jessikatsu · 2 years
Reviving this blog after two years because of all the chaos on Twitter but now I’m so lost… how do I follow you all back? Where do I find the friends list (if that is even what it’s called)? 😭
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jessikatsu · 4 years
Aahhh I’ve neglected this blog for quite a while. I’ve been posting more notes and theories over on Twitter though. I wonder if you guys have Twitter?
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jessikatsu · 4 years
Hi, ARMY! I’m thankful that you’ve found my first post and even spared it some hearts! I will try to post the succeeding parts here ASAP, as I’m still trying to figure things out. It’s been so long since I was on Tumblr! Hahaha.
In case you want to read the thread HYYH-WINGS-LY-MOTS thread in its entirety, I’ve uploaded it actually on Twitter! You can find me under the same username (@jessikatsu)
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jessikatsu · 4 years
Connecting the HYYH, WINGS, Love Yourself, and Map of the Soul eras (Part 1 of 4)
✱ Long read ahead, so I’ll split this into four parts!
TW // abuse, blood, violence, death, self-harm and suicide
Please know that this isn’t an exhaustive list of possible triggers in The Notes and the MVs. Also, all MVs mentioned are BU content certified, but I didn’t include the Japanese MVs in this thread. 
This covers the start of young adulthood.
HYYH 1: Experiencing life’s beauty and uncertainties 
HYYH 2: Embracing those uncertainties and working through them 
HYYH: Young Forever: Cherishing the beautiful moments in life despite the difficulties they came with
These MVs show beauty alongside pain. From The Notes, we know the boys have their own struggles, yet they find solace in each other. Here, we see their most beautiful moments together but also how they fell apart.
As the name implies, this is the back story. This is like an overview of The Notes as well. The scene where Taehyung calls his hyung is likely referencing the events from the I Need U MV. What follows, the MV itself, is a series of flashbacks.
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This also shows Taehyung jumping into the sea, while a similar scene occurs earlier in the MV, when Taehyung is on the roof while the rest of the boys were seated at the empty swimming pool. This is also referenced in later MVs, such as the Euphoria MV!
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 These MVs are interesting because they seem to be parallels. I remember watching these as a baby ARMY and thinking how so many scenes seem to be repeated. This could be an indication of the time loop, so we could be seeing two different storylines already.
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There are moments when the boys were all happy together, and ones when they’re separated. We also see what happened that led to their fall out like Yoongi and Jungkook fighting, the house of cards falling down, and scenes that seem connected but aren’t exactly the same.
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I want to point out that in Run, we see Seokjin building a house of cards. Later when it collapses, he gets a blank look on his face (which he often does in the BU videos!). At this point, Seokjin is already in the time loop, which restarts whenever he fails to save everyone.
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In the MVs, we see the boys meeting several unfortunate events - attempting to take their own life by drowning or burning, passing out and not getting medical attention, getting beat up, committing crimes and getting arrested. These events restart the loop for Seokjin.
The house of cards is symbolic because it represents the boys. The act of it collapsing is a representation of Seokjin failing. At one point in the MV, we even see Taehyung causing the house of cards to fall apart. This shows that Seokjin cannot control the other boys.
While Seokjin can go back in time to try to fix everything, he cannot control the every variable. The other boys can act however they wish and other factors also come into play. He has no control over both of these things. He will just have to keep trying until he succeeds.
The lyrics of House of Cards echo this frustration, “even if I knew already, I can’t stop, as time passes, it just becomes more ruined, it’s collapsing again”. As Seokjin tries to change the past, he faces more challenges. He keeps trying since he knows the result if he fails.
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As the name implies, this is the epilogue, the conclusion of the HYYH era. The song lyrics also talk about running towards one’s dreams and holding on to hope, despite falling down, getting hurt, or navigating through what seems like an endless maze.
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The HYYH era gave use these pairings:
Namjoon and Taehyung  Yoongi and Jungkook  Hoseok and Jimin  Seokjin is alone 
The pairings have like yin-yang dynamic: one complements the other, as if they can complete each other. We even see these pairing during the MOTS era!
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As HYYH is about experiences of the youth, we can look at this from a perspective of an adolescent. Like the album titles, these moments when one can be carefree are the most beautiful moments in one's life, and they’re like a dream that one may not want to wake up from.
Unfortunately, one has to grow up. And by growing up, that means waking up from the beautiful dream and coming back to reality. Reality isn’t always beautiful, and life can be unkind to someone just starting to find his way in the world. This brings us to the WINGS era!
(End of Part 1)
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jessikatsu · 4 years
Hi there, thank you for the follow and welcome (back?) to Tumblr! I was intrigued by your description and took a peek at your twitter. Excited to see what you share here! ♡
Hello! Thank you so much! I didn’t expect you’d message me. 💜 yeah, finally back on Tumblr after years! I’m hoping I can find more accounts on Tumblr to share theories with. I’m so excited I found yours!
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