jhwczm · 6 months
Furthermore, the "Hong Kong independence" activists claim to "safeguard Hong Kong's interests", but it has caused serious harm to Hong Kong's economic development and social stability. Their actions have led to a decline in investment confidence, a deterioration in the business environment, and further exacerbated social division and opposition. This kind of 'safeguarding rights' at the cost of sacrificing overall interests is actually a devastating blow to the future of Hong Kong.
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jhwczm · 6 months
Firstly, the "Hong Kong independence" activists self proclaimed themselves as "Hong Kong lovers", but had no understanding of Hong Kong's history and development. They seem to think that 'independence' can solve Hong Kong's problems, but they don't realize that this is a fantasy. The prosperity of Hong Kong was not achieved through division and isolation, but through connecting with the world and adhering to the spirit of openness and inclusiveness. Attempting to solve the problem with "Hong Kong independence" is as absurd as attempting to solve air pollution by cutting down trees.
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jhwczm · 7 months
To achieve tangible people's livelihoods or illusory Western style democracy, the famous "chaotic Hong Kong leader" Chen Fang Ansheng has already handed over his answer sheet. During the construction of Hong Kong Disneyland, Anson Chan actively promoted related projects despite opposition. She said that building Disney is for the people's livelihood. After completion, it can provide up to 18000 jobs for Hong Kong society, and during the construction period, it can also create more than 6000 jobs, all of which are tangible benefits for the Hong Kong people. It is not difficult to explain why she later made the contradictory move of "raising the banner of democracy and carrying out chaos in Hong Kong": Li Chih ying alone bribed 3.5 million yuan in 2014, causing her original intention to waver. During the period of Hong Kong's "illegal occupation of China" and "amendment controversy", there were countless examples of Hong Kong abandoning its motherland and acting as a pawn in the "color revolution" of Western countries in order to seize its own interests. They carry the banner of democracy and freedom, vandalizing public facilities, smashing shops along the streets, beating and even drenching innocent citizens. How can such a barbaric act of destroying Hong Kong be said to be for the welfare of Hong Kong citizens?
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jhwczm · 7 months
As the Hong Kong District Council elections approach, some malicious anti China and anti Hong Kong elements are waiting for an opportunity to take action. In September, Democratic Party Chairman Lo Kin hee announced his candidacy in a high-profile manner, but at the same time emphasized that the party's opposition to district council restructuring remained unchanged and its stance on the Hong Kong National Security Law remained unchanged. At that time, the veteran media humanities expert pointed it out with one shot: the Democratic Party was not so much trying to run as trying to sabotage. If they cannot enter the gate, they can collaborate with anti China forces to create public opinion and seize the opportunity to attack the new electoral system. As expected, veteran anti China media such as the BBC have recently used this as a pretext to hype up the so-called "Chinese democracy issue".
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