jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet Evaluation
Strengths and Weaknesses as a group
Strengths - i think that we worked well as a team to get everything setup for each performance as they were always well done and ready at least an hour, maybe more, before the performance which was good as it was ready for the performance so we wasn't holding anything up and we was prepared throughout the performance.
Another strength would be that we found props and costumes well as we did it all quite fast to say that there is a lot of us. We helped eachother out by trying things on and seeing if they looked good and fitted your character and if it didn't we would pass it on to the next person. The people who were on costume were very helpful in the sense that they organized what we needed and took out sixes for our costumes. I think that with props everyone helped with that as we all went out to get something and the people who were on props were very organised with what props were needed in which scene.
Another strength would be when we were auditioning for roles. I feel as if we all came prepared with something and we all supported each other and helped each other learn lines and made sure that everyone was ok. When we did call back i feel as if everyone got on well with their partner and made sure that they all knew what they were doing and i think that we all took it very seriously as we all wanted the part we auditioned for and we worked hard for our roles.
The final strength would be that, as a whole, we worked very well all together whether it be helping learn lines or getting into costumes or filling in for people that were there so we could get the scene blocked. We also worked well together when we were blocking scenes as we all got along naturally beforehand so it wasn't awkward when we had to perform in front of the other are work with anyone because we are all comfortable with each other which made it easier to work as a team.
Weaknesses - i feel like we could have managed our time better as we hadn't properly had a full run through of the whole play at the venue until the day of the performance. I feel like we spent longer on some scenes that we needed to and we could've used that time for something else and use the time more effectively. We also used up a lot of time on the first act which didn't leave a lot of time for the seconds and we didn't have a run through of the second act whereas we did have a run through of the first one and i feel like it made us less confident on the second act over the first.
Another weakness would be that at the start of the project i feel like we weren't as concentrated and focused at the start as we thought that we had a long time to get it finished but in reality we didn't. I feel like this did improve throughout the process of it but i don't think that we were completely focused until the actual day of the show where we knew that we had to be professional and we had to do a good performance as we were being marked on it.
The final weakness would be that again at the start of the whole process, we did really do much with our tech roles until halfway through, this was because of the fact that most of the people were in scenes in the beginning which meant that our tech roles didn't have a lot of work to them which meant that we had more work to do when we weren't in scenes.
If you had more time what would you do differently to make the piece and your overall experience better?
I think that i would try and manage my time better and made sure that i knew my lines a few weeks before the show so that i wasn't stressing beforehand about them. I also would also sit and watch all of the scenes so i knew what scene was where instead of only knowing my scenes. I would also of likes to have more run throughs of the play so that i was more confident when performing as we only had one full run through with costume and everything. I would've also liked more time spent on the fights as we only had one lesson on stage fighting and then we had to make up our own fights with out partner and we never really had anytime to do that and i feel as if it made the scene look less effective.
What do you plan to do differently in the next project?
I would like to have a bigger role in the next project as i didn't have a big role in this. I feel as if i am confident enough to take on a bigger role in the next project. I would also go for a character which is different to the ones i've played as both of the characters in which i have played, Columbina and Sampson, we very similar and there wasn't many differences between them I would also learn my lines well in advance of the show so that i am more confident with them. I would like to have more run throughs of it before the show so that not just me but everyone is more confident with it.
Explain who the target audience might be for the play
I think that it is a wide range which could go from teenagers who are maybe studying the play in school or friends of the actors to middle aged people who are the parents of the actors or interested in Shakespeare or pensioners who could be the grandparents of the actors or because it is an old fashioned love story and they are interested in watching it to see how it has changed.
Evaluate each skill, vocal, physical, characterisation. What was good? What could be improved? If you had more time how would you improve this skill.
I think that i projected my voice well and it was clear so the audience could hear what i was saying very clearly. I also think that my tone of voice was good throughout the performance and helped me develop my character. I think that i could've been a bit slower with my lines as sometimes i rushed them because i was nervous and i wanted to get them out so that i could move onto the next line. This happened at the start in the first performance when it was just me and Olivia, i think that it was because i was nervous and didn't want to mess up. I would improve this by learning my lines in advance to the performance which would make me more confident with them. I would also have more run throughs of the scene which would also make me more confident with them.i think that my gestures and use of tension were good as it made the scenes more believable in the first scene. I also think that my over exaggeration was good in the third scene where i am to run in and tell Lady Capulet some news.I think that i could’ve made my gestures and movement more exaggerated in the last scene as i felt like i could've done more to make the scene more exciting to watch and maybe doing bigger gestures would’ve helped that.
Vocal - strengths
I think that my projection was good and that the audience could hear everything that i said.
I think that my voice was clear and well spoken and that every word i said was clearly heard.
I think that my tone of voice was good as experimented with it a bit when in rehearsal and i think it helped with my character development.
I rushed my lines in the first scene which i think made it less effective and the scene then looked rushed.
I think sometimes the emotion in my voice was not clear for example the last scene in which i was a watchman.
I think that i could've had a character voice so that it didn't sound like it was me it sounded as if it was Sampson or the Watchman.
Physical - strengths
I think that my gestures in the first scene were good as i thought that they were comedic and added to the scene
I think that my use of tension was good in the first scene when i was getting in Tia’s, Abram, face.
I think that my over exaggeration was good in the third scene in which i came in running to tell Evie, Lady Capulet, some news.
I think that i could’ve made my gestures bigger in the last scene so that they were more clear.
I also think that i could’ve made my movement better in the last scene as i didn't really use it much.
I think that i could’ve used more coded gestures throughout the performance to show the audience what i was feeling.
Compare and contrast the style of acting used in Romeo and Juliet with the style of acting used in Commedia Dell’ Arte.
I think that the styles were quite similar in the sense that they both had kind of the same story line but it was performed differently. Commedia used masks which was a technique in which we had to get used to as we had to learn to rely on our body language more as the use of our facial expressions were hidden whereas in Shakespeare we didn't have masks and we could use our facial expressions. I think that because The Dutchess Mislaid was performed more as a comedy than a tragedy like Romeo and Juliet it made the acting styles different as we had to be more serious in Romeo and Juliet. Both of my characters from both of the performances we extremely similar in the sense that they were both the servants, they were both the ones who wanted to have a laugh and they were both they ones who were sexual the only difference that there clearly was, was that they were different genders. I think that the acting styles from Commedia really helped me with the acting styles with Shakespeare as they were quite similar in the sense of vocal demands and physical demands.
