jesshaines · 5 years
20.10.19 - 
(disconnect) Pitch Video
This is my pitch video for (disconnect). I am super pleased with how the final outcome is!
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jesshaines · 5 years
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20.10.19 - 
Giving Publication to Grandad
As my whole concept was based around my Grandad being diagnosed with dementia early this year - my final project was based around giving him something he could keep. So I decided to print multiple copies of the publication of his life so he could have one forever, and so can my nana. It was incredibly emotional giving him this book. I showed my nana at her home first and then we visited my grandad to give him his present. We had spoken many times about what I was doing, however each time we would visit or nana would bring it up - he wouldn’t be able to remember, most of the time, not even me. Today was really special as my year’s worth of work paid off in a few minutes. He usually can't read or see well since his health decline but once he opened it and I helped him read the opening pages, he couldn’t put it down - this is huge for him! It was very emotional and I did cry a lot, as well as him and my nana. It really did prove that photographs aid dementia and it sparked something inside of him. I am so pleased and grateful that he will continue to hold onto it, and I hope it helps make him feel better.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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20.10.19 - 
Printed Publications
These are my printed books. I did a printed format of the project doc, and I also created a publication to go alongside my website concept as I wanted it to be as realistic as possible for my final hand-in.
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jesshaines · 5 years
19.10.19 - 
Final Reflection Year Three
I have found this year to be the most challenging within my degree. I think this is due to the struggles with motivation and ethical issues arising, making me pivot my design idea and concept. However I found this to be a great learning curve as it meant I was really challenged and had to look at a brief with a new perspective.
Once I got the ball rolling, I found it easy to get work completed and put my head down and work. However, the concept of my idea was very personal to me at the time as it arose from my Grandad recently being diagnosed with Dementia. I did find over the course of second semester, that there were some days were I mentally couldn’t complete work as it was very emotional and draining for me.
With the final outcome, I am super pleased with it! I can’t wait to show my family the video, and the two books I created out of it. I printed my project doc and a publication based off my concept. Another hurdle that faced me was my bookbinder actually passed away with two weeks left of the semester. He was a family friend so this was hard, as well as the fact of my ever-growing closer due date. His wife who owns the business with him decided to take on the rest of clients and completed my work for me. I will post these once I collect them tomorrow!
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jesshaines · 5 years
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18.10.19 - 
Updated Script in Pitch Video
This is my updated script that is in my pitch video.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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17.10.19 - 
Pitch Video Development
I have been working on my pitch video over the last few days. I just need to find some music to play softly in the background and finalise transitions, then I should be nearly complete! Tomorrow is our final studio classes.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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16.10.19 -
Audio Recordings
I have done my audio recordings for my pitch video and am already half way through my video. I will finalise this on Friday once I complete and confirm my prototype and screen record.
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jesshaines · 5 years
13.10.19 - 
My files for my project document and my publication have just gone to print. Now I will work on my pitch video, other details and things needed for exhibition.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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11.10.19 - 
Prototype in Principle + Principle Viewer
I have spent today relinking my whole prototype in Principle so that I can hand-in a final file with no layers and using the Principle Viewer app. Even though it took hours, I actually think that my prototype has smoother interactions, and it helped me to make sure that my links are all connecting like they should be and any slight alterations. I have had confirmation from Keryn that this file works as I tested it with her and sent it to her via Dropbox.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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11.10.19 - 
Principle - Links
I have put my prototype into Principle and am starting to redo my links. I am doing this so that I can hand in a final prototype file with no layers to my lecturers. This is the easiest way and I have tested it so I know it works. It is time consuming and I only have one more day free left in my Principle trial so I have to work fast.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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10.10.19 - 
Pitch Video Opening
I have started my pitch video over the last few days and have so far created the opening. I also have my video plan organised and know how my video will look, it is just a matter of finalising content and voice recording the script so that I can get further in. I will also work on refining my prototype to have this screen recorded by Wednesday next week. I aim to finish my pitch video by Friday the 18th in class so that I feel ready for hand-in and can finalise the smaller parts and my blog/video uploading.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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07.10.19 - 
Working on Project Doc
I have been working on my project document, continually updating it with text and images. This has been easy to manage if I do it continually over each week and update it when I’m in my new stages. I have to have this finalised next week to send to my binder, alongside a publication I have designed too. 
