of the world because he first saw modern high buildings and discarded garbage and had no knowledge about them. I used cones to express that primitive man had a very narrow vision. I also used video editing to express that his field of view expands as he gradually adapts to the present day. His heart is beating more and more and he feels alive.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #10
1. Rabbit | Future Shorts
It was like a game in which jewels appear when animals are killed. It was good because it was not common to have the appropriate word written on all the objects in the video. However, seeing the cut cross-section of the animal was more bizarre than I thought, and it was especially scary to see an idol appearing inside the rabbit and laughing. The children mercilessly killed animals for gems, not doing what a normal child would do. And his greed becomes excessive, and he eventually loses all the jewels and idols in the house. I think this work is interesting because it has a lot of unusual settings. And the author starts this story with a rabbit and ends with the rabbit running. The artist shows the meaning of anger when greed is excessive. I love that this author tried something new.
2.  Fast Film 2003
As the title suggests, the story moves very quickly. Another image appears when the screen is folded, and when the image is folded like origami, another image appears. The unpredictable development was disconcerting, but also exciting. The artist projected images on all objects, even if it was not a TV, and made the story go well. It's a great show! I really wanted to make a video in this way. It was impressive that a tense scene could be produced only with paper. One of the works that inspire me.
3. Jan Svankmajer - Et Cetera
The characters in the video realize life in various ways. After learning to fly without wings, he learns to train a beast, and finally learns how to make his home wisely. I thought about the connection between title and content. What did the artist want to express? I wanted to interpret this work as small tips for human life. What stands out is the art style. I didn't use many colors, but the character had personality. In particular, it was not difficult to grasp the meaning because the artist gave it a meaning in black. It was a work that taught me another art style.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #9
1.  Studio Visit with Filmmaker Lewis Klahr
This is an interview with Lewis Klahr. He is an artist who cuts the manga to get the source and then recreates the animation using the collage technique. In this video, he teaches you how to create his work and shows him the process of applying his thoughts to animation. In order to understand the following two works, you can know the basic thoughts of the artist.
2.  Lewis Klahr - Pony Glass
A man meets a woman, falls in love, and engages in sexual intercourse. and lose a woman. And the man dresses up as a woman and meets a man and falls in love. The artist used the collage technique to show her story to the public, which was one of the new attempts at the time the artist was making this work. I thought it was great that the artist pioneered a new path in the field of media art, and that the emotions of the characters were well expressed even though it was a collage. However, there are parts that are difficult to understand in the middle of the video, so I will have to search more. It was work that provided another way to make a video.
3.  Lewis Klahr - Altair (1995)
A man and a woman observe altair through a telescope and share a fateful love. and they get married However, men fall for alcohol, women, and gambling, and women endure hard days with alcohol. And women are addicted to alcohol. Actually, this video was very difficult for me. It was difficult to know where to start interpreting. (It's still difficult.) I don't know how the number cards and pictures are related. However, since the contents of the beginning were understandable, I felt that the positioning of the sources was great.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #8
I saw an artwork where a man drew a basketball hoop on the floor that looked like a real basketball game lying on the floor. Also, I saw him drawing a picture on the wall and playing ping-pong. There is no limit to the expression of art. We have access to the floor, air, walls, and water that is always around us. Things we took for granted can become a medium to further maximize our thoughts. The artist would have wanted to show the above things. This work, which gave me another perspective, is amazing!
2.  "Pan With Us" by David Russo
I saw the same picture lying endlessly on the road. I've also seen several men stitch together photos taken using stop-motion technology to make paper birds look like real birds in flight. The power of continuity is amazing. Even a stationary object appears to be alive. And within that continuity, the artist breathes life into objects.
3.  “I Am (Not) van Gogh” by David Russo
The title was very interesting and I was looking forward to seeing the video. I felt that the artist who used paper similar to the previous video was amazing. First I saw a man draw a picture on paper and keep shooting it, bringing the picture to life. And while turning the cloth, I saw it as if it were opening a door to another dimension. It was so impressive and made me think again about the power of continuity of a stationary object.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #7
1.  RE-ANIMATED: ARRIVAL by Jakob Kudsk Steensen
I saw the island and the interior of the island made with 3D modeling. The voice continues to tell you the correct height. For example, the distance between the island and the sky above where I am located, or the distance from the ground to the top of a tree. The image was very monotonous because of the neat but not bright island atmosphere and accurate figures. And not long after humans arrived on this island, the birds suddenly disappeared. Perhaps the author wanted to inform about endangered animals?
2.  WE ARE OPPOSITE LIKE THAT, PART 2 by Himali Singh Soin
In this video, I saw a glacier, its broken appearance, ice crystals, and an alien in tinfoil. She seemed to represent the feelings of Glacier. There are ice and glaciers in the North and South Poles and they are melting at a rapid rate. What are people obsessed with? What do nature and man each pursue? I asked myself many questions. I think it is a work that can give deep meaning to the public by combining social issues with artistry.
