jessicawilden · 7 years
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Burning down other people's opinions doesn't make us right, it makes us arsonists. #speaklove #listenmore #lovepeople #everyonealways
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Burning down other people's opinions doesn't make us right, it makes us arsonists. #speaklove
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Baby really bumping today at church... these kids singing to my belly all morning warming my heart ❤️
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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You, my dear, are my kind of people! 😆😊
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Small things become great when done with love. Don't underestimate those little ways you can light up this life.
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Many times I throw people for a loop when I order whipped cream on my latte or sausage with my eggs. . "Wow, I thought you were going to be eating all healthy!" They say. . Take it from a former QUEEN 👸 of the yo-yo diet.... . I used to have an "all or nothing" mentality. I would cut out sugar, dairy, everything unhealthy and then totally BINGE when life would fall apart. . That would put me in a "I don't even care" cycle until I would decide enough us enough and start at square one again. . Yeah, that sent a great message to my kids. . Yeah, that was a lifestyle that was good for me. . Yeah, that was good for my waistline and energy. . #sarcasm #sonot . You can't just say food is JUST fuel. It's too simplified and it doesn't work anyways. . Food is celebration, community, comfort. . And when you get the moderation part down, it's being a good example to your kids AND it's sustainable! #forreals . I think of my eating as an 80/20 lifestyle. 90/10 if I'm trying to shed some weight or tone purposefully. . I try to eat clean 80% of the time. . That means that if I had 8 meals two of them don't have to be completely clean. Or if each meal has 3 categories on the plate each time I have 9 I can have one catagory that's not as perfect. . I don't want my kids to feel like anything is taboo. . I don't want them to think one cup of ice cream is going to make them fat. . I want them to strive for health, strength, and feeling good over anything a stupid scale says. . We don't talk about weight. We don't have a scale. My ten year old shows me her muscles and how strong she is getting constantly! #proudmama . This is a stark difference to me 5 years ago complaining about my weight and hearing my baby girl call herself fat. . So yeah, ordering whipped cream or bacon actually makes me a better person, a better coach, a better mama. . We gotta live this life, and love it too. . Don't real yourself (in either direction) with food or a number on a scale. You'll miss out. . Feel healthy. Love your life. Be the example now. . Flipping your thinking to live this way isn't easy. If you need a place to start message me... because it's not just about you d
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Where are mom's at who know EXACTLY what I'm talking about? 🙋🏼
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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You are enough, just as you are. . Your jean size is NEVER going to touch the unbelievable person you are girly, but this life of yours is a one time shot. It can be so incredibly lovely when you are feeling amazing, when you are spending time on things that matter greatly to you, and when you are helping others. . Getting in shape or building a business of your own or deciding to start a new workout program or being the very best mom you can be, will just bring out more of your greatness and beauty. #livewell
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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The POWER of the mind 😳💥. I can talk myself into almost anything you know?!
