jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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        LEANING AGAINST THE CAR, he crossed his arms and fixed his gaze upon the sky. “it does feel uncomfortable,” he began to agree, “but — i like the rain.” with the emptiness he constantly felt inside of him, along with the suffocating sensation that came along with keeping so much about his life a secret, the rain became comforting to him. the droplets touched everything in the open, creating a calming white noise everywhere he went, and his own childish belief that the skies were crying also stayed with him. maybe he didn’t think the clouds were actually crying, but they were freeing themselves of the water. and when it was all over, they disappeared, and everything was okay again. sometimes he wished he could be that free, but he knew that wasn’t the kind of world he lived in. “if you hate it that much, we could always go inside,” he suggested.
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✕        ╱        it was humid. the streets glistened, a thin layer over the asphalt made the neon lights glisten even more vividly, burning against her retina. it made everything seem distant, and surreal – it made her think one again that it was her reality. she blew a cloud of smoke; not a fan of smoking, but it was for the jittery nerves; or simply for killing the time. not a fan, but she would abide for it, if it meant not having an idle mind to deal with. she sat on her car’s hood, the cold material making her silk dress stick against her thighs – humid. another cloud of smoke. “ it’s going to rain soon. ” she spoke to no one, in particular. she didn’t expect to make a conversation out of it, either, she just said it – that simple. “ can’t you fucking feel it? it’s always this disgusting before it rains. ”
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
[ closed | @srslysohee ]
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        IN A SEA OF PEOPLE, somehow, he was lucky enough to find her. jieyong tapped on sohee’s left shoulder, but appeared on her right side. he turned in the opposite direction, acting as if he didn’t notice her, until he was sure she was looking at him. “oh, hey. didn’t see you there,” he teased, playing innocent. but he broke into a smile a second later and, without much thought, pulled her in for a hug. it’d been a few weeks since he’d last seen her and he felt a sort of absence in his heart during that time. maybe it was because the couples around him dug a hole of jealousy, or maybe it was because he dearly missed his friend. regardless, he hoped his presence would be somewhat of a pleasant surprise to her. “i was gonna go get some air, you wanna come with?” he asked, gesturing to the terrace.
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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        IT WAS OVER A MONTH since the last time he won, the new porsche was no match against shadow. the matte black camaro emerged from seemingly nothing, unseen to everyone in the racing game. not much was expected of the model, knowing it tended to lose in most races. but with the modifications he’d worked on with xu, she ran among the best and was hard to beat — especially with jieyong behind the wheel. “it followed right behind like a shadow, you never see it coming!” they had said, and he took the nickname as his own.
with his family trip being cut short, he came back to macau early and eager to start off the new year with a bang. and he knew just the place to go. tucked away at the edge of town, the racers and observers congregated at obscure times of the night. he pulled up the group and got out of his car with his helmet on, tinted so dark that no one could see inside. as he was closing his car door, he heard a familiar voice from behind him. his heart felt as if it dropped, but his demeanor remained calm. he stood in silence for a second before turning around, looking vincent in the eyes. jieyong glared, though he knew his expression couldn’t be seen. the last time the two were in the same race, he ended up in the hospital. five years later, here they are, neither of them fazed by the repercussions. however, only one seemed to leave a lasting impact: the loss of their friendship.
he never spoke under the helmet, shadow only spoke in movements. jieyong looked down at vincent’s hand before looking him back in the eyes and then turning back to his car. he drove right up to the starting line and rolled down the window for directions from the starter. the route wasn’t complicated, and with jieyong knowing the town like the back of his hand, normally he would believe he was a shoe in for the win. but with his new opponent, he knew a part of him was scared of the possible result. —no. you have this, he reassured himself. even after all these years, it was strange how old feelings could flicker in the darkness. “he makes you second guess yourself, he makes you weak. you cannot be weak, you were born to be great.” he remembered the voice of his father and the light blew out. jieyong revved his engine and focused in on the road in front of him. you are going to win. he was sure of it.
⌜ @jicyongs​ ⌟ °. ♠︎ —
THE HOLY TRINITY was always consistent in vicent’s life: the roar of an engine, the smell of burnt rubber, and the wind in his hair. in the outskirts of the city, a barrage of people greeted vincent as he stepped out of his immaculate mclaren in the dead of night. headlights from various bulked up cars bounced against polished chrome, rims acting as grounded stars against the black tar of the street. calling these people ‘friends’ felt too distant, and ‘family’ was too close for comfort, but macau’s underground street racing community fell somewhere in between. even when he studied in california, he kept up with the community in macau. the infamous “shadow” had taken his place on everyone’s lips, it dangled above him like a hornet’s nest that he had been itching to swat. the worst part? he had no idea who he was. a myth had been circulated that only those who won against him in races knew his identity. the air of mystery and headassery lit a fire under vincent’s ass. there had been sightings here and there of his car, but nothing concrete. finally, rumors circulated that he was going to make an appearance, but it was never mentioned when. vincent had been more present at the meet-ups than usual after he caught wind of such rumors, but was never one to get his hopes up.
