jfcsilas · 10 years
That's funny stuff right there.
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Fell asleep out in the sun and now i have horrible tan lines..
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Room service and lots of it. And a few sprints to the food places.
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What did you do for food then?
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jfcsilas · 10 years
I can't believe I spent the last couple days watching Boy Meets World. The sun feels so weird.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Right? Now I have someone to keep me company when I'm up all night. I'm gonna name him Milo, maybe , unless a new name comes up.
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Well lucky you! I miss my cat, and my dog but that’s off topic. What are you naming him?
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Aw c'mon! There's no harm in that, well to me anyways. That's awesome! What other animals do you have?
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Ha, no way am I telling you! Yes I did say puppies. I live on a farm after all, so we own a lot of animals.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
So far his bed has been on my bed, but I think he's taken a liking to sleeping on my face. Not sure how I feel about it just yet.
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That sounds like fun. Then I’ll visit this little guy whenever I can. Can I make him a little bed, or does he already have one?
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jfcsilas · 10 years
On a ship, duh. You're in the lounge though.
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Where the hell am I?
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Oh? Who is this? I gotta tease you about it till you turn red. Aw, I'm sorry. Wait, did you say puppies? As in more than one.
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Don’t worry SiIas, I had someone else in mind for being a cuddle buddy. You make me miss my puppies though.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Mhm, as soon as we dock, I'm getting him chipped and checked. You should, this cat needs some social skills. 
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He’s so cute. Is he gonna stay in your cabin? If so, i’ll have to visit you more often.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Right? He's just the cutest. He is now my new cuddle buddy, so application for that is finally closed.
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How cute.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
I found him pawing at my night stand. I took him to the helm and asked, but they said the cat was a stray that got on and now he's mine.
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Wait… where exactly did you find a cat?
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jfcsilas · 10 years
I found a kitty. Kitty is now mine. I shall name him Milo.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Silas was able to see the shift in mood as they continued to talk about his willingness to stay on the West Coast. It killed him a bit knowing that this was what he was doing to her, but he couldn't help it. His friends, all he knew, and all he didn't know resided in the sunny city of Southern California and the forests that surrounded the northern parts. He grew up in a cutthroat city fending for himself, there was emotional investment into his home state and he couldn't help it. The thought of him transferring out just frightened him, it meant a new team, no friends, and maybe a loss in scholarship which he couldn't exactly afford since it was just him against the world, financially and most of the time emotionally. "Yeah, at least I hope I do." He spoke firmly not really sure what to say from here on out. As he looked out on the horizon, he wondered if this trip was what he needed for his injury to recover enough for him to get back on the team. "Sounds horrible. If that were the case, I don't think I'd talk much about anything. I need to keep some air of mystery around me. But hey, I think I might know where she's coming from. It's a shame you didn't go to the parties, that's where most high school memories happen. You're not missing out thought, some thing happens at a party every single time." Silas shrugged his shoulders as he nodded hearing about her father. For that, he had decided to keep that part unanswered at it might pain her to talk about it. Though a small smile did appear on her lips as she mentioned going to California. The question was something he didn't expect whatsoever. His relationship with her was one of the few things he held dear. The girl he dated was his best friend long before they dated. "Mhm, I did. It was three and a half years together, I really did love her. Well, she was my best friend before we even dated and it just happened one day out of nowhere. We ended things when her and I went off to college. She went to somewhere in New York and I stayed in California for scholarship. So I guess that answers that." They no longer talked much with each other, but it was still something and it saddened Silas a bit knowing that he wasn't able to see her. "Oh. Your mom's pretty strict. And yes, I do, but m'going to keep that a mystery." He smiled before thinking of another question. "What's your dream?"
