baby-im-fool · 2 years
With that i announce that the Cherry Bullet requests are open again, so currently i'm accepting requests for Billlie and CheBul, the other groups will take a while, since i have to keep up with them again!
Lazy Day With Haeyoon (Cherry Bullet)
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A/N: Guess who's doing a request received 2 years ago?? Anyway it's raining here in my city, it just feels right to write this imagine rn.
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
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You woke up to the sound of heavy rain on your bedroom window and upon seeing the storm that was outside all you could do was curse, since your plans to go out with your girlfriend Haeyoon were ruined.
Some time later you checked your phone and there was a message from her:
"Looks like the weather decided to spoil our fun... But it's okay, instead of going out, can you come here to the dorms?"
You immediately rushed to take a shower, get dressed and eat something since you overslept and it was already 01:00 PM (or 13:00 in the 24 hours format).
Arriving in the dorms and ringing the bell, as the door opened you saw Haeyoon still in pajamas, with Natto (her cat) in her arms, she said a quick "one minute" before closing the door on your face and rushing inside.
After some minutes she opened the door again, after changing her clothes.
"Yah! You just read my message and didn't reply, i thought you weren't coming! Now you saw me all disheveled!!"
Just now you realized that you were in such a hurry to get ready that you completely forgot about answering the text.
You explained the situation, earning a laugh from her, and reassured that she looked cute in her pajamas, actually the sight melted your heart completely.
Since she thought you weren't coming, she didn't prepare anything, but it's more fun to do things together anyway.
The two of you choose a netflix series to binge watch, turned off the lights, grabbed some blankets and lighted a scented candle, one that smelled like lilac and gooseberries.
During the episodes she made some comments, making your attention shift, from the screen to her soothing voice and the adorable face she made while trying to unravel the mystery of the plot.
After watching half of the show the hunger came, making you two move to the kitchen to do some cookies, Haeyoon sang a little for you while doing it, she knew every single song you adored.
Suddenly you realized how precious that moment was and how lucky you were to find someone like that to be your girlfriend.
Her honey voice filling your ears, as the rain poured outside as if it was the BGM to her musical and you were the one chosen to appreciate all of that, you felt like falling in love all over again, feeling the urge to hug her and never let it go.
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baby-im-fool · 2 years
Lazy Day With Haeyoon (Cherry Bullet)
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A/N: Guess who's doing a request received 2 years ago?? Anyway it's raining here in my city, it just feels right to write this imagine rn.
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
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You woke up to the sound of heavy rain on your bedroom window and upon seeing the storm that was outside all you could do was curse, since your plans to go out with your girlfriend Haeyoon were ruined.
Some time later you checked your phone and there was a message from her:
"Looks like the weather decided to spoil our fun... But it's okay, instead of going out, can you come here to the dorms?"
You immediately rushed to take a shower, get dressed and eat something since you overslept and it was already 01:00 PM (or 13:00 in the 24 hours format).
Arriving in the dorms and ringing the bell, as the door opened you saw Haeyoon still in pajamas, with Natto (her cat) in her arms, she said a quick "one minute" before closing the door on your face and rushing inside.
After some minutes she opened the door again, after changing her clothes.
"Yah! You just read my message and didn't reply, i thought you weren't coming! Now you saw me all disheveled!!"
Just now you realized that you were in such a hurry to get ready that you completely forgot about answering the text.
You explained the situation, earning a laugh from her, and reassured that she looked cute in her pajamas, actually the sight melted your heart completely.
Since she thought you weren't coming, she didn't prepare anything, but it's more fun to do things together anyway.
The two of you choose a netflix series to binge watch, turned off the lights, grabbed some blankets and lighted a scented candle, one that smelled like lilac and gooseberries.
During the episodes she made some comments, making your attention shift, from the screen to her soothing voice and the adorable face she made while trying to unravel the mystery of the plot.
After watching half of the show the hunger came, making you two move to the kitchen to do some cookies, Haeyoon sang a little for you while doing it, she knew every single song you adored.