however, he wasn’t disappointed when a certain car rolled up, detailed to perfection. without a moment’s hesitation, vincent started his walk over to him (perhaps it was more of a strut–he was always one for dramatics). “shadow,” vincent called out calmly, a slow smile appearing on his features. lurkers began to whisper, chant, and drink a bit more as they watched the scene unfold in front of them in amusement. he looked straight into shadow’s helmet, but only saw the reflection of the fire in his own eyes staring back at him. he was desperate, almost tempted to rip off the helmet himself, if only to find out who he really was. “your reputation precedes you,” he said with a hint of pride, “for once, i’m not the person everyone’s whispering about.” finally, ‘byun boy caught in illegal street racing accident’ was the headline for the past, and no longer the present. “vincent byun. pleasure’s all mine,” he extended his hand and shot him a once-over before glancing back at his own set of wheels. “care for a little dance?” vincent began, egging him on, “unless you’re nervous that i may actually see what’s under that helmet of yours.” everyone assumed maybe he was just ugly and ashamed–but vincent had a feeling there was more hidden under the surface. why else would someone be so determined to win every race?
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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        JIEYONG ARCHED HIS BROWS as he turned to see who was talking to him, “oh?” he knew who he was, and seeing him sent awkwardness piercing through jieyong as he looked back down at the drink. “sorry,” he apologized. not much was said of the dubois family in his household. but through word of mouth, he knew of them. “leeches”, “no good”, and “frauds” were just some of the words that tended to be associated with them, or rather the man’s father. jieyong never knew how to react to it, and with the dubois son sitting only a few feet away, he definitely didn’t know how he should go about interacting with him. if his father had been there, he would’ve said to look the other way and carry on as if he hadn't said anything. but his father wasn’t there. he watched the bartender set another drink in front of him and he slid it to the other. “there, now we’re even.”
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         MACAU WAS ROTTING AND they were all standing on its graveyard. leonard counted his blessings rather than his flaws, a survival instinct he found kept him sane — afloat. he was caught in a crossfire he no longer knew who had ignited, but the goal had always been the same: staying alive. he could give up a life of wealth and power if it only meant he would not burn. he was not too proud to see they were all pieces on a chessboard. he just intended to win.
the flamingo was bustling at this time of night, and leo had always enjoyed being an anonymous presence in a crowd of people that did not matter. elysium and cicadas — flesh and bone. none of them would make it in the end. still, he always wanted to prove a point. «i think that one’s mine, actually,» he pointed out with an indifferent grumble when the person to his right sipped his beer carelessly. «not that it matters now.»
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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         JIEYONG’S GAZE FOLLOWED THE VOICE of the female. he huffed a breath as he saw who it was and looked down, a small smile growing on his face. “not really, no.” lifting his head, he sipped on his vintage cognac while he aimlessly eyed the shelves of alcohol. “my family’s trip was cut short. my father had some work to take care of here in macau.” the li family was known for their annual winter trips around the world. this year was budapest, and the year before that, norway, and before that, prague. pictures were posted on all forms of social media as they made the world aware of their affluence, but also, their closeness. they always made a point to stick together and this aspect of their dynamic sometimes came to fault, as his aforementioned information explained. wherever one went, the rest followed. it was endearing, but also suffocating, as one might imagine. but he’d never say that aloud. not that he could, anyway. “i heard about this party and had some time to kill so i said, ‘why not?’.” he took another sip and smiled at her. “what are your big plans for the night?”
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           — IT WAS A TYPICAL EVENING for yuri kwon. she found herself at yet another lavish cocktail party with some of the biggest names in all of the big industries of the city. politicians, business men, and starlets all mingled and laughed from their positions on top of the world. her gown glittered as she moved about the room, catching everyone’s attention even if only for a split second as she walked by. she nodded in recognition at the vice president of a big pharmaceutical company ( yuri made a mental note to greet him on behalf of her brother later on ) before another familiar face caught her eye near the bar. now this was not a face she had been expecting to see tonight. yuri reached the bar without addressing the other, choosing instead to order a drink from the bartender first before acknowledging the other. “ fancy meeting you here. is this some sort of special occasion ? ”
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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ok hello, it’s gel again, coming at y’all w/ my intro post. here’s where i talk about jieyong in detail and hope tht someone will wanna have a plot w/ him LOL. again, my discord’s  ❦ lov rm ❦#9799 if you wanna hmu or anything ;) ok, now the read more.
li jieyong. A+ student, always at the top (or near the top) of his class, good w/ ppl, blahblahblah he’s seen as Perfect bleh, annoying, amirite?