Late Night Bite || Lola & Silas
"Of course." She said with a forced smile on her face. Obviously it had some effect on her and she did feel a little down. It was foolish of her to think that a guy she just met would want to give up everything for her so soon. "I understand,you have a good future ahead of you." She had hoped her smile would be convincing enough to him, but all she wanted to do right now was go back to her room and be alone for a couple of minutes to try and feel better about it all. She should have been prepared for his answer.Like he said, California was his home, and Lola had to respect that. Even though she felt that in her heart, he was her home. All of this would sound like a stupid cheesy movie to a lot of people, but to Lola, she had never felt this way about anyone before, and nobody ever made her feel as special as he made her feel within these past couple of days. After he had spoken, she nodded in agreement.She took her gaze to the blue waves that kept moving back and forth, and for a little while her smile disappeared,whenever she noticed he was going to throw water on his face. Whenever he was finished wetting his face, Lola looked up with the same fake grin on her face, trying to have a good time and enjoy every minute she could with him. She wanted this to be a vacation of a lifetime because she wasn’t sure when she would be able to afford another one."If I ever sneak out, mama would have caught me. You’d be surprised how fast word gets around, around town. Ya’ll wouldn’t be able to get any privacy." She chuckled a little, realizing how much of her small town accent was coming through. She tried to lose the accent before she came, but if you didn’t know her, you would swear she came from the southern states of the USA. As his next words were finished Lola sighed,"It’s fine. Pa is in a much better place and when I move out of mama’s i’ll probably get to live somewhere fancy, like California." another small chuckle left her lips, hoping that he wouldn’t feel sorry for her. She had honestly felt a little better since her father’s death, even though sometimes it would kill her inside."Did-Did you love her? Can I ask why you ended it? Yeah, that’s really crazy." She furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head at the boy’s words. She wished for a long relationship like that one day, especially if it was with Silas. Lola anxiously waited for her next question to be tossed at her, and soon enough, she was given another question to answer. A small giggle came out of her mouth and her hand covered it up,"Oh, mama never let me date anybody, so there’s that. I really wish I had something more interesting to tell you." She bit her lip and let her hand come down and make small splashes in the water. "Alright, my turn to ask you another one. Do you have a crush with anyone on the ship?"
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jfcsilas · 10 years
I'm sure there will be more parties. And I'll make sure you get the invite too.
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Dammit, I missed the party. 
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jfcsilas · 10 years
When he saw the smile etched on her lips had decreased in size, he knew that he had said something wrong. Silas never knew what it was like to live in a small town, he grew up in the foggy city of San Francisco, the life there was very fast paced and at times he did enjoy it. Other times he would think about small towns and wonder what it'd be like, but that thought didn't necessarily suffice the boy all too much. And when she did say that she wanted him close, there was a part of him that wanted to meet that, but his connections and his dream was set on the state of California at UCLA. "It'd be nice to be close, but I have obligations in L.A. My scholarship and team are at UCLA and I can't just leave. California is home." He said softly not wanting to sadden her. Silas has separation anxiety regarding to new places, it took a lot of convincing from his friends and mentors to have him come on this trip after all. "That's a really good thing to hear and I wish I heard it more throughout my life." Smiling at her before splashing some water onto himself wanting to keep cool. "There's always the option of sneaking out. Whenever I do that back home, it always proved to be one of the best nights ever." He added before hearing the sadder portion of her story and the smile that was left on his lips had disappeared. "M'sorry to hear that and how things had turn out." Frowning a bit. "Yeah, I did actually. We dated for about 3 years, 3.5 since the first six wasn't us officially going out. She's actually one of my best friend, crazy, huh?' He quipped before trying to think of another question. "What about your love life?"