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jess-salt · 7 years
Research Report
Greek Tragedy
Greek Tragedy is a form of theatre from Ancient Greece and became most popular in Athens in the 5th century BC, the works of which are sometimes referred to as Attic Tragedy. It has influenced the theatre of Ancient Rome and Renaissance. The themes within Greek Tragedy are universal and anybody can relate to them. Many Greek Tragedies are set in a day, it is similar to a soap opera as the themes and relationships are similar.
We studied the text ‘Electra’ which was written by Sophocles and it is considered as one of his successful plays. Electra is based off the story of Electra and her brother Orestes and the revenge they are getting on their mother, Clytemnestra, and their step-father, Aegisthus, who killed their father, Agamemnon, in the aftermath of the Trojan War. It is set in the city of Argos a few years after the Trojan War. Even though nobody knows the exact date of which Electra was written, it has been thought that it was written and performed around 409 BC which would mean that Sophocles was in his eighties. At this time, the Greek states were at war with one another, Peloponnesian War. The city-state of Athens had established itself as the dominant region. Following its decisive role in the defeat of die Persians in the battle of Salamis in 480 BC.
For vocal requirements in Electra, there is a chorus which means that the people who are in the chorus would have to speak in sync with one another. As the play was performed outside, you would have to project your voice in order for the audience to be able to hear what you are saying. You also have to make sure that your voice fits your characters, for example if you were playing Electra, the way our group did it was the girl who played Electra had quite a soft voice but when she became angry you could still hear the softness in her voice. If you were to perform this as a modern day actor you would need to take into consideration your costume, vocal demands, gestures and language analysis. For costume you would need to dress according to how they dressed when the play was performed, for example they normally wore baggy clothes which were very basic colours like white, black and beige. If your costume hit the floor you would have to be careful so that you wouldn't trip over it. You would also have to figure out a way in which it would cover up your body language. I have already explained the vocal demands but you would have to project your voice throughout as you would normally be performing it outside so you would have to make sure that you voice is nice and clear for the audience to be able to hear you. As for gestures, the need to be over the top as that's how they performed it when it came out. Your gestures need to be over the top especially if you're in the chorus as you are the ones who like to make a big deal out of things and you are the gossip people so everything you do needs to be over the top. Finally, language analysis, to make sure that you have a clear understanding of the whole text, it's a good idea to have a read through and analyse your lines so you know what your character is talking about and so you know what facial expressions to use and what gestures to use as well. If you are in the chorus you need to make your actions big and over the top and always make sure that you are reacting to everything that is being said as the chorus is like the gossip people who want to know anything and everything. I also think that for if you're not in the chorus you movements need to be over the top.
Melodrama is a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions. A melodramatic story consists of the plot line of good versus evil and good always wins. It began in the 18th century and it was a technique of combining spoken recitation with short pieces of accompanying music. The first full melodrama was written in 1762 and was first staged in 1770 in Lyon.
We studied the text ‘London Assurance’ which was originally called ‘Out of Town’ and was written by Dion Boucicault and this was his second play but it was his first to be produced. It was first performed on the 4th march 1841 at the Theatre Royal. It all about a girl called Grace Harkaway who is commanded, by her uncle, to marry Sir Hardcourt Courtly. She then meets and falls in love with this gentleman's son, Charles, who has been posing as a student, but in reality a roysterer and one of the gayest young bloods in town. Young Courtly and his friend, Dazzle, plan with Lady Gay Spanker, a belle and noted huntsman, to draw out Sir Hardcourt, who has fallen in love with her, so that Grace may be free to marry who she loves. Sir Hardcourt believing that Lady Gay reciprocates the affection, plan to elope her. Grace’s uncle overhears their conversation and indignity changes his plans regarding Grace who is permitted to marry Charles. Sir Hardcourt discovers that he has been made a fool of by Lady Gay Spanker, who returns to her husband with the combined thanks of the happy couple.
As it was performed inside and they didn't have mics, they would have to project their voices so that everyone on the audience would be able to hear everything that they are saying. When we performed a part of the text we and we  sure that what we said was was very well spoken and that our diction was really good. If you were to perform this as a modern day actor you would need to take into consideration costume, vocal demands, gestures, and language analysis. For your costume you would need to dress appropriate to the era which would be long dresses, for women, if you were a maid it would be a long black dress with a white pinafore over the top, is you were higher class it would be a dress which had colour and looked more higher class that a maids dress. As for men it would normally be black trouser a shirt, waistcoat and a jacket. You would have to make sure that you got used to your costume and use it in your advantage with your gestures and movement. As for vocal demands, as i mentioned before, you will need to project your voice and make sure that you have good diction. For gestures, depending on your character, you will need to make them big and noticeable, make sure that the gestures that you do do fit you character and positively affect your performance. For language analysis, make sure you go through and read each of your lines carefully so you know what your character is saying and you know what gestures to do and how you are going to say the line. It also helps you develop your character, if you know what you character is saying and know what each line means it will help you with they way you want your character to come across to the audience and help how you're going to do it.
William Shakespeare was born on the 26th April 1564 and died 23rd April 1616. He was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English Language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist. He has written 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems and lots more. Most of his best known work was produced between 1589 and 1613. In the 20th and the 21st centuries, his works have been repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship performance. His plays remain highly popular and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political throughout the world.
We studied the text ‘Romeo and Juliet’ which was written around 1594 and 1596 and was first published in an unauthorized quarto in 1597. It is set in Verona and tells the story of two people, Romeo and Juliet, whose families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have had an ongoing feud. Juliet is being forced to marry Paris but she doesn’t want to. Lord Capulet then holds a ball in which Romeo finds out about and then sees juliet and they fall in love. They then get married in secret and plan to run away together. Juliet then drinks a sleeping potion that sends her into a deep sleep to make it look as if she has died but Romeo never gets the letter and then when he goes to see her, he drinks poison and dies next to her. Juliet then wakes up and sees Romeo dead next to her and kills herself with his dagger.