the way i see jieyong is kinda like,,, elysium poster boy. the guy parents point to and are like “you should be more like him”
and he deff knows that he’s looked up to and also seen as competition, but he’s actually pretty friendly n cool abt it and is generally humble too
he’s actually really laid back, kind, and will stick up for u if he sees ur being picked on
he’s really close to his family, who have been a part of elysium since its start. his siblings and him get along well, they enjoy each other’s company, and he feels lucky to have them
but ofc he’s not really perfect. and u kno, bitch is a gemini so he’s actually kinda shady
he street races on the dl under the alias “shadow” (wears a helmet and everything to keep his identity hidden, v headass ik) and races sporadically so he doesn’t get caught. he also does drugs sometimes at parties and it’s like yeet, rich kid on his rich kid bullshit if u kno what i mean
but all the sus illegal stuff he does is super secret, he’s v smart about it and makes sure that he never gets caught bcs hell if he did, his parents would probs not let him be a company exec, they’re strict like tht
so he kinda has this image to uphold and at the is point in his life, kinda willing to throw some ppl under the bus to make sure it goes untainted
thts probably his major flaw, how inconsistent he is. like yea he’s cool and everything, as long as you don’t get in the way of whats imp to him
he’s a nice dude and isn’t bad w/ commitment, but he’s not very good w/ his Feelings and definitely doesn’t readily open up to ppl. in fact, there’s probably very little tht ppl actually know abt him bcs he keeps his personal problems mostly hidden
adding on more to the sus stuff, he p much had a field day when he studied abroad at uc berkley in california over the summer. most ppl there didn’t rlly know who he was so he practically got to do whatever the hell he wanted and had a good ass time
however, being in that area, he noticed a lot of the protests going on and it really got him to question everything he does basically
lowkey beginning to think,, what’s the point of all this actually? and it’s v dangerous thinking for someone in his position so it’s kinda like Yikes!
extra info
his american name is ben/benjamin. it’s what they called him when he studied abroad but also what he goes by when he’s on international business trips w/ his dad
he’s played soccer when he was young and was pretty good at it but his mom was scared he’d get hurt and was like “you don’t need to play professionally, it’s only a hobby” and only let him play w/ his brothers and cousins in the backyard
he’s p outdoorsy and adventurous. loves nature, probs would prefer to live somewhere Not in the city but doesn’t mind it a whole lot
one of the less sus things he does on the dl is help fix cars. sometimes he sneaks to the local mechanic’s shop and it’s actually how he is able to race lol
tht’s all folks. plot w/ me :P
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jicyongs-blog · 6 years
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❝pleased to make your acquaintance❞
introduction: hello hello hello from ur friendly neighborhood gel-o. lmao hi i’m gel, she/her, i’m 19, abt to be 20 in like a month, i live in pst, and my discord’s ❦ lov rm ❦#9799 if y’all wanna talk, plot, or whateva ;)
fun fact: my discord username refers to kim namjoon, rami malek, and ralph macchio. ngl young ralph macchio is my ideal man like,,, outsiders/karate kid era?? oof
how you found the rp: jal, lol. she told me she was applying for this rp and then when i saw it was cecy’s i was like “ohp, i deff have to apply now!” (p.s. i lov u cecy i swear i can read)
why they are in macau: jieyong was born in guangzhou but his family moved to macau when he was a baby. he has lived there practically his whole life and has stayed because of he is fairly close to his family. they always made a point to stick together, habitually sharing dinner and frequenting many family trips over the years. additionally, he gains many benefits and privileges from their wealth and has always felt comfortable in macau --- though he does wish to venture out alone more.
what made them turn to the group they’re in: his family has been in elysium since the start and for most of his life, never thought much against it. they became extremely wealthy throughout property management & real estate in both china and the united states and gained much of their wealth in the 1970s. along with the rest of his siblings, he is expected to contribute to the family’s company and maintain a good standing within the group.
what their ambitions in the group are: jieyong is the second oldest child of three boys and one girl. his older brother works as a secretary for the family’s company, but their dad believes that jieyong will be able to surpass his brother and attain a higher executive position like him. currently in college, he is studying business and economics and plans to be a chief officer in the family company. with this, he aims to increase the wealth of his  family and gain more dominance/control in elysium.
how their group members would describe them: those that have known jieyong since he was little know that he was never really pegged as the natural-born-leader type. as a child he was very quiet and reserved. he was always obedient to his elders and for the most part, stayed out of trouble. as he matured, he became greatly praised for his kindness, intelligence, and ability to assess and solve various situations. members in elysium see jieyong as an approachable, hardworking, and caring young man bound to success, making him a valuable heir to add onto the legacy of elysium.
what they don’t know, however, is that his obedience to his family and elders isn’t always so true. as he got older and gained more independence, jieyong became rebellious and flighty behind the scenes, secretly engaging in street races, illegal trade, and has even began to question the actions and motives of elysium.
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