jerseymichaels · 7 months
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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well….it finally happened
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
I hope Rooster Teeth immediately crumbles and shuts down the moment season 19 drops so the company starts and ends with rvb like a cursed amulet that drains your life force and corrupts your mind
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
I have… a lot of complicated thoughts and feelings about RT shutting down that I honestly don’t think I can articulate properly right now.
I just want to say, I am so grateful for the community who took me in when it didn’t feel like anyone would. For a while, RT felt like home. The community felt like home. I made dear friends that even today… feel like home. There’s many days that I look back on that I feel like I might not have gotten through if I didn’t have RT to fall back on.
Also, now isn’t the time for your disagreements with RT. Now is the time to support a bunch of people who just lost their jobs, their livelihoods, who are feeling very lost right now. For their sake, just leave it be for a little while. Give them time to mourn and grieve.
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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While finishing up the piece with the dragon spawn I made studies to catch ascended Astarion character essence ✍️ Here’s one of them:
Astarion the Ascended 🖤
#astarion #baldursgate3 #bg3 #larianstudios
The video of the process is in edit 💪
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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the rite (and wrong) of profane ascension
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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Careful, I bite
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jerseymichaels · 7 months
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Every friend group should include...
My take on this post but with the Baldurs Gate 3 companions
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
Hi friends :)
I wanted to come on here and say that I don’t think I’ll be very active on this blog anymore (she says as if this blog hasn’t been practically inactive for months). I already have a personal blog that I use often, and I just don’t really have the same interest in AH/RT stuff especially now that AH is over. I’m sure I’ll revisit from time to time to check in and reblog the occasional nostalgic AH gifset when I’m feeling sappy (so most of the time) or something, but otherwise… yeah. I don’t know. It just feels like it might be time to move on a bit. I might change my mind at some point, but this is where I’m at for now.
If you want to see my posts regularly, follow me at my personal blog @kaykayparade. I regularly post about The Last Of Us and Star Wars, but also just a bunch of random stuff that makes me feel something.
And lastly… Thank you for everything. You’ve all been absolutely wonderful. My life has been made all the better for having this blog and interacting with so many of you. AH and this community is a part of me for life. All the love. 💚🖤
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
one unintentional upside to this is that maybe, people will finally stop asking when ray is coming back to achievement hunter
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
I spent over a decade of my life watching Achievement Hunter. I’ve been there for the very high highs and the veeeery low lows. I haven’t watched their new content in a while, but this news certainly made my heart ache a little.
I met some of my greatest friends because of AH. I met and got engaged to the love of my life. I laughed so much, and made so many memories (especially RTX 2022). I found a place that for a long time I called a home. I am so grateful for that.
I am glad that everyone has found the freedom and ability to do what truly calls to them. I hope that Alfredo, Trevor, Joe and Michael find immense success in DogBark.
It feels like I’m in mourning, even though I felt I moved on from the AH channel a while ago.
What a ride.
Woof (literally)
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
Achievement Hunter is changing and we're taking you with us
As you may have noticed, Achievement Hunter has gone through a number of changes this year. We’ve grown a bit smaller as our cast has moved on to work on exciting new ventures, including Inside Gaming and VTubing. Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of Dogbark, a new content group featuring Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Trevor Collins, and Joe Lee. 
Rooster Teeth is at its best when employees have been given the opportunity to pursue new creative passions. Fifteen years ago, this meant giving Geoff the ability to create Achievement Hunter. And today, this means letting the Achievement Hunter cast move on to new creative projects.
Over the last few years, this has allowed our cast to put time into creating F**kface, ANMA, Red Web, Face Jam, and more. More recently, Jack and BK have put their efforts into streaming at Inside Gaming, Lindsay has begun exploring Vtubing as Ruby, and Ky is producing multiple projects, including some of those listed above.
With all of our new focuses, this means we will not be actively creating content for the Achievement Hunter channel. Let’s Play will also look a little bit different moving forward, but we can assure you that it’s not going anywhere, and it’s in great hands.
But why Dogbark, and not just new shows under the Achievement Hunter banner? At this point in our creative careers, we have grown as both people and as entertainers. Much like how early Achievement Hunter evolved from video game guides to Let’s Plays, we’re looking to take Dogbark in a bold new direction that is more heavily focused on improv and sketch comedy. It’s new. It’s fun. It’s weird. And it’s such a departure from what Achievement Hunter has been that we feel Dogbark is truly its own thing.
We’re very excited to share these projects with all of you, and we really do hope you’ll enjoy all the new content we have in store. Through the years, we’ve reached heights we never thought possible–from Haunter to the Hardcore series, from RTX Panels to AH Live Tours. Whether you joined us back in 2008 or 2023, we couldn’t have done this without you. We have been met with so much support as we’ve grown and changed over the years, and we can’t thank you enough for that.
We know this news might be shocking and saddening for you. It’s bittersweet. On one hand, we’re saying “See you later” to a truly indescribable brand. On the other, we’re getting to pursue new passions, explore, test ourselves as creators, and that’s an incredibly exciting experience. It’s hard to do the same thing for our whole lives, and we shouldn’t have to. But, just because we’re not a part of AH anymore doesn’t mean that we didn’t appreciate the time spent there, or with you.
It’s okay to be sad; it’s okay to take time to process. After, when you’re ready, come join us over at Inside Gaming, F**kface, RWBY’s Twitch, Dogbark, Red Web, Face Jam, ANMA, and So…Alright. We’ll be waiting for you.
To watch our full video on this, check out this link: https://youtu.be/YVgACDwlgq0 To learn more about our future projects, check out the links below. 
Dogbark - www.youtube.com/@dogbarkshow || /www.instagram.com/dogbarkshow/
F**kface - www.youtube.com/@fckfacepod || twitter.com/FuckFacePod
Inside Gaming -www.twitch.tv/roosterteeth || www.youtube.com/@insidegaming
RWBY Twitch - www.twitch.tv/rwby_vt
We’ve anticipated your questions and have created an FAQ below that will hopefully provide answers.
Where are [insert the AH person you are looking for] going?
Honestly, nowhere. They’re still here at Rooster Teeth, but are jumping into new exciting opportunities that bring them joy and passion.Geoff and Gavin are focusing on F**kface, Jack and BK are streaming over with Inside Gaming, Lindsay is launching a RWBY Vtubing Twitch, and Ky is producing these projects. Michael, Trevor, Alfredo, and Joe are excited to announce their new project, Dogbark, which launches 10/2.
Does this mean AH content is going away?
Nope. It’ll exist in perpetuity online. Both on Rooster Teeth Site and Apps as well as the AH YouTube channel.
Will AH ever return?
Think of it like your favorite band going on hiatus. We don’t want to close the door completely and turn off all the lights. There’s always the chance that One Direction will come back.
Is Let’s Play content and channel going away?
Also nope! But stay tuned, you might recognize who will start showing up (and reshowing up) there.
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
Woof (literally)
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
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jerseymichaels · 1 year
Oh! Another fun thing I forgot to mention in what I’ve been up to: I made a promise/resolution to listen to an album a day this year. I failed at it in 2020 after about a month.
I’m 144 albums/almost 5 full months in this year and still going strong :)
If for whatever reason you’d like to know what albums I’ve been listening to/what my favorite song from each was, I’ve been keeping a little Spotify playlist:
And if you have any album suggestions for me, please feel free to send them! I’m planning them ahead so that I’ll be more likely to keep listening, and I’m only through 2/3rds of June 🤦🏻‍♀️
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