jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
I used to love Mama Tot but then I saw she had watermelons as her profile photo and in her bio. I unfollowed so many tiktokers who blindly support my death and slaughter of my people, my family. They do proudly display their ignorance.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
My birthday was yesterday and I didn’t celebrate. I can’t celebrate anything knowing our people and their bodies are held in Gaza. Where our soldiers are dying in a war they didn’t want, so many young Israelis gone. And how the people in Gaza who try to speak out against Hamas are being silenced, are being starved and having aid stolen from them. My birthday wish is for our people to be freed and for Hamas to be destroyed so that we all can finally start living in peace, help rebuild, and have a bright future for our children.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
The pro Hamas crowd wishing Jews a Happy Hanukkah is both sad and amusing. They call for our genocide, celebrate our genocide and suffering, support those who vow to wipe us off the earth, yet will wish us a holiday blessing for a holiday that is about a Jewish uprising to decolonize our land, and our victory at the time, our survival on the very land they claim we colonized.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
I’m curious as to how much money this kid gets from views and stitches? I know that one antisemite white supremacist on X bragged about the money he makes from tweeting straight up lies since people eat it up as truth. How much money do they make from their antisemitic followers? It’s got to be a lot to have lost all humanity and credibility and not care about it.
“Go ahead, privileged little white boy from far away, tell me what’s REALLY going on here.” - via matanperetz___
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
Why do anti Zionist Jews celebrate Hanukkah? Why do they participate in most Jewish holidays? They will say Zionism isn’t Judaism but our holidays, prayers, and traditions are Zionist.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
Waiting for the pro Hamas crowd to try to cancel Beyonce
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Some good news: 9-yr-old former Israeli hostage Emily Hand, who was freed this week after being held by Hamas in Gaza for over 50 days, was invited by @Beyonce to attend a concert anywhere in the world, at date of her choosing.
God bless you @beyonce Thank you ❤️🇺🇸🙏💙🇮🇱❤️💙🙏🇺🇸🇮🇱
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
why does it feel like one morning I woke up and it turned out 87% of the entire population of the earth had a sleeper antisemite agent and it got activated for all of them at once. what the fuck is happening.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
I've noticed that once testimonies of the child hostages recounting their torment by Hamas were being reported on, now the Palestinian prisoner youths are claiming mistreatment, torture, starvation, etc by Israelis in prison....
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Not to worry people but the responses to the hostage releases are making me snap in real time. I was thinking of staying nice but I'm so done.
You took a kid having their first meal in weeks and turned into an argument for Jews being white
You took a girl who was shot in the leg and taken away from her captors into a Stockholm syndrome love story
You took a dad in the worst situations a parent can be in and decided to vilify him because he'd rather his daughter die a quiet death than be raped, tortured and scarred for life
You have still yet to say anything on the Thai worker that gave birth in captivity, the kids and mothers still held, the Beduoins and Arabs who were also kidnapped, you have yet to address that many of the kids released have no family to go back to, you even denied hostages were taken until now when you can't avoid it. And now to cope you're claiming they were treated well
You truly do not see us as humans experiencing the worst hate crime in nearly a century. You're so full of hate that you can't even be happy for rescued children.
I'm done. My trust of goyim has been broken forever
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
Random thought:
If Jews in Israel are white like how antisemites claim, then why can’t I find foundation and concealer that matches my pasty skin? I have to order online outside of Israel 😅 and if I find a pale shade, it has the wrong undertone for me. On top of that, finding blonde hair dye or a stylist who can achieve the blonde I want is also hard to find. Eyebrow tint for blonde eyebrows? Forget about it 🤣
On top of that, the majority of Jews in Israel are MENA, evidence of this besides actual facts would be the lack of a decent bagel, pastrami sandwiches, and finding kosher all beef hotdogs is pretty rare. Don’t get me wrong, I love Israeli Jewish foods, just hate making the Ashkenazi foods myself 🤣
Israel is such a beautiful diverse country. I come from Canada and though Canada is known as being multicultural, I never felt safe to be openly Jewish and or feel like I could be apart of such diverse cultures and backgrounds. My mother in law is Iraqi and her mother in law, my father in law’s Holocaust surviving mother, taught her how to make matzo ball soup and other Ashkenazi dishes.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
Forgot where they call video proof directly from Hamas Israeli propaganda 🤣
חחחחחחחחחחחח אני מתה עם הבינגו אמאלההההה חייבת כזה
תודהההה באדיבות @ashenpumpkin
זו הגרסה הריקה
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
Where is all of these benefits for me? 😅🤣 meanwhile I’m in debt and keep getting denied disability despite doctors even writing me personal letters stating my chronic pain and mental health struggles that are well documented
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tiktok is insane actually. ur telling me people are out there saying the stupidest shit you've ever heard AND theyre actually attaching their face to it?????
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
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Look at that Tallit from their most recent protest:
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and yeah. if 99.9% of jews denounce jvp and refuse to engage with them maybe they aren’t representative of us in any way and what you have on your hands, ladies and gentlemen, is internalised antisemitism and gross tokenism.
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jewishwarriorprincess · 6 months
I honestly think they only apologized because they quoted a Reuters report.
"BBC apologizes after ‘incorrect’ report stated Israeli troops targeted Gaza medical team"
But western media doesnt lie!
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jewishwarriorprincess · 7 months
i got into an argument with a (now ex) friend about israel where he said "israel has killed civilians in lebanon and hamas isnt in lebanon so what's their excuse there?" and i was genuinely dumbfounded for a second. like...hezbollah has been bombing northern israel since october 7? it's been in the news??? confirmed by hezbollah itself???? to this day i wonder if he genuinely believed israel was bombing lebanon for shits and giggles or what
good on u, u deserve better and
Hamas is in Lebanon, just in smaller, more concentrated numbers
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jewishwarriorprincess · 7 months
Ah well she's just like her father then
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jewishwarriorprincess · 7 months
Well... lol
do u believe the babies in the nicu were also in hamas? It seems possible or maybe they were hamas’ babies?
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jewishwarriorprincess · 7 months
Yup. When looking for a home in Israel, it was important to my husband that we got one that had a shelter inside and not the old buildings that didn't have. Those buildings are slowly getting demolished to make way for newer buildings with shelters. And the fact that the shelters in homes are used mainly as a room for children.
My son is almost 4 and he knows what to do when a siren goes off. Last one my husband was sleeping and the 1st thing my son did was make sure to wake up Aba. He also knows the booms are usually the Iron Dome intercepting the rockets. This morning when walking him to Gan he pointed at a white truck and said "terrorist". I didn't teach him this, my husband didn't. Either my in laws did or he learned it at Gan..which is sad but also I'm glad he is being aware. My daughter is 20 months old and I can be playing video games or watching movies while she naps and she stays asleep, but the siren she immediately woke up even though it wasn't that loud compared to my games.
There were never 18 years without war in israel
every boy that was born here knows the way to the school's shelter. every girl knows how the missile alarm sounds like. every man knows what they mean in passover when they say "that in every generation they come for us to destroy us".every woman here knows what the terror organizations are called and what they want.
my child will grow without war. my child will not know the school's shelter. my child will not know the sound of alarm. my child will know not of terror organizations. my child will not understand what we mumble on passover.
we need to win this war. for this kid. and milions unborn like him. so that i can honsetly tell them, "when you'll grow old, you won't go to the army"
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