jewgarcia-blog1 · 7 years
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29th of September 2017
Its my 2nd week being an pre-intern at Army General Hospital in BGC, Taguig City. to tell you the truth being assigned in a toxic hospital is exhausting. but at the end of the day, you will be filled with happiness knowing that you helped someone.to restore their function.
I’ve met a lot of patients. Mostly, Army corporal who went to Marawi City to fight for our country. Before being assign to AGH, I thought being a soldier was just fighting battles. but it isn’t just fighting. They’re taking risks that they may never see their family again and they’re taking the risk that it got to the point that some of their men got disabled, coma, bed-ridden and the sad part, died.
I come to realized that they were giving their life and they’re whole-heartedly fighting for our country. I just wish that many people may realize to honor our Soldiers. Let’s thank them for they are risking their lives and going to a chaos war so that we can live peacefully. 
Let’s honor their bravery and their love for us, the countrymen and for our country. Now I know why God made me decide to take up a course in BS Physical Therapy. This is God’s purpose and God made my hands to heal people.
Thank you for the 2-weeks experience, AGH. Till next year!
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jewgarcia-blog1 · 7 years
“Why would anyone set out to break the heart of someone they loved? Why would anyone intentionally cause that kind of pain? Why did people kill each other? Because they enjoyed it. Was it really that simple? To achieve a soul-shattering, it is better if the perpetrator has been through the same experience. 
Hurt people hurt people more skillfully. An expert heartbreaker knows the effect of each incision. The blade slips in barely noticed, the pain and the apology delivered at the same time.”
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jewgarcia-blog1 · 7 years
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8th of September 2017 Lake Pandin, City of San Pablo, Laguna. When traveling with friends, we're more likely to make exciting memories. It's important to travel the world at a very young age, and doing it with friends certainly makes it a whole lot more exciting. At this point of our lives, we should be experiencing the diversity of our world to be cultured and educated as possible. But being young can make it difficult to travel entirely alone, and we're always confident with a companion by our side.
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jewgarcia-blog1 · 7 years
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Its getting lost in nature and you will find yourself. I realized that I will never be contented with a sedentary life, that I will always be haunted by thoughts of the sun.
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