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jesshaines · 5 years
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05.10.19 - 
Pitch Video Plan
I decided to plan out my pitch video roughly, just based on my written script. I don’t want to incorporate icons or cartoons like I have in the past as I want it to look very professional, clear and direct to the point. I am thinking about layering the photographs I have collected for my prototype at the beginning of the screens to make it more realistic. The rest of the video will be simplistic and have shortened text compared to what I am reading out. I will then run through my prototype and show the key aspects in the text to the right - which will also be a voice-over. The ending will be a small catchphrase and that we are live, as well as my name.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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05.10.19 - 
Pitch Video Script + Time
I have written my pitch video script, which has also helped me with the opening of my project report. I timed myself and it was 2:12mins, however I speak fast so I will need to slow it down and I also will have music playing in between and won’t be speaking the whole time so it will fit into 3 minutes perfectly.
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jesshaines · 5 years
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01.10.19 -
V4 Prototype - Current Stage/Development
This is currently what my version four prototype is looking like. Throughout my user testing, I was altering minor aspects that were brought up multiple times or changes that just had to be made - from my own cost of misplacing words/buttons or missing links etc. Content ideas I thought through and if they made sense and were 100% necessary then I would add them throughout my user testing. I did this so I was moving at a steady pace and continually updating and developing my prototype. There were some feedback/ideas that I left and did not develop as majority of my users had disagreed with etc, or I thought that it wouldn’t be suitable for my middle aged/older users, therefore making sure my website is crisp, clear and straightforward for all types of users.
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jesshaines · 5 years
“It is a great idea, I am so glad you have gone through with this. I can imagine it being emotional for you to create and develop, but it is very empowering and I think something like this should be created.”
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jesshaines · 5 years
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01.10.19 - 
Final User Testing / V4 Prototype
I decided to complete my final user testing round and my 6th user on my Uncle Paul. He has a past career in UX and I know he is brutally honest with me and gave great criticism in some of my previous prototypes to help me develop them dramatically.
Home Screen - Question
What is your first impressions on the idea and prototype from reading the home page?
It is a great idea, I am so glad you have gone through with this. I can imagine it being emotional for you to create and develop, but it is very empowering and I think something like this should be created.
By using the prototype, on the home page, show me how to find and read a section called ‘about us’?
Had already scrolled down. Asked about wording but said it was great/has already been developed
Using the prototype, how would you log in and view your family tree that has already been created?
Logged in and viewed the family tree with ease
He liked this navigation better. The previous prototypes would take you to a logged in home page, but by sending me to the family tree is a direct call to action and the user can see an obvious page change 
Show me how to edit Stephen in family tree and add a sibling relation 
Easily followed buttons and completed this with no questions or pauses 
Show me how to invite family members to view your family tree 
Did this with ease.
Show me how you would add a text entry to the timeline of your maternal father’s life?
Completed easily. Like that it is an obvious button now and easy to follow
Order a book
Easily done. Think it looks way better than previous prototypes
Do you roughly understand the concept of the prototype? 
 - Yes, I love it
How did you feel while using the prototype? 
- Comfortable, understood it easily, wasn’t confused, happy Did you find it easy or difficult to understand the use of this prototype?
- Quite simple, easy yes
How would you rate out of five, with five being the highest, the ease of use and your reasoning for this score?
- 5/5, nothing I can correct on this time, done a great job. It’s clear, crisp and easy to follow
Please list any content you couldn’t find, but wished was included in the prototype? 
- N/A
How do you feel about the hierarchy of text? Does it make sense?
- Yes, makes sense and everything is obvious size wise
Do the icons and menu wording make sense to you? If not, how would you show it or re-word it?
- Yes, much better and it is now more obvious what are buttons etc
Do you have any improvements or feedback that you could give me to develop this idea further?
Have send button as soon as one email is entered but make it work for two emails
Any other comments?
Test assumptions:
SCROLL - know to scroll on home/timeline TIMELINE - recognise it as a timeline LOG IN - will log in to get further BUTTONS - will recognise buttons and click  WORDS / ICONS - understanding wording + icons 
Paul agreed with the above assumptions and that he knew to follow them etc. This makes me happy as I found it hard at the start to make some of these assumptions obvious/to navigate the user in the correct way.
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