jhonatheshiny · 13 days
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New OC, this time for Mechquest!
His name is Nathon Hullbuster, but he prefers to be called by his callsign "Hummingbird"
And yes, I decided to make him a femboy.
As far as his personality, I'd describe them as "platonic tsundere" IE, walled-off and aggressive until they feel they can trust you. Deep down wants to make friends, but heavily struggles with trusting people.
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jhonatheshiny · 19 days
I was thinking about writing a sports-based mecha story. Anything specific I should keep in mind for that kind of story?
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
My immediate thought when I saw your ask a few weeks ago was a nostalgic memory of Metal Fighter Miku, which is not mecha, but instead power armor pro-wrestling. It’s a cute show with some very nice character designs. I recommend watching it if you’ve not already seen it.
I’ve given your question a lot of thought, because I love this idea and there are a lot fun ways to explore it.
First things first:
What kind of mecha? (combining, transforming, giant robot, etc)
How are they piloted (remote, like e-sports, or manual piloting)?
What kind of sports? (there are so many to choose from)
Solo or team competition?
If manually piloted, how long are the pilots in a mecha for, and how are their bodily functions handled?
What makes sports exciting to either compete in or watch?
Perhaps it's an entirely new kind of competition, in which case, consider how we define sports and e-sports with respect to physical and mental competition.
If we exclude martial arts, sumo, wrestling, and other sports related to types of combat (for now), we still have plenty of space to play, such as racing or shot put. I say to exclude those at first because one-on-one, or even team-on-team martial competition is a natural place to arrive at when doing mecha + sports (but we'll get back to it further down).
Next things to keep in mind are:
What is the setting and how does it affect the sports? • Think about Earth land, Earth ocean, Earth air, low Earth orbit, space, uninhabitable planets, comets, moons, asteroids, etc. • Example: A shot put competition from the Moon’s surface where the mecha have to throw a ball the size of a building (or whatever) into Saturn’s orbit at aphelion. Scored based on which set of ice rings the ball gets into.
What challenges are imposed on the sport by the environment? • Example: No one runs marathons in the Gobi desert at noon, but a race within Neptune’s orbital path could have novel astrophysical challenges. Like, space is three-dimensional where centrifugal force does interesting things to a body in motion. Perhaps the challenge is in stopping within a finish range rather than crossing a finish line first.
What problem is solved, or what novelty is introduced to, by mecha sports competition? • Why would anyone spend trillions (presumably) in resources to manufacture mecha for sports? • Example: if the setting is post-scarcity, then people could be just that damn bored and want the novelty of an underwater cricket league. Or, War is Over, and humans need to do something with all those leftover Gundams that bankrupted entire nations, like Lunar Sumo or something. This is where martial arts mecha sports could be really interesting.
How will you define cheating or unfair performance enhancement?
Anyway, I hope all this helps, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
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jhonatheshiny · 25 days
Okay, so bad news!
My pngtuber software decided to get locked into fullscreen. so the stream will be postponed. I'll have it fixed soon hopefully, but just to err on the side of caution, I'll wait until next week.
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jhonatheshiny · 27 days
Hi guys! I'm planning on doing another Ask Zorbak stream Wednesday at 7:15 pm EST.
But seeing as last stream was much shorter than I'd like, I figured I would make a vote for a backup plan in case the questions are limited.
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
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Post Book 3 Jhona!!
After the events of the Dragesvard rift, Jhona had died from one of the fungal monsters. Suut decided to call in a favor to Zorbak to bring him back so he can achieve his dream:
To open a tavern in Doomwood, so he can share his cooking with weary travelers.
So now, Jhona functions as Zorbak's undead champion. That said, he mostly leaves Jhona to his own devices, aside from helping revive the Ask Zorbak series via livestreams on Twitch!
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Okay, so first of all, thank you to those who left their questions for the stream!
Second, I wish to apologize for dropping it as suddenly as I did. In retrospect, I probably should've given the discord askbox I made more time to fill up with questions!
Third, I will probably wait at least a week before the next stream, so that I can be sure it goes a bit smoother!
But again, thanks for your participation, and your patience with me! It honestly means a ton!
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Twitch is ZorbakTheEbilNecromancer, BTW! I'll also drop a link when it's closer to time, so don't worry!
For the DF Tumblr users who are into Dragonfable, and especially those into Zorbak, I have a treat!
I made a PNGtuber of Zorbak!!!
Now we can have a modern day equivalent of Ask Zorbak!!!
If people are interested, I'll even do other types of streams like reaction streams on Twitch!
First stream is at 8 pm EST! I'll put a link when I get home from work!
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Okay, so just wanted to let you guys know that the stream will be delayed. I still should be able to do it tonight, but it'll be around 8:45pm EST.
For the DF Tumblr users who are into Dragonfable, and especially those into Zorbak, I have a treat!
I made a PNGtuber of Zorbak!!!
Now we can have a modern day equivalent of Ask Zorbak!!!
If people are interested, I'll even do other types of streams like reaction streams on Twitch!
First stream is at 8 pm EST! I'll put a link when I get home from work!
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
For the DF Tumblr users who are into Dragonfable, and especially those into Zorbak, I have a treat!
I made a PNGtuber of Zorbak!!!
Now we can have a modern day equivalent of Ask Zorbak!!!
If people are interested, I'll even do other types of streams like reaction streams on Twitch!
First stream is at 8 pm EST! I'll put a link when I get home from work!
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Figured I'd give the other DF Tumblr sexyman some love for a change.
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
This is one of the dumbest things I've made
I'm so proud.
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
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Everyone loves swilliam, the chain-smoking pescatarian sensation that's sweeping the nation
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Nothing makes me relate to Mr Krabs in this clip more than knowing that it's been 10 years since the Book 3 Ravenloss Finale
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Headcanon for Jhona:
If you were to look into his cookbook, you would quickly realize that he doesn't write down measurements.
This partially has to do with the fact that he often ends up working with whatever meat from whatever monster he can get his hands on.
But if you were to ask him why he'd tell you "I measure with my heart".
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
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As Jhona was reaching into his bag to leave his yearly flowers, he noticed that he wasn't alone. He saw this boy standing here before, but never this late at night. Every time he'd try to talk to the boy ended the same way. Silence.
But even so...
"Guess you're here to see him too?"
Jhona found himself asking this before thinking. It was the only thing he could think to say, but he couldn't help but feel like he messed up.
But as he was getting ready to apologize, the boy finally opened up.
"Yeah" he said with a sign. "You've been here a lot. You a friend of his?"
Jhona honestly was surprised, but relieved to hear him finally respond. "Yeah. We went on a few adventures together."
There was a long pause. The only thing that could be heard was the chirping of insects. Did I already run out of things to say!? Jhona thought to himself. But then, it was the boy that ended up breaking the silence.
"....It's Piotr." He finally said "...That's my name..."
He didn't understand why, but the fact that Piotr finally introduced himself made him feel happier.
"Name's Jhona. Nice to meet you."
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jhonatheshiny · 1 month
Are we not gonna talk about this?
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We need a battle to the death between a smurf and moglin.
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found this gem from 2006 on wayback machine. i think i'm about safiria's height ? also props to artix (the real guy) for acknowledging that making the average female height 5'9" is hot
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