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Nice to meet you, baby Jeremiah.
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Wow! It's been way too long since I've gotten on here and posted something that wasn't reblogged from someone else. At least it feels like a long time to me, but I could be wrong. Anyways, earlier today, I decided I would go back and look at the very first post I ever posted and it made me cringe with embarrassment at how immature I was but also laugh at how different I was then and how, if I went back in time and told myself then how my life is now, I would not believe it at all. 
In the last year or so, my life has changed in so many ways. Some, I thought I would never make it through and others I knew were for the best. If you've followed me since the beginning, you'll know that I was in a long distance relationship for a few years. He was away at school while I was at a community college back home trying to transfer near him. Well, that is not the case at all anymore. Yes, I am currently in a relationship but it is not with the same person you guys came to know from all my posts. I am in a happy relationship with my boyfriend, Brian whom I have kept out of this world, not because I don't want people to know, but simply because I am in a different place where I don't have to publicize my relationship anymore. I did that with my previous one and I did it with my break up and if I could go back and change it, I would. At 22 years old, I just don't find any benefit from sitting in my room and writing about how upset I am with my boyfriend or how mad I am at the world. I have found that I enjoy living life, finding chaos, and sometimes getting into trouble instead of envying the people who live life to the fullest. I've learned to take more risks and I am happier because of it.
Also, I have a new job. I am now an associate at Coach and I absolutely love it. The people are incredible and being around handbags all day long is seriously heaven on earth for me. This job started out as a seasonal gig which was nice because, during the holidays, I'm on break from my preschool job, so instead of sitting on my butt all day, I decided t work. I impressed my managers and they decided to keep me and hire me permanently. I was ecstatic and, honestly, felt so blessed. I know people struggling to find one job and here I ended up with two and finding that I excel in both quite nicely. I am seriously so happy and even though I complain because I am always tired and my weekends don't exist anymore, I am grateful to have to opportunity to work more because it gave me the chance to get a new car and help pay for it. 
The biggest life update, though, comes from school. I made the choice to attend community college after high school for a number of reasons: it's less expensive, I can stay close to home, it's an easier transition from high school to college, and so on. But the honest reason that I could not admit to myself until a few years later was that I was afraid to move on. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't afraid to leave high school. I was more than ready for that. I didn't enjoy high school but that was my personal opinion and I was ready to bolt the second I started. I mean I wasn't ready to move on to the next four years because I didn't want to lose my friends, my relationship, the things that I "found" and treasured when I was 18. So I went to community college and found that it was just like high school and somehow I found myself content there. When I decided I was ready to apply to transfer, I learned I wasn't because every school I applied to said NO! So I went back to community college to try to transfer again. And again, they said no. I was so discouraged and started thinking school isn't for me. I wanted to quit so badly. I spent four years at a community college when it should have been two and I found myself at my lowest point, full of self-hate and negative thoughts about myself. Then finally I decide to apply one more time and....they said yes. FINALLY! After feeling like shit for so long and hating everything about myself and life, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel because I am finally leaving community college and attending university in the Fall. I cannot begin to explain to you guys how incredible that feels. I know it's not much at it's taking me longer than most but I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! Because everything finally fell into place. My work life, social life, and academic life have finally all aligned and I am genuinely happy. I am the happiest I've ever been and I am ready to take on the next challenge school throws at me in the Fall. God, I am so happy simply writing this out. 
I know this is one hell of a long post but that's why it's called an update. So, that's what's been going on with me. I hope all is well with every single one of you!
Jess (:
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raggedy man,  goodnight.
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I know being with me is not easy. But I want you to understand no one has me, or has ever had me, except you.
Abbi Glines, Breathe  (via hay-girl-hay-lesbifriends)
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Our Disneyland date yesterday was a success. #justusgirls
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Family bowling night.
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That two hour wait was so worth it!
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Max: you're tired after our walk? Me: how are you not tired after our walk?
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Merry Christmas from the boyfriend and I.
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Maxx, it's your twin!!
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