Okay life got a bit busy, but I'm back, and reworking ShadowClan right now. Went through and skimmed the family tree and Yellowfang's secret and who knew that basically everyone is related in some way? It's like Omen of the Stars ThunderClan.
Also I'm like completely throwing out everything in canon about pre-ITW ShadowClan so if a cat died in cannon pre-ITW I'm just going to say fuck it and let them be alive, also ages and family trees are def gonna be changed
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Changes in cannon for my Rewrite/Au for ThunderClan/Forest Camp
*NOTE:* The prequel books (super editions, novellas, field guides, etc are completely discarded in this AU, ages, relations, and names will most likely be changed for most cats
Name Changes:
Bluestar -> Sleetfall
Spottedleaf -> Leafshade
One-Eye -> Fawntrail
Lionheart -> Liondapple
Leopardfoot -> Martenleap
Tigerclaw -> Tigerstrike
Darkstripe -> Starlingswoop
Whitestorm -> Mallowstorm
Mosskit -> Chervilblossom
Longtail -> Rushtail
Mousefur -> Laurelswipe
Willowpelt -> Willowtuft
Dustpaw -> Basilpaw
Graypaw -> Kitepaw
Speckletail -> Cloudcatcher
Goldenflower -> Aspenleaf
Frostfur -> Asterdawn
Brindleface -> Iriscloud
Dappletail -> Turtleshell
Smallear -> Beechmask
Halftail -> Sedgetail
Moonflower -> Duskflower
Stormtail -> Stagcharge
Snowfur -> Snowfeather
Mistlekit -> Chervilkit
Swiftbreeze -> Swiftgaze
Adderfang -> Adderstrike
Mistkit -> Mirekit
Nightkit -> Petuniakit
Family Tree Changes:
Sleetstar is still the daughter of Duskflower and Stagcharge as well as the sister to Snowfeather, all of whom are deceased at the start of the AU. However, she is mates with Stormstone (Crookedstar) and has two separate litters with him, both of which get transferred to River's Camp, the kits being Mistypounce and Stonedive (1st litter) and Silverstream, Shellkit, and Ploverkit (Shell and Plover passed as kits).
Redtail is still mates with Iriscloud in this AU, and father's Ashkit, Tulipkit, and Fernkit (Elderkit doesn't exist lol). His parentage has changed however, his mother is Rosetail and his father is Tawnyspots. He has two deceased siblings, Olivekit and Sloekit.
Leafshade's family is completely different from cannon. She is the daughter of Fawntrail and Beechmask, as well as the sister to Laurelswipe.
Liondapple's family remains decently similar to his cannon family tree. He is still mates with Asterdawn, but he only fathers Brightkit, Thornkit, and Brackenkit. His parentage has also changed, he is now the child of Turtleshell and a deceased tom named Sycamoretooth. He also remains the brother to Aspenleaf.
Martenleap remains as a child of Swiftgaze and Adderstrike, however she is mates with Thrushpelt and is the mother to Starlingswoop and Magpiewing (an OC). She does have two deceased siblings Chipmunkpaw and Mousecatcher.
Tigerstrike is still the son of Pinestar, however his mother is an OC named Frondpelt with his dead siblings Mirekit and Petuniakit.
Starlingswoop is the son of Martenleap and Thrushpelt as well as the brother to Magpiewing. He does end up fathering Ravenpaw with his mate Nettleglare.
Mallowstorm is the son of Snowfeather and Thistlepounce, just like in cannon, however he has a sister based on Mosskit named Chervilblossom.
Chervilblossom mothered Kitepaw with her mate whom passed, Elkleg.
Basilpaw is the son of two of my OCs Firrush and Driftsnap. Notably he is the grandson of Sunstar on Firrush's side.
Rushtail is the son of Sedgetail and a deceased OC named Cherrytail.
Willowtuft is the child of Cloudcatcher and a loner at the barn named Thatcher, she has a few deceased siblings named Bloomkit, Flaxkit, and Podpaw.
Runningwind has two named parents, Elmleg and Wrengaze both of whom are dead. He is also the father to Sandpaw, Cinderkit, Swiftkit, and Lynxkit as well as being mates with Aspenleaf.
Asterdawn is the child of Featherwhisker and Stemfall (OC)
Iriscloud is the kit of two loners named Leonora and Ragweed, she also has a sister who remains a loner named Burnet.
If you have any questions relating to the family trees please do submit a question in my ask box. I love and welcome questions. :)
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why is this so true lol
Hi, why are the warrior cats family trees and relationships so messed up.
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With the changed families, what are the biggest changes you made? I'm a really big fan of rewrites that alter up the family tree and seeing how that affects things.
Ooooo. I think some of the biggest changes made are that of Ravenpaw, and Sandpaws family trees. In this rewrite with Sandpaw as the main pov, I seek to utilize more background characters, so for her parents it was changed to Runningwind and a queen named Aspenleaf, who is the equivalent of Goldenflower in this AU. I always imagined Runningwind as a dark colored tom in my head since I first read the books, Aspenleaf and Runningwind are also the parents to their second litter of Cinderkit, Swiftkit, and Lynxkit. For Ravenpaw, I changed his parentage to Starlingswoop (Darkstripe) and a new she-cat named Nettleglare, funny enough Ravenpaws grandfather is Thrushpelt.
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I wholeheartedly agree with this post
I think the main problem with warriors rewrites is they get so bogged down in ‘trying to make sense’ or ‘make them act like actual cats’ is they forget to make things COOL AS SHIT. Like yes your bloodclan has 200 pages of foreshadowing but is it still COOL AS SHIT? Does scourge still steal the show and be awesome as he fucking obliterates tigerstar? I don’t care if dog teeth claws makes no actual sense it’s COOL AS SHIT! If your warrior cats rewrite wouldn’t result in 200 scourge animations of him being cool as shit if it was the canon material you have failed. Having cool as shit moments and awesome dramatic scenes should be a priority in any rewrite as it’s a very important part of what keeps people into the series.
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long story short I decided to rewrite the first arc of warriors with new cultures, changed characters and families and from Sandpaws POV. I would love to answer questions, my ask box is open.
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