jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Auflösung und Abwicklung des LBB Invest Dachfonds Stratego Grund ...
via grp rainer google news http://www.ptext.de/nachrichten/aufloesung-abwicklung-lbb-invest-dachfonds-stratego-grund-kapitalmarktrecht-655488
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
GRP Rainer LLP - Due to disparities that must be... | Facebook
via GRP Rainer LLP's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/
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RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Rechtsprechungsänderung zur Aufrechnung im Insolvenzverfahren
via Düsseldorf GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://bit.ly/WczP86
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Das kostenlose Presseportal Pressekat.de - Pressemitteilungen kostenlos verffentlichen.
via Pressemitteilungen GRP Rainer LLP, Teste GRP Rainer LLP, Nachrichten GRP Rainer LLP. http://www.pressekat.de/index.php?_B=firmen&firma=GRP+Rainer+LLP RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Maklerkosten können unter Umständen Werbungskosten darstellen- Steuerrecht - GRP Rainer LLP Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater
via Delicious/grprainerllp http://previous.delicious.com/grprainerllp
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RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Die Fotokopie eines Testaments kann als Nachweis der Erbeneigenschaft genügen
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/die-fotokopie-eines-testaments-kann-als-nachweis-der-erbeneigenschaft-genuegen_032851.html
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Zur Frage des Pfändungsschutzes von privaten Lebensversicherungen in der Ansparphase
via München GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/zur-frage-des-pfaendungsschutzes-von-privaten-lebensversicherungen-in-der-ansparphase_028747.htmlRSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Haftung von GbR-Gesellschaftern geschlossener Immobilienfonds für Altschulden durch BGH bestätigt | Bankrecht & Kapitalmarktrecht
via Berlin GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/autoren.php?autor=115035 RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Erfreuliche Urteile des Bundesgerichtshofs für Anleger in Sachen Clerical Medical
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/erfreuliche-urteile-des-bundesgerichtshofs-fuer-anleger-in-sachen-clerical-medical_029996.html
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Employment relationship with transferred employee despite transfer agreement - Employment Law
An employment relationship with the host business can be assumed under certain circumstances despite any transfer agreement.
GRP Rainer Lawyers Tax Advisors, Cologne, Berlin, Bonn, Bremen, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and London www.grprainer.com/en explain: The Regional Labour Court of Hamm (LAG) ruled in its judgment of July 24, 2013 (Az.: 3 Sa 1749/12) that an employment relationship exists with the host business despite an employee being transferred on the basis of a services framework agreement if the employee is integrated into the business and the supplying company does not possess the necessary authority for the transfer of employees. The decision was based on circumstances according to which the claimant was in an employment relationship at a cleaning company. This cleaning company had concluded a services framework agreement with the defendant. The claimant was deployed by the cleaning firm in the defendant’s facility-management sector. A written agreement was first reached two years later. With the defendant, the claimant was provided with a fully equipped workplace, as well as equipment and work clothes resembling those of the defendant’s other employees. The claimant sought to establish with his claim that the employment relationship was not with the cleaning firm but rather with the defendant. The labour court granted the claim. The defendant’s appeal was rejected by the LAG. An employment relationship with the host business can exist despite an employee being transferred on the basis of a services framework agreement if the employee is integrated into the company and the supplying business does not possess the necessary authority for the transfer of employees. The business plan is decisive for the demarcation of the types of contract, which can be determined from the agreements of the contractual parties, as well as from the practical execution of the contract. The claimant’s employment should not be included in the framework agreement. In today’s working world, the temporary provision of labour has assumed an important role. The reason for this is that businesses are hereby able to reduce their own financial risks and gain flexibility. In the case of time or temporary work, an employer, the supplier, lends his employees to another business, the hirer. The temporary employee thus becomes active in the hirer’s business. However, the employment relationship between the employee and the employer as supplier continues to exist. In individual cases, there may be exceptions to keep in mind. For this reason, the legal advice of a lawyer versed in labour law should be sought at an early stage. http://www.grprainer.com/en/Temporary-Employment.html
Lawyers.com Blog
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Urlaubsanspruch im Öffentlichen Dienst nicht altersabhängig
via Düsseldorf GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/urlaubsanspruch-im-oeffentlichen-dienst-nicht-altersabhaengig_026628.html
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Klage gegen fehlerhafte Aufsichtsratsbeschlüsse möglich – Gesellschaftsrecht
via grp rainer google news http://bit.ly/18ZSd8z
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
http://www.grprainer.com/Steuerrecht.html Die Fahrtkosten von Flugpersonal zwisc...
http://www.grprainer.com/Steuerrecht.html Die Fahrtkosten von Flugpersonal zwischen Wohnung und Einsatzflughafen können in voller Höhe abgesetzt werden. GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater, Köln, Berlin, Bonn, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, … Flugpersonal kann Fahrtkosten in voller Höhe geltend machen – Steuerrecht via GRP Rainer LLP Bonn's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/GRPrainer.Bonn/posts/674636909232665
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Tödliche Erkrankung im Endstadium begründet keine Testierunfähigkeit
Ad: Over $ 1,000,000 Paid Out In 2013! Highest $ /sale On CB … - Google Sniper - Over $ 5 Million In 2011-13. Shocking 14 Percent Refund Rate, $ 140 Average To You Per Sale, Huge Daily Contests, And Rebill Commissions For Life. Promote The Hottest Offer On CB Now. See Video Proof: http://bit.ly/MADDIp
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://bit.ly/1eyX8Pa RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Tödliche Erkrankung im Endstadium begründet keine Testierunfähigkeit
Ad: Over $ 1,000,000 Paid Out In 2013! Highest $ /sale On CB ... - Google Sniper - Over $ 5 Million In 2011-13. Shocking 14 Percent Refund Rate, $ 140 Average To You Per Sale, Huge Daily Contests, And Rebill Commissions For Life. Promote The Hottest Offer On CB Now. See Video Proof: Http://gsniper2.com/affiliates
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/toedliche-erkrankung-im-endstadium-begruendet-keine-testierunfaehigkeit_047958.html
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
Tödliche Erkrankung im Endstadium begründet keine Testierunfähigkeit | Erbrecht
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/autoren.php?autor=115037
Tags: IFTTT Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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jeremiah9gyles · 11 years
LBB Invest: Dachfonds Stratego Grund wird aufgelöst und abgewickelt | Bankrecht & Kapitalmarktrecht
via Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater http://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/autoren.php?autor=115037
Tags: IFTTT Köln GRP Rainer Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater
RSSMix.com Mix ID 3598442
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