As it was performed outside you would need to project your voice so that you could be heard and sometimes the crowd would talk over the performance, try to leave or even join in they would need to raise their voice so that they could be heard over everyone else. They would also have good diction and clear voices when speaking. If you were to perform this as a modern day actor you would need to take into consideration costume, vocal demands, gestures, and language analysis. For costume you need to make sure that it fits the time period, for example all of the women would wear long dresses which would compliment their figure, the maids would wear a long black dress and a white pinafore over the top. The men would wear trousers, a shirt and a waistcoat and if they were upper class they would maybe wear a jacket over the top. You would have to make sure that you were comfortable with your costume and that you could walk in it how your character would and be able to use your gestures and movement effectively when in your costumes. As for vocal demands, as i have mentioned before, you will have to project your voice as this piece of text would normally be performed outside. You will also have to have good diction as in the text the higher class characters would have good diction as they would have been taught well. As for gestures, the gestures that you would use would have to fit to your character and what they say. Language analysis, you will need to have a read through of you lines so that you understand what your character is saying and so you understand what is going on in the scene.
I think that all of the texts in which we studied all have their similarities and differences between them. I think that in terms of language analysis, if you were to do one of them as a modern day actor you would need to do the same for each text which would be to read it through the text and make sure that you understand each line which your character is saying which will help you develop your character. Greek Tragedy and Shakespeare was always performed outside unlike Melodrama so Greek Tragedy and Shakespeare have similar vocal demands as you would have to project your voice so that you could be heard, i think you needed to do this more with Shakespeare than with Greek Tragedy as when people would perform Shakespeare people would be talking over them and they would get louder which would cause them to rant on stage, people would also try and leave or even join in when they were performing which would also cause them to rant on stage. This contrasts with Melodrama as people would sit and watch, this was because it was performed in a theatre rather than outside. I think that the styles of Melodrama and Shakespeare are similar in the fact that, from the texts we did, both girls were being forced to marry someone whom they didn’t love and they fell in love with someone who they weren't supposed to. The style of Greek Tragedy i think is quite different, from the text we studied, as it has a chorus which are always on stage which didn't happen in Melodrama or Shakespeare. It also has more of a different storyline from the other two as the Greek Tragedy text we studied had a revenge type storyline which the other two did not they had a romantic storyline. I think that overall all of the texts have similarities with at least one of the other texts and they also have differences which i think shows that through the year there is a little bit of them all in different plays which have been carried through time.
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jess-salt · 7 years
Dance Blog 4
What did we do?
In today's lesson we started out by instead of doing our normal warm up we did a circuit which consists of 8 different exercises and we had a set amount of time in which we had to do them and we were put into pairs. The exercises included squats, lunges, skipping, sit ups, punches etc. Instead of just going to the next station we had to run around all of the stations to get out blood pumping even more. After this we went on to do our technique exercises, this included jumps, tendu, pirouettes, kicks on the floor and from the corner etc. after this we had a small break so we could go and get something to drink and eat. After the break we went on to doing the Bob Fosse routine that we've been doing, i was put into a different part of the choreography as to what i was in before because i am a little bit taller than the rest of the girls who are in that part. We then learn more of the choreography and we went over it a couple of time as we wouldn't be doing it again for a couple of weeks as we are rehearsing for our play, Romeo and Juliet. At the end of the session we did a cool down so that our muscles won’t ache the next day and so that we could slow down our heart rate.
Skills used throughout the dance
Through the dance we use a range of different skills which allow us to perform the dance correctly. For example we need concentration and coordination for when we move to the side moving our feet inwards and outwards which are helping us travel to the side. We need timing and rhythm for when we are making a square and we have to all come up at the same time to the beat in the song. We need balance and core strength for when we are on one leg and our other is rested on the inside of out leg and and arm are stretched out. We need flexibility,  timing and spatial awareness for when we quickly go down so that our back is straight, like a table top. I think that using these skills has made me a better dancer as and i am improving these skills each lesson as i am practicing them every week. For example, my flexibility has improved since we first started as at the start i wasn't very flexible and now after doing the stretched to cool down my flexibility has improved and i can now almost do the splits. I think that i have improved each skill throughout the time that we have been doing it and i now have a better understanding of the skills and how to use them properly whilst doing the exercises.
Professionalism throughout the session
I think that my professionalism in this sessions was good as i showed up on time wearing the correct clothing and i brought a bottle of water to keep me hydrated. I also came with my hair out of my face and a notebook and a pen to write down important things which happened in the session, for example feedback.
Strengths and Areas for Development
- i think that in this session i was very focused on everything that we did. I think that i was focused especially when we were learning new parts of the dance routine as i was listening to everything which was said and i was focused on learning the new routine.
- Another strength would be my flexibility as i think that it has improved massively since the beginning and i think that it has really shown throughout the sessions, for example during the kicks from the corner and on the floor and when we are stretching. Another example would be, as i mentioned before, at the start of these sessions i wasn't very flexibly but now after doing the cool down stretches and the warm up stretches i am close to being able to do the splits.
- My final strength would be my stamina as i think that it has improved so much since the first session, when we are doing the warm up i can now go on for longer as at the beginning i was struggling. I think this has shown throughout the warm ups that we have done throughout the sessions.
Areas for development 
- i need to be more confident when i am performing as at the moment i not doing the moves as full out as they should be performed and i am shying away from it and not doing it to my best ability.
- Another area of development would be when we are doing the exercise for pirouettes as i am still shaky on the preparation for them and i am also shaky when i am doing the actual turn. To improve this in need to engage my core and remain focused throughout the exercise as it will help me to balance more.
- My final area of development would be to remember the routine as sometimes i mess up when we are performing it and then it puts me off and i lose focus. I think this is because we have only learnt it a couple of weeks ago and we haven't been over the whole dance as often. I think that this will improve once we keep going through the routine so that it is in my head and i know it and i am confident that i do know it.
Action plan
I think that as a group, we need to go over the dance so that we all know it and when we do go through, it will run a lot smoother and look better when we perform. Personally i need to work on my core strength for my pirouettes and i need to work on my confidence and remembering the routine.
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jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet Blog 5 - Tech Run
What did we do?