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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This is such an easy breakfast or lunch giving you so many nutrients to keep your energy strong! #yum
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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What would you do if I had something important to tell you? But I KNEW you would probably just keep scrolling and not hear it? . What would you do if you knew TODAY was the LAST day, but you were worried someone would think you are all about just selling something? #thatwouldbeterrible . Would you share it? . What if it was something that had flipped your life? You had had the worst health problems, were on expensive medication with side-effects, your stomach hurt every night, and you secretly felt like you were just permanently STUCK... because you had tried to get healthy before and sticking with it seemed impossible. . Or you had thought that workouts were all equal and would be on the treadmill and gym for hours and just PLATEAU because you didn't realize some 30 min workouts are WAY MORE effective then that wasted 2 hours! #wishiwouldhaveknown . Here it goes... because I would want to know.... . Today is the very LAST day that you can get over 6 THOUSAND workouts for a YEAR for less than 2 months of a gym membership! . Yep, today is the LAST CALL! . Have you tuned out yet? . I think if I were you I might have.... BUT now, knowing what I know, my life is totally different. . You see I didn't realized what the shake I blend up everyday, having basically the "netflix" or workouts at my finger tips, and then having a group to check in with, get recipes from, have meal plans all set to go, and actual accountability would really do for me, but it changed EVERYTHING. . And today is the last day before the price goes up. For getting the SAME deal today you will save over $40. . The kids are all going back to school and the routine is starting to get all worked out, and it's time! . I hate wearing SPANX or only loose clothes because Summer treats and craziness got to me, so it's the perfect time! . This package was the secret sauce for me. . I have countless challengers who have lost pounds and gained confidence (even though they had failed at everything else!) because of this deal... so I can't keep it in my mouth! . One of my challengers just told me by adding in her shake and getting more active she has lost a total of 104 pounds!!! . Doesn't that ju
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Coffee and friendship making my day rich and my heart swell! . What you see in this picture are ladies from all walks of life but have come together due to the same passion. . What you don't see are: . - Personal Trainers - Nutrition experts - Sales people - Bikini and fitness models - Women who have 'completed' their journey . We are truly your neighbors, each working towards a goal to help & INSPIRE people to live healthy and fulfilling lives. . We are 100% a SISTERHOOD supporting & EMPOWERING each other to reach our highest potential. . I absolutely LOVE the friendships & connections coaching has given me ❤️ . Jealousy... nope, none of that in this circle! If you need a group of girls to have your back, to empower you, to support you, and lift you up- we will welcome you into this team with open arms! . With all the negativity these days, these are the parts of my life that are real, full of goodness, and full of people who roll up their sleeves to make the world (and their family's lives) a better place. . Thanks for the morning visit ladies! So thankful for you! . Sorry we didn't catch you in the picture before you left Tiffany! ❤️
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Swing into those things you fear and that have been holding you back, and you will find your greatest joy there.
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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You up for it? Wednesday's got nothin' on you...
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Inches lost, Friendships & Dreams built, Lifestyle loved : Built by that Shake you see on the internet and those crazy at-home workouts that "don't work" ;) . Truth be told I was NEVER a shake person BUT I was a internal health, not live under a heating-pad if heavily medicated and want help getting more nutrients so I can have more energy type person. . Truth be told I was NEVER an at-home workout program person I was often around those who LAUGHED at those kind of things UNTIL my FIRST program changed my entire body. . Truth be told I was NEVER a "you can work from home and workout and help other and get paid" type of person I SWORE it was a scam and everyone was silly. NOW this is my FULL TIME JOB, and here we are getting ready for ANOTHER vacation BECAUSE of it. . TRUTH be told the type of person you NEVER were can change, you can stand up and say I want a different life and it's totally ok that I didn't want that before. . NO I was NEVER that type of person but I was a IF THESE people are having success MAYBE I shouldn't just bury my head int the sand and ignore type person. ;) . NOW I'm not telling you what to do ....BUT the SECOND I got over myself and said WHAT THE HECK have I got to lose...my entire WORLD changed.
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Inches lost, Friendships & Dreams built, Lifestyle loved : Built by that Shake you see on the internet and those crazy at-home workouts that "don't work" ;) . Truth be told I was NEVER a shake person BUT I was a internal health, not live under a heating-pad if heavily medicated and want help getting more nutrients so I can have more energy type person. . Truth be told I was NEVER an at-home workout program person I was often around those who LAUGHED at those kind of things UNTIL my FIRST program changed my entire body. . Truth be told I was NEVER a "you can work from home and workout and help other and get paid" type of person I SWORE it was a scam and everyone was silly. NOW this is my FULL TIME JOB, and here we are getting ready for ANOTHER vacation BECAUSE of it. . TRUTH be told the type of person you NEVER were can change, you can stand up and say I want a different life and it's totally ok that I didn't want that before. . NO I was NEVER that type of person but I was a IF THESE people are having success MAYBE I shouldn't just bury my head int the sand and ignore type person. ;) . NOW I'm not telling you what to do ....BUT the SECOND I got over myself and said WHAT THE HECK have I got to lose...my entire WORLD changed.
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jessicawilden · 7 years
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Don't look back... you aren't going that way.
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