jgreg39 · 3 months
“Loving me isn’t easy, I have sharp edges, I have missing parts.”
— Donte Collins
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jgreg39 · 3 months
Make the commitment that, not matter how lonely you get on your journey, you will not reinvite toxic people back into your life.
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jgreg39 · 3 months
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jgreg39 · 6 months
I think the kindest people are so kind because the world has been unkind to them. I think that they know what it feels like to be ingnored, unloved, and alone. They know how much it hurts, and don't want anyone else to have to feel this pain. So they are kind, when others are not. Even when others do not deserve it. They are kind.
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jgreg39 · 8 months
Sometimes, you end up gettin’ where you wanna go
And then find out when you get there that you don’t wanna be where you’re at
And then you feel like this is all just a waste of time
But just remember, if you never got there then you’d always be wanting to get there
And then you don’t know you don’t wanna be there until you get there
So sometimes you just gotta go where you don’t wanna go
Just to know that that’s not where you wanna be
— Rodney Norman 2022
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jgreg39 · 8 months
“Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.”
— Roy T. Bennett
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jgreg39 · 8 months
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Nikolaus Brinkmann | @patheight
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jgreg39 · 8 months
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
— Virginia Woolf
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jgreg39 · 8 months
We were like a cigarette and a blunt left in an ashtray
Both burnt out
Left for the dead
It was nice, being together
Up until the end
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jgreg39 · 8 months
“We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others.”
— John Lennon
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jgreg39 · 10 months
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(by nathanleeallen)
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jgreg39 · 10 months
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by chadtorkelsen
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jgreg39 · 10 months
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kevin hense
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jgreg39 · 10 months
“There was something about him that made me want to abandon all caution.”
— Wendy Higgins, Sweet Evil
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jgreg39 · 10 months
“If I have learned anything over this last year it’s that you have to live your own life too so that if something we hoped for doesn’t work out, you still have two legs to stand on, you still have your own path.”
— T.S. Krupa
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jgreg39 · 10 months
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jgreg39 · 10 months
“I think people would be happier if they admitted things more often. In a sense we are all prisoners of some memory, or fear, or disappointment—we are all defined by something we can’t change.”
— Simon Van Booy
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