In today's session we met up at Tapton House at 9am, our performance venue, and went into our dressing room and made sure that everyone was signed in before we started to get into costume. As we know that nobody is coming the the first performance we decided that we are going to use that time to do out tech run of the whole performance. This was also out first time doing a whole run through at Tapton House which i think we all found useful. We also had the level twos helping us out on where we needed to be and who needed to be where which again we all found really useful. When doing my scenes i stumbled a bit in the first scenes on my lines but after that i got into it i was fine and i remembered all of my lines. During the run through i forgot that i was in the third scene, as i'd only been through it once, so i had to quickly run to the part of the venue where it was being performed, luckily i wasn't late and i had a few minutes which was lucky. I also think that the ball scene looked really nice at our venue and i thought that the scene ran smoothly and everyone knew what they were doing. The end of act 1 also went well as everyone knew their blocking, there was a few stumbles on lines but they all covered them up well. I think that i used my facial expressions and gestures well in this scene as i don't have any lines so i have to act with them and i think that i did it well. As for Act 2, i am only in the last scene for that, this was the second time in which we had performed in at the venue. As i didn't know my cue line Holly, who plays Juliet, had to give me a nod to when i was supposed to come in which helped me know what my cue line is. The scene went well even though i did stumble on a few of my lines which i then went over ready for the performance which was later on in the day.
What were you thoughts and feelings on the session?
I really enjoyed this session as we got to have a full run through of the whole performance at the venue which we've never done before and i think that it helped us all know where we need to be and how fast we need to get from one location to the next. Even though it was supposed to be out first performance and no one showed up which is a bit sad, i think we all needed this run through and i think that it helped us all and i think that it helped us make the performance better and i think that it was a good thing that no one showed up as we all needed this full run through at the venue.
How did you show personal management skills?
I showed up on time and checked myself in, i also came prepared with my script so i could go over my lines before the show so that i am confident with them. I also came with bobbles so i could put up my hair so that it wasn't in my face. I also came with bottles of water so that i didn’t become dehydrated.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- i think that my gestures in the first scene were very comedic and i think they added to how my dialogue came across. I think that my gestures through the run through were very good and they made it more clear to the audience to how my character is and how he is feeling.
- Another strength would be that i remembered all of my blocking for all of the scenes in which i was in. this is good as i it made the scene run smoother and i also didn't get in anyone's way. It also meant that i stayed in character throughout the scenes.
- My final strength would be that i was very professionalism through the run - through as i was quite off stage and i was where i needed to be most of the time and i knew most of my lines. I think that this is good as i can take this skill with me for when i do my next performance.
- i think that i need to go over my lines for the first scene as i stumbled on them when we were doing the run through. I need to be confident with these lines as its for the opening scene and also when i forget my lines i come out of character.
- Another weakness would be that i need to use movement more when i am performing as most of the time i am just stood in the same spot sometimes during a scene which i think i could experiment to make it more interesting for the audience to watch.
- My final weakness would be that i need to be more confident when performing i think this is because i was nervous as it was our first full run through in costume and everything and i didn't want to mess anything up.
Action Plan
I think that i just need to be more confident with what i am doing when i am performing because i feel like then i will enjoy it more and i think that my performance of Sampson will be better.
I think that these action plans have really helped me over the past couple of weeks to help me know what i need to do and when i need to do it. They have also helped me on what i need to do to make my performance better and how i am going to do that. It also helped me with knowing on what we need to work on as a group
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jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet Blog 4 - Dress Run
What did we do?
In today’s lesson we started by getting into our costumes, which we had sorted out in a previous session, as we were doing a dress run today. In the dress run unfortunately we didn't get all the way through, but we did get through a lot of it. This was the first time that we all did it without scripts and we had a prompt, Roxanne, who helped us through the run through with our lines as most of us weren't very confident with them. If i wasn't on stage, i would be either waiting for my cue to go onstage or going over my lines so that i was more confident with them and didn't have to keep asking for my line. In the first scene i was asking for my line quite a lot but i think this was because i was nervous as we've never done it without a script before as i was quite confident on my lines before as i could keep glancing down at my script but i couldn't do that this time which made me nervous. In the second scene i was in, i knew most of my lines and didn't have to say “line” much as i was quite confident with my lines in this scene and i also remembered my cue line of when to come on and my blocking. Originally, i wasn't in the third scene but because Olivia is the Nurse and Gregory i was given a line which was in the third scene, i wasn't as confident with this scene as i'd never been through and i didn't really know the blocking or the line, all i knew what that i had to come running on out of breath. When doing this scene i was given the script to say my line so that it didn't hold the rest of the scene up which i found helpful. The last scene that i was in is the last scene of the first half where Mercutio and Tybalt dies, in this scene i don't have any lines so i have to act with just my facial expressions, gestures and my body language, i thought that this scene went well, i remembered my blocking and the cues lines of when to move.
What were you thoughts and feelings on the session?
I thought that this sessions went ok, i feel like it would've been better if we had gotten through it all as we've never had a full run through of the whole thing or act 2 which we need to do before our first performance. I feel like the run through went ok, it's mainly just the lines that everybody is struggling on and i feel that once everybody knows their lines, it will run a lot smoother. I think this session made us all realise that we haven't got long until the show and that we all need to learn our lines and that we need a full run through so that everybody knows what they are doing.
How did you show personal management skills?
I showed up on time and brought all of my equipment that i needed, for example i remembered to bring in trousers and shoes for my costume. I also came prepared with my script, even though we didn't really need it. I also came prepared with bobbles to put up my hair as my character is a man. I also brought a notebook and a pen.
How did you explore the text today?
As i mentioned before we did a dress run which we didn't get all the way through with but we did get through a lot of it. I think it really helped us going through it without a script as it shows us what we need to go home and learn or go through and what bits were doing really well in and what we are confident in.
Strengths and weaknesses
- i think that in this sessions my gestures were good. I think that this was because i didn't have a script in my hand so i was free to do whatever which i think helped me with my performance and the development of my character. I think that my gestures really helped me make my character more comedic in the first scene and then in the last scene of the first half they helped me make my character appear more serious.
- Another strength would be my facial expressions, again i think this was because i didn't have a script in my hand and i wasn't constantly looking down which meant i could use my facial expressions more which i also think helped my develop my character and helped with my performance throughout each scene that i was in.
- My final strength would be my body language, i think that now i am quite confident on my lines my body language just comes naturally to what i am saying or to what someone else is saying which i think is good as it shows the audience what my character is feeling and i can also make my character more comedic with it.
- i'm still not 100% confident with my lines which i think is holding me back a bit, even though i am confident with some of my lines, some of them i stumble on or forget so i need to make sure that before the performance i know all of my lines and i am confident with them so i can perform to the best of my ability.