Late Night Bite || Lola & Silas
"If you say so. We can get out anytime you want." She grinned at him, making sure he knew she was fine with anything he wanted to do. As she went on for what seemed like a few minutes about her life in the East, she felt like it would be nice to have a close friend there. The closest she ever came to a real friend was her sister. She didn’t really count either because she was already out of the house and never came back. Lola still wished she knew where her sister went. She brushed her hair behind her ear once more, and listened to the boy speak. Whenever he mentioned how he liked the small towns, Lola’s smile only grew from there. She started to daydream as she continued to listen to him, about how nice it would be to have him close, even long after this cruise was over. As she saw him finish up what he was saying, her smile began to get smaller. Of course he would say that, she thought to herself. Not even Lola liked the small town, but she just had to deal with it. "It would be great to have you close…" She paused, hoping he would get her hint. She began to bite her lip,"I’m sure it would be different with me around." As Lola stopped talking, she realized how stupid she probably sounded. She was just trying to get him to be with her for a long time. If he didn’t want to, of course she wouldn’t pressure him into coming. Lola’s grin came back as they started to discuss the answer to her question she had for him."You know if I would have known you before this cruise, I would have made sure to be one of your closest friends." Lola sighed as she realized how much of a fantasy she was thinking of. She took a breath and continued,"I would make sure you were always taken care of. I’m glad you have some good friends, though." It was crazy how much she liked him. Only a day on the cruise and already she was head over heels for this guy. "Uh-me? I was always an acquaintance to all of the people in my classes. They would invite me to parties and events, but my mama would never let me go, so I never got a chance to have a close friend. After papa died, mama turned a little mean and made me work on our farm instead of attending college." Lola looked down, realizing how crazy her life must have seemed to this boy. She sighed and then looked back up at him,"My next question for you would be…have you ever had a girlfriend?" She was only curious and not at all jealous. Lola just wished she could be his girlfriend some day, but for now she would just have to live in her daydreams.
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jfcsilas · 10 years
Smiling, he began to regulate his treading more efficiently to prevent the fatigue from coming on so early. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I haven't been in the pool in a while." He waved it off a bit his gaze fixated on her.  As he listened to her about the lifestyle that was East Coast, he was a bit apprehensive still. The boy would enjoy the sights and the change in venue, but he wasn't sure he would want to separate from his home state along with his friends. "I don't know, I sorta like the idea of a small town. People aren't in such a rush and you know most of the people. But I do see where it can get a bit monotonous and routinely." He added a bit blankly thinking about how life it would be like to live in a small town. Hearing her next question, Silas began to think about his friends and how he was back in high school and how it was his first year of college. "I hung out with a few friends outside of school since they're my closest friends, but in school I guess I had a big realm of friends because of classes and sports. So I guess I did have a lot of friends back home in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Not a lot of close ones though which sorta sucks. But hey, I have a few and I think that's all that matters." Silas said, smiling a sad smile as he missed his friends back home dearly. He definitely missed the late night adventures with the girl next door and a few other guy friends. Though as of late, his circle of friends had been drastically reduced as his injury had made him turn a bit sour, having a majority of the people who called themselves his friends turn on him. "What about you? What's your school like back home and all of that."
Late Night Bite || Lola & Silas
"I’m one hundred percent serious." She grinned. He was cute whenever he cared about her in the water. It was nice having someone to worry a little bit about your safety. Whenever she stayed held onto him, she knew she wasn’t ready to let go that quickly. "I’ll let you know." She chuckled. It was a different experience than being back home. At her house her mother could have really cared less what happened to her. All Lola was ever good for was to take care of the farm work after her father had passed. The water began to feel a little cold on Lola’s skin, so as a result she started to shiver her arms. Maybe the pool was just a little cool to her, she knew she would hate herself if she had to get out, so she just shrugged it off and acted like it didn’t bother her at all. She watched as he wet his hair, and she couldn’t help but smile. He looked so cute when he was in the pool, she thought to herself. It was weird how she never felt this way about a boy, until now. It was probably the way he made her feel special. He cared about her and he was something special. Lola knew she could never let him get away. He was different from a lot of other people, and she knew she needed him in her life. Lola nodded and put her other hand on her hip as she listened to Silas speak. It was a little obvious that he was getting tired, and she hated seeing him that way. She wanted to make sure he was okay, too. Whenever she was lead to the ledge, she grinned at him,"Are you okay? I don’t mind going to the shallow end." Lola tried her best to show that she cared about him. A small chuckle came from her mouth as she heard him speak."Well…for me it was really boring, but if you go to school on the East Coast, your college experience might have been a lot more fun, than say if you were to just live in a small town." She was being honest and wondered why anyone would even consider the East Coast for school. If it were up to her she would go somewhere amazing. She was glad he didn’t choose to go to the East for his education. After a moment, she brushed her hair back and gazed into his eyes,"Alright, my turn. Do you have a lot of friends back home?" She wondered what kind of guy he was, and friends really didn’t have an effect on whether she liked the person or not, but it was nice to know. Lola hardly had friends due to working on the farm a lot.
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