3.  Artist : Aki Sasamotoin Art 21
If a human falls from an object, how will the object behave? I watched the glass spin alone on the table. At that time, the artist says that he finds an object that has found his own rhythm and space. I felt as though the object was given personality. And I focused more on the thing keeping spinning, rubbing against the air and making noises. What really surprised me was that the artist asked, 'Why do objects rotate in a circle when they turn in place?' This work gave me another artistic perspective. I would recommend this to anyone.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #6
1.  Copy Shop - by Virgil Widrich, 2001
A man wakes up in bed. He turns off the alarm, goes to the bathroom, washes his face, and then goes to the copy shop. While checking copies, he accidentally copies his own hands. And then he realized that his life was being copied on paper. After that, the main character continues to be duplicated, and the world is filled with the main character. The artist used the method of continuously repeating the photos from the beginning, giving the impression that his life was being copied. However, considering that the main character falls from a high place and dies at the end, the author seems to have wanted to appeal to the discomfort that comes from reckless copying.
2.  Meshes of the Afternoon – Maya Deren (1943)
It is a work with a dreamy atmosphere in which the main character's point of view changes in various ways. The protagonist sees his actions from a third person's point of view and predicts and acts on what will happen next. He constantly follows the nun and finds himself in a dreamlike world out of control. The woman who repeats the same behavior eventually dies, and the man finds it. I think the artist reveals the identity and desires that women have by changing their perspectives on women.
3.  Stan Brakhage, "Mothlight"
Literally, I saw the moth's wings, antennae, and legs. And this work quickly shows each part of the moth, leading to the belief that it is a moth. Since the title is moth light, I guess I was too hasty to guess that this must be a moth? From another point of view, it may not be a moth.
4.  Simbiosis Carnal
The artist expressed sexual desire in various ways. I've seen animals interacting, to how humans make love. Unlike animals, humans thought and interacted with more than just the act itself. For example, raising a baby or making lunch for your husband as a life after marriage. However, since this work focuses on the sexual act itself, what happens after that is a matter for later. The very cute illustrations and easy-to-understand primitive movements made me focus more on this video.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #5
1. Bill Viola: Cameras are soul keepers 
The author uses slow-motion techniques to induce viewers to think philosophically about the situation. Moreover, as you can see from the title of this video, the video is not just a record of a specific situation, but the soul of the situation itself. The camera is deeper and more detailed and captures everything behind the video. I was able to think more deeply about the video and the camera that shot it. Things I have always taken for granted become unnatural through these videos, and that gives me another inspiration.
2. Pipilotti Rist: We get used fast to constraints
I saw a chandelier made of panties and a wall of white objects. Also, the images that can be seen on TV are projected on the vase, and I could see the images as projected on various shapes rather than on a rectangular TV. We are constrained by so many things. What are the limits to what we can see and touch? Are there any limits to it in the first place? She made me see a new world, breaking my thoughts about the things I was used to. You are always an inspirational artist!
3. Pipilotti Rist Interview at ACCA
I was very impressed that the artist said at the beginning of the video, "People come to art museums with their bodies and souls. So I want to show them a new perspective." Moreover, I watched this video with anticipation from the beginning. I learned how she developed her work and how she approached video art. The images made with various colors and experiences of the artist become art in harmony with each other.
4.  Paul Pfeiffer in "Time"
The artist loops a specific part of the video to continuously show the same scene. I watched many scenes over and over and in the end one image remained in my head. Another time exists in the short looped video of 1-2 seconds, and it is so amazing that you can image it and accept it. The loop makes the human senses more detailed, and we can find another meaning in the repeated images that we take for granted.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #4
The artist shows three cases where time is urgent, making the viewer feel very tense and frustrated. Spaces and actions that transcend human limits, such as a lack of oxygen on the moon, a situation in which a leg was cut during the war, a situation in which a person fell into the water but was tied with a rope, make viewers adapt to the situation. But it was all a means to express the first kiss. The artist uses the above three situations to express the excitement of a young child before their first kiss and the heart after their first kiss. so awesome! Come to think of it, even my first kiss couldn't breathe as the artist expressed it. It will be one of the best moments of my life!
2.  The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)
Set in the Western era, a man enters a bar. The narrator tells the obvious story, but people communicate with the narrator and say they will not act as the obvious story. The story unfolds through constant communication between the narrator and people. I want this video to be subtitled Ballet of Death. People end up shooting each other and killing each other because of the narrator's words. And only women survive. It was an unnecessary gunfight because of the voice. Very fun and I recommend it to everyone!
3.  Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist
This is a video explaining the considerations of people living in space. I was able to see artistic images of the universe and planets while watching this video. It also gave people an opportunity to think about where they came from and where they are going, why they should live, and what it means to live. The artist shows us the universe, a vast and unknown world, and defines us as wanderers. How do wanderers who live and die short lives compared to the universe live despite their short lives?
4.  Luis | Future Shorts
The technique of cleaning the room when a voice blew in the wind or cleaning the sofa when the shouting was peculiar. I felt terrified and creepy throughout watching the video. Also, it was so amazing that the picture about the story was drawn on the wall and that the artist used the stop motion technique. It really inspired me a lot. Did this video express the artist's angry inner self? It was very scary, but it was interesting!