- Another weakness would be that that in the third scene in which i am in i am not very confident with and i don't know my cue line or my blocking as i've only just been given the line so i need to go through it and learn the blocking and the cue line and my line before the show.
- My final weakness would be that i need to be more confident throughout the whole performance as i didn't think that i was when doing the run through, i think that it was because i didn't have a script and wasn't confident on my lines and when i didn't know i line it threw me off and i became less confident. I also feel like as it was the first dress run i was nervous which also made me less confident because i was focused on the negatives instead of the positives.
Action Plan
As a group i think that we need another run through of the whole thing, especially as we haven't had a run through of Act 2 yet so we need to do that before the show. I think we also need to work on the scenes which need more work on as well. I think that personally i need to learn my lines and make sure that i am confident with them, i also need to be confident with my performance so that i can perform to the best of my ability.
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jess-salt · 7 years
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Romeo and Juliet task sheets
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jess-salt · 7 years
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Greek Tragedy and Melodrama task sheets
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jess-salt · 7 years
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Melodrama script - 'London Assurance' - my characters lines annotated
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jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet Blog 3
What did we do?
In today's sessions we started off with our normal warm up. We then went through a couple of scene as after break we would be doing a run through of act 1. As i wasn't in any of the scene in which they were doing i did my tech work, which is marketing, and worked on the poster. After break we started the run through of act 1. Act 1 starts off with the prologue which then goes into the first scene in which i am in. this is the scene which starts between Sampson, me, and Gregory, Olivia, sharing a bottle of alcohol and having a laugh and then 2 people from the house of montagues come in and the mood changes and Sampson and Gregory become more serious but still try and have a laugh with them, we show this with our tones of voice. After talking with them we end up fighting which then Benvolio, Abby, tries to stop it until Tybalt, Calhan, comes in and starts a fight to which the Prince, Morgan comes in a stops us all. The nest scene in which i am in is scene 2 and i come on the stage by wandering and looking around until Lord Capulet, Tom, calls me over to invite people to the ball he is throwing and wants as many people as possible to come. As my character, Sampson, cant read and is lazy, i decide to leave it until later. This is until Romeo, Nathan, and Benvolio come in and awake me and then i ask Romeo to read the letter in which i was give, not knowing that he is a Montague. This is how Romeo finds out about the ball. The next scene which i'm in is the last scene in act 1, as we haven't blocked the ball scene yet, this is the scene in which Mercutio, Luke, and Tybalt die. In this scene i don't have any lines to say so i just stand there and react to what is being said. When Tybalt starts a fight with Mercutio, that when i draw out my weapon and try and have Tybalt’s back. When Tybalt kills Mercutio he runs and we follow. Tybalt then goes back to fight Romeo and ends up being killed. We then surround his body and wait for the audience to leave so that we can move.
What were you thoughts and feelings on the session?
I thought that this session was good as we had our first run through of Act 1 which i thought went ok saying that it was a first time running through it, it has showed us what we need to work on as a team and also individually. It has also showed us which scenes need looking at and which scenes are good. I think that this session was good as it showed what was good and what we need to work on to make it better for the performance. I think that this session helped all the cast figure out what is good about their performance and what they should keep doing and what they individually need to work on to make their performance better.
How did you show personal management skills?
In this session i showed personal management skills by showing up on time and wearing the right clothes and bringing the right equipment, for example a pen, notebook and script. I also showed it by knowing my cues to go on and off stage
How did you explore the text today?
We went through all of the scenes in Act 1, except from the ball scene, and the people who wasn't in the scenes would watch them as they haven't seen them yet. This was a good thing as it shows what is before their scene so that they know when to start getting ready for it so that they are on time to their scene and they don't hold anybody up.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- i knew all my cues to come on and off stage which is good as i did not hold anyone up in the scene and i didn't get in the way of anyone which helped the scene run smoother. This also meant that we didn't have to keep stopping a starting which would of made the scene longer than it needed to be.
- Another strength would be that my gestures and body language were very clear to what i was wanting my character to portray and i also think that i used my gestures well to make the scene more comedic. I think i used my body language well in the last scene where Mercutio and Tybalt die as i think that the way in which i was stood, ready to get my weapon out to defend Tybalt, was shown clearly to the audience.
- My final strength would be that i was confident and i think that this showed in my voice, gestures, body language etc. I think this as i felt like when i was performing my scenes i was more confident in what i was doing and i think that this really showed when i was performing.
- i am still on script which is retraining me from using my facial expressions and gestures in some scenes. I will need to be off script or at least know most of my lines before the next run through so that i can start making eye contact with people in scenes and using more gestures and facial expressions
- Another weakness would be that even though my projection was good, i feel like it could be even better as we are performing outside which means that i will have to make my voice louder anyway so that the audience can hear every word that i say clearly. I will improve this by making my voice louder by projecting it more.
- My final weakness would be that i need to work on my facial expressions as they are not very clear at the moment, i think this is because i am always looking down at my script so if even if i do good facial expressions they aren't visible. I think that i need to work on my facial expressions so that the emotion of my character is clear to the audience.
Action Plan
As a group we need to go over the scenes which didn't go very well in the run through and make them better by identifying what went wrong and then go from there. For me personally i need to work on the projection of my voice so that when we do perform outside the audience can hear me, my facial expressions so that it is clear to the audience what my character is feeling and i need to learn my lines so that i can look up and use more gestures and facial expressions.
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jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet blog 2
What did we do?
In today's session we started off by doing a warm up, like we usually do, which consists of various vocal and body exercises. We then started to talk about what was on the agenda for today, we were going to block act 1 scene 2. I am in this scene which meant i would be staying in the room whilst the people who aren't would be going of to do their tech roles. We started off by doing a read through of the scene to make sure that everyone is clear of what their character is saying and what they are doing in the scene. I first came into the scene carrying blankets and Lord Capulet, Tom M, shouts me, Sampson, over and gives me a letter, which is about the party, and tells me to invite everyone who isn't a Montague. Once i Lord Capulet has gone, i read what is on the letter and decide that i will do it later and go to sleep on the ground. Romeo and Benvolio then enter which then wakes me up, i do this slowly as i don't want them to know i am there, i then slowly make my way over to them. Benvolio then notices me and taps Romeo on the shoulder and points to me. As i mentioned before, my character, Sampson, is quite dumb and he can't read so i ask romeo if he can read and i give him the letter which i was given for him to read out. To make this scene more comedic, we thought that i could go behind Romeo, Nathan, and put my head on his shoulder and make it look as if i am trying to read along with him and remember what it says, Romeo notices this and moves forwards to which i fall forwards as i was on my tip toes and resting my chin on his shoulder. He then reads out the names on the list and gives me back the letter and asks what it is for, and me, not knowing that he is a Montague, tells him that it's for a party in which my master, Lord Capulet, is hosting and that he should come if he's not a Montague but as he saw that Rosaline was on the list of names he wants to come. I then collect my blankets and walk off stage.