Suddenly you realized how precious that moment was and how lucky you were to find someone like that to be your girlfriend.
Her honey voice filling your ears, as the rain poured outside as if it was the BGM to her musical and you were the one chosen to appreciate all of that, you felt like falling in love all over again, feeling the urge to hug her and never let it go.
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Moon Sua (Billlie) Fluff Scenario
Plot: Moon Sua is in love with you, but she thinks you're only close to her because you're interested in her brother, Astro's Moonbin.
A/N: This was supposed to be a short scenario but i got hyped and wrote a book, just cope with my gay self.
**✿❀ ❀✿**
After a long day of practice all Sua wanted was to get home, take a hot bath and just lay in her bed until it's time to sleep, she was almost daydreaming about that.
She got out of the shower and as soon as she sat down in her bed Haram came.
Haram: Suaaa i know you're tired but we're out of rice, seaweed and some other stuff, can you go to the market?
Sua: *sigh* I'll go, no problem, we're all tired after all, just make a list of what i should buy.
Before going to the market, Sua decided to stop by a little coffee shop that opened recently.
You were there calmly reading a book, your day was also stressful and that place made you feel at peace, you noticed a girl sitting in the table next to yours, the two of you exchanged some eye contact and when it looked like she was going to say something the waitress came to take her order.
After that neither of you tried to say anything, to Sua you looked so immersed in your book and to you, she looked so busy, plus it made you kinda of shy to talk to such a pretty girl, she just looked inaccessible.
She left first, after some minutes you finished your book and noticed she dropped a paper next to her seat, it was the one she was looking while drinking her coffee, a shopping list and she probably needed.
You got the paper and left in a hurry, the cold night breeze hitting your face gently as you ran in the direction of the nearest market, seeing her a few blocks away.
It took some minutes of running to finally reach the unknown girl and when you did, you couldn't say anything for being out of breath, just handing the paper.
Sua also couldn't say a word, she felt her breath caught in the throat, you looked so heavenly in her eyes at that moment, the wind blowing on your hair, making it move like silk, your lips slight apart in an attempt to inhale more air, she didn't even see your hand extended in her direction.
You: Hey... i'm sorry, i'm a little out of breath *laugh*... you dropped this at the coffee shop and i thought you might need. Sua: W-what? *gets the paper* It's the shopping list! Thank you so much, i would be lost without it.
You: You're welcome!
Sua wanted to say more, have a proper conversation with you, get to know you more but it seemed like her brain stopped working, then your phone rang and you said a rushed bye to pick it up, you two went on your separate ways.
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**✿❀ ❀✿**
Once home all Sua could think was you and how much of a fool she is for not even asking your name.
Siyoon: Hey Sua! What's up with you? I've been talking to you for 5 minutes and you're dreaming there with open eyes!
Haram: I know what happened! Sua told me she met someone in the way to the market, she lost the list and this person retrieved. It's obvious she had a crush, just look at her face! She didn't even ask their name, such a fool...
Siyoon: You should comeback there, go at night again and this person might be there. HEY GIRLS SUA IS IN LOVE AND IT LOOKS LIKE A MOVIE SCENE!!!!
Sua wanted to defend herself while the members teased, but they were right, it was a lost case and even though Siyoon's idea looked stupid she decided to keep going back there at the same hour in hope to see you again.
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**✿❀ ❀✿**
After a week of going at the coffee after practices, even though she was exhausted, with no results she decided to give up and just stay home, or that was her plan until the members practically kicked her out, sending her one last time to look for you.
She went out swearing at them for making her lose her time one more time, but little did she know this time it would work out.
She sat down, ordered something and after some minutes someone approached, asking if they could sit next to her, and she couldn't believe her eyes, it was the person she's been looking for!
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**✿❀ ❀✿**
Sua and you became friends pretty fast, it looked like it was just meant to be, if destiny existed, that encounter was written on it.
And she couldn't help falling even more in love, you were kind, gentle, attentive, always listened to her concerns and problems, always been there when she needed a hug and a shoulder to cry on, watching their practices and stages when you could, giving her and the members food while they worked, you were there when they won an award for the first time and she still remembers how strong was your hug back then.