5.  Maybe One Day | Future Shorts
In our daily routine that repeats itself, at least once in our lives, we think of what we want to do someday. At the beginning of the video, the expressionless protagonist, who lives a repeating daily life, makes very different expressions when imagining the day he wants. The protagonist inspires himself and achieves it in his head. This video expresses a day that people want to live at least once in line with busy modern people.
6.  Losers | Future Shorts
This is a video about the bullying issue. A true loser is the one who is bullied, not the one being bullied. The perpetrator hurts their hearts by saying bad things to the victim. The power of words is strong. You can completely change a person's life or take control of that person's mind. Perpetrators take the act lightly because they are only having fun or attacking a target to unleash their anger. But by doing that, you become a loser.
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #3
1.  Window by Peter Greenaway
I admired the very calm and peaceful scenery through the window. A child was sitting on the window sill and the cattle were grazing. However, a narration different from the peaceful scenery was heard. I thought I heard it wrong, so I searched this video again on YouTube and checked the English subtitles. But I understood the narration correctly, and then I thought that the scenery and the narration did not go well together. And I wondered why the author expressed it this way. The author tells about a case in which a person dies by falling from a window. To be honest, it was difficult to know the true meaning of this work just by looking at the video. However, after watching this video more than three times, I searched for the work and found out that it had implications for the killing of political prisoners in South Africa. The artist expressed that fact artistically. SO amazing!
2.  Lost Book Found by Jem Cohen (video review) 
I saw New York back alleys, streets overflowing with garbage, and vendors selling things. The artist showed the appearance of New York with the narration of a quiet voice. In particular, he made me feel that New York is the center of capitalism by fast-forwarding skills for showing roads in NY. In particular, the scene of a man smoking in a car and throwing a cigarette butt on the floor, and then sweeping it right away, shows the contrasting reality of capitalism.
3. “La jetée” by Chris Marker
The artist gave me the feeling of watching a video by attaching the photos. In particular, I was able to focus on the woman's blinking eyes when the real video came out in the middle and the background music stopped. I saw a man time travel through numerous scenes repeated. The story begins at the boarding point and ends at the same place, but in the end, the man could not get married to the woman. I felt great that the author made a science fiction short film using a place that impressed him during his childhood.
4. Ilha Das Flores (1989) (Island of Flowers)
The mammalian woman used flowers to make perfume and sold the perfume to buy tomatoes and pork which are also mammals. A group called a family is where two mammals meet to make more mammals. They eat pork and have tomato sauce. However, tomatoes that have not been used as a sauce become garbage, and such garbage collects to form a garbage mountain. But the poor again find their food and money from the rubbish heap. Social issues were interpreted through video through the artist's own artistic logic. I was amazed the whole time watching this video. How did you artistically express such a sensitive and chronic problem?
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Tumblr media
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jenn-art-station · 2 years
Weekly Video Review #2
1. Gong by Maria Antolini
The power of background music is amazing! I saw a peaceful village first and I heard a sweet melody of a music box. However, the artist put some snails in the village and at the same time changed it to a piece of religious background music, creating a gloomy and scary feeling. The artist's intention to change the mood through music was revealed in this work, and it was successful!
2. Photocopy Cha Cha (Choreography for Copy Machine) [Sundance 2001]
I first saw the photos as if they were taken by people standing on top of a printer. They had various facial expressions and poses, especially by repeating one video to match the tempo of the music. The artist created a video similar to the exciting background music and its beat to create a work in which the video and the music harmonize as the title suggests. His work is amazing!
3. Pipilotti Rist Interview: Freeing the Wonderlight
When I saw this work, my curiosity did not disappear. I got a funny shock when I saw the camera go into a woman's mouth and come out through her asshole. (Actually, I've thought about it this way, but I didn't try it.) I felt like I was going on an adventure in search of the end of art while caring for my own path. This artist is the person who has had the greatest influence on my artistic thought. Thanks to this artist, I was able to know which part to focus on when appreciating the work.
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jenn-art-station · 3 years
Weekly Video Review #1
1. South Africa - Mohau Modisakeng - Passage - Venice Biennale 2017
First, I watched this video without language, so at that moment, I found a black man lying down on the boat but, sometimes twisting up his body or swimming. It was hard to get the point of the artist. However, the second time I watched this video, I finally knew he wanted to express his culture related to slaves but also the human life from birth to death. It's amazing artwork that could convey two or more messages simultaneously.
2.  Richard Mosse: The Impossible Image
I saw a world covered in pink. As I kept looking at the color pink, it felt very strange even though it was my favorite color. In particular, with the civil war in South Africa as the background, the atmosphere of the work was even more strange. I don't know their language, but I can feel the world they live in. The artist creates discomfort through color, making viewers think deeply about the problems of Africa. What makes me so uncomfortable? Finally, I felt that the power of color was great.
3.  Review Korean artist: Kimsooja
https://art21.org/watch/art-in-the-twenty-first-century/s5/kimsooja-in-systems-segment/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3Dq9dNmE-I
Colorful wrapping clothes (Bottari) caught my eyes. I like that she was trying to express her culture and background with traditional clothing. It's amazing artwork that she's connecting with her thoughts and reality through sewing the clothes!
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