jeorgeastar · 12 years
“Suicide is a fundamental human right. This does not mean that it is morally desirable. It only means that society does not have the moral right to interfere”
- Thomas Szasz
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
How to braid your hair:
Wet hair
Comb through
Separate at the part
Draw a pentagram on the floor
Perform blood sacrifice
Offer up your soul to the devil
Chant ancient Latin conjuration spell
Summon Satan
Ask Satan to braid your hair
you guys will never learn how to do things on your own if you summon Satan for every simple task. I think he babies you too much, to be honest.
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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I must always reblog this.
Everything here is shippable. Even I'm shippable; But that, dear children, is self insertion, and is in fact frowned upon in most fandoms.
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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“Continue to share your heart with people even if it’s been broken “- Amy Poehler
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
you’re standing on a life-sized map
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
I'm an asshole. . .
... after multiple suicides in my old hometown, they're all making Facebook statuses and things to support each other... And I just want to correct their spelling and grammar...
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
You know what I really like about Tumblr?
Who ever wrote their home page knew the difference between “login” and “log in.”  This pleases me greatly.
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
the sexual tension between you and a game still in its plastic wrap
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
are you attractive because you are a musician
or are you a musician because you’re attractive
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
they forgot internet explorer 
he’s still loading
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jeorgeastar · 12 years
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134K notes · View notes
jeorgeastar · 12 years
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