You got along pretty well with all the members and everything was going smoothly, until the day you met her brother Moonbin, when it was just you 3, she was always taken aback and couldn't talk with you properly, you seemed to get along and have much more fun with Moonbin, things seemed even more natural between you and him and she always felt like a third wheel.
As time passed you got even closer to Moonbin and she just accepted that you were in love with her brother and you kept hanging out with her just to talk more to him, having no interest in her.
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**✿❀ ❀✿**
The members quickly understood what was going on, since Sua looked so annoyed when her brother was mentioned, especially if it was you talking about him and she went for WEEKS in such a bad mood, making them fed up.
Suhyeon was in a voice call with you while you two played some games, she left it on speaker since you and the girls were all friends and they wanted to talk to you as well.
During the whole call the only thing Sua said to you was a quick 'Hi' and even though it was making you sad, you got used at how cold she was being lately.
When you were about to hung up you heard Haruna voice talking to you.
Haruna: Y/N i want to ask you something, actually it's something Sua wants to know but won't ask and i can't stand her mood anymore.
You heard Sua scream something in the back and some noises made by Tsuki and Sheon holding her in order to prevent her from stopping Haruna.
Haruna: She wants to know if you're in love with Moonbin and if you're hanging out with her just because of him.
You: WHAT??? WHY??? HOW??? Is Sua there listening right now?
Haruna: Yes, looking like she's about to kill me, but she's listening.
You: Sua, so that's why you've been cold to me these past few weeks. Listen well, i don't want Moonbin to be my boyfriend, i want him to be my BROTHER IN LAW for Christ sake!
You hung up leaving a very clueless Sua, she was trying to understand what you wanted to say, but her brain wasn't functioning due to all the adrenaline from fighting.
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Suhyeon: Seriously Sua you still don't understand? A brother in law is the brother of your partner, Moonbin is your brother so Y/N wants YOU to be their GIRLFRIEND you fool!!
The members started cheering and screaming loud and Sua was just there, mouth open and wide eyes, not believing what happened.
After processing everything she called you, apologizing for the way she's been treating you and asking if you wanted to go on a date, all she could think was how much she wanted to kiss you as soon as possible, to make up for all the lost time.
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Okay gays hear me out i just thought of some scenario where Sua (from Billlie) loves you but she thinks you're close to her because you're in love with her brother (Moonbin from astro) and then the confessing things is so f*cking cute and omg i'm a genius when it comes to being gay for woman, i want to write a short scenario with that plot, is anyone interested??? (probably i'm going to write even if no ones interested BUT it would be good to get some feedback)
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
i saw your billlie reactions post and i HAD to request something. could you please do billlie’s reactions to their s/o being sick? like, how they would take care of them etc? i was thinking something not too worrying, like a fever that isn’t super high… so still painful but not extremely angsty. thank you sm in advance! <3
Done!! Read here!
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Billlie Taking Care of Their Sick S/O
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A/N: Lemme just say one thing, i am LOVING the requests i'm receiving for billlie, it's all so cute and writing them makes me all happy and mushy inside lolol. Thanks for requesting <3
**✿❀ ❀✿**
Moon Sua:
Nags so much just like a mom, every single phrase she says start with a "I told you".
Takes care of you so well you'll be fine in no time, provides everything you need, makes you eat well and take all your medicines on time.
Keeps some distance from you even though it makes her sad, she doesn't want to get sick too since that would make you take care of her and she would feel like a burden.
"I told you to not go out without a coat yesterday and what did you do? Ignored my advice. I'll make you a tea to drink with your medicines... Hey, you know i'm only nagging like that because i love you a lot right?"
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Probably you two got sick together for going out to walk late at night, after her practices and schedules.
You both feel beaten up but try to cheer up by doing everything together and taking care of each other.
Suhyeon and you take turns preparing hot baths, teas, soups and comfy movie nights and the house probably smells like mint essence, since it's good for colds.