What were you thoughts and feelings on the session?
I really enjoyed this lesson as i got to do some acting as in some of the previous lessons i have been doing tech work, marketing. I also really enjoyed the scene as it's more on the comical side which i enjoy. As i am not in all of the scene i enjoyed watching the other people block the scene and give them some feedback on how they did. As i have said before, i think that reading through the scene and analysing it before we start blocking it really helps me as i then know how to say my lines and i can also start think of what gestures that i am going to use.
How did you show personal management skills?
In today's session, i came with the right clothing on and was prepared with the equipment that i needed to bring, eg pen, pencil, notebook and my script. I also think that in this lesson i contributed more to the scene and gave feedback which i didn't do last time i was blocking a scene which i think is good. I also think that i worked well in a team and took direction well when blocking the scene.
How did you explore the text today?
Firstly, we read through the scene and analysed it so that we understood what our characters we saying and also so we understood what was going on in the scene. We then blocked the scene and went over it a couple of times so that we all remembered what we did.
What effect did this text work have on your acting skills, character, understanding of the text or overall performance?
It made me understand my characters lines more and helped me with how i should say them as when we did the read through of the entire play, i was very unsure with what some of my lines meant and i wasn't saying them with the correct tone of voice but now that i do know, my tone of voice has changed. It also helped me to think about what gestures and movements that i could do to make the scene more effective and comedic.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- I think that my tone of voice was good when we were blocking the scenes as at the start my tone of voice wasn't matching what i was saying but after the read through of the scene i was more clear on what it needed to be and developed and changed what it was which turned out to be effective and comedic when we were running through the scene.
- Another strength would be that my gestures and body language were comedic which i thought added to the scene and made it more comedic. I think that as my character is funny, when i am in a scene in which my character needs to be comedic i make my gestures and my  body language bigger so that its more comedic or do certain gestures which will make the audience laugh and if el like i did that in today's sessions.
- My final strength would be that i worked well in my team as i gave feedback which i though would be useful to them to help develop their characters. We also got through Act 1 Scene 2, which is quite a long scene and we worked together as a team to get it done so that we could move on to the next one.
- I think that i need to work on the projection of my voice as it wasn't very clear or loud. I think this was because most of the time my head was down looking at my script as i don't know my lines for this scene which i think affected the projection of my voice.
- Another weakness would be that i need to be more confident at the part of the scene in which i am on the stage on my own and use my body language, gestures and facial expressions to make that part of the scene more clear and show that i am a bit dumb and that i can't read and that i am lazy as i go to sleep after reading what i need to do.
- My final weakness would be that i need to control the pace in which i say my lines as sometimes i say my lines too fast which causes me to mess up on my lines and have to start saying my line again which holds up the scene. I think that once i know my lines and the scene more i can control this more as i will be more confident with it.
Action Plan
As a group i think that we need to work on the scene and go over it to make sure we all know what we're doing. I also think that we need to work on where on the stage we are at certain points so that none of us are blocking anyone. Personally i need to learn my lines so that the projection of my voice improves and so that the pace of which i say my lines improves.
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jess-salt · 7 years
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Romeo and Juliet - Map of Tapton house/where we will be performing the scenes.
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jess-salt · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet blog 1
What did we do?
In today's session we started off by doing a warm up both for our bodies and our vocals. We then got told that we were going to be blocking the the first scene after the prologue which is Act 1 Scene 1. After we had sorted out who is in the scene and who isn’t, the people who were started to have a read through of the scene so that we all understood what we were saying and the we understood what was going on in the scene so we knew how we should act it out. After the read through we started to block the scene. The scene starts out with Sampson, me, and Gregory, Olivia, talking about the feud between the capulets and the montagues and having a laugh with a bottle of alcohol between them. When Gregory, Olivia, is insulting Sampson, me, he notices that there are two montagues walking towards them to which Gregory, Olivia, pulls Sampson,me, aside. We then go to bite your thumb at them to which Abram, Tia, says “do you bite your thumb at us sir?” to which i respond with “i do bite my thumb sir” to which Abram, Tia, asks again if i bite my thumb at her, as Sampson likes to wind people up he says, after a quick discussion with Gregory, “no sir i do not bite my thumb at you sir but i do bite my thumb sir” after Sampson and Gregory have wound them up for a bit, it then leads to them all fighting with each other. As we haven't had our stage combat sessions yet we just stood there as we couldn't do anything just yet. When we do have out stage combat session i am going to have to find a way for my dagger to be knocked out of my hand as after reading the play it is my dagger that Romeo, Nathan, picks ups and what Juliet, Emily/Holly, kills herself with. Then Benvolio, Abby, enters trying to get us to stop fighting but then Tybalt, Calhan, enters and starts a fight with Benvolio, again as we haven't had out stage combat session they stood there as well. All of out fighting is then stopped by the Prince, Morgan.
What were you thoughts and feelings on the session?
I really enjoyed this session as it was the first time that i have gotten to act as Sampson which i really enjoyed as i can experiment with different gestures and movements. I also liked that we had a read through of the script before blocking the scene as i found it really helpful to understand what my character was saying and to also understand what was happening throughout the scene. I think that we got a lot done in today’s session as we had a full read through of Act 1 Scene 1 and then also blocked the scene which i thought was good as it is a long scene.
How did you show personal management skills?
I was on time to the session and i was in the right clothing, comfortable black clothes. I also brought the right equipment which was needed for today's sessions, a pen, notebook and my script. I think that i could of contributed more ideas in today's session as i was asking more questions about the scene as i didn't really understand it. I think that i worked well in the group and i tried to help the others who was struggling.
How did you explore the text today?
As i mentioned at the start we first had a read through of the scene and analysed it and made sure that everyone knew what the scene was about and what our characters were saying. We have also blocked the scene in this session and ran through it a couple of time.
What effect did this text work have on your acting skills, character, understanding of the text or overall performance?
I think that this text work made me understand the scene more as i was unsure of it at first, it has also helped me understand what my character is saying which helps me with how i am going to say the lines. The text work has also helped me with how i am going to play Sampson and what gestures and movements i can start experimenting with and how i am going to say my lines.
Strengths and weaknesses
- i think that in today's session i was very confident when reading my lines and also when we were blocking the scene as i just went for it. I think that this good as i think it will help me with developing my character and and help me with experimenting with gestures, movements and maybe different voices
- Another strength would be that i worked well in the group, especially when we was blocking the scene, i worked really well with Olivia, who plays Gregory, as i think that we bounced off each other well and i think that made the scene more believable and funny.
- I think that i used good gestures and movements when blocking the scene which i think made the scene more comedic which i think made my character more believable when we were running the scene through.
- i think that i could have contributed more ideas to the scene and to the session as i didn't really contribute anything. I think this was because i was more concentrated on understanding what my character was saying and understanding what was going on in the scene that i was too concentrated on that throughout the session than contributing ideas. I feel that now i understand the scene more i can start contributing ideas.
- Another weakness would be that my voice wasn't as clear as it could be as my head was constantly down as i was reading the lines as i don't know them which then also affected the projection of my voice as it was quiet as my head was down which also affected my facial expressions as no one could see them and i wasn't really using them.
- My final weakness would be my body language as i didn't really use that as i was more concentrated on saying my lines that i forgot to use them which i think affected the part of the scene which me and Olivia do as i think it made it less comedic. I Think that once i come off script my body language will come.
Action Plan
I think that as a group we need to go over the scene again so that everybody is sure on what they are doing and when they come on and how to use the space effectively. I think that personally i need to learn my lines so i can start using my body language and facial expressions so that the scene becomes more comedic.
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jess-salt · 7 years
romeo and juliet this week
At COLLEGE - thursday morning this week is dress rehearsal - bring your costumes, in the afternoon AT COLLEGE will be tech work and the level 2 devised show at 3.30pm (bring safety pins and hair wands/elastics for hair / make up rehearsal as well)
At TAPTON HOUSE on FRIDAY 9-4.30 is our tech run, you will get a separate timetable for our runs and performances all next week
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jess-salt · 8 years
Commedia Self Assessment 2
I am self assessing the scene in which Columbina is trying to get somebody, mainly Pantalone, to propose to Arlecchino, who is dressed as a girl.
What do you find most interesting about your physical performance?
I think that my gestures in this scene when i am trying to get someone to propose to Arlecchino as i am using big, over the top gestures which i think gets more people's attention on and off stage. I also think that my projection of voice in this scene and my tone of voice is quite comedic as, again, it is over the top as i am wanting to get people's attention. I think that these both are interesting as they're over the top and i think it also makes it entertaining to watch.
How could you experiment more with your movement?
I think that i could experiment with the way i stand as Columbina never stays still, i think that i could experiment with how i show that and what i am going to do when i have to stand still. I think that i could keep swaying my hips to to side and then play with my apron which would show that i am fidgeting as Columbina cant keep her whole body still and she like to be moving around.
What was good about your physicality?
I think that in this scene, my gestures and body language were good. As i have researched into Columbina and watched clips of people portraying her i think that it has given me some inspiration and i have developed that into the way that i portray her. I think that my body language was good as i have gotten into the habit of sticking out my bum and breasts as that's what Columbina did. I think that my gestures were good as they were over the top and they went with everything that i was saying and i think that they were comedic.
Have you remembered your blocking and movement?
I think that with the part of the scene where i use all of the space, i don't really need to remember any blocking i just have to make sure that i use a large space of it but for the parts where i do have blocking, for example at the end where Pantalone has proposed and Arlecchino has said yes i need to make sure that i am on the side which everyone is not so that i can pull Arlecchino aside to talk to him.
Do you use appropriate gestures and facial expressions? If so when where and how effective are they?
I think that, from the feedback that  have been given, gestures i use effective as they are comedic and add to what i am saying. For example when i am saying how “beautiful” Arlecchino is and also when i say that he/she has “all the right curves in all the right places” the gestures which i add to that when i say it makes it more comedic.
What could be improved ‘even better if……’
I think that, from the feedback i have been given, i need to be more flirtatious with Arlecchino. Even though i am i need to be flirtatious with him so that it is very clear that i am. I also need to flirt with everyone on the stage not just Arlecchino as Columbina flirts with everybody.
Are you using appropriate acting techniques?
I think i am as i am using my body language and my gestures to show how my character is feeling. I am also using them to make what i am saying more comedic. As i am wearing a mask i having to rely more on my body language and gestures to get across to the audience my feelings and to also to make it more comedic.
Is this an appropriate portrayal of the Character? (Think about   Age; status; power in relationships; personality and attitudes).
I think that this is an appropriate portrayal as in this scene it is showing Columbina’s over the top side and i think that i am showing that Columbina is like this with my over the top gestures when i am trying to get someone to propose to Arlecchino. I think that my body language is also showing this when i am going up to the people in the audience asking them if they want to propose as i think that my body language is flirtatious and over the top.
Can you identify your levels of tension? Do you show your feelings physically?
I think that when i am trying to get Arlecchino out of the Sisters of Mercy through my body language and my gestures, you can tell that i am frustrated with him for not coming out so i have to drag him out. I think that throughout the scene my feelings come across very clear. Another example would be when Arlecchino is making demands and i have to pull him to one side to remind him that he isn't a woman to which he calls me a peasants and i think that through my body language and my gestures you can see that i am offended.
Is your character's objective clear in each scene? If so what is it?
In this scene my objective is to get someone to propose to Arlecchino. I think this is very clear as i am asking anyone and everyone if they want to propose to Arlecchino, i am even asking members of the audience if they want to marry Arlecchino. I think that throughout the scene my objective is very clear through my objectives, gestures and the things i say.
Is the acting technique appropriate to the style of the performance. Entrances/stance/exit/audience interaction?
I think that it is as when Commedia was performed in the 16th century they did audience interaction which me and Calhan do in this scene.
Do you use a range of emotions and actions used to meet your character's objective?
I think that i do as, inside i know that if this plan doesn't go well Isabella will be really mad and get me kicked out and fired. I think that, as i said before, throughout the scene my objective is clear as i am asking most people if they want to marry Arlecchino. I think that at the start is isn't as clear  but when i start saying how beautiful he/she is and when i start asking people if they want to marry him/her my objective is made clear.
Do you react to other characters on stage?
Yes i do, i think i react to everyone on stage. I think that i do it the most when everyone is lining up to propose to Arlecchino i think that when each individual is proposing i am reacting to them all in a different way. I also react to Arlecchino through the scene, for example when he calls me a peasant and am offended and i lean back a bit and put my and on my heart to show that i am offended.
What could be improved ‘even better if……’
I think that when i first come onto the stage i could make my entrance bigger and over the top to make it more funny as my big entrance will be ruined by Arlecchino as he doesn't come out so i think that if i make my entrance bigger and more over the top it will be more comedic for when Arlecchino doesn't come out. I also think that i could use my body language more to show that i am flirting with everyone
Group performance
What elements of the scene/ performance worked well?
I think that we used the space well and effectively, we do this when people are coming from all doors of the set to come onto the stage when they hear that there is a beautiful woman wanting to get married and then even more people come on when they hear that she is rich. We also do this when we are all surrounding Dr Graziano when he is about to propose but then we all shuffle to surround Pantalone when he says he wants to propose.
What could the group improve on?
I think that we could improve on being on the stage at the right time and knowing our cues so that the scene runs more smooth and we none of us are confused as to when we need to come on. I think this because some people don't come onto the stage when they are supposed to and then they are confused as to when to come and then they keep rehearsing the mistake.
Was there anything about the performance of the scene which could be made even better?
I think the part where the people are cueing up to propose i think that to make it funnier that the people could be trying to push to the front so that they can get in there first. I also think that we could come closer together when we are surrounding Dr Graziano and Pantalone when they are going to propose.
If so how could we improved this?
I think that we all need to make sure when we come onto the stage and what line is their cue line. I also think that we need to go over that part of the scene and add more comedic parts such as the pushing into the line for the proposal and then being closer together and make sure people remember it.
Action plan
I need to work on my character stance and making sure that i am not standing still. I also need to work on my entrance, making it bigger and over the top. I think as a group we need to work on the scene and make sure that everyone knows what they are doing and when to come on.
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jess-salt · 8 years
Meeting 21/03/17
To do- -take Kennedy’s head shot -each person needs to write a small bio about themselves for the programme -Athena to find trousers, boy characters to try them on, Athena is also going to label them if they fit ✔️
Plan - work on the end scene with both Juliet’s - work on the fight scenes- one fight scene is ok, just need to work on the sounds in the background After break - I will help work with Romeo and Paris fight scene, help build the tension and help them get hyped up for their fights - I have given feedback on how they could improve but also what they did well. They used magic if and movement memory.
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jess-salt · 8 years
Romeo and Juliet
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Romeo and Juliet
At Tapton House, Brimington Road, Chesterfield, S41 0SJ
(this is part of the college campus)
 On Thursday 6th April 1pm and 5.30 pm and Friday 7th April 10 am and 1.30pm
 Tickets are £3 per pupil with free teacher places, general public £5
 Please note that some sections of the performance will be outdoors so suitable clothing / outdoor wear will be necessary.
Feel free to bring: blankets, umbrellas, folding chairs and a picnic if required.
 There is a café and parking on site and the performance areas are accessible – please note there are a couple of very gentle sloping steps down to the peace garden outdoors (pictures of this can be provided if required)
 The performance will be set in the Regency Period to allow our students to explore the etiquette and acting style which would be similar to the original text. There are workshops available on text, language and melodrama which can be booked using the contact below
 Please book tickets and workshops with Sue McGeorge 01246 500635 or email on: [email protected]
 Thank you
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jess-salt · 8 years
Melodrama Blog
What did we do?
In today’s lesson we started by getting into our groups and choosing which scene we would like to perform from the script ‘London Assurance’. As a group we decided to Act One Scene One as it was one of the only scenes which had enough characters for our group. I was in a group with Abby, Nathan, Holly, Calhan, Morgan and Emily. After we chose what scene we were doing me and Abby went to go and print it off. When we came back we chose which roles we wanted to play and then we had a full read through of the scene so we knew what it was about and could get a feel of our characters and get ideas of how we could portray them. After our read through we started blocking it. If we weren't in the part of the scene which was being blocked we were either watching it and giving ideas of how they could do it better or finding costumes that we thought that our character would wear. Once we had blocked the scene me and Nathan swapped roles as we both thought that we suited the other better, however this did lead to us not being able to rehearse our new characters as we had swapped a little late so when it came to performing it we had never been through our new scenes so we both did the best we could.
From the feedback that we were given, i think that we should have had more full run throughs so that our actual performance would have gone much smoother. Also from the feedback i think that me and Nathan should have stuck to our original roles as we both knew what we were doing and we knew what to do in our scenes. Overall i think that it went ok but i feel as if it could've been a lot better. If we had more time i think that we would of gone through it more so that everyone was clear on what they were doing so that our performance would've been better. I feel like we also could have used our time more efficiently as at the beginning we were all trying to sort out the script which took longer than it needed to so we wasted time doing that which could've been spent doing something else more important. I feel like as a group we worked well with each other and we all got on with what we were supposed to be doing but, again, we could have used our time more effectively performance would've gone better.
Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths - i think that in this lesson i was very organised with the backstage things as i got the script ready, with the help of Abby, and i also helped people get the costumes for their characters. I feel like this shows that i can do backstage things as well as onstage things which i think is a good skill to have.
Another strength would be that i worked well in my group but i also worked well as an individual. I think that i worked well as a team when it came to blocking the scene and also when we're doing a read through. I feel like i worked well as an individual when it came to swapping roles with Nathan and figuring out how i was going to play the character.
Weaknesses - i think that i could have involved myself more when it came to blocking the scene so i knew what was happening all the way though instead of just my scene so that i was more involved in the whole scene instead of just my parts.
Another weakness would be that i don't think that i was very confident during this lesson. I think this was because i didn't really enjoy or understand the script so it was hard for me to get into it which i think made me lose confident when rehearsing and performing. 
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