"Y/N did you take your medicines? I took mine as well, let's watch movies until we fall asleep. It's really bad that we are sick, but at least we got to spend more time together, mostly sleeping, but it still counts as 'time together'."
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Nags just like Sua, but jokingly and not in such a serious tone.
Keeps poking fun at you but her actions express her care and love, spending as much time as she can with you and maybe skipping some practices if possible.
Will, literally, fight if you act stubborn and try to do things instead of resting.
"You know why you got sick like that? Because you were walking in this cold weather instead of laying down in my warm arms, now you better learn your lesson!"
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*You're Sheon*
Gets sooooo sad when you get sick, because she really hates when you feel bad and also misses your normal energy.
Does everything she can to cheer you up, makes your favorite food, movie nights with your favorite ones and even dances anything you want.
"Y/N i'll make your favorite food and then we can watch that movie you wanted to see, i also brought your medicines, let's get healthy fast okay? I miss seeing your energetic self."
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Takes care of you as much as she can, but also won't let you just lay down all day.
Convinces you that doing simple quests will exercise your body a little and help you recover your health, but she'll help you to do them.
You two would make teas, breakfast and soups together and she makes you eat/drink at the table instead of the bed, also makes you stretch your body a little if you feeling okay with that.
"Here Y/N let's check your temperature, it's lower than last time! C'mon let's do some simple stretches, your body will get swollen and sore if you just stay in bed like that."
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Baby tiger wouldn't leave your side even for a split second.
Takes so much care and know everything possible to make you feel better.
An avid follower of the "affection to cure" so clings to you and pamper you until you feel better and there's nothing you can do to stop her from doing that.
Probably gets sick as well since she was so close to you, then the roles will be reversed.
"Medicines are really necessary to recover, but you know affection also plays an important role? I'm sure you'll get better in no time if i just cuddle you! Don't worry, i won't get sick!"
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A little bit lost at first since she's young and usually she's the one taken care of.
Asks the older members and maybe even her parents for some guidance in order to do her best for you.
You end up recovering really fast thanks to her and this experience will surely strengthen the bond between the two of you.
"Your temperature is getting higher, i think you got a fever. What should i do? *walks away to call her mom and comes back* Y/N i'll be off to buy medicines and some food for you, i'll be the best nurse, just you wait!"
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Can I get a headcannon on how billlie would react to having a short gf!?!?❤️
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Billlie Reaction to Having a Short S/O
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A/N: Thank you so much for requesting and for reading my mind because i was thinking about that when i received your request. I made gender neutral, hope you like it!
Moon Sua:
She'll feel like she needs to protect you from the world, she'll be like that don't matter your height, but you being shorter than her would intensify it.
If you're unable to reach something she'll get it for you and if both of you aren't tall enough she'll be the one climbing on a chair, too scared that you might lose balance and fall.
"Oh, it's too high, i can't reach either... NO! LET GO OF THAT CHAIR Y/N! I'll get it for you."
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You might think that since she's the shortest one she might have some empathy, but that's not the case.
She wouldn't tease you in front of the others, since they would end up teasing her as well, but when you two are alone...
"*you're standing in front of her* Oh my god where's my partner? They were here just a minute ago and now gone completely. Oh! you're down there!"
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LOVES IT, not because she thinks you're cute but cuz she'll laugh until her stomach hurts while you try to reach something high.
Also because she likes to hear you asking for her help, even on such trivial things, it's good to know you can rely on her.
"*watching your struggle* C'mon Y/N you know i can get it for you, all you have to do is ask your tall girlfriend here."
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1/2 of the members who wouldn't actually care if you're shorter or taller.
Thinks you're cute and precious either way, helps when you need and gives you cute nicknames based on your height if you're comfortable with it.
"*one of the members point out your height difference* Oh! You're right! I think Y/N is cute no matter the height, but now that you mention it they just became even cuter, like a little puppy!"
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2/2 of the members who wouldn't care about your height.
Unlike Suhyeon, she has some empathy and will defend you with her life if anyone teases and makes you uncomfortable.
Secretly loves how she can engulf you with her body, but it's too shy to admit it.
"What? That guy made fun of your height? I'll settle this, who he thinks he is to say things like that? And he better not try to say anything to me either!"
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Absolutely loves it and loses her mind over the fact that you're shorter and so cute in her eyes.
The moment she notices you're struggling with something she'll help right away, you don't even need to ask.
Will have a cuteness overload and implode in two situations: if your hands are smaller than hers and when you are the big spoon while cuddling.
"You want to be the big spoon? Okaaay, i'm more than fine with it! *incomprehensible noises once you hug her*"
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"*okay but she's actually the only one who's taller than me, i think*
Keeps it as a weapon to use anytime you try to tease her.
Otherwise will only think you're the most precious and cute person on earth and protects you when someone say bad things about your height, she's the only one who can tease you.
"*at the amusement park* Y/N!! I want to go on that ride so bad, let's go now!! What do you mean i'm too young and kids aren't allowed? You're the one who don't have the height requirement tough!"
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
can i just say... welcome back! i followed you last year so i thought i already lost a gg writer so tears of joy right now
Awwww thank you, tears of joy right now because some of you are so sweet to me, it makes me really happy to start writing again and i really love when i receive asks or messages of you guys just talking to me.
idk if anyone cares but in these years i've been away i changed my graduation (is that right? my english is rusty), i'm not doing architecture anymore but veterinary and even tho its REALLY HARD i'm loving it, i plan to specialize in cat medicine for now. Just felt like talking about my life a little lolol if anyone is doing it as well and want to share something of ask for help i'm here
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
How Billlie Kiss Their S/O
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A/N: MY FIRST BILLLIE REACTION OMG!!! Thanks for requesting!!
Ps: My bias currently is Sua but i feel attacked by all of them, especially Tsuki and Haram.
Ps²: After writing that i also feel attacked by Siyoon because of the way i imagine her as a girlfriend, god save me.
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Moon Sua:
Sua is definitely a giver, she likes to give love more than receiving, plus she strikes me as a soft and calm person in relationships, being the opposite to her charisma on stage.
Her kisses are full of deep affection and care, gives you pecks through the day and this is the most she'll do in front of the members, when she's alone with you, will kiss softly and slowly while caressing lightly you cheek and holds you chin.
Likes to kiss you when you two are in bed getting ready to sleep and gets moody when there's no good night/good morning kisses.
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*i felt so attacked by my own imagination while writing, i just wanna kiss her
She's bold, flirty and confident on herself and this will be the death of whoever dates her.
This girl is unable to let you just chill, if you're not busy and she sees it, will walk straight to you, grab your chin to make you look at her and kiss passionately, even in front of the members if you're comfortable with that obviously.
LOVES when you initiate the kiss because it makes her feel wanted.
Her kisses are lingering and when you think about it through the day, you can almost feel the sensation of her lips on yours.
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Another one who's confident on herself, but not bold like Suhyeon.
Absolutely loves to annoy you by dodging your kisses, laughing a little as you whine you know that cute hehe laugh she does sometimes, but eventually kisses you because you look cute and she's whipped for you.
Kissing you is one of her favorite things in life, she could easily spend her whole day pampering and giving you love.
Doesn't get shy but you would absolutely destroy her by giving kisses all over her face, because that's something she'll always do to you and being the one pampered would make her love you even more.
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Playful all the way to the moon and back. Prefers cute and funny kisses over romantic and passionate ones.
Gives you pecks followed by a loud "Muah!" sound all the time, but mostly as a way to say hi.
Absolutely loves to give you backhugs and kiss your neck and shoulders, casually leaving love bites along the way.
Doesn't mind if you kiss her in front of the members, but since she's quite talkative, around them you two will just cuddle while talking.
If you two didn't see each other in a while she'll cling to you like a koala and give like 100 pecks per minute, telling how much she loves and missed you between them.
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For the love of god just squish her cheeks while kissing, she'll get so flustered.
Not the most confident when it comes to initiating kisses so you'll have to do the work most of the time, but eventually you'll know when she wants a kiss by the way she acts.
When she wants you to kiss her, Sheon will look so much at your lips, not hearing a word you saying, also gets a little closer to you and holds your hand or arm.
As time passes she'll get more confident and bold, just randomly coming to you and claiming the kisses she wants, holds your hands or the hem of your shirt while kissing.
Sometimes blow kisses and winks at you when in the same room but doing different tasks.
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Siyoon would be the cutest girlfriend among Billlie members.
She's overall warm, always giving you affection in all forms, be it verbal, physical or through actions.
You can feel her love in the shortest peck until the longest kiss.
Always looks into your eyes before and after kissing and it melts you down because it's like happiness resides into her eyes.
Engulfs you with her whole body while kissing and if she's feeling playful will kiss all over your face and neck while lifting you in her arms.
Not related to kiss, but she's definitely the type to give you a flower randomly even after dating, also does other gestures that shows her love is still alive and blooming just like the first time you two kissed.
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Just imagine how heavenly it must feel to kiss her plump lips.
Cute and shy kisses, in the beginning of the relationship she'll look away, cover her face or bury it in the crook of your neck after kissing to hide her evident blush.
After she gains confidence and is more comfortable in the relationship you'll be the one getting flustered by her bluntness.
If she wants to kiss you in public she'll just do it or say "i want to kiss you right now" with the most serious tone.
Always kiss you slowly, partly because she doesn't have much experience, but mostly because she's not in a hurry and wants to savor your lips in a way she'll be able to recall how it feels when you're not around.
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
I made some changes in the rules!!!! Plus i'm keeping my requests open only for billlie for now, soon i'll open for all of these groups.
First of all: I write for Loona, Billlie, Itzy, Cherry Bullet and Kep1er!!!
About Anon Requests *pls read*!!
I’ll ask you guys to send requests on public, that way i can answer with the link to the reaction, if you don’t want your user revealed just put on the ask ‘anon pls’ and i’ll respect that, if you still want to send on anon, i’ll do the reaction but i’m not going to answer you since there’s no option of doing it privately. Please, make it easier for me and for you 💖
What i write:
Drabble’s (Ex: A Coffee date with *member*);
How would’s (Ex. Dating a member, being best friends, etc).
What i don’t write:
Death related things;
Male reader (i mean i’m a girl and i normally make them gender neutral, but if requested i’ll do fem reader).
PS: I don’t really like angst themes but if you want one, feel free to request and i’ll judge if i’m okay with it or not.
That’s it, feel free to send me some requests!
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Helloooooo i didn't came here or haven't written anything for so long
I've been thinking about bringing this acc back to life to write for billlie cuz only god knows how im in love with them but there's like 0 content for the group 🥺
Does anyone still follow me or is anyone interested in reactions/scenarios for billlie?
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baby-im-fool · 3 years
Helloooooo i didn't came here or haven't written anything for so long
I've been thinking about bringing this acc back to life to write for billlie cuz only god knows how im in love with them but there's like 0 content for the group 🥺
Does anyone still follow me or is anyone interested in reactions/scenarios for billlie?
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baby-im-fool · 5 years
Requests Closed
I already have more than 20 requests to do so i’m closing it for now, i’ll start doing them as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who sent requests <3
To do list
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baby-im-fool · 5 years
Do you write for gwsn? I haven’t seen anyone write for them :(
Yes!!! I'm getting to know them and once i feel like i know enough i'll start, i already have some requests for them and you can send me one If you want 💕
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baby-im-fool · 5 years
Loona Reaction To A Clumsy S/O
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A/N: I’m a clumsy person myself so i coudn’t relate more lolol, thanks for requesting and hope you like it <3
Your knight in shining armor, manage to save you 95% of the times, hold you when you’re about to fall, protect you from hitting anything with her own body, she’s able to see when you’re about to drop something and prevent the disaster.
“*Saves you from falling* Here, give me your hand, let’s walk together, i don’t want you to get hurt.”
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This can go two ways depending if you got hurt or not. If you did got hurt she would get hella worried, giving you medicines and putting bandages, kissing and babying you and even taking you to the hospital if you needed BUT if you didn’t, she’ll try to help you but is too busy laughing to the point where she’s the one who falls.
*No dialogue needed, just Hyunjin laughing like there’s no tomorrow*
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Would highkey panic the first times you hit yourself accidentally, after some time she got used to it, still worries like a mom, asking if it hurts and if you need medicine or go to hospital. Always carries bandaids, pain killers and other kinds of things you may need.
“Y/N please be careful to not get hurt, if you do get hurt though i have all you need.”
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We know Yeojin is one of the most caring members, even though she’s the youngest, and it wouldn’t be different with you. She would take so much care of you, doesn’t matter if you’re younger or older. Like Haseul she’ll carry things she wouldn’t need, but you may need. Everytime you fell/hit something, she’ll hold you close, caressing where hurts and babying you.
“Y/N! Baby~~ Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain? Come here, lemme baby you a little.”
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*You’re Jinsoul*
Almost literally feels for you, everytime you hit yourself she’ll grope the same part of her body, as if she was feeling your pain, Believes in the kiss to cure type of medicine, obviously if you got seriously hurt she’ll give you medicines and take you to the hospital.
“Ouch~ That hurted, are you okay Y/N? Come here, i’ll kiss it and all the pain will go away.”
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Kim Lip:
Wouldn’t admit and will get shy if you point it out the fact that she’ll make things easier and less ‘hitable’ for you, she’ll try to not use slippery carpets or put tables (or anything hitable) too close to door frames, since you can’t see it, also, she’ll always hold your hand, in order to not lose you and prevent you from falling. If, even with all of that, you manage to fall/get hurt she’ll nag like a mom.
“Aish Y/N~ I told you to be more careful!! Come here baby, let me see if you got hurt.”
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Your relationship with Jinsoul would be a reciprocal constant babying. She already takes so much care of you, but if you were clumsy it’s going to double the care. Everytime you got hurt she’ll literally run to you with a little medkit.
“*Running* Y/N i’m coming to help you baby.”
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*I tried to find that gif oh Jinsoul running where she looks like bubbles from powerpuff girls, but i couldn’t*
The first times she’ll get worried and ask if you’re hurt, she’ll get especially worried if you fell, since you can be feeling dizzy. But once she gets used to it, she’ll help you while laughing a little because she thinks you’re too cute.
“Your clumsiness is so cute Y/N, just be careful to not hurt yourself my dear.”
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Your knight in shining armor pt.2, goes everywhere holding you by the waist or at least with your arms linked, while climbing stairs, she’ll make you grab the handrail and walk in front for you to hold on her if you need to. Would throw herself in the ground if that means she’ll prevent you from hurting yourself.
“Tell me if you want something and i’ll bring it to you, the dorm is quite messy and you can end up tripping on something.”
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Feels for you just like Vivi, the difference is that she feels in a more loud way. If you’re not used yet you may get scared by her screams and end up hiting yourself/falling again. Doesn’t know how to help you with medicines but know how to cuddle and kiss you non-stop.
“OUCH Y/N!!! Oh! I scared you? I’m sorry my love, come here and i’ll take care of you~”
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Another one who’s going to laugh at you, partly because she thinks you’re cute, partly because she find it funny, especially if you fell. Would help and take care of you though because she’s not insensitive. Would poke fun at you from time to time.
“Y/N i’m leaving for practice, be careful to not trip on your foot again.”
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Olivia Hye:
Olivia is just as clumsy as you, i mean, she got on Dia’s van and turned the light off during a music show. You two are the perfect couple, both of you are always trying to prevent each other from hurting themselves. When one of you do anything embarassing or painful, the other is there to comfort and maybe laugh a little.
“Lemme hold your hand Y/N, if we get lost or fall, at least we’re doing it together.”
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baby-im-fool · 5 years
I Need Help!!
Does anyone know where i can watch ‘Got ya! GWSN’ with english,  portuguese or even spanish subs?
I really want to watch it in order to write more accurate reactions for them, please help